Green Watercolor Paper Notes Background A4 Document

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By: Daniel Invidiado

All the students want to achieve their best to achieve

such high status in the school. Achieving to be one of
the honors is good after all, but not all will have a
great benefit

Parents having big expectations due to the fact that you

are one of the honor student of your class, not realizing
how hard to be one of them. As some times, you will find
yourself asking “am I enough? Will all of my efforts pay
off at the end? Is my scores and grades enough to make my
parents proud?”

As time progresses, jealousy will come, not inspiration

to your friends but still hanging out with them like you
don’t have a problem with them. They will try to make you
comfortable and share they’re problems. Your jealousy
becomes an inspiration as you see them having the same
problems as you are but still, they did not give up.

In the time that you are a matured person, you will

realize that all the pressures and sufferings that you
experienced were there to make yourself and independent
person, and it is just a trial to your life. Let this be
an inspiration to all students there that dreamed to be
one of the honor students. Do your best and never give up
on your dreams.

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