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 Standard Pembelajaran

o 1.2.2 Understand with support specific information and details of short simple texts

o 1.3.1 Guess the meaning of unfamiliar words by using visual clues when a teacher or
classmate is speaking

 Objektif Pembelajaran

o Pupils will be able to listen and sing the song correctly with gestures and able to
guess at least 4 pictures correctly.

Pupils are introduced to a few flashcards with new vocab from textbook page 25 and asked to guess
what the activities might be.

1. Pupils are explained about am, is  and are.

2. Pupils refer to textbook page 25.

3. Pupils listen to the audio track 37.

1. Pupils follow teacher’s gestures and start singing the song.

2. Pupils complete the worksheets given.

Pupils check their answers.

 Standard Pembelajaran

o 2.1.5 Describe people and objects using suitable words and phrases

o 1.1.1 Recognise and reproduce with support a range of target language phonemes

 Objektif Pembelajaran

o Pupils will be able to say out at least 10 verbs in the continuous form correctly and
able to listen in order to guess at least 5 verbs in continuous form correctly.

A few pieces of alphabets are given to each

group as puzzles to form a verb with -ing.

1. Pupils are explained about using the present continuous.

2. Each pupil is given a picture and a verb (+answer). Pupils
go around the class and show the picture with the verb to
their friend to get their friends to guess the verb -ing and the
linking verb (Ex: is sleeping, are eating…)
1. A snake and ladder board is distributed to each group.
Pupils are explained about the activity.
2. Pupils play the snake and ladder game in their groups.
Pupils are guided by their group members and teacher.

Pupils are given the exact same pieces of

alphabet puzzles to rearrange and form a sentence.

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