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Rewritten No. 1

Rachelle T. Rabor
Jamaica T. Calma
Jasper D. Ramos
Karyllane Bumatay
Junalyn Vidad

Given pictures and video to watch, the Grade 3 pupils should be able to
perform the following tasks with 75% degree of proficiency:

1. identify different ways on how animals help humans;

2. tell ways on how to take care animals; and
3. draw a picture of how animals help humans.


A. Subject Matter

Enumerating the Importance of Animals to Humans

B. References

Science 3 Kto12, Worktext for Scientific And Technological Literacy Science

Links, pp. 130-141

C. Materials

Picture of Animals

D. Science Ideas

● Animals play a significant role in the stability of humanities lives. They help
humans in different ways;
(1) some animals are source of food and some of the animals are:
(a) chicken gives us eggs and their meat
(b) pigs and cow provides us meat
(2) They are source of useful thing like:
a) Carrying us for transportation
b) Wool of sheep that turns into clothes
(3) Animals as helping hand:
a) Workloads like cows in helping in the farm
b) Social relation/companion
(4) They can be also sources of medicine like:
(a) Oil of fish that provides health benefits

● Proper Care for Animals

1) Providing the needs of the animals
2) Protecting the animals and their habitats.

E. Science Processes Skills to be Developed

Observing, Classifying, Differentiating, and Describing.
F. Scientific Attitudes

Embrace the essence of God's creations especially the animals and

appreciate their purpose to us- humans.

A. Science Trivia/Information

Good morning class Good morning, teacher

Want to know something unnatural?

Well, there are some animals that have
been the companions and helpers of
people since the beginning of time.

B. Lesson Proper
1. Preparation/ Motivation

Hello children, before we start our class

please stand and let’s all Pray. I will lead
the prayer for today, but tomorrow I
want ______ to lead the prayer.

“Our Father…”

After which, kindly arrange your chairs

and pick up the pieces of paper below
your seats.

May we all pause for a moment because

we will have a simple activity to do. I'll
divide the class into four groups.

The first group will be in row 1, the

second group in row 2, the third group in
row 3, and the fourth and fifth group will
be in row 4 and 5.

Are you familiar of a jigsaw puzzle?

Yes ma,am.
Very good! I have 5 envelopes of
jigsaw puzzles in here. I want everyone
to put the puzzle pieces together while
singing "Old MacDonald Had a Farm."

Okay, everyone, let's sing

( The pupils will sing along and
( participate in the activity)

2. Presentation

How did you find the activity?

It is very interesting, ma'am, because we
tried our best to put the puzzle pieces
together to form images.
How about the song, what is it all about?
The song is all about the farm animals,
Let's observe the pictures that you
formed, what is the intent of picture?
The chicken is laying eggs, ma’am.

Very good, how about the picture 2?

The horses and animals are carrying
sacks and grains and they are pulling the
cart ma’am.
How about the picture 3? The jacket is made from the fur of a

How about the picture 4?

The cow are helping the farmer to plow
the land.

How about the picture 5?

The picture 5 shows that the fish turns

into a medicine.

Very good! What do you think is our

lesson for today? Our lesson for today are the things that
we can get from animals. I believe that
our activity and lesson are connected
Good job! because we distinguished the use of
animals which is very important to all of

You are exactly right! Now, are you

interested to discover more about the
topic; “Importance of Animals to
Humans" as we continue to explore it?
3. Comparison and
Abstraction/Discussion The chicken is laying eggs, ma’am.

Okay, lets go back to the first picture,

what can see in the picture again?

Yes ma’am

There are some animals that provide

foods for us.
Do you eat eggs?
-The other animals that serve and
So what can you conclude with that? provide foods for us are ducks, pig, cow
fish and goat.
- the milk we drink every morning are
Aside form the chicken, what other also came form the goat, cows and
animals that provides or serve as food to carabaos.
Animals give us food

Very well said! What do animals give us


How about in the second picture?

The horses and animals pulling the cart,

ma'am, are carrying sacks and grains.

Very good! Based on these pictures, Animals help us from carrying and
how animals help us? tgransporting heavy materials from one
place to another.

Have you tried riding on an animal? Yes ma’am

Horse ma’am.
What kind of animal?
Carabao, cow and elephant ma’am.

What are other animals that provide

transportation? Animals can also provide transportation.

Very well said! What do animals give us


The jacket is made from the fur of a

How about the picture 3? tiger.

Animals help us to have materials made

from their skin and furs. Using their furs
and skins we can make useful things.
Very good! Based on these pictures,
how animals help us? Snakes and crocodiles’ skin ma’am and
even the wool of the sheep.

What other animals’ skin can be

turned into things? The skin and fur of animals can also
generate Bags, blouses, shoes and even
Very good! Aside from a jacket, what hats ma’am.
other materials can be made from the
fur and skin of animals?
Yes ma’am, my shoes is made from
Do you have things that is made frim
animals skin?
Animals can provide useful thing using
Very well said! What do animals give us their fur and skin.

How about the picture 4?

The cow are helping the farmer to plow

the land.

Yes ma’am, My father is a farmer and he

is working with our carabao to lessen the
workload ma’am
Have you ever seen a farmer working
with his carabao or cow?
There are animals that tends to help the
people form workloads.

Very good! Based on these images

and his father, how animals help us? Dogs ma’am. The dogs help the police
man to find criminals ma’am, it guards
that house, serves as friend as well.

What other animals that helps people? Animals gives help to the workers and a

Very good! What do animals give us

The picture 5 shows that the fish turns
into a medicine.
How about the picture 5?

Yes, ma’am.

Fish oil can cure many diseases.

Very good! Have you taken medicine
like that?
There are animals that used in making
medicines that can help us in curing
What is the use of these?
Very good! So, what can you conclude
They are important because they provide
with that?
many things in our life like foods,
transportation, useful thing, medicines
and even help and companionship.
Are animals important to us? Why?

-Animals are sources of food like chicken,

4. Generalization
fish, pig, cow and many more
If you really understand our lesson, -Animals are sources of useful things like
Enumerate the different use of animals clothes, bags and shoes
in our life that makes them important. - Animals provide transportation
- Animals helps us in our work

Very good class!

Yes ma’am
5. Application

Did you understand our lesson well my


Today, I'll display pictures, smile when

they look right and make an angry face if
they don't.






Direction: Identify how animals help humans in the given scenario.

1. Face-to-face class is coming, so Anna bought things she needed: a bag made with
snakeskin, a woolen sweater, and leather boots.
A. Animals are sources of materials
B. Animals are helping hand
C. Animals are sources of food
D. Animals are social/relation

Answer: Letter A

2. Anna was strolling inside the mall and saw a policeman with his German
Shepherd patrolling the area.

A. Animals are sources of materials

B. Animals are helping hand
C. Animals are sources of food
D. Animals are social/relation

Answer: Letter D

3. After buying what Anna needs for school, they decided to eat at Jollibee. They
ordered her favorite chicken joy and a beef steak for her mother for their lunch.

A. Animals are sources of materials

B. Animals are helping hand
C. Animals are sources of food
D. Animals are social/relation

Answer: Letter C
4. When Anna and her mother leave the mall to eat, they see a Kalesa outside the
mall, and they decide to ride it rather than a tricycle.

A. Animals are sources of materials

B. Animals are helping hand
C. Animals are sources of food
D. Animals are social/relation

Answer: Letter B


Draw or cut some pictures of things that are from animals.

Things Animals

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