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Republic of the Philippines

Department of Education
Region I
Schools Division Office I Pangasinan

A Detailed Lesson Plan

Mathematics 10

(Linear Interpolation and Mendenhall and Sincich


Prepared by:

Fredelyn T. Belmonte
Student Teacher

Checked by:

Cristina D. Delos Santos

Cooperating Teacher

Date of Submission:
May 2, 2023

Date of Teaching:
May 2, 2023
I. Objectives

At the end of a 60-minute discussion, at least 75% of the students should be able to
achieve the following with at least 75% level of proficiency.
a. illustrate the two methods of a quartile for ungrouped data (Linear Interpolation
and Mendenhall and Sincich Methods);
b. differentiate Linear Interpolation and Mendenhall Sincich and method; and
c. solve quartile value of ungrouped data using linear interpolation and mendenhall
and Sincich methods.

II. Subject Matter

A. Topic : Linear Interpolation and Mendenhall and Sincich methods

B. Reference : Mathematics 10 Learners Module page 368-371.

Mathematics 10 Teaches Guide page 326-328

C. Materials : Visual Aids, chalkboard, etc.

D. Values Integrated : Cooperation, Teamwork and Collaboration

III. Procedures

Teachers’ Activity Students’ Activity

A. Preliminary Activities

Good afternoon class!
Classroom management Good afternoon, Ma’am
Everyone, arrange your chairs properly and
pick up those pieces of papers under your
Cheeking of Attendance
Secretary, may I know who are absent for Yes ma’am, everyone are
today. present today.
Thank You!

B. Review/Motivation
Before we proceed to our lesson. let's play
game. This game 6 called Pick me and answer
I will group you into two groups and the
mechanics the game are the following:
• each group should select a representative
• the group mates are allowed to coach their
• every group will be given a 3 minutes to
answer the questions as much as they can
• pick the questions inside the box.
• the group who answered more questions will
be declared as a winner.
Now, are you ready class? Ready ma’am

The FF are the questions inside the box:

1. What are the two types of measures of “Ungrouped data and Grouped
position? data"
2 What are the three types of ungrouped data “Quartile, Decile and
and grouped data? Percentile”
3. It is the score points which divide a “Quartile”
distributions into four equal parts called?
4. The formula of getting the lower quartile of Q₁ = 1/4 (n+1)
ungrouped data.
5. The formula of the middle quartile. Q₂ = 2/4 (n+1)
6. The formula of the upper quartile. Q3 = 3/4 (n+1)
7. First step in getting quartile for ungrouped “Arrange the data into
data? ascending orders.”
8. Second step in getting quartile for ungrouped “Find the lower quartile”
9 Third step in getting quartile for ungrouped “Find the middle quartile"
10. Fourth step in getting quartile For “Find the upper quartile”
ungrouped data
11 Enumerate the 3 quartiles “Q1 Q2 and Q3”
12. The total number of items stands for? “n”
13. The sum of all values in data set divided by "Mean"
the total number of the value.
14. The middle value in a data set that is “Median"
arranged in ascending order.
15. The most frequently occurring value in a “Mode”

Okay very good class.

Now, what can you say about activity? “The activity is fun and exciting
What values and methods did you employ to ma’am.”
come up with your answer? We use the power of teamwork
and collaboration, so that we
Okay, very good class! can answer as fast as we can
C. Presentation of the Lesson
Based on our activity, do you think it is part of
our lesson For today? Yes ma’am
Very good! The activity we did earlier are still
part and connected in our lesson this afternoon
which is all about Linear Interpolation and
Mendenhall and Sincich method.

D. Development of the Lesson

What is Linear Interpolation?
Anyone from the class who would like to read Ma'am, Linear Interpolation is a
the definition? form of interpolation, which
involves the generation of new
values based on an existing set
Very good! For You to understand more, Linear
Interpolation is one of a method in finding the of values.
quartile value.

Steps in finding the Linear Interpolation:

Step A1 Arrange the scores in ascending order.
Step A2. Locate the position. the score in the
distribution. (Position of Qk = k/4 (n+1)
Step A3. If the result is a decimal number,
proceed for the Interpolation.
Step B1. Find the difference between the two
values wherein QK is situated.
Step B2. Multiply the result in step B1 by the
decimal part obtained in step A2.
Step B3. Add the result in step B2 to the second
smaller number in Step B1.

For more let's proceed to the examples.

Example 1
Find the first quartile (Q1), and the third quartile
(Q3), given the scores of 9 students in their
mathematics activity using Linear Interpolation.
1, 27, 16, 7, 31, 7, 30, 3, 21
Linear Interpolation For Quartile 1.
Step A1. Arrange the scores in ascending order
1, 3, 7, 7, 16, 21, 27, 30, 31
Step A2. Locate the position of the score in the
Position of Q₁ = 1/4 (n+1)
=1/4 (9+1)
= 2.5
Step A3. Since the result is a decimal number,
proceed to linear interpolation.

Step B1. Find the difference between the two

values wherein Q1, is situated.
1 3 7 7 16 21 27 30 31

2.5 position
Q1 is between the values 3 and 7,
Therefore, 7-3 = 4
Step B2. Multiply the result in Step Bi by the
decimal part obtained in step A2
=4(05) = 2
Step B3. Add the result in step B2 to the second
smaller number in step B1
=2+3 = 5
Therefore the value of Q1 is equal to 5.

Interpolation for quartile 1?

Okay to make sure that you've already
understand the Linear Interpolation; I want you
to try Linear Interpolation for Quartile 3.
Same given problem and data set in Linear
Interpolation Quartile 1.
Step A1.
1, 3, 7, 7, 16, 21, 27, 30, 31
Step A2
Position Q3 = ¾ (n+1)
= ¾ (9+1)
Step A3.
The result is decimal number,
proceed to linear interpolation.

Step B 1 3 7 7 16 21 27 30 31

7.5 position
= 30-27=3
Okay, very Good class! Step B2.
Now let's proceed to Mendenhall and Sincich method. It =3(0.5) 1.5
is also a method of Finding the quartile value. Step B3.
To Find the quartile value using Mendenhall and Sincich = 1.5 + 27 28.5
method; The value of Q3 is equal to 28.5
First: Calculate the Lower Quartile
Lower Quartile (L)= Position of Q₁ = ¼ (n+1) Note:
If L falls halfway between two integers, ROUND UP. The
Lth element is the lower quartile value (Q1).
Second Calculate the upper Quartile
Upper Quartile (U) = Position of Q3=3/4 (n+1)
Note: IF U falls half way between two integers,
ROUND DOWN. The Uth element is the upper quartile
value (Q3)

Let's have an example.

Example 1: Data Set
(1, 3, 7, 7, 16, 21, 27, 30, 31) n=9

Calculate Lower Quartile

Position of Q = 1/4 (n+1)

= 1/4 (9+1)
= 2.5 (round up)
Position of Q₁ = 3
The value of Q1=7

Calculate Upper Quartile

Position of G3= ¾ (n+1)
= ¾ (9+1)
= 7.5 (round down)
Position of G3=7
The value of Q3=27
Let's have another example, but this time you will be the
one to solve in your mathematics notebook. Okay?
Example 2:

Find the lower Quartile (Q1), middle quartile (Q2), and

Upper quartile (Q3), given the scores of 10 students in
their Mathematics. activity using Mendenhall and Yes ma’am
Sincich method

4 9 7 14 10 8 12 15 6 11

4 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 14 15
Lower Quartile
Position Q₁ = 1/4(10+1)
= 2.75 (round up)

Position Q = 3
The value of Q1 = 7
Middle Quartile
Position Q₂ = 3/4 (10+1)
= 22/4
= 5.5
Position Q2=5th + 6th
= 9+10
The value of Q2= 9.5
Upper Quartile
Very Good class. Position Q3 = 3/4 (10+1)
Now, did you really understand our lesson in getting =33/4
quartile using Linear interpolation and Mendenhall = 8.25 (round down)
and Sincich Method? Position Q3 = 8
Any Clarifications? The value of Q3 = 15

E. Fixing Skills
Please bring out your Mathematics notebook
and answer the given dataset using Linear
Interpolation and Mendenhall and Sincich Yes Ma’am
Method. None Ma’am
2 4 9 7 14 10 14 3 8 12 15 6 11

Linear Interpolation Method

Find the lower quartile and
upper quartile.

Linear Interpolation Quartile I

2,4,5,6,7,8,9,10, 11, 12, 14, 14, 15
Position Q₁ = 1/4 (13+)
The result is decimal number,
Proceed to linear interpolation.
Step B
2, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 14, 14, 15

3.5 position
Step B2
1 (0.5) = 0.5
Step B3
= 5+ 0.5 = 5.5
Linear Interpolation Quartile 3
Step A1.
2 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 14 14 15
Step A2.
Position Q3 =3/ 4 (13+1)
= 42/2
Step A3. The result is decimal,
proceed to Linear Interpolation.
Step B1
2 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 14 14 15

10.5 position

Step B2
2 (0.5)=1
Step B3
12 +1 = 13

Mendenhall and Sincich

Method Find the lower quartile
and Upper quartile.
2, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12,
14, 14, 15

Lower Quartile
Position Q₁ = 1/4 (13+1)
= 3-5 (round up)
Position Q1= 4
F. Generalization The value of Q1=6
As a recap, our lesson For today is all about? Upper Quartile
Position Q3=3/4 (13+1)
= 10.5 (round down)
Position Q3 10
Very Good Class! The value of Q3 = 12

Finding the quartile value using

the two methods and those are
Linear Interpolation and
Mendenhall and Sincich
IV. Evaluation
Get I whole sheet of paper and answer the Following given dataset using Linear
Interpolation and Mendenhall and Sincich Method
Find the lower quartile and upper quartile of the following.

Linear Interpolation
2 3 7 11 8 16 14 13 19 24
a) Q1 Step A1: 2 3 7 8 11 13 14 16 19 24
Step A2: Position Q1 = ¼ (10+1 = 11/4 = 2.75
Step A3: The result is decimal number, proceed to Linear Interpolation
Step B1: 2 3 7 8 11 13 14 16 19 24

2.75 position = 7-3=4
Step B2: 4 (0.75) = 3
Step B3: 3+3 = 6
b) Q3 Step A1: 2 3 7 8 11 13 14 16 19 24
Step A2: Position Q3 = ¾ (10+1) = 33/4 = 8.25
Step A3: The result is decimal number, proceed to Linear Interpolation.
Step B1: 2 3 7 8 11 13 14 16 19 24

Step B2: 3(0.25) = 0.75
Step B3: 16+0.75=16.75

2.) Mendenhall and Sincich Method

40, 26, 28, 39, 30, 25, 29, 41, 44, 45, 38, 33, 36, 31, 23, 19, 15
15,19,23, 25, 26, 28, 29, 30, 31, 33, 36, 38, 39, 40, 41, 44,45
Lower Quartile
Position Q1 = 1/4 (17+1) = 18/4 = 4.5 (round up)
Position Q1= 5; The value of Q1= 26
Upper Quartile
Position Q3=3/4 (17+1) = 54/4 = 13.5 (round down)
Position Q3= 13, The value of Q3 = 39.
V. Assignment
Study in advance about Decile For Ungrouped Data.

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