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La Florida Departamento de inglés

Reading Comprehension
Oscar Wilde Biography

NAME: ______________________________________CLASS: _________

DATE: ____________________________ (in English) SCORE: pts FINAL SCORE: ____ pts
Indicadores de evaluación:
-Reconocen el significado de preguntas y afirmaciones en inglés.
-Localizan información específica en el texto.
-Reconocer léxico en un texto.
-Discriminan entre información verdadera y falsa.

1. Puedes usar un diccionario de español – inglés / inglés – español. No puedes usar celular.
2. Escribe la fecha en inglés, de otra forma obtendrás un descuento de 0,5.
3. Tu letra debe ser legible y clara, sin borrones, de otra forma perjudicará tu evaluación.
4. Trabaja dentro del tiempo designado de otra forma perjudicará tu evaluación.
5. Entrega tus respuestas con lápiz pasta.

I. READING. Complete the biography with the verbs in () in the past tense.
Example: was (be). El verbo en pasado de be es was.
Oscar Wilde
(1854 – 1900)
Oscar Wilde __was_ (be) born in Dublin, Ireland on October 16, 1854. He was educated at
Trinity College, Dublin and Magdalen College, Oxford. He wa considered a brilliant student. In
1878, his poem Ravenna __________ (win) the Newdigate Prize. Shortly after leaving university
his first volume of poetry ________ (be) published. He __________ (move) to London in 1879.
Wilde __________ (marry) fairy stories for his boys. These _______ (be) later published as The
Happy Prince and Other Tales.
After been married for eleven years, Wilde had left his wife and ________ (begin) having a
homosexual affair with Alfred Douglas. In May 1895, Wilde was prosecuted and ____________
(imprison) for homosexuality under the terms of the Criminal Law Amendment Act. He
___________ (serve) two years in Old Baily in London. Regrettable, his mother ____________
(die) while he _________ (be) still in jail.
In 1897. After being released from Reading Prison, Wilde ___________ (move) to France. A
year later he __________ (write) The ballad of Reading Gaol, a poem inspired by his prison
experience. Wilde’s time in prison badly _________ (damage) his health and he ____________
(dies) on Novemeber 30, 1900, in Paris, France, three years after leaving prison. He is buried in
Pere Lachaise Cementery in Paris, in a tomb ___________ (desing) by Epstein.
La Florida Departamento de inglés


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