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Organizational Behaviour

Group Posting

Group Posting 3

Learning Outcomes

Working with the members of your group, you will:

1. Experience brainstorming or other techniques to generate ideas with others.

2. Discuss key ideas in course content related to decision making and creativity.


Time limit: 60 – 90 minutes, in class

Instructions: Using the three questions below, draft a rough response to each question within the
time available in class. Record your ideas in this MS-Word document and submit the
final work through Moodle/Drop Box/Group Posting 3 – for 2%.

From Chapter 7: Decision Making and Creativity

1. McShane et al. (2021) describe a *rational* decision making process [LO1 & 2]

a. Define decision making.

b. Compare the definitions of decision making and rational choice decision making.

c. “Rational choice decisions often involve complex calculations of data – a formula that
identifies the best choice” (McShane et al., 2021, p. 171). What are the advantages and
disadvantages of the rational choice decision process?

2. See Exhibit 7.3

Exhibit 7.3 shows 6 competing ideas: Observation of organization behaviour versus the model of
rational choice decision making. Choose two points from the list of 6 and explain these. Can you
give an example from your experience? May I recommend? #4. implicit favourites and #6
satisficing – the good enough decision (6th point). Please do choose others if you prefer.
Organizational Behaviour
Group Posting

3. How creative are the members of your group?

See McShane et al. (2021) section Characteristics of Creative People (there are four) (p. 185).
Survey each other and comment below.

Thank you.

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