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La Florida Departamento de inglés

Movie: The Fabelmans

NAME: ______________________________________CLASS: _________

DATE: ________________________ SCORE: 30 pts FINAL SCORE: _______ pts
Indicadores de evaluación:
-Identifican información específica y general a partir de un texto audiovisual.
-Reconocen vocabulario a partir de un texto audiovisual.
-Entregan opinión usando las reglas gramaticales correspondientes al idioma.

1. Lee atentamente cada una de las instrucciones y responde lo solicitado.
2. Puedes hacer uso de tus apuntes y un diccionario en papel para desarrollar la guía.
3. No olvides escribir la fecha en inglés, de otra forma obtendrás un descuento de 0,5.

I. Read the questions about the movie “The Fabelmans” and choose the best
alternative. 20 points
1. Who directed the movie "The Fabelmans"?
A. Martin Scorsese
B. Wes Anderson
C. Steven Spielberg
D. David Fincher

2. Which genre best describes "The Fabelmans"?

A. Romance
B. Horror
C. Comedy
D. Drama

3. What’s the name of the main character in “The Fabelmans”?

A. Bennie
B. Boris
C. Sammy
D. Burt

4. What religion are “The Fabelmans”?

A. Christians
B. Pentecostals
C. Muslims
D. Jewish
La Florida Departamento de inglés

5. The film opens on January 10, 1952 in New Jersey. Six-year-old Sammy Fabelman is
standing on the sidewalk while his parents try, each in their own different way, to
sooth his anxieties over a new experience. What are they trying to convince him to
A. Ride a bike without training wheels
B. Leave for summer camp
C. Watch his first movie
D. Attend the first day of school

6. Burt gets offered a job with General Electric and the family have to relocate to
Phoenix. The kids seem excited about the idea, but Mitzi argues with her husband
over one aspect of the move. What is she upset about?
A. The kids leaving their friends in New Jersey
B. The dry Arizona air
C. The distance from her mother in Ohio
D. That Burt didn't get a job for his best friend, Bennie

7. Sammy is 14 years old and still makes movies on his 8MM camera. His latest opus is
a Western inspired by "The Man Who Shot Liberty Valance", but he is disappointed
when the footage he compiles of the big shootout for the film's climax isn't more
realistic. Where does he get the inspiration to fix the problem?
A. His mother's sheet music
B. His sister's nail polish
C. His brother's drum set
D. His father's transistor

8. Mitzi's mother dies, and Burt enlists Sammy's help to put together a film to cheer her
up. What is the film about?
A. Mitzi's piano recitals
B. The family camping trip
C. Bennie's jokes
D. Hanukkah

9. Mitzi's mother dies, and Burt enlists Sammy's help to put together a film to cheer her
up. What is the film about?
A. Mitzi's piano recitals
B. The family camping trip
C. Bennie's jokes
D. Hanukkah
La Florida Departamento de inglés

10. Sammy makes a shocking discovery about Mitzi that rocks him to his core and puts a
strain on their relationship. What is Sammy doing when he stumbles on this secret?
A. Packing his room
B. Storing the Christmas tree
C. Editing the movie for Mitzi
D. Driving Reggie to school

11. Sammy confronts Mitzi about his discovery after they get into an argument and she
hits him. What is the argument about?
A. Burt's work
B. Mitzi's fingernails
C. Sammy's swimming test
D. The school dance

12. The Fabelmans are relocating to California after Burt gets a job offer from IBM.
Sammy goes to the camera store to sell his Bolex P1 camera before the move. Who
does he meet there?
A. Burt
B. Mitzi
C. Bennie
D. Boris

13. The move to Northern California doesn't go as smoothly as planned. Mitzi is

depressed and gets into arguments with Burt. What does Sammy have to contend
A. Mono
B. Pimples
C. Bullying
D. Failing

14. Why is Sammy being bullied at school?

A. Because he is in love with the girl
B. He’s the son of a famous musician
C. For being too isolated
D. For being a Jew

15. Sammy hasn't picked up his movie camera since the move to California, but his
girlfriend, Monica, is instrumental in changing his mind. What does he decide to film?
A. A pep rally
B. Ditch Day
C. Football tryouts
D. The school musical

16. Burt and Mitzi gather the kids in the living room to give them some bad news. What is
La Florida Departamento de inglés

A. Burt has been laid off from his job at IBM.

B. Burt has been diagnosed with cancer.
C. Mitzi is moving back to Arizona.
D. Mitzi has sold her piano to pay for therapy.

17. Sammy is putting together his film when Reggie enters his room to talk about their
parents' bombshell announcement. What observation does she make about Sammy?
A. That he needs to be more selfish
B. That he is the family's rock
C. That he is just like Mitzi
D. That he should be nicer to Burt

18. Logan confronts Sammy at prom over how he was depicted in his movie. Why is he
A. He's annoyed that he was upstaged by Chad.
B. He's aggrieved that his singing was dubbed over.
C. He's angry over his small amount of screen time.
D. He's afraid he can't live up to the portrayal.

19. Sammy returns home from prom to find Mitzi making breakfast. They share a tender
moment, and she gives him some advice about following his heart. What does she
tell him?
A. "Sometimes self-interested is the most generous thing you can be."
B. "You don't owe anyone your life. Not even me."
C. "What you love will take you places you never dreamed you'd go."
D. "Learn at least what you are capable of. Let nothing stand in your way."

20. Sammy is living with Burt in Los Angeles and commuting to college, but he wants to
drop out to pursue his dreams. Does Burt support his decision?
A. Yes
B. No

II. Write personal answers for the following questions about the movie “The
Fabelmans”. 10 points

1. What did you think of the movie "The Fabelmans"? Did you like it or not? Why or why

2. Which character in the movie did you relate to the most? Why?
La Florida Departamento de inglés


3. What was your favorite scene in the movie? Why did it stand out to you?

4. Would you recommend this movie to others? Why or why not?


5. What do you think the director was trying to say or achieve with this movie? Did they
succeed in their goals, in your opinion?

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