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Daniel P. Corpuz. Instructress: Mrs.

Eleamor Barerra

BSED II February 22, 2021

Subject: Mythology And Folklore

An In-depht Research on Arabian Mythology And Folkore

-Words Familiarization- Lets just first unlock the meaning of the words Mythology, Folklore and

*Arabia-The proper name Arab or Arabian (and cognates in other languages) has been used to translate
several different but similar-sounding words in ancient and classical texts which do not necessarily have
the same meaning or origin. The etymology of the term is closely linked to that of the place name

*Mythology- an allegorical narrative dealing with the gods, demigods, and legendary heroes of a
particular people. source:

*Folklore- the traditional beliefs, customs, and stories of a community, passed through the
generations by word of mouth. source: Oxford Language


Arabian Mythology & Folklore

Arabian mythology and folklore comprises the ancient, pre-Islamic beliefs of the Arabs.Prior to
Islam on the Arabian Peninsula in 622, the physical centre of Islam, the Kaaba of Mecca, was
covered in symbols representing the myriad demons, djinn, demigods and other assorted
creatures which represented the profoundly polytheistic environment of pre-Islamic Ancient
Arabia. We can infer from this plurality an exceptionally broad context in which mythology
could flourish. [1] Stories of genies, ghoust, magic lamps, flying carpets, and wishes contained in
tales from the Arabian Nights and other works have been passed down through the

The Three Goddesses

Allāt (Arabic: ‫ )الالت‬The Arabian stone idol who was one of the three respected idols by Arabs in
Mecca. She was placed in Taif[4]

Al-‘Uzzá (Arabic: ‫" )العزى‬The Mightiest One" or "The strong" was an Arabian fertility goddess
who was one of the three chief goddesses of Mecca, Arabs only called upon her or Hubal for
protection and victory before any war to show how important she was.[5]
Manāt (Arabic: ‫ )مناة‬Was one of the three chief goddesses of Mecca, Arabs believed Manāt to be
the goddess of fate, The Book of Idols describes her as the most ancient of all these idols. The
Arabs used to name [their children] 'Abd-Manāt and Zayd-Manāt. Manāt was erected on the
seashore in the vicinity of al-Mushallal in Qudayd, between Medina and Mecca.

Examples of notable folklore and myths from arabia are:

1. The legend of Aladdin's Wonderful Lamp.

2. The mythical creature of Bahamut.

3. The monster of Nasnas.

4. The legend of Ali Baba and the Forty Thieves

5. The mythical creature of Shadhavar.

6. The legend of Sindbad the Sailor.

7. The mythical creature of the Roc..

8. The lost city of Atlantis of the Sands.

Difference between Mythology & Folklore

In order for us to differentiate between the two we first have to really understand what makes
them so similar at their very core. Both Mythology and Folklore in basic terms are on form of
storytelling perhaps the most ancient forms of narrative that is available and we have today.

The difference between them can really be seen is within the stories themselves and what they
attempt to explain to us. Folklore difference the most from Mythology isn't time and scale.
mythology clearly focuses on the beginning of time the explanation of civilization and culture.
while folklore are told in a much smaller scale and often tend to be exclusive to a specific village
in town or city.

Personal insights/Shared Ideas for the Group- (Maybe i am not be able to attend the
monday meeting for sharing of ideas in our group so this is my ideas that i will shared through
our discussion, thanks.)

For this research that i've worked on, I can say that Arabian mythology and folklore is
something interesting and really possess a rich culture, beliefs, traditions, that serves as the
foundation of civilization and body of knowledge that is worth studying for, from their
numerous craft or work of art in Literature. Arab civilization and people's have a number of the
foremost diverse and colorful stories and legends that takes part from our childhood the world,
with many of the stories being passed down orally from generation to generation over
thousands of years. While a number of these are known to be pure myths and just folks which
have taken the role of the common fairytales among Arabs, many others still hold a touch that
they really did occur, which makes these myths and folklores ever more exciting to be explored
and studied.

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