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10 Right of Asset Management:

Achieve Reliability, Asset Performance & Operation Excellence

1. Specify it Right
2. Design it Right 10R 2R
Manage Design

3. Source it Right

4. Build / Fabricate it Right 3R
9R Source
5. Install / Commission it Right Dispose/

6. Operate it Right 4R
8R RIGHTS Fabricate
7. Maintain it Right Improve/
8. Improve / Modify it Right Install/
7R Commission

9. Dispose / Decommission it Right Maintain


10. Manage it Right

• Reference : 10 Rights of Asset Management by Ramesh Gulati & Terrence O’Hanlon
 2020 Rex Pro Reliability & Asset Management Consulting . All rights reserved. 20 April 2023 Page | 1
10 Right of Asset Management:
Achieve Reliability, Asset Performance & Operation Excellence

1. Specify it Right : Provide the right requirements and specifications;

2. Design it Right : Design it with RAMS2 to minimize failures and O&M costs;
3. Source it Right : Purchase best value components and equipment (assets);
4. Build it Right : Fabricate and assemble the asset with quality workmanship;
5. Install / Commission it Right : Install with precision quality;
6. Operate it Right : Operate with care and safety within Its design limits;
7. Maintain it Right : Perform the right maintenance;
8. Improve it Right : Apply the right tools and practices to improve;
9. Dispose/Decommission it Right: Dispose of it In an environmentally safe manner;
10. Manage it Right : Ensure the right skill and talent available at every role to
do all 1O Rights right.
• Reference : 10 Rights of Asset Management by Ramesh Gulati & Terrence O’Hanlon
 2020 Rex Pro Reliability & Asset Management Consulting . All rights reserved. 20 April 2023 Page | 2
1R Specify it Right
Achieve Reliability, Asset Performance & Operation Excellence

Learning Objective :
Needs, requirements and specifications
The importance of well defined and accurate requirements.
Needs vs. wants
The importance of testing and acceptance criteria
 2020 Rex Pro Reliability & Asset Management Consulting . All rights reserved. 20 April 2023 Page | 3
2R Design it Right
Achieve Reliability, Asset Performance & Operation Excellence

Learning Objective :
Failure and failure mechanism
Total Cost of Ownership ( TCO)
Attributes of good design
The importance of involving key stakeholders.
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3R Source it Right
Achieve Reliability, Asset Performance & Operation Excellence

Learning Objective :
The importance of sourcing in asset management
Insourcing vs. Outsourcing
“Best Value” sourcing or procuring
Best practices for sourcing
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4R Build / Fabricate it Right
Achieve Reliability, Asset Performance & Operation Excellence

Learning Objective :
What are you Building?
The importance of Planning in building an asset.
Manufacturability and assembly process
Quality concerns in asset building process
 2020 Rex Pro Reliability & Asset Management Consulting . All rights reserved. 20 April 2023 Page | 6
5R Install & Commission it Right
Achieve Reliability, Asset Performance & Operation Excellence

Learning Objective :
The Importance of the right installation practice
Why stakeholders & Their Involvement are important
The Value of the commissioning process
Pre-Startup Activities
The importance of a safety culture during construction
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6R Operate it Right
Achieve Reliability, Asset Performance & Operation Excellence

Learning Objective :
The role of operators in sustaining & improving reliability
Total Productive Maintenance (TPM) & its implementation
Overall Equipment Effectiveness (OEE)
Workplace design challenges
Implementing 5S program to optimize productivity
 2020 Rex Pro Reliability & Asset Management Consulting . All rights reserved. 20 April 2023 Page | 8
7R Maintain it Right
Achieve Reliability, Asset Performance & Operation Excellence

Learning Objective
Why do Maintenance?
Objective of maintenance
Types of maintenance and classification
Value of planning and scheduling
Maintenance Optimization techniques
Purpose of CMMS / EAM
Needs for MRO Storeroom
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8R Improve / Modify It Right
Achieve Reliability, Asset Performance & Operation Excellence

Learning Objective
Improvement is necessary
Defect elimination process
Asset data management
Improvement tools and applications
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9R Dispose/Decommission it Right
Achieve Reliability, Asset Performance & Operation Excellence

Learning Objective
Disposal issues
The disposal and decommissioning process
Various types of waste and their disposal
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10R Manage It Right
Achieve Reliability, Asset Performance & Operation Excellence

Lear ni n g Obj ecti ve

Why Managing is important?
The Role of Leadership
The importance of training
AM related standards and their application
Managing change
A culture of Excellence
The importance of continuous learning
 2020 Rex Pro Reliability & Asset Management Consulting . All rights reserved. 20 April 2023 Page | 12

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