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Literature Review

We hotel management students are required to take the course "Hospitality Financial Performance &
Analysis" in this fourth semester (HTH587). We are able to develop analysis skills and financial
understanding in this topic in a methodical and organised way. Therefore, five of us received an
assignment that required us to pick any two businesses that were part of the hospitality and hospitality
industries. So, based on the aircraft transport business, we made the decision to pick the aviation
industry. This is the case since the primary goal of the project is to compare the two firms involved in
the financial industry. This is due to the fact that these two businesses utilise various financial tools
and generate cash in ways that require more understanding. There was a lot of really strange
knowledge that we learned in this fourth semester that we first had no idea about until we were able to
realise how it linked to the subject we studied and this project. Additionally, we can utilise the
knowledge we learn in the workplace in the future, which will help us become knowledgeable
individuals and allow us to profit from the knowledge acquired. Additionally, this task enables
students to compare and analyse, as well as determine how much profit and loss the two organisations
generated. In this assignment, we may also discover that doing a financial inquiry is a means to assess
a company's finances and be able to conduct relevant analyses. This is due to our desire to further
improve the profitability, instability, and efficiency of the firm that is now under our knowledge. This
is due to the fact that this component of running a business or organisation is crucial since it allows us
to determine if a venture is profitable or unsuccessful. Additionally, because university students spend
a lot of money, we as students can imitate some revenue that creates a prudent budget. We should be
adept at dividing and utilising money when, for instance, we wish to pay fees, purchase books, or do
any number of other activities that cost money. In conclusion, this project is excellent since it exposes
students to a variety of financial management techniques and can help them become better prepared
for the future by providing them with a foundation of financial knowledge. The knowledge that has
been provided will be used by us as students without hesitation, making us students and a society full
of knowledge that can be used in daily life and when necessary in the future.
Significant of the financial tools.
As per Grab financial reports of profit or loss.
Condensed consolidated statement of financial statement.
Condensed consolidated statement of cash flow.
As per uber financial statement.

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