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F R I DAY, M AY 2 6 , 2 0 2 3 t h e e d g e m a l ay s i a . c o m
ISSUE 577/2023

CEOMorningBrief HOME: Ekuinas in talks to explore IPO or trade sale for Al-Ikhsan exit p4
Public Bank’s 1Q net profit up 22% to RM1.71 bil in absence of prosperity tax p6
High Court strikes out 11 Sarawakians’ suit seeking state independence, MA63 null and void declaration p12
‘Datuk Roy’, MACC officer charged with bribery for keeping
Muhyiddin’s son out of Jana Wibawa probes p14
WORLD: Thai election commission confirms opposition win in May 14 vote p17

More questions raised by Bursa Securities on

YNH Property’s RM170 mil land disposal to Sunway
Report on Page 2.

Refiners introduce fine

white sugar at market price;
ceiling prices remain on
refined and coarse sugar
Report on Page 3.


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More questions raised by

Bursa Securities on YNH Property’s
RM170 mil land disposal to Sunway
KUALA LUMPUR (May 25):YNH Prop- BY JUSTIN LIM approval is given to the First Beneficial
erty Bhd’s land deal with Sunway Group Owner based on support that the registered
Bhd seems to have hit a stumbling block owner and the First Beneficial Owner is the
as Bursa Securities has raised more ques- same party and a change in ownership may
tions on the transaction. interrupt renewal of the DO.
On May 16,YNH Property announced
that it was disposing of a piece of land 3.To clarify further on the rationale and
measuring 5.09 acres in Desa Sri Harta- reason for the inclusion of the specific
mas to Sunway’s wholly-owned subsidiary Condition Precedent to seek approval
Sunway Living Space Sdn Bhd for RM170 of YNH’s shareholders if the Proposed
million cash. Disposal is not subject to such share-
However, it was issued with the first holders’ approval.
query by Bursa Securities which had 26
questions, to which it replied on May 19. to Paragraph 10.02 of the LR and make The inclusion of the specific Condition
On Thursday (May 25),YNH Property announcement on the acquisition of the Precedent to seek approval ofYNH’s share-
received a second query from Bursa Se- Property, if required, pursuant to Chap- holders approval is to fulfil the require-
curities related to the land deal, and was ter 10 of the LR. ment by the Purchaser arising from the
required to provide its response within 24 negotiation.
hours. We acknowledge our oversight of such [an]
In its reply to the query,YNH Property announcement and shall seek advice from 4. Pursuant to Paragraph 9.03(1) of the
acknowledged the group had oversight on the Adviser to rectify this oversight. LR, a listed issuer must make imme-
a few details and will seek advice from the diate public disclosure of any material
adviser to rectify the oversight. 2.To provide further clarification on the information. Paragraph 9.04 of the LR
The group also pointed out that the in- “various submissions to various author- also sets out some examples of events
clusion of the specific condition precedent ities” with regard to the deferred regis- which may require immediate disclo-
to seek approval of its shareholders is to tration for Kar Sin Bhd to be the regis- sure including, among others, the en-
fulfil the requirement by Sunway, arising tered proprietor by specifying the names try into a joint venture agreement and
from the negotiation. of the authorities involved, type/descrip- the acquisition or loss of a contract. In
It’s interesting to see if Bursa is satisfied tion of the application submitted, the this regard, please clarify the basis/ jus-
with the latest response by YNH Property. date of the application, current status of tification and the materiality assess-
Below is YNH Property’s response to the application and the indicative time- ment undertaken by YNH to form the
the second query: line to obtain the authorities’ approval. conclusion that no announcement was
required for the Turnkey Construction
1. Based on your representation made Application in the name of the First Benefi- Agreement entered into on June 20, 2016
in the announcements, the Sub-Sale cial Owner to Jabatan Ketua Pengarah Tan- and the subsequent termination of the
Agreement entered into on 18 April ah Dan Galian Persekutuan Wilayah Perse- said agreement on April 1, 2022.
2022 whereby the Vendor had purchased kutuan Kuala Lumpur has been made on
the Property from the First Beneficial Oct 13, 2022 to obtain a final title after the 5. To provide the salient terms of the
Owner for a purchase consideration of compulsory acquisition by the government Turnkey Construction Agreement en-
RM150 million is deemed a transaction and it is estimated that the approval for the tered into on 20 June 2016.
pursuant to Chapter 10 and Questions application with the final title can only be
& Answers 10.2 of the Main Market List- obtained in July or August 2023. Moreover, We acknowledge our oversight of such [an]
ing Requirements (LR). In this regard, the Development Order (DO) approved by announcement and shall seek advice from
you are required to calculate the mate- Dewan Bandaraya Kuala Lumpur (DBKL) the Adviser to rectify this oversight.
riality of the percentage ratios pursuant requires annual renewal and currently the CO N TI N U ES O N PAGE 3



introduce fine
white sugar at
market price;
ceiling prices
remain on refined
and coarse sugar
BY IZZUL IKRAM Domestic Trade and Cost of Living Minister Datuk Seri Salahuddin Ayub speaks at the press conference on the status of sugar supply in Malaysia on Thursday, May 25, 2023.

PUTRAJAYA (May 25): The government “The government agrees with this re- In comparison with regional peers, Ma-
allows two refiners to sell fine sugar, a new quest (by the two refiners) because fine laysia’s retail sugar prices are the cheapest
type, at market price effective May 25. white sugar will give consumers a choice in the region, with the Philippines lim-
However, the existing ceiling prices remain other than the existing coarse and refined iting its sugar price at RM8.50/kg, fol-
on refined and coarse sugar, according to white sugar [in the market],” Salahuddin lowed by Singapore and Vietnam both at
Domestic Trade and Cost of Living Min- told the press at the Putrajaya Internation- above RM6/kg, Indonesia (RM4.40/kg),
ister Datuk Seri Salahuddin Ayub. al Convention Centre (PICC). and Thailand (RM3.20 to RM3.50/kg),
Salahuddin said the approval for sugar Specifically, Salahuddin said the condi- according to MSM.
refiners to sell fine white sugar is effective tion the government has imposed on sug- MSM and CSR have urged Putrajaya to
immediately.The minister, however, stressed ar refiners to sell fine white sugar is that review the sugar retail price — in the form of
that the approval will not replace and dis- there must be coarse and refined white a price hike or floating price — to safeguard
rupt the supply of coarse and refined sugar sugar supply of 42,000 tonnes a month. the sustainability of the local sugar industry,
that are currently available in the market. Salahuddin noted the fine white sugar highlighting the industry has not received
“The government also instructed MSM prices set by MSM and CSR are moni- any government subsidy for a decade.
Malaysia Holdings Bhd (MSM) and Cen- tored by the Malaysia Competition Com- For the financial year ended Dec 31,
tral Sugar Refinery Sdn Bhd (CSR) to mission (MyCC). 2022 (FY2022), MSM sank into the red
continue producing sufficient coarse and Previously, sugar refiners were not al- with a net loss of RM178.71 million versus
refined white sugar and to sell [them] at lowed to sell fine white sugar as the in- a net profit of RM125.35 million a year
the set retail ceiling price of RM2.85/kg troduction of any new sugar product in earlier, despite a 13.55% rise in revenue
(coarse) and RM2.95/kg (refined),” Sala- the market must first be approved by the to RM2.57 billion from RM2.26 billion
huddin said, adding there are no changes ministry as sugar is a controlled item pur- previously.
to the existing sugar ceiling prices. suant to the Control of Supplies Act 1961. The sugar refiner attributed the drop
“Action will be taken against sugar re- Meanwhile, Salahuddin said ‘Ops Man- in bottom line to prolonged margin com-
finers that do not produce sufficient supply is’ was carried out to identify the causes of pression of its domestic controlled price
of existing refined and coarse white sugar and solution to sugar shortage in several retail segment and lack of subsidy.
in the market,” he said, adding the same states. He noted that the operation will At market close on Thursday, MSM’s
goes for any wholesalers and retailers who continue for another month to prevent share price was up 22 sen or 26.5% to
selectively purchase or do not sell existing instances of sugar price gouging as well RM1.05, making it one of the top gain-
refined and coarse white sugar to customers. as to ensure sufficient supply of sugar. ers on Bursa.

FROM PAGE 2 cial institution to finance the operation of ment if this arrangement is fair/reason-
6. To clarify further why the Vendor (as Vendor without restriction which is a fair able and in the best interest of YNH.
contractor) has to make upfront payment commercial term for both parties.
to the First Beneficial Owner (as devel- In view for the First Beneficial Owner to
oper) based on the agreed profit-sharing 7. To justify further on the rationale for agree to lower the selling price to RM150
proportions ahead of the completion time the refund to be made conditional upon million and for them to further agree to
of the Mixed Development.To comment if the successful selling of the said Prop- refund the differential amount of RM89.5
such term/arrangement is fair/reasonable erty to the third party purchaser. In the million, a generous reasonable time is re-
and in the best interest of YNH. event the Proposed Disposal does not go quired to be allowed to the First Beneficial
through and the Vendor is unable to find Owner in order to secure repayment. In
The upfront payment by the Vendor is a a new purchaser, please clarify whether the event that the Vendor is unable to find
requirement of the Turnkey Construction the refund will continue to be held back a new purchaser, the Vendor may have to
Agreement and in return of the upfront by the First Beneficial Owner indefinite- consider reviving the turnkey construction
payment the Vendor secure the right to use ly. To also provide the salient terms and agreement to recover the amount paid to
the land as security to be pledged to finan- clauses relating to such refund.To com- the First Beneficial Owner.


Ekuinas in talks
KUALA LUMPUR (May 25): Ekuiti Na- to support the turnaround of Ekuinas’
sional Bhd (Ekuinas) has started discus- Tranche III Direct Fund last year.

to explore IPO
sions to crystallise its investments in sports- Al-Ikhsan recorded sales of RM330 mil-
wear retail group Al-Ikhsan Sports, said lion in 2019, and the strong rebound in

or trade sale for

Ekuinas chief executive officer Syed Yasir retail sales in 2022 lifted the group’s per-
Arafat Syed Abdul Kadir. formance to support the turnaround of

Al-Ikhsan exit
“We are open [to list Al-Ikhsan], in fact Ekuinas’Tranche III Direct Fund last year.
we are having discussions on whether to Ekuinas also “continues to explore op-
exit this year or not,” SyedYasir Arafat said portunities with Orkim Sdn Bhd”, said
at a press conference after the fund’s 2022 Syed Yasir Arafat, when asked if the fund
results announcement. BY ADAM AZIZ is looking to exit the shipping firm.
Ekuinas is open to exit the investment The fund, which owns a 95.5% stake
via initial public offering (IPO), or trade in Orkim, is potentially looking at sell-
sale, depending on the valuation that Ekui- SAM FONG/THE EDGE ing the shipping company and is seeking
nas gets, the CEO added. as much as RM1.5 billion, Bloomberg
Ekuinas bought 35% in Al-Ikhsan reported, citing sources.
Sports in 2016 for RM68.6 million. Al-Ikh- Orkim’s stake was acquired by Ekui-
san Sports now operates 181 outlets. nas in 2014 for almost RM346.3 million.
In 2022, Al-Ikhsan Sports’ revenue In 2022, Orkim’s revenue rose 23.5% to
grew 72.4% year-on-year to RM485.4 RM227.9 million from RM184.5 million,
million from RM281.6 million, while while Ebitda before extraordinary items
earnings before interest, tax, deprecia- rose 53.7% to RM135.6 million, from
tion and amortisation (Ebitda) before RM88.2 million. The company’s “stand-
extraordinary items more than tripled out performance” in 2022 contributed to
Ekuiti Nasional Bhd (Ekuinas) CEO Syed Yasir
to RM70.3 million, from RM18.7 mil- Arafat Syed Abdul Kadir (left) and chairman Raja the growth in Ekuinas’ Tranche II Direct
lion. The strong rebound in retail sales Tan Sri Arshad Raja Tun Uda at a press conference Fund, which posted a gross internal rate
in 2022 lifted the group’s performance after the fund’s 2022 results announcement. of return of 11.9% per annum this year.

Stiff competition in Malaysia’s deal pipeline, says Ekuinas

KUALA LUMPUR (May 25): After a BY ADAM AZIZ because we see that’s an area where Ma-
dry spell in new direct investments last laysia has a competitive advantage.
year, Ekuiti Nasional Bhd (Ekuinas) “For the energy sector, while we see
CEO Syed Yasir Arafat Syed Abd Kadir Merger and acquisition (M&A) ac- strong demand, we are concerned about
sees an improvement, although he “won’t tivities in Southeast Asia fell in 2022 to money invested into the sector. I think the
be too hopeful” of deal pipelines in 2023. US$533 million, from a record US$1 challenge for the energy sector is that a
The private equity firm had looked into billion in 2021, according to data from lot of funds are not allowed to invest in
over 50 potential opportunities in 2022, but Mergermarket referenced by Ekuinas. sectors that are deemed as dirty, for ex-
valuations of good quality assets were too That said, strategic acquirers in South- ample,” he said.
high at that point in time, he told a press east Asia paid median 13.6 times EV/Ebit- “But that sector continues to grow,
conference to announce Ekuinas’ 2022 da valuation and 19.6 times median PER we feel, and returns continue to be in-
financial results on Thursday (May 25). for M&As in 2022, the data showed. teresting. But deploying capital will be
This year, Ekuinas is focused on fur- “There’s pressure to deploy capital; people challenging, because exit may be chal-
ther deploying its RM1.5 billion Direct are willing to pay quite a fair bit of premium. lenging for us,” he added.
Tranche IV fund, as well as the RM100 “From our perspective, we try to differ- This year, Ekuinas has begun deploy-
million new fund called Dana Asas which entiate from the local angle — knowing the ing its RM100 million Dana Asas for
was announced by the government in country, knowing the economy, knowing Bumiputera companies, with the first
the revised Budget 2023. how the market works, and not to have investee company being the Kaisar Far-
It is also monitoring the exits of the misalignment of culture. I think that’s very masi pharmaceutical chain owner Eagle
fund under its outsourced fund manag- important for some of the entrepreneurs,” Cliffe (M) Sdn Bhd.
ers, which have underperformed Ekui- Syed Yasir Arafat added. Ekuinas, which has received a total
nas’ direct investments. RM4 billion capital injection from the
“The challenge for funds like us is to Upside remains for pharmaceuticals, government over the course of its 14
find quality deals in Malaysia. It is a small O&G and logistics sectors years of operation, has directly invest-
market; a lot of companies are not region- On the industry outlook, Syed Yasir Arafat ed into 24 companies and divested 13
alists in outlook, and tied down to the expects sectors such as medical and phar- of them to crystallise RM3.8 billion in
local economy,” Syed Yasir Arafat said. maceuticals to continue to perform well value. Cash and equivalents stood at
There is also continued competition this year, as well as logistics and oil and gas RM3.4 billion at end-2022.
from global funds, as there is too much (O&G). The retail segment, which grew
dry powder (short-term highly liquid as- 30% last year, will see softer performance,
sets) in the market, particularly for deals especially in the food and beverage space. Read also: Ekuinas rides on 2022
of US$50 million and above, or US$100 “The electrical and electronic sector will recovery as Tranche III Direct Fund
million and above, he said. continue to be attractive for funds like us, turns around after three years


EU-Asean Business Council calls for acceptance

of RSPO scheme for palm oil exports

KUALA LUMPUR (May 26): Europe

should not ignore the Roundtable Sus-
tainable Palm Oil (RSPO) scheme and
accept it as the basis for allowing palm oil
exports from Indonesia and Malaysia, said
EU-Asean Business Council Executive Di-
rector Chris Humphrey.
“The RSPO scheme should also be Filepic of a fresh fruit
supported to strengthen its certification bunch of oil palm.
Inset: EU-Asean
requirements so that the bulk of palm oil
Business Council
exports from Indonesia and Malaysia can Executive Director
be accepted into Europe,” Humphrey said. Chris Humphrey
“Like it or not, palm oil is here to stay,”
he said in an exclusive email interview with laysia — crucial for developing countries “Yes, as with all things, more needs to
Humphrey said that boycotting or deni- where the fruit is grown and harvested. be done. But the truth is that palm oil
grating palm oil provides no viable solution. He said denying the industry’s past as production has become more sustainable
“Instead, we must channel our efforts a destructive force that wreaked havoc on despite what naysayers say,” he said.
into demanding more decisive action to the environment, communities, and human
address the issues and actively promote rights would be useless. Transitioning to alternative oils is less
adopting sustainable palm oil practices. “That said, following intense scruti- sustainable than palm oil
“By advocating for sustainability and sup- ny and pressure from consumers, rights Humphrey added that transitioning to al-
porting responsible production, we can work groups, investors, importing countries, and ternative vegetable oils like sunflower, rape-
towards a more balanced and environmen- even the governments of palm oil-produc- seed, or soybean is not a solution as they
tally conscious palm oil industry,” he said. ing countries, the industry has begun to have considerably lower yields per hectare
In 2018, an EU renewable-energy di- clean up its act,” he said. “This, too, must than palm.
rective required the phasing out of palm- not be denied,” he added. “Because of its high yield, palm oil re-
based transportation fuels by 2030 because Humphrey said companies and plan- quires only around one-ninth of the land
of their perceived link to deforestation. tations that have become certified under of its counterparts.
Indonesia and Malaysia — which ac- the RSPO scheme are working to ensure “To keep pace with growing food de-
count for about 80% of the world’s palm traceability across their supply chains. mand would require 36 million hectares of
oil producers — have launched separate Additionally, he said there is commit- additional palm oil land, whereas soybean,
cases with the World Trade Organisation, ment at the world’s two largest palm oil the second most popular oil crop, would
saying the fuel measure is discriminatory producers to zero-deforestation policies need 204 million more hectares,” he said.
and constitutes a trade barrier. and responsible land management, and Humphrey said that instead of offer-
Separately, RSPO, in a response to EU’s measures to protect high conservation val- ing only rhetoric, one solution that can be
new ruling, said in December 2022 it is ue (HCV) areas, high carbon stock (HCS) provided is to support certification, which
confident that its voluntary certification forests, and peatland are in place. will nudge the palm oil industry towards
standard will be an important tool for com- Humphrey said programmes had been even greater sustainability.
panies in doing their risk assessment and initiated to support smallholders with more Thus, he concluded that efforts should
provide a clear contribution to their com- training, technical assistance, and financial be made to reverse the pariah status of
pliance with the EU regulation. support and to address other social issues palm oil in developed countries so that
“The EU is the world’s biggest market related to palm oil production, like the pro- products containing oil that is certified de-
for sustainable palm oil, with over 90% tection of the rights of local communities. forestation-free or sustainably produced
of the palm oil imported into the region “Let’s talk numbers. Palm oil-related de- can be accepted back into the fold.
certified under the CSPO (Certified Sus- forestation fell by 42% in the first six months
tainable Palm Oil). of 2021, year-on-year (71% compared with
“If the EU closes its doors, palm oil the first half of 2019), with 11,500 hectares Read also:
producers will have no choice but to in- of forests lost in Indonesia, Malaysia, and
crease their supply to markets with less Papua New Guinea,” he said, citing a sat- MPOB producing high water-use
stringent or no requirements for sustain- ellite analysis published by Chain Reaction efficiency trees to protect future palm oil
ability. Certification is, after all, costly,” Research (CRR), a risk analysis group. yield
said Humphrey. The analysis also noted that palm oil
He noted that palm oil had played a vital deforestation was reduced to 19,894 ha
role in boosting economic growth for pro- in the first half of 2020 from 40,000 ha Malaysia’s palm oil production seen
ducing countries like Indonesia and Ma- in the first half of 2019. falling in 2024 due to El Nino — MPOB


KUALA LUMPUR (May 25): Public Bank Residential properties financing grew at an
Bhd’s net profit for the first quarter ended annualised rate of 6.1%, hire purchase financ-
March 31, 2023 rose 22% to RM1.71 bil- ing at 11.5% and SME financing at 2.7%.
lion from RM1.4 billion a year earlier, due Public Bank said this has sustained the
to the absence of the prosperity tax. group’s leading market share in residen-
In a Bursa Malaysia filing on Thursday tial properties financing, which stood at
(May 25), Public Bank said revenue for 20.6%, hire purchase financing (30.4%)
the quarter rose 25% to RM6.12 billion and domestic SME lending (19%).
from RM4.89 billion earlier, led by healthy On its overseas operations, Public Bank
loans and deposit growth. said that in the first quarter of 2023, over-
Earnings per share grew to 8.83 sen seas operations contributed 8.1% to its
from 7.21 sen. profit, mainly from Hong Kong and In-

Public Bank’s
Public Bank did not declare any divi- dochina operations.
dend for the quarter. Public Bank Vietnam and Cambodian

1Q net profit up
In a separate statement, Public Bank man- Public Bank continued to deliver strong
aging director and chief executive officer Tan profit performance. This is reflected in

22% to RM1.71
Sri Dr Tay Ah Lek said the bank continued to Public Bank Vietnam’s double-digit profit
navigate through the challenges in the evolv- growth of 24.5% year-on-year and Cam-

bil in absence of
ing operating environment and demonstrat- bodian Public Bank’s 59.8%.
ed resilience in its first quarter 2023 per- The group said Indochina will continue

prosperity tax
formance, which was mainly supported by to be the group’s key focus growth area,
commendable net interest income growth with continued expansion of branch net-
and lower loan impairment allowances. work as well as broadening of products
Reviewing its performance, Public and services.
Bank said during the first quarter end- BY SURIN MURUGIAH Public Bank is targeting to open another
ed March 2023, the group maintained a eight new branches in Vietnam to reach a
healthy loan growth momentum at an an- total of 40 branches by year end, it said.
nualised growth rate of 5.0% to RM381.6 It said domestic loan growth was mainly
billion, largely supported by the domestic contributed by residential properties financ-
loan portfolios, which grew by an annu- ing, hire purchase financing as well as small Read also: MBSB earnings up 27.3% on
alised rate of 5.4% to RM356.8 billion. and medium enterprise (SME) financing. lower expected credit losses and opex

Genting returns
KUALA LUMPUR (May 25): Genting er, the adjusted EBITDA for the division
Bhd posted a net profit of RM98.04 million was lower mainly due to the weaker palm

to black in 1Q
in the first quarter ended March 31, 2023 product prices.
(1QFY2023), versus a net loss of RM199.68 It also said the power division’s revenue

with RM98 mil

million a year before, on the back of better and adjusted EBITDA improved in the
contribution from the leisure and hospitali- current quarter due to higher generation

net profit
ty division as a result of ongoing recovery in from the Banten power plant in Indonesia
regional travel and gaming demand after the following a shorter outage period in the
relaxation of Covid-19 restrictions. current quarter.
As a result, the group posted earnings The oil & gas division recorded lower
per share of 2.55 sen in 1QFY2023, against BY JUSTIN LIM revenue and adjusted EBITDA mainly due
a loss per share of 5.19 sen a year ago. to weaker global crude oil prices in the
The group’s adjusted earnings before current quarter, it also noted.
interest, tax, depreciation and amortisa- On prospects, Genting said the glob-
tion (EBITDA) was at RM1.83 billion, a al economic environment is expected to
41% increase from RM1.3 billion a year gradually improve. However, downside
ago, the casino-to-hospitality conglomer- risks continue to predominate amid on-
ate said in a filing with Bursa Malaysia on going geopolitical tensions and concerns
Thursday (May 25). surrounding the impact from monetary
Quarterly revenue was higher by 38.18% policy decisions.
to RM5.82 billion from RM4.21 billion. While Malaysia’s economic expansion is
The leisure and hospitality segment re- expected to moderate in line with a slower
corded a better profit before tax (PBT) of global economy, growth will continue to be
RM1.6 billion in 1QFY2023, a 68% increase supported by domestic demand, it added.
from RM955 million a year before, as reve- sure, coupled with higher payroll and op- Shares in Genting closed down six sen
nue expanded 43% to RM4.78 billion from erating expenses. or 1.37% to RM4.33, giving the group a
RM3.33 billion during the same period. Meanwhile, Genting said the plantation market capitalisation of RM16.79 billion.
The leisure and hospitality businesses division’s revenue for the current quarter
in Malaysia, Singapore, the US and the increased compared to last year due to
Bahamas saw improvement in business higher sales volume from the downstream Read also: GenM’s 1Q net loss narrows
activities, except for the UK and Egypt, manufacturing segment, partially offset 69% on better leisure and hospitality seg-
which were affected by inflationary pres- by weaker palm product prices. Howev- ment contribution


nue, with a significant portion of this in-

vestment dedicated to fortifying its fibre Inari Amertron sees 37%
infrastructure, delivering new customer
acquisition, international subsea cables
decline in 3Q profit on
investment and 5G fibre network deploy- lower loading volume
ment, to meet the government’s target of
80% coverage by year end.
Unifi ’s revenue for 1QFY2023 ex- BY LEE WENG KHUEN
panded 4.3% to RM1.44 billion from
RM1.38 billion, contributed by growth
Acceleration in IT in the number of subscribers and aver- KUALA LUMPUR (May 25): Lower load-
age revenue per customer. Unifi fixed ing volume across all business segments re-
assets impairment broadband subscription increased 8.1% sulted in Inari Amertron Bhd registering a
to 3.08 million, propelled by aggressive 36.6% drop in net profit to RM57.36 mil-
pulls down TM’s sales and promotions. lion for the third quarter ended March 31,
However, TM One saw a 6.7% drop 2023 (3QFY2023) against RM90.48 mil-
1Q net profit in revenue to RM721.9 million from lion in the same period last year.
RM773.7 million, largely due to the im- Quarterly revenue came down 23.5% to
pact of price reduction and lower rev- RM275.8 million from RM360.34 million.
BY LEE WENG KHUEN enue from one-off customer projects. It proposed a 1.4 sen dividend for the TM group chief executive officer Da- quarter under review, to be payable on July 7.
tuk Imri Mokhtar expects 2023 to be a In a filing with the stock exchange on
KUALA LUMPUR (May 25):Telekom Ma- challenging year, with changes in the regu- Thursday (May 25), outsourced semi-
laysia Bhd (TM) reported a 2.9% decline in latory landscape, heightened competition conductor assembly and test player said
net profit to RM330.1 million for the first and other market structure changes. it experienced lower loading volume in
quarter ended March 31, 2023 (1QFY2023), “As the national connectivity and dig- the radio frequency segment due to softer
compared with RM339.85 million in the ital infrastructure provider,TM will con- smartphone demand. There was also lower
same quarter a year ago, due to the group’s tinue to execute the fiberisation plan to loading volume in the optoelectronics seg-
decision to accelerate depreciation and im- support the government’s National Digital ment in the current quarter.
pairment of information technology (IT) as- Network (Jendela) programmes, as well For the cumulative nine-month peri-
sets, in view of changes in market conditions. as the 5G rollout nationwide. TM looks od, Inari’s net earnings slipped 15.6% to
As a result, its reported earnings before forward to continuing playing an active RM257.22 million from RM304.7 million,
interest and tax (Ebit) were 15.5% lower at role in the 5G implementation, leveraging on the back of a 12.9% drop in revenue to
RM473.3 million, from RM560.4 million. its nationwide fibre infrastructure, exten- RM1.06 billion from RM1.21 billion.
Quarterly revenue grew 2% to RM2.95 sive digital platforms (data centres, edge On prospects, Inari expects improved
billion from RM2.89 billion previously, nodes) and rollout experience,” he said in performance for the upcoming financial pe-
driven by continuous growth across Unifi a statement on Thursday (May 25). riod while remaining cautious on the back
and TM Global. At market close on Thursday, shares of the uncertain global outlook and ongoing
During the quarter under review, of TM were down nine sen or 1.8% to slowdown in the semiconductor market.
the group’s capital expenditure stood at RM5, translating into a market capital- The stock closed one sen or 0.4% higher at
RM413.1 million, or 14% of overall reve- isation of RM19.11 billion. RM2.26 for a market value of RM8.44 billion.

KUALA LUMPUR (May 25): Axiata lion from RM637.9 million due to higher
Group Bhd returned to the black for the first
quarter ended March 31, 2023 (1QFY2023)
Axiata posts depreciation and amortisation.
No dividend was declared for the quar-
with a RM73.85 million net profit versus a RM74 mil net profit in ter under review.
RM42.97 million net loss a year earlier, driv-
en by higher share of results from associates,
1QFY2023 amid higher “With its sustained operational excel-
lence, sound business fundamentals and fo-
mainly CelcomDigi Bhd, as well as lower contributions from cus on strategic key growth drivers, Axiata
taxes and foreign exchange (forex) losses. is poised to continue growing as a TechCo,
Quarterly revenue grew 7.92% to associates, lower taxes reaching its ambition as the Next Generation
RM5.38 billion from RM4.98 billion in Digital Champion,” Axiata chairman Tan Sri
1QFY2022, mainly contributed by its mo- Shahril Ridza Ridzuan said in a statement.
bile operations in Indonesia and Cambo- BY SYAFIQAH SALIM “The board is committed to upholding
dia, infrastructure business and new rev- the values of Uncompromising Integrity,
enue segment from fixed broadband in Exceptional Performance (UI.EP) in Ax-
Indonesia. following the completion of the merger iata’s efforts to mitigate associated risks
The telecommunication group’s earn- between Celcom and Digi in November faced within its operational markets.We
ings per share of 0.80 sen for the quarter 2022, according to Axiata’s filing. will continue to drive the operationalisa-
contrasted against loss per share of 0.50 Axiata said its earnings before inter- tion of the group’s sustainability efforts
previously, its bourse filing showed. est, tax, depreciation and amortisation to achieve our ESG targets,” he added.
The group’s share of the financial re- increased 7.6% to RM2.42 billion from Axiata’s share price finished down three
sults of CelcomDigi is recorded under con- RM2.24 billion, while earnings before in- sen or 1% to RM2.96 on Thursday (May
tinuing operations from last December, terest and tax fell 5.3% to RM603.8 mil- 25), valuing the group at RM27.17 billion.


KUALA LUMPUR (May 25): 7-Elev- pared to RM839.98 million in 1QFY2023
en Malaysia Holdings Bhd’s (SEM) net on better performance by its convenience

1Q earnings
profit fell 35.69% to RM15.68 million in store segment.
the first quarter ended March 31, 2023 It contributed RM655.98 million in rev-

down 35.69%
(1QFY2023) against RM24.38 mil- enue versus RM523.92 million on the back
lion in the same quarter a year earlier of higher average per store day (APSD)

on lower profit
(1QFY2022) due to lower profit from its and customer count as consumer spending
pharmaceutical segment. and trading activities remained buoyant.

from pharmacies
However, the dip in earnings was less Its core profit rose 2.47% to RM17 mil-
drastic compared with the sharp 95% con- lion from RM16.59 million.
traction in year-on-year earnings during SEM said that the segment will contin-
the fourth quarter ended Dec 31, 2022 ue to focus on the roll-out of its 7-Café
(4QFY2022), when its net profit plunged BY SUFI MUHAMAD store format with improved products and
to RM2.65 million from RM29.44 million in-store customer experience, which is
a year earlier (4QFY2021). expected to contribute positively to the
Its phar maceutical ar m Car ing growth of its fresh food category.
Pharmacy Group Bhd reported a drop “We plan to complete the construction
in its gross profit margin to 19.4% in of our new fresh food commissary in the
1QFY2023 from 21.6% as sales of Cov- current financial year, which has a capac-
id-related items which carried higher ity to serve up to 1,000 stores in Klang
product margins declined. Valley,” it said.
This was on top of lower sales produc- On its prospects, the group is cognisant
tivity of newly acquired stores during the and remained steadfast in monitoring po-
refurbishment and rebranding period, said tential headwinds such as global supply
the company in its Bursa filing on Thurs- chain disruptions and workforce supply
day (May 25). constraints.
Its earnings per share fell to 1.41 sen “Essentially, we will take appropriate
from 2.16 sen. lated costs and information technology measures to mitigate these impacts, as
For its quarter-to-quarter, however, (IT) maintenance expenses in the cur- necessary.”
its net profit more than doubled from rent quarter. Its share price closed unchanged at
RM2.65 million in the preceding quar- However, revenue for 1QFY2023 rose RM2.04 on Thursday, with a market cap-
ter (4QFY2022) due to lower staff-re- by 16.30% to RM976.92 million com- italisation of RM2.52 billion.

KUALA LUMPUR (May 25): Dutch Read also:

Lady Milk Industries Bhd’s net profit fell Unprecedented
58.58% to RM8.52 million or earnings YTL Corp posts flat 3Q net profit
per share of 13.3 sen in the first quarter increase in cost of
ended March 31, 2023 (1QFY2023), from
RM20.57 million or 32.1 sen in the same dairy raw materials YTL Power’s 3Q net profit drops 49%
quarter last year, as it was hit by the un- due to absence of gain on investment
precedented increase in the cost of dairy weighs on Dutch disposal; declares 2.5 sen dividend
raw materials and negative impacts of ex-
change rates predominantly against the Lady’s 1Q earnings
US dollar, despite higher revenue in the Hextar Industries posts RM20.42 mil
current quarter. net profit for 1Q on higher gross profit
Quarterly net profit was also dragged BY JUSTIN LIM margin
down by RM5.1 million accelerated depre-
ciation and transition one-off costs from
its Petaling Jaya factory, the dairy product MBM Resources logs lower profit in
manufacturer said in a bourse filing on 1Q on absence of non-operating gain
Thursday (May 25).
Quarterly revenue grew 18.16% year-
on-year to RM354.31 million, from Flat 1Q profit for Petron Malaysia as
RM299.87 million, driven by continued oil prices soften
strong demand for dairy products and suc-
cessful festive campaigns.
On prospects, Dutch Lady expects Bumi Armada’s 1Q net profit up 8%
global dairy prices to decrease some- to RM201 mil on higher operating
what in the remainder of 2023, from for building and transitioning to the new income
the current historically very high levels. manufacturing facility in Bandar Enstek,
Against this backdrop, the group will Negeri Sembilan.
continue to focus on optimising its cash Shares in Dutch Lady fell two sen or Hap Seng Consolidated slips 67.52%
flow to battle the current inflationary 0.08% to RM26, bringing the group a in 1Q earnings, declares 10 sen
headwinds and secure internal financing market capitalisation of RM1.66 billion. dividend


KUALA LUMPUR (May 25): Sime Dar- product launches that had been slated for

Sime Darby
by Property Bhd (SDP) sees 2023 to be a 2023 as we reacted to meeting the increase
challenging year for the property industry in demand for industrial properties,” SDP

due to rising raw material prices and the said when contacted by The Edge.
recent hike in the overnight policy rate The group assured that it will look for

optimistic about
(OPR) to 3%. opportunities and introduce products that
Despite the pressure, the property de- resonate with market demand.

hitting sales
veloper remained optimistic that it could Nonetheless, SDP remains cautious for
deliver its sales target of RM2.6 billion the second half of 2023 (2HFY2023) on the

target despite
for the financial year of 2023 (FY2023). back of the OPR hike, said SPD chief mar-
“I think it is a difficult time especially keting and sales officer Datuk Lai Shu Wei.

today, as you see a lot of price increases. “For the sales outlook, I think we have
There is a lot of pressure on property de- seen in 1Q2023, we are still driving a very

velopers to stabilise margins, but we be- healthy and good sales momentum, and we
lieve that we will be able to deliver, not are also very encouraged with what we do.
just sales numbers but also be able to “We are also very cautious for the 2H
deliver our products to the consumer,” of the year — as you know the OPR rate
SDP group managing director Datuk Az- BY ANIS HAZIM has been raised, and I think the sentiments
mir Merican told a virtual briefing on the from the market is to be a bit more cau-
group’s results for the first quarter ended tious, but we will continue to be very en-
March 31, 2023 (1QFY2023). gaging with our customers,” he said.
SDP has set a lower sales target in For 1QFY2023, the group’s net prof-
FY2023, compared with RM2.6 billion it rose 17% to RM60.67 million from
the year before. The group exceeded its RM51.84 million previously, while reve-
target in FY2022, achieving RM3.7 bil- nue for the quarter rose 43% to RM685.33
lion in sales. million from RM480.33 million a year ear-
On why it had lowered its sales target, lier. The results were mainly contributed
SDP said that the group is weighing the by its property development segment.
continued economic challenges globally.
“As for SDP, we actually brought for-
ward RM816 million worth of industrial Read the full story

Affin Bank sees

KUALA LUMPUR (May 25): Affin Bank ing some RM400 million, of which 80%
Bhd expects a slowdown in loan growth will be used for digitalisation initiatives,

slowing loan
to between 10% and 11% for the finan- including the launch of a new mobile app
cial year ending Dec 31, 2023 (FY2023), next month.

growth this year

amid headwinds from the slowdown in In FY2022, Affin Bank’s cumulative net
the US and European markets caused by profit more than doubled to RM1.3 billion

amid rising
the higher interest rate environment, its from RM526.93 million in the previous
chief executive officer Datuk Wan Razly year, driven by higher net interest income

interest rates
Abdullah Wan Ali said. and the divestment of Affin Hwang Asset
He projects Affin Bank’s loan growth Management Bhd (AHAM). Cumulative
to slow this year from the 15.4% growth revenue increased to RM3.3 billion from
in FY2022. In FY2021, the bank achieved RM2.24 billion.
an 11.1% loan growth. BY SYAFIQAH SALIM Gross impaired loan ratio improved to
“We see a lot of headwinds coming 1.97% from 2.54% in the previous year,
this financial year. The slowdown in the while net impaired loans
US and European markets will have a sults for the first quarter ended March 31, stood at 1.27% versus
knock on effect on Asia as well as Malay- 2023 (1QFY2023) on Friday. 1.89% in FY2021.
sia. Therefore, we forecast a slowdown in According to Wan Razly, the bank is The current sav-
our loan growth,” he told a press confer- striving to expand its net interest margin ings account and
ence after the banking group’s 47th annual (NIM) from 2.01% last year. Return on investment account
general meeting on Thursday (May 25). equity (ROE) is expected to increase to (CASA) ratio in-
“Although we still see a lot of business 7% from 5.4%. creased to 23.50%
opportunities in Malaysia, we are cautious “We are working hard to expand our from 23.04%.
[about our outlook]. We see that people NIM and I think it is too early to
want to preserve their cash and there- make a forecast now. I know it
fore will spend less. Disposable income is tough, but we continue to
is shrinking, our customers are in trouble. focus on growing our busi-
They seek assistance from the bank, we ness while improving the
will see how we can restructure the fa- asset quality,” he added.
cilities and support them in these tough On capital expendi-
times,” Wan Razly said. ture (capex), the CEO
Affin Bank will release its financial re- said the bank is allocat-


Khazanah Focus Point after hosting the group’s 14th annual gener-
al meeting (AGM) on Thursday (May 25).

prices US$1.5 to continue He noted that the group currently has

a total of 186 owned and franchised op-

bil sukuk, expanding optical tical outlets, while its F&B arm has 32
Komugi outlets in Malaysia, the Philip-

conventional biz domestically, pines and Brunei.

“We are still expanding the franchise busi-

bond offerings eyes more ness (for optical) and in fact this year we
want to launch a new scheme of franchise.

overseas markets “For optical, for the short period — with-

in the next three to five years — we have no

for F&B
Bernama plan to go outside the Malaysian market and
we really want to focus in Malaysia,” he said.
KUALA LUMPUR (May 25): Khaz- Specifically, the group intends to further
anah Nasional Bhd has successful- expand its new brand, Optometris Ang-
ly priced a US$1.5 billion (RM6.9 BY ANIS HAZIM gun, this year. The mid-to high-end brand
billion) dual-tranche senior offering, targeting the Malay demographic which
comprising a five-year US$750 mil- was launched in March 2022.
lion sukuk due 2028 and a 10-year KUALA LUMPUR (May 25): Malaysia Meanwhile, Liew expects tourism recov-
US$750 million conventional bond continues to be the core market for Focus ery in Malaysia to boost its retail business.
due 2033. Point Holdings Bhd’s optical business, said “We can see that tourists are a very im-
The issuance marked its first US its president and chief executive officer Da- portant segment because we have several
dollar-rated sukuk and corporate tuk Liaw Choon Liang. locations attourist spots [such as Pavilion
bond out of its newly established While expanding its optical business do- Bukit Bintang, Suria KLCC and Genting
US$5.0 billion Multicurrency Sukuk mestically, the optical retail chain store op- Premium Outlets],” he said, adding that
Issuance Programme and US$10.0 erator said it is planning to grow its food prices in Malaysia are much more com-
billion Euro Medium Term Note Pro- and beverages (F&B) segment overseas. petitive and there is the option to shop at
gramme through its wholly-owned “For optical, we have no plan for the next duty free zones.
special purpose vehicles, Khazanah three years. But for F&B, definitely, because
Global Sukuk Bhd and Khazanah currently we have [operations] in Brunei and
Capital Ltd. the Philippines, and we are still talking to oth- Read also: Focus Point’s 1Q earnings up
Khazanah’s last issuance was the er potential investors,” Liaw told reporters 5.8%, declares 1.5 sen dividend
unrated US$1 billion sukuk in 2021.
In a statement on Thursday (May
25), managing director Datuk Amirul

Heatwave spells
Feisal Wan Zahir said the overwhelm- only way to shore up the FX and adjust
ing and widespread reception of its saving behaviour would be a hike”.

trouble for ringgit

maiden rated sukuk and bond un- The odds are stacked against ringgit bonds
derlined investors’ continuous con- after the central bank warned that inflation

bonds as food
fidence in its creditworthiness and may flare up again, with commodity prices
long-term strategy, amplifying Khaz- and an impending reduction in domestic sub-

prices to soar
anah’s standing in the global capital sidies among the key drivers. Global funds
markets. halted a five-month buying spree in Malay-
“The issuance, which is carried sian sovereign debt in April amid uncertainty
out amidst volatile market conditions, over the US interest-rate outlook.
will be the benchmark for Khazanah’s BY MATTHEW BURGESS Investors have turned cautious about
credit as we continue to rebalance our Bloomberg ringgit bonds after pushing 10-year yields
portfolio and strengthen our balance to the lowest since March 2022 earlier this
sheet,” he said. (May 25): A stuttering rally in Malaysian gov- month on bets that borrowing costs may
Amirul Feisal said the proceeds ernment bonds may run into another road- have peaked. The shift in sentiment comes
would be utilised for Khazanah’s block as a heatwave sweeping across South- as authorities warn that the ongoing hot
general investments, refinancing of east Asia threatens to drive up inflation. weather may hit the nation’s food supplies.
borrowings and working capital re- Benchmark yields are likely to face fur- Malaysia’s food inflation “certainly”
quirements. ther upward pressure if faster price gains faces an upside risk from the scorching
The securities will be listed on prompt Bank Negara Malaysia to tight- temperatures that are expected to last un-
Bursa Malaysia Securities Bhd (un- en policy again. Turbulence in Treasuries til August, according to Moody’s Investors
der an Exempt Regime), Labuan In- fuelled by the prospect of a US default Service, which thinks that another rate hike
ternational Financial Exchange Inc may also stoke volatility in the near term. is possible.
and the Singapore Exchange Secu- Inflation risks “may be coaxing a few Economists expect a report due Friday
rities Trading Ltd. to punt that BNM could hike again”, said to show that the nation’s annual consum-
BofA Securities, CIMB, DBS Philip McNicholas, Asia sovereign strategist er-price growth eased to 3.3% in April from
Bank Ltd, JPMorgan, Maybank, at Robeco Group in Singapore. If dollar 3.4% in March.
MUFG Bank and OCBC Bank act- strength resumes, another hike is possible
ed as joint lead managers and joint as “recent GDP and BoP data signalled
bookrunners. Malaysia’s dissaving trend persists, so the Read the full story


High Court
KUCHING (May 25) :The High Court here an Federation (renamed Malaysia) was not
on Thursday (May 25) allowed the applica- lawfully completed in a manner consistent

strikes out 11
tion by the Malaysian federal government with the right of people to unconditional-
and Sarawak state government to strike out ly exercise self-determination as required

a suit filed by Sarawakian Dorus Katan Ju- by the UN General Assembly Resolutions
man @ Theodorus Katan and 10 others, who (UNGAR) 1514XV & 1541XV and inter-

suit seeking state

are challenging the validity of the Malaysia national law principles, nor in accordance
Agreement 1963 (MA63), which saw Sabah with the Manila Accord 1963.

and Sarawak forming Malaysia in 1963. This, they claimed, required the UK and
The decision was made by Judicial Malaya to seek the consent of the people

MA63 null and

Commissioner Alexander Siew How in compliance with UNGAR 1541 to hold
Wai, who also ordered the plaintiff to pay a referendum before establishing the pro-

void declaration
RM10,000 in costs. posed federation and resolution of the Phil-
Siew, in his decision, said the suit shows ippines’ claim on a part of Sabah.
no reasonable cause of action and was mis- They also sought a declaration that as
conceived, more than anything else. a consequence of the said breaches of in-
“The Federal Constitution (FC) is the BY HAFIZ YATIM ternational law, the integration of North
supreme law of the nation. Under the FC, Borneo and Sarawak into the Malayan fed-
Sabah and Sarawak are a part of Malaysia. eration was wrongful and unlawful, and
Sabah and Sarawak cannot be not part of Counsel Voon Lee Shan appeared for that the Malaysian government’s continued
Malaysia without the necessary amend- Dorus Katan and the other 10 plaintiffs. control of the sovereignty of the two states
ments to the constitution, which would The outcome of the case was confirmed and their territories is unlawful, and the two
require a two-third majority of Parliament by Shamsul and Liew separately to The Edge. territories must forthwith be decolonised
and the consent of Sabah and Sarawak. for independence.
“This court cannot disregard or rewrite Reliefs sought Alternatively, they sought a declaration
the FC as this court could be guilty of do- Dorus Katan and others had named the that if MA63 was validly made in accord-
ing, if this court were to grant the declara- Malaysian, Sarawak and UK governments ance with international law, it was terminat-
tions sought in this suit. In the humble view as respondents in the suit. ed by the federal government of Malaysia’s
of this court, after due consideration, this They are seeking a declaration that the multiple wilful breaches of the agreement
suit is obviously unsustainable. The appli- MA63 was not a binding international (acknowledged by the federal and state gov-
cation to strike out the suit under Order 18 agreement by virtue of its failure to com- ernments), together with the neglect and
of the Rules of Court is allowed,” Siew said. ply with the requirement of international failure to faithfully comply with the treaty
Senior federal counsels Shamsul Bolhas- law or rule for the making of treaties — amounting to “wilful discontinuance” of
san, Ahmad Hanir Hambaly, Liew Horng that only sovereign states can make binding the treaty over five decades.
Bin, and Mohd Zain Ibrahim along with agreements with each other. They also sought damages and the cost
federal counsel Athina Sim appeared for They further sought a declaration that of the action.
the Malaysian government while Datuk JC the UK government’s purported decolo-
Fong and Nicholas Bowie Anak Buyong nisation of Sarawak and Sabah in 1963 by
appeared for the Sarawak government. transferring the two colonies to the Malay- Read the full story

KUALA LUMPUR (May 25): The High when Iqmal Izzudden was riding his
Court in Seremban on Thursday (May 25)
upheld a lower court decision that the Pub-
High Court: JKR liable motorcycle on Jalan Rasah in Seremban
where he stopped at a traffic light near
lic Works Department (JKR) and govern- for injuries suffered the junction to the Rasah toll plaza on
ment are liable for causing the injuries of
an 18-year-old motorcyclist five years ago by motorcyclist the North-South Expressway. Suddenly
a nearby tree uprooted and fell on him
when an uprooted tree landed on him on
a federal road.
when uprooted resulting in him suffering serious injuries,
including multiple fractures to his arms,
Judge Datuk Azizul Azmi Adnan ruled tree fell on him ribs and jaw.
that if JKR had properly monitored and JKR and government had argued in the
maintained the tree, Iqmal Izzuddeen appeal that JKR bore no responsibility to
Mohd Rosthy would not have suffered BY HAFIZ YATIM maintain trees, and that its responsibili-
his serious injuries. ty was limited to proper maintenance of
The judge also upheld the RM216,949 federal roads.
damages awarded to Iqmal Izzuddeen for “JKR may not be responsible for the They further argued that if the trees
his injuries, medical expenses and future beautification of public roads or the main- blocked roads or interfered with road re-
medical expenses. tenance of the aesthetics of the trees that lated infrastructure, then JKR has a duty
Noting the argument that the local are planted by the roadside, but this does to clear the roads. They insisted that the
council bore responsibility for the cut- not detract it from its duty to take rea- responsibility for the maintenance of way-
ting of trees, Azizul Azmi ruled that since sonable care to ensure that risks to road side trees lay with the local council, namely
the incident took place on a federal road, users from falling trees are appropriately the Seremban City Council.
it was JKR’s duty to maintain the road to mitigated,” Azizul Azmi wrote in his 12-
ensure it may be used by the general pub- page judgment available online.
lic for passage. The May 1, 2018 incident happened Read the full story



Govt reviewing ister portfolio, said the gaming legislation

being reviewed are the Common Gaming

gaming law Houses Act 1953, Pool Betting Act 1967,

Lotteries Act 1952 and Betting Act 1953.

amendments “It is hoped with the [amended] laws, the

government will be able to enforce and reg-

to ensure more ulate licensed gambling activities and online

gambling more comprehensively,” he said

comprehensive in a written reply on Wednesday (May 24)

to a question posed by Sungai Siput Mem-

enforcement, ber of Parliament Kesavan Subramaniam.

Kesavan’s question pertained to wheth-

regulation er the MOF intends to amend the Com-

mon Gaming Houses Act to make penalties
and fines heavier towards curbing illegal
gambling syndicates, which he claimed are
Estimated RM1.6 bil
BY IZZUL IKRAM & H AILEY CHUNG rampant in the market. required for cooking Anwar said the government strongly en-
courages cooperation among all parties to oil subsidies in 2023,
PUTRAJAYA (May 25): The Ministry of
Finance (MOF) is eyeing amendments to
channel any information with regard to
illegal gambling activities directly to the
says domestic trade
gaming laws to ensure the government will relevant authorities for appropriate action deputy minister
be able to enforce and regulate licensed to be taken.
gambling activities and online gambling “Cooperation from all levels of society
more comprehensively, according to Prime to combat illegal gambling activities is ex- BY HAILEY CHUNG & IZZUL IKRAM
Minister Datuk Seri Anwar Ibrahim. pected to curb illegal gambling activities
Anwar, who also holds the finance min- more effectively,” he added.
KUALA LUMPUR (May 25): An esti-
mated RM1.6 billion is required in 2023
for the implementation of the cooking
KUALA LUMPUR (May 25):The Imbal- oil stabilisation scheme (Coss), said
ance Cost Pass-Through (ICPT) mecha- Govt saves RM5.4 Deputy Minister of Domestic Trade and
nism for the period of Jan 1 to June 30 has
saved the government some RM5.4 billion, bil under Jan to June Cost of Living, Fuziah Salleh.
The estimated amount is above the
according to Natural Resources, Environ-
ment and Climate Change Minister Nik
2023 ICPT scheme, earlier allocation of RM500 million
for Coss in 2023, and is still subject to
Nazmi Nik Ahmad. says Nik Nazmi fluctuations in the price of crude palm
The ICPT entailed a 20 sen/kWh sur- oil (CPO), she said during the ques-
charge to non-residential customers, name- tion-and-answer time in Dewan Rakyat
ly industrial and commercial users (high BY IZZUL IKRAM & HAILEY CHUNG on Thursday (May 25).
voltage and medium voltage). The allocation is based on the min-
Nik Nazmi told the Dewan Rakyat istry’s policy to provide 60,000 metric
on Thursday (May 25) that the govern- based on fuel generation prices in the tonnes of cooking oil per month, which
ment’s subsidy bill towards the current previous six months under the ICPT is approximately 60 million of 1kg cook-
ICPT period amounts to RM10.76 billion, mechanism. ing oil packets per month, Fuziah said.
versus RM16.16 billion for the previous Touching on adjusting the subsidy on The ministry has appointed 366
six-month period of between July and De- T20 electricity users, Nik Nazmi said it packaging companies to supply subsi-
cember last year. will be implemented with the Main Data- dised cooking oil packets in the market,
“This means the government has made base (Padu), which will be used to manage Fuziah added.
subsidy savings of RM5.4 billion for the and coordinate distribution of subsidies to In 2022, the government had spent
period of Jan 1 to June 30, 2023, with the eligible groups. Padu is slated to be com- RM2.42 billion for the implementation
costs being passed to targeted users,” the pleted by year-end, of Coss, higher than the RM400 million
Setiawangsa Member of Parliament said. Meanwhile, Nik Nazmi underlined that set aside in the government’s budget,
“Although non-residential users in the Malaysia’s reserve margin of 40% to 50% she said.
medium- and high-voltage category are is another factor that adds to the costs of “In general, the amount of allocation
subject to an ICPT surcharge of 20 sen/ electricity tariffs, and stressed the ministry or funds to provide subsidised cooking
kWh, the government is still subsidising will not approve any new unsolicited inde- oil is subject to the movement of CPO
RM1.93 billion or a surcharge of seven pendent power purchasers outside of the prices. If the price of CPO increases,
sen/kWh,” he added. Planning and Implementation Commit- then the funds required to implement
The minister was responding to a ques- tee for Electricity Supply and Tariff power the programme will also increase,” Fu-
tion posed by Kota Melaka MP Khoo Poay generation plan. ziah explained.
Tiong on the government’s subsidy savings Moreover, in addressing the excess elec- The deputy minister was responding
due to the ICPT adjustment made for the tricity in Malaysia’s power grid, Nik Nazmi to Kepong member of Parliament Lim
current period. said there is a need to upgrade grid inter- Lip Eng, who asked for the approved
The electricity tariff surcharge or connection to enable the nation to export funds for cooking oil subsidies in 2022
rebate is adjusted every six months its excess electricity capacity. and 2023.
f r i d ay m ay 2 6 , 2 0 2 3 14 TheEdge CEO morning brief

h o m e

KUALA LUMPUR (May 25): A business- wa-linked charges, alter witness testimonies

‘Datuk Roy’,
man known as “Datuk Roy” together with against Adam Radlan and decrease his bail.
a Malaysian Anti-Corruption Commission To this, “Datuk Roy” pleaded not guilty

MACC officer
(MACC) officer claimed trial to two charg- before judge Suzana Hussain.
es each for soliciting and receiving bribes in Adam Radlan, who is also Parti Ber-

return for not investigating former prime satu deputy division chief for Segambut,
minister Tan Sri Muhyiddin Yassin’s son was previously charged at the Shah Alam

with bribery
for alleged wrongdoing linked to the Jana and Kuala Lumpur Sessions Courts with
Wibawa programme. five counts of being involved in RM6.1

for keeping
“Datuk Roy”, or Mohd Hussein Mohd million alleged bribes linked to Jana
Nasir, together with the officer Mohd Ra- Wibawa.

syidi Mohd Said had both pleaded not If “Datuk Roy” and Rasyidi are convict-
guilty to the two charges at the Sessions ed for any of the cumulative three charg-

son out of Jana

Court on Thursday (May 25) before judge es framed under Section 16(a)(A) of the
Azura Alwi. MACC Act 2009 and punishable under

Wibawa probes
In the joint charges, one charge read Section 24(1) of the same Act, they may
out to them is for allegedly soliciting be sentenced to a maximum of 20 years in
RM400,000 while the second charge is jail, and a fine of not less than five times
for receiving RM240,000 as an induce- the amount involved in the offence or
ment allegedly to not call up Datuk Fakhri by Timothy Achariam RM10,000, whichever is higher.
Yassin Mahiaddin to the MACC head- Earlier on Thursday, Azura allowed for
quarters for investigations into the Jana the first case to be transferred to Suza-
Wibawa scandal. na’s court.
This money was allegedly offered to reuters During proceedings at Suzana’s court,
them by a person named Dalena Berhan she set bail at RM15,000 with one surety
as an inducement not to remand Fakhri. for Hussein, 53, and RM7,000 with one
The offences were said to have been surety for Rasyidi, 42.
committed in March this year. Both men are required to surrender
Separately, at another Sessions Court, their passports and report to the MACC
“Datuk Roy” was slapped with one more headquarters periodically until their case
charge of soliciting RM2 million as an in- is disposed of.
ducement to lessen businessman Adam Suzana also fixed July 20 for the next
Radlan Adam Muhammad’s Jana Wiba- mention of the case.

Home minister:
PUTRAJAYA (May 25): Minister of ing the immigration needs in the future.
Home Affairs (KDN) Datuk Seri Saifud- In a bourse filing on Wednesday, Iris

Replacing Iris
din Nasution Ismail does not rule out the announced KDN had extended its whol-
possibility of replacing Iris Corp Bhd as the ly-owned subsidiary Iris Information Tech-

Corp in NIISe
contractor of the National Integrated Im- nology Systems Sdn Bhd’s (IITS) contract
migration System (NIISe), if the identity to provide NIISe by 12 months from Sept

project still on
products and solutions provider is unable 1, 2025, to Aug 31, 2026.
to implement the project. Following news of the contract exten-

the cards
In a written reply on Wednesday (May sion, shares in Iris Corp gained as much as
24) to a question posed by Kota Melaka 14.3% to 12 sen on Thursday. At 3.28pm,
Member of Parliament Khoo Poay Tiong it was trading at 11.5 sen with 19.75 mil-
on the implementation status of NIISe, lion shares traded — more than double its
Saifuddin said the project is current- by Izzul Ikram & Hailey Chung 200-day average trading volume of 9.71
ly in the requirement and design study million shares.
phase, and is expected to be operational At 11.5 sen, the company is valued at
in August 2025. RM358.18 million.Year-to-date, the coun-
“However, if the existing contractor [Iris ter has fallen 11.54%.
Corp] is found to be unable to implement It is worth noting that back in Febru-
the NIISe project, the government will ap- ary, Iris Corp inked a share sale agree-
point another contractor who is truly capa- ment to offload an 80% stake in IITS for
ble of implementing the project to ensure RM70 million cash to Tass Tech Technol-
the new system for immigration services ogies Sdn Bhd, which is wholly owned
can be realised,” he added. by Tass Tech (M) Sdn Bhd.
Saifuddin reiterated that NIISe is Iris Corp said the deal, which is ex-
aimed at replacing the current Malay- pected to conclude in August, will en-
sian Immigration System (myIMMs), able the company to unlock its invest-
which the Malaysian Immigration De- ment in IITS and contribute positively
partment has been utilising for over 20 to its cash flow, with proceeds to be used
years. KDN has deemed myIMMS to be for working capital and future business
outdated and no longer capable of meet- expansion.
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China warnings flash across

global markets as growth disappoints
(May 25): China’s muted economic re- by Tom Hancock & Sofia Horta e Costa China’s exports of manufactured goods.
bound, and Beijing’s reluctance to deploy Bloomberg “There was a lot of expectation that
large-scale stimulus, are reverberating you would see quite a strong year in Chi-
around the globe, crushing commodi- na,” said Neil Beveridge, a senior ana-
ty prices and weakening equity markets. lyst at Sanford C Bernstein. “What we’re
Investors are pegging back their ex- Disappointing seeing right now is fairly weak China re-
pectations for the world’s second-biggest construction covery in terms of industrial production.
economy as worries mount that its recov- activity is weighing We haven’t seen domestic consumption
ery from pandemic restrictions has lost heavily on many really come through and exports have
momentum. commodities markets. been a problem.”
Recent data suggest gross domestic Among equities, the worst perform-
product growth this year will be closer ers this year are stocks tied to consumer
to the government’s target of about 5%, spending, reflecting concerns over the
contrary to expectations of a large over- fragility of the consumption-led recov-
shoot formed earlier in the year. The fig- symbolised this week by an 11th hour ery. Fears over China’s growth have also
ures also show a lopsided rebound that’s bond repayment by a state-owned firm. contributed to a rout in European luxury
being led by consumer services, while Disappointing construction activity is stocks including LVMH and Gucci-owner
industrial activity lags far behind. weighing heavily on many commodities Kering SA — wiping about US$60 bil-
“People are adjusting their China re- markets. Copper — long considered a lion from the sector over two days this
covery expectations lower,” said Chaohui barometer of an economy’s health be- week. International investors are also sell-
Guo, an analyst at Beijing-based invest- cause of its wide range of uses — has ing mainland equities, with outflows ex-
ment bank China International Capital dived below US$8,000 a ton while iron ceeding US$1 billion on one day alone.
Corp. ore has breached US$100, unwinding all “The growth story is not what people
In equity markets, the CSI 300 Index of the gains made after Beijing called time thought it would be,” said Alicia Garcia
has given up about half its gains from the on its Covid Zero policies late last year. Herrero, chief Asia Pacific economist at
so-called reopening trade that started in China is the world’s biggest buyer of Natixis SA. There was too much opti-
November, while the yuan is signalling items like crude oil and copper, and its mism about households spending down
an economy in distress after breaking vast steel industry accounts for well over their excess savings in particular, she said.
through the closely-watched 7-per-dol- half of global iron ore demand. “In China, its fear-related excess savings,
lar level. Reflecting China’s services-led recov- and that fear has not changed.”
In the crisis-ridden property market, ery, oil prices have fared better after Bei- China’s flagging growth, particularly
sales are slowing after an initial rebound. jing abandoned its restrictions on trav- since a tepid set of April activity figures
Combined with the persistent financial el. But other energy products keyed to released earlier this month, have amped
troubles of real estate developers, that’s industrial activity are feeling the pinch. up calls for more central bank and fiscal
hampering new projects in a sector which The price of coal, China’s mainstay fuel support to bolster the economy. But Bei-
accounts for about 20% of China’s GDP that underpins its industrial base, has jing is likely to take a longer view and re-
after including related sectors. Infrastruc- dropped 18% since the beginning of the sist adding any large-scale stimulus now,
ture spending is being constrained by the year. Flagging demand in the US and preferring to save its fiscal ammunition
hefty debt loads of local governments, Europe is partly to blame, weighing on for next year, Garcia Herrero said.
In addition, base effects from last
year’s extended lockdown of Shanghai
should be highly favourable to growth
rates in the second quarter, further re-
ducing the need for action.
That low base could ultimately shape
China’s response, irrespective of how
markets are responding to its economic
woes. “We don’t expect policymakers to
unleash major stimulus, as the 5% GDP
growth target is still well within reach,”
economists at Goldman Sachs Group Inc
said in a note.
How the recovery fares in the second
half “hinges on whether consumer, busi-
ness, and investor confidence can be re-
built in time, as a persistent lack of confi-
dence could eventually trigger a negative
feedback loop that results in more pro-
longed weakness”, they added.
f r i d ay m ay 2 6 , 2 0 2 3 16 TheEdge CEO morning brief

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estimate, last month, was for stagnation.

“The reluctance of households to buy EU extends tariff
was apparent in a variety of areas,” the of-
fice said in a statement. “Households spent suspension for
less on food and beverages, clothing and
footwear, and on furnishings.” They also imports from
purchased fewer electric cars as incentives
were reduced. Ukraine
Elsewhere, there was a plunge in gov-
ernment expenditure, while investment was
up — aided by construction in unseason- Reuters
ably warm weather.
Germany endures The result is a setback for Germany, BRUSSELS (May 25): The European
which despite escaping the bleakest sce- Union agreed on Thursday (May 25)
first recession narios feared in the aftermath of Russia’s to suspend restrictions on imports from
invasion has nevertheless succumbed to Ukraine for a further year after warding
since Covid on a recession that Chancellor Olaf Scholz off an import ban on grain imposed by
appeared to rule out in January. some EU nations.
consumers In Germany, companies like Zalando The Council of the EU, the grouping
SE reflect the flagging consumer senti- of EU governments, said in a tweet that
ment. The fashion retailer saw invento- EU ministers responsible for trade had
by Alexander Weber ry levels driven higher in the first quarter agreed to the extension at a meeting on
Bloomberg by falling demand. Domestic car orders, Thursday. The European Union lifted
meanwhile, were down by about a third tariffs and other restrictions for an in-
(May 25): Germany suffered its first reces- between January and April, according to itial 12 months in June 2022.
sion since the start of the pandemic, extin- the VDA auto industry association. The suspension of all duties has led
guishing hopes that Europe’s top economy The key manufacturing sector is also to complaints from farming groups,
could escape such a fate after the war in proving to be a problem: A deepening culminating in Poland and Hungary
Ukraine sent energy prices soaring. downturn is casting doubt on the rebound banning some Ukraine grain imports
First-quarter output shrank 0.3% from many anticipate for the coming quarters. in April. The countries became transit
the previous three months following a 0.5% routes for Ukrainian grain that could
drop between October and December, the not be exported through its Black Sea
statistics office said Thursday. Its initial Read the full story ports.
Even before Russia’s invasion in Feb-
ruary last year, Ukraine had been ben-
efiting from the elimination of the vast
WASHINGTON (May 25): The number majority of EU tariffs, in some cases
of Americans filing new claims for unem- US weekly jobless with transition periods, under the EU-
ployment benefits rose moderately last Ukraine free trade agreement applied
week and the prior week’s data was re- claims rise since 2016.
vised sharply lower, suggesting persistent However, up until 2022, the EU had
labour market strength. moderately; first- retained minimum prices for fruit and
Initial claims for state unemployment vegetables and tariffs and quotas on
benefits increased 4,000 to a seasonal- quarter GDP other sensitive farm products, such as
ly adjusted 229,000 for the week ended meat, dairy, sugar and some cereals.
May 20, the Labor Department said on growth revised up Five neighbouring countries —
Thursday (May 25). Data for the prior Hungary, Poland, Bulgaria, Roma-
week was revised to show 17,000 fewer nia and Slovakia — will bar domestic
applications received than previously re- Reuters sales of certain grains from Ukraine,
ported. Economists polled by Reuters had while allowing their transit for export
forecast 245,000 claims for the latest week. the 1980s to tame inflation. elsewhere.
Though claims surged recently, boosted There were 1.6 job openings for every The European Parliament has al-
by fraudulent applications in Massachu- unemployed person in March, well above ready backed the tariff suspension
setts, they remain at levels consistent with the 1.0-1.2 range that is consistent with proposal.
a still-tight labour market. a jobs market that is not generating too reuters

The low claims align with recent data much inflation.

on retail sales, factory production and Employers have been hoarding workers
business activity that have suggested the after experiencing difficulties finding labour
economy regained speed at the start of in the wake of the Covid-19 pandemic.
the second quarter. Economists expected layoffs to increase
The labour market has been resilient, as the effects of the punitive rate hikes
despite 500 basis points worth of interest spread through the economy and tight-
rate increases from the Federal Reserve ening financial conditions make it harder
since March 2022, when the US cen- for small businesses to access credit. Most
tral bank embarked on its fastest mon- expect a mild recession by the second half
etary policy tightening campaign since of the year.
f r i d ay m ay 2 6 , 2 0 2 3 17 TheEdge CEO morning brief

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Thai election
opposition win in
May 14 vote
by Patpicha Tanakasempipat

Move Forward leader Pita

(May 25): Thailand’s pro-democracy par- Limjaroenrat is still short of the
ties won a majority of the seats in the May support of 376 lawmakers needed to
14 general election, according to official re- become prime minister.
sults published by the nation’s poll agency
on Thursday.
The progressive Move Forward Par- A coalition of pro-democracy parties led by
ty won 151 seats to emerge as the sin- The progressive Move the Move Forward has staked claim to form the
gle-largest party in the 500-member House Forward Party won 151 seats next government with Pita Limjaroenrat as its
of Representatives, followed by Pheu Thai to emerge as the single-largest prime ministerial nominee.The bloc is backed
at 141 seats, the Election Commission said party in the 500-member by 312 lawmakers from the lower house and
in a statement. The official results confirm House of Representatives. about 19 senators from the upper house.
the preliminary tally released on the night Pita is still short of the support of 376
of the election. lawmakers needed to become prime min-
Bhumjaithai, which has championed the ister in a joint voting of the the lower and
liberalisation of cannabis, came third with est political party Democrat won 25 seats. upper house that’s stacked with allies of
71 seats, while Prime Minister Prayuth The commission has until July 13 to the military establishment.
Chan-Ocha’s United Thai Nation bagged certify the official results that can pave the The election saw a record turnout of
36 seats. Military-aligned Palang Pracha- way for the first meeting of the house and 75.7% from the more than 52 million el-
rath secured 40 seats and the nation’s old- selection of prime minister. igible voters, commission data showed.

Russia’s Novak
(May 25): Russian Deputy Prime Minister tries due to the fact that we saw the slow
Alexander Novak said on Thursday that pace of global economic recovery,” he added.

does not expect

he expects no new steps from the Opec+ He also said that he hopes that oil de-
group of oil producers at its meeting in Vi- mand will increase in the summer.

new steps from

enna on June 4, Russian media reported, “But I repeat once again: we do not have
after the group announced a significant the task of inflating prices — there is the

Opec+ meeting
output cut earlier this year. task of balancing in order to ensure the in-
Novak also said that high US interest terests of both producers and consumers.”
rates and a slower than expected Chinese Sending another signal that no action
economic recovery were holding back oil might be required from Opec+ at its next
prices from rising further. by Ksenia Orlova & Vladimir Soldatkin meeting, Russian President Vladimir Putin
Saudi Arabia and other Opec+ oil pro- Reuters said on Wednesday that energy prices were
ducers announced cuts of more than one approaching “economically justified” levels.
million barrels per day in April, after crude reuters Putin said this month that production
prices in March fell towards US$70 a bar- cuts implemented by Opec+ were required
rel, the lowest in 15 months. to maintain a certain price level, contra-
Novak said he expects Brent price to dicting assurances from other leaders of
be above US$80 a barrel by the end of the the group that it was not seeking to man-
year, the state-owned news agency RIA re- age the market in that way.
ported. He said current prices of US$75- Oil prices were little changed on
US$76 reflected the market’s assessment Thursday, as uncertainty over wheth-
of the global macroeconomic situation. er the United States will avoid a debt
Opec+ will hold an in-person meeting default weighed against the prospect of
in Vienna this year. further Opec+ production cuts.
“This will be the first face-to-face meet- Prices were supported by tightening
ing in six months; we are waiting, as usual, “But I don’t think that there will be any of US crude and fuel supplies, and by a
for an assessment of the situation in the new steps because just a month ago, certain warning from the Saudi energy minister
market,” Novak was quoted as saying by decisions were made regarding the voluntary to speculators which raised the prospect
Izvestia newspaper. reduction of oil production by some coun- of further cuts by Opec+.
f r i d ay m ay 2 6 , 2 0 2 3 18 TheEdge CEO morning brief

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Singapore’s 1Q Vietnam’s
secutive quarters of contractions, is pos-
sible if the boost from China’s reopening

GDP contraction VinFast recalls

fails to materialise in the second quarter.
“The return of China tourists is more a

raises recession first batch of

trickle than a flood so far,” he said.
The trade ministry, however, said it

risk; China US-bound EVs

does not expect a technical recession this
year but acknowledged that the external

revival key over security risk

demand outlook for the rest of the year
had weakened.
Yong Yik Wei, chief economist at the
trade ministry, said the government ex-
by Xinghui Kok pects low quarterly growth in the first half Reuters
Reuters of this year and a pick up in momentum
thereafter. HANOI (May 25): Vietnamese electric
SINGAPORE (May 25): Singapore’s “But obviously, you know, given the vehicle (EV) maker VinFast is recalling
economy contracted in the first quarter, downside risks and the weakening out- all of the first batch of vehicles it shipped
raising the risk of a recession in the city- look, we cannot rule out the possibility to the US following a security warning is-
state as the global economic outlook weak- that there could be some quarters of neg- sued by the US National Highway Traffic
ens and major trading partner China strug- ative q-on-q growth this year.” Safety Administration (NHTSA).
gles for a post-Covid lift-off. Separately, the central bank said its In a statement, the NHTSA said 999
Singapore, a major financial hub, is re- current monetary policy was appropriate VF8 vehicles suffered a software error in
liant on trade flow to keep its economy but it is keeping a watching brief on both the dashboard display which prevented
humming, though external demand has growth and inflation trends. critical safety information from being
faltered in the wake of rising borrowing The Monetary Authority of Singapore shown.
costs and still-strong inflationary pressures. left monetary policy levers unchanged It said that “may increase the risk of
Gross domestic product rose 0.4% on last month, after tightening five times in a crash”.
a year-on-year basis in the first quarter of a row from October 2021, including in The recall statement comes less than
2023, official data showed on Thursday, two off-cycle moves last year in January two weeks after VinFast announced it
beating the advanced estimate of 0.1% re- and July. would list in the US via a merger with
leased last month. The trade ministry is maintaining its special purpose acquisition company
Yet, on a quarter-on-quarter, seasonally GDP growth forecast at 0.5% to 2.5% (SPAC) Black Spade Acquisition Co,
adjusted basis, the economy shrank 0.4%, a this year, with growth likely to come in at with the new entity having an equity val-
reversal from the 0.1% growth in the fourth around the mid-point of that range. ue of US$23 billion (RM106.2 billion).
quarter of 2022 — leaving the affluent city- Maybank’s Chua said he was surprised In February, VinFast recalled 2,781
state at risk of a technical recession in the event to see the growth forecast maintained. VF8 cars sold in the domestic market to
of another contraction in the current quarter. “We are less optimistic and see the check and replace the bolt connecting
Maybank economist Chua Hak Bin said economy stagnating rather than rebound- the front brake caliper to the knuckle.
a technical recession, defined as two con- ing in the coming quarters.” VinFast, which was founded in 2017
and began selling EVs in California this
year, has shipped two batches of VF8 cars
to the US totalling 2,097 units.

Marcos seeks
(May 25): Philippine President Ferdinand It also plans to send its first vehicles
Marcos Jr is pushing for the immediate en- to Europe in July.

speedy approval
actment of a bill in the Senate that will set VinFast confirmed the latest issue and
up a sovereign wealth fund that proponents said it “would recall VF 8 (City Edition)

of Philippine
say will shield the country from slowing eco- units due to MHU display issue,” refer-
nomic growth and rising borrowing costs. ring to the media head unit.

Wealth Fund Bill

“There arises an urgent need for a sus- In documents filed with the NHTSA,
tainable national investment fund,” Marcos VinFast said it first became aware of the
said in a statement on Wednesday (May 24). issue on April 27 while reading customer
“This fund will serve as a new growth cata- comments and concerns.
lyst, accelerating the execution of strategic by Ditas Lopez According to the safety agency, the
and impactful large-scale infrastructure pro- Bloomberg problem has been documented 18 times.
jects that will stimulate economic activity and The NHTSA said VinFast will intro-
foster development,” he said in the statement said this is the “best possible time” to es- duce a software update that should fix
issued by his communications office. tablish the sovereign wealth fund, citing the the issue. It is scheduled to go live on
The House of Representatives last Decem- state agencies’ sufficient investible funds May 25 with notification letters being
ber approved the Bill creating the controversial and the opportunity to make use of “ro- sent out to owners by May 29.
Maharlika Investment Fund, just over two bust” financial instruments to sustain the Last month, VinFast said it had re-
weeks after the measure, which aims to tap and country’s economic growth momentum. ceived a fresh round of funding pledg-
securitise dividends from state-owned compa- “This is an opportune time to take ad- es worth US$2.5 billion from parent
nies, was filed. Once the Senate passes the Bill, vantage of the ample liquidity of our gov- Vingroup JSC, Vietnam’s biggest con-
it will reconcile the measure with the House ernment financial institutions, which have glomerate, and founder Pham Nhat
version before it can be signed by Marcos. investible funds,” Diokno said in a mo- Vuong, Vietnam’s first billionaire and
Finance Secretary Benjamin Diokno bile-phone message to reporters. richest man.
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PwC to remove
SYDNEY (May 25): Pricewaterhouse- and it would continue to cooperate fully
Coopers (PwC) has agreed to remove with any investigations into the matter.

staff involved
staff with links to the leak and use of Wilkinson said she considered “PwC’s
confidential Australian tax plans from abuse of confidence and trust with the

in Australia
government work, a senior government Treasury and PwC’s subsequent han-
official told an inquiry on Thursday dling of this breach to be a very serious

tax leak scandal

(May 25). issue”.
The accounting firm is embroiled in She also proposed adjusting future

from govt work

a national scandal over its use of confi- contracts to give the government more
dential information about proposed tax power to scrap contracts, amid mounting
laws to drum up business. The Australian calls for the cancellation of PwC Aus-
Treasury referred the matter to police for tralia’s existing government contracts
a criminal investigation on Wednesday. by Lewis Jackson & Renju Jose and a ban on more work in the wake of
Finance Department Secretary Jen- Reuters the scandal.
ny Wilkinson told a Senate committee Home Affairs Minister Clare O’Neil
that PwC had agreed to remove staff Reuters said earlier in the day the government
“directly involved and with knowledge” cannot cancel existing contracts with the
of the breach from current and future auditor due to legal constraints.
contracts until it wraps up an internal The Australian federal government
review in September. has committed to contracts wor th
A PwC spokesperson declined to A$255.2 million (RM799.3 million)
comment. with PwC in this financial year as of
The firm has earlier said it was “com- May 16, a finance committee official told
mitted to learning from our mistakes” the Senate committee.


The rosy earnings also sparked a rally in the

chip sector and AI-focused firms, lifting stock
markets from Japan to Europe. In the US,
companies including Alphabet Inc, Microsoft
Corp and AMD rose between 2% and 8%.
Analysts rushed to raise their price targets
on Nvidia stock, with 21 lifting their view
on the idea that all roads in AI lead to the
company as it provides the chips used to
power ChatGPT and many similar services.

Nvidia close to
“In the 15+ years we have been doing this
job, we have never seen a guide like the one Alibaba hiring 15,000
becoming first
Nvidia just put up with the second-quarter
outlook that was by all accounts cosmolog- people, pushes back
trillion-dollar ical, and which annihilated expectations,”
said Stacy Rasgon of Bernstein. on job cut reports
chip firm after
Nvidia, the fifth-most valuable US com-
pany, on Wednesday projected quarterly

stellar forecast
revenue more than 50% above Wall Street by Aditya Soni
estimates and said it would have more sup- Reuters
ply of AI chips in the second half to meet
a surge in demand. (May 25): Alibaba Group Holding Ltd
by Aditya Soni CEO Jensen Huang said a US$1 tril- said it plans to hire 15,000 people this
Reuters lion worth of current equipment in data year, pushing back on reports that the
centres would have to be replaced with Chinese tech firm is laying off employees.
BENGALURU (May 25): For Nvidia AI chips, as generative AI is applied into In a statement released on Weibo
Corp, the boom in generative artificial in- every product and service. on Thursday, the Chinese e-commerce
telligence (AI) is everything, everywhere, The results bode well for Big Tech com- platform said its “six major business
all at once. panies, which have shifted focus to AI in divisions will need to hire 15,000 new
The chip designer’s shares extended hopes the technology would help attract recruits in total.” The company said it
their rally this year on Thursday, soaring demand at a time their profit engines of would recruit 3,000 university gradu-
25% after a stellar forecast showed that digital advertising and cloud computing ates. It characterized reports of layoffs
Wall Street has yet to price in the AI po- are under pressure from a weak economy. as “rumours” and said employee de-
tential of the company that has already “This Nvidia (forecast) changes the partures are part of the “normal flow.”
doubled in value in 2023. whole narrative around AI and demand Alibaba pointed to its recruiting sys-
Nvidia, whose stock hit an all-time high looking ahead in the enterprise. Historical tem as evidence that the company is still
in premarket trading, was set to swell its inflection point possibly in the AI Revolu- hiring. “We have never stopped recruit-
market valuation by about US$189 billion tion, with Nvidia the key barometer,” said ing and cultivating outstanding talents,”
to US$945 billion. Dan Ives of Wedbush. the company said in its statement.
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Food from air

and electricity
makes global
debut in
by Low De Wei

the world on course to meet its commit- (May 25): It doesn’t look particularly ap-
Solar power ments to limit the increase of global tem- petizing — a mustard yellow-hued powder
peratures. with the texture of starch — but the ingre-
investment A record of more than US$1.7 trillion dient that made its global debut in Singa-
(RM7.8 trillion) will be invested in a vari- pore on Thursday is being touted as the
set to surpass ety of clean energy technologies this year latest breakthrough in food technology.
compared to about US$1 trillion going Produced from air, water, electricity
oil production into fossil fuel supplies and power pro- and microbes by Finnish startup So-
duction, the IEA found. Clean energy lar Foods, the substance can be used
spending this year spending is set to grow 24% this year, a to make anything from bread to pasta.
more rapid pace than the 15% growth in It had its first official tasting after the
investment for fossil fuels. city-state approved the sale of products
by William Mathis “Clean technologies are pulling away containing the ingredient last October.
Bloomberg from fossil fuels,” said Fatih Birol, the The powder itself resembles turmeric
IEA’s executive director. and tastes like a light, nutty mix of cash-
(May 25): Investors will pour more money The growth in clean energy spending ews and almonds. It’s 65% to 70% pro-
into solar power than in oil production this is driven by technologies including solar tein, 5% to 8% fat and has a composition
year for the first time, signalling the scale panels and electric vehicles that are key similar to that of dried soy or algae.
and speed of the transition to low-carbon to cutting dependence on the use of oil, Solein, as it’s called, builds on a
sources of energy. coal and natural gas that are major causes growing microbial fermentation trend.
That’s according to the latest report of carbon emissions and lead to climate It’s made in a similar way as brewing
from the International Energy Agency, change. Still, that level of annual invest- beer. Instead of sugar, microbes feed on
which sees investments in clean energy ment will need to roughly double by 2030 nitrogen and carbon dioxide, and begin
technologies soaring past those made in to put the world on track to have a chance to grow. Excess water is removed and
fossil fuels. However, the mix of invest- to limit global warming to 1.5C, accord- then it’s dried, forming a powder.
ment is still far from one that would put ing to the report. The technology’s gaining atten-
tion, even as investors stay cool on the
broader alternative protein sector, given
it has the potential to produce edible
LONDON (May 25): Most British house- calories without farmland. Crop giant
holds, many feeling a cost-of-living squeeze, Energy bills for Archer-Daniels-Midland Co is lending
can expect cheaper energy bills from July its heft, announcing a strategic partner-
after regulator Ofgem slashed its price cap most Britons ship this month with California com-
to reflect a slump in wholesale costs. pany Air Protein to build and operate
Britain has the joint-highest rate of in- to fall as price a commercial-scale plant.
flation among the Group of Seven nations It will take “a couple of decades” for
along with Italy and official data this week cap cut food-from-air production volumes to
showed consumer prices rose 8.7% in an- have a real impact on the world, So-
nual terms in April, slowing from March, lar Foods Chief Executive Officer Pasi
but still at elevated levels. by Susanna Twidale Vainikka said in an interview.
Despite Ofgem’s price cap cut, National Reuters Solar Foods was a project spun out of
Energy Action said some 6.6 million British a Finnish state-owned research institute
households would remain in fuel poverty, October a government guarantee has kept in 2017. The company has raised about
a measure of how much income is spent the average annual cost of energy at £2,500 €105 million (US$113 million) in fund-
on energy. a year. Some 29 million customers are on ing from firms including Agronomics
Ofgem’s new cap of £2,074 (RM12,099) standard rate tariffs protected by the price Ltd and CPT Capital. It wants to raise
a year for average use of electricity and gas, cap, Ofgem said in a statement on Thurs- more cash for a larger-scale commercial
known as dual-fuel, marks a near 40% fall day (May 25). factory over the next three years.
compared with the previous level.
However, the price drop for most British
households will be around 17% as since Read the full story Read the full story
f r i d ay m ay 2 6 , 2 0 2 3 21 TheEdge CEO morning brief

w o r l d

Japan raises Russia summons

growth view in Germany, Sweden,
May as spending, Denmark envoys
production rise over ‘stalled’
Nord Stream
by Yoshiaki Nohara investigation

(May 25): Japan’s government raised its Reuters

monthly economic assessment in May for
the first time in 10 months as consump- MOSCOW (May 25): Russia’s For-
tion, production and exports improved. eign Ministry said on Thursday that
The Cabinet Office said in its latest re- it had summoned the ambassadors
port Thursday that the economy is recov- of Germany, Sweden and Denmark
ering at a moderate pace, saying the trend tary policy tightening aimed at countering to protest over what it said was the
is expected to continue with the jobs and inflation around the world. “complete lack of results” in an in-
income situation improving. It also upgrad- Earlier this month, data showed the Jap- vestigation to identify who blew up
ed its assessment of consumer spending, anese economy expanded at a faster pace the Nord Stream gas pipelines last
production and exports. than expected in the first three months of year.
The office also cited a slowdown in the year. The improving economic condi- Several unexplained underwa-
overseas economies as a downside risk for tions will keep speculation alive that Prime ter explosions ruptured the Nord
the Japanese economy.The global economy Minister Fumio Kishida may call an early Stream 1 and newly-built Nord
is already showing the impact from mone- election. Stream 2 pipelines that link Russia
and Germany across the Baltic Sea,
in September 2022.
The blasts occurred in the eco-

Bank Indonesia
JAKARTA (May 25): Indonesia’s cen- nomic zones of Sweden and Den-
tral bank kept its policy interest rates un- mark and both countries say the ex-

keeps rates
changed for a fourth straight meeting on plosions were deliberate, but have
Thursday (May 25), as expected amid yet to determine who was responsi-

unchanged, flags
cooling inflation, but its governor warned ble.The two countries and Germany
a slowdown in investment may hit econom- are investigating the incident.

risk of growth
ic growth for the rest of 2023. Russia’s Foreign Ministry in a
Bank Indonesia (BI) left unchanged its statement accused all three of de-

benchmark seven-day reverse repurchase liberately dragging their feet and of
rate at 5.75%, as unanimously predicted trying to conceal who was behind
by 31 economists surveyed by Reuters. Its the blasts.
two other policy rates were also kept un- The ministry said it was unhap-
changed. by Gayatri Suroyo & Fransiska Nangoy py about what it called the opaque
With inflation in Southeast Asia’s largest Reuters nature of the investigation and its
economy already easing to just above the refusal to engage with Russia.
central bank’s target range, some analysts mentioned in its April statement. “It has been noted that these
said BI may soon begin to consider easing Warjiyo said first-quarter GDP data countries are not interested in es-
monetary policy to support growth amid showed a slowdown in growth of con- tablishing the true circumstances of
slowing exports. struction and real estate investment and this sabotage. On the contrary, they
Asked about when BI would consider he cited a trend of investment typically are delaying their efforts and trying
a rate cut, Governor Perry Warjiyo said its slowing ahead of elections. Indonesians to conceal the tracks and the true
main concern was high global uncertain- are due to hold general elections in 2024. perpetrators of the crime behind
ties, especially related to US debt ceiling Overall economic growth picked up which we believe are well-known
negotiations and possible spending cuts slightly to 5.03% in the first quarter, thanks countries,” it said.
there. to consumer and government spending off- “It is no coincidence that ‘leaked’
“This is why the focus of our policy is setting a slowdown in exports and invest- improbable versions (of what hap-
stabilising the rupiah to mitigate imported ment, data showed earlier this month. pened) are dumped in the media to
inflation and any spillover impact,”Warjiyo Meanwhile, Indonesia’s annual infla- try to muddy the waters,” it added.
told a news conference. tion cooled to 4.33% in April, down from The United States and the North
However, BI appeared concerned last year’s peak of 5.95%, after BI raised Atlantic Treaty Organization (Nato)
about domestic growth. While it kept its interest rates a total of 225 basis points have called the incident “an act of
2023 economic growth forecast within between August and January. sabotage”. Moscow has blamed the
a range of 4.5% to 5.3%, it no longer West. Neither side has provided ev-
mentioned that it was expecting a “bias idence.
towards the upper end” — which it had Read the full story
f r i d ay m ay 2 6 , 2 0 2 3 22 TheEdge CEO morning brief

w o r l d

Chanel makes bigger UK bet with

London office expansion plan
(May 25): Chanel is more than doubling by Angelina Rascouet & Tara Patel Chanel’s expansion in the UK comes
its London headquarters, boosting a shaky Bloomberg at a difficult time for luxury brands there
UK economy and signaling confidence in after the government decided to scrap VAT-
the luxury industry’s prospects as rivals’ free shopping for tourists, a measure that’s
shares have wobbled. hurting business by giving international
The fashion company plans to expand travelers less incentive to come to London.
its office space at a new property in the Burberry Group Plc Chief Executive Of-
British capital’s exclusive Berkeley Square We’ve maintained a ficer Jonathan Akeroyd last week reiterated
in Mayfair. The move by a brand histori- really good momentum his disappointment at the change because it
cally associated with France comes amid in 2023, more or puts the UK at a “competitive disadvantage”
growing concern about the UK’s loss of less at a similar relative to continental Europe.
competitiveness post-Brexit, with sever- level” as last year. The billionaire Wertheimer brothers —
al companies moving stock listings to the Alain, 74, and Gerard, 71 — who own
US or shifting manufacturing elsewhere. Chanel have so far pocketed a much small-
The closely held fashion house report- er windfall for 2022 than the total for the
ed a comparable sales increase of 17% for cent days on concerns about a possible previous year. The latest report shows an
2022, led by Europe. That was in line with slowdown for the red-hot industry. interim dividend of US$1.68 billion. That
Louis Vuitton owner LVMH but trailed compares with US$5 billion in payouts
the performance of Hermes Internation- New building for all of 2021.
al. Chanel’s profit growth lagged behind The brand behind Chanel No 5 perfume The siblings’ net worth was nearly
both competitors. plans to move its teams to the new Lon- US$92 billion before the latest results,
“We’ve maintained a really good mo- don building, designed by Piercy & Co, by according to the Bloomberg Billionaires
mentum in 2023, more or less at a similar the end of 2025. Earlier this week, Chanel Index.
level” as last year, Chief Financial Officer signed a tenancy agreement for the new CEO Leena Nair said Chanel has no
Philippe Blondiaux said in an interview building for the next 20 years with a pos- plans to list on the stock market. “We’re a
Thursday. sibility to extend it by another decade. private, independent company and plan to
China’s reopening has boosted travel, Chanel moved its global headquarters stay so,” she said Thursday in an interview.
giving Chanel a “lot of confidence” for from New York to London in 2018. The
this year, he said. Chanel is seeing dou- new lease covers 86,000 square feet (8,000
ble-digit revenue growth in the country, square meters) across 11 floors. Chanel’s Read also:
and sales generated from Chinese shoppers headcount grew 12% last year to 32,000
in France are starting to recover. Although employees, with plans to increase by an- Chanel’s US$10,000 handbags may
demand in the US has softened since No- other 16% this year. become even pricier in September
vember, sales there are still growing by a Although incorporated in the UK, Chanel
single-digit percentage, Blondiaux said. has ties to Paris that date to its beginnings in
Investors have dumped shares in some the early 20th century, when Gabrielle “Coco” Richard Branson’s space-tourism dreams
of Chanel’s publicly traded rivals over re- Chanel opened a boutique selling hats. face a crucial test flight


CPO RM 3,493.0086.00 OIL US$ 76.93-1.43 RM/USD 4.6265 RM/SGD 3.4216 RM/AUD 3.0200 RM/GBP 5.7265 RM/EUR 4.9650

Top 20 active stocks

(%) (RM MIL)
VELESTO ENERGY BHD 100.40 -0.030 0.225 50.00 1,848.5
BAHVEST RESOURCES BHD 81.00 -0.005 0.185 -39.34 229.4
PARKSON HOLDINGS BHD 68.70 0.010 0.160 18.52 183.8
WIDAD GROUP BHD 44.20 0.005 0.430 0.00 1,244.1
MSM MALAYSIA HOLDINGS BHD 44.20 0.220 1.050 23.53 738.1
ICONIC WORLDWIDE BHD 42.20 -0.005 0.140 7.69 78.7
KNM GROUP BHD 38.70 0.005 0.065 30.00 241.4
DAGANG NEXCHANGE BHD 36.20 -0.015 0.405 -20.59 1,278.3
TANCO HOLDINGS BHD 28.20 -0.010 0.540 61.19 1,017.9
TA WIN HOLDINGS BHD 26.90 0.000 0.040 -27.27 137.4 World equity indices
TOP GLOVE CORP BHD 22.70 -0.060 1.130 24.86 9,049.0 (%) (%)
MY EG SERVICES BHD 22.70 0.000 0.765 -11.22 5,665.2 DOW JONES 32,799.92 -255.59 -0.77 INDONESIA 6,704.23 -41.57 -0.62
IRIS CORP BHD 22.20 0.010 0.115 -11.54 375.2 S&P 500 4,115.24 -30.34 -0.73 JAPAN 30,801.13 118.45 0.39
VINVEST CAPITAL HOLDINGS BHD 21.30 -0.005 0.070 -63.16 67.8 NASDAQ 100 13,604.48 -68.06 -0.50 KOREA 2,554.69 -12.76 -0.50
SILVER RIDGE HOLDINGS BHD 19.90 0.010 0.470 248.15 95.6 FTSE 100 7,613.52 -13.58 -0.18 PHILIPPINES 6,560.22 -55.73 -0.84
REVENUE GROUP BHD 19.70 -0.020 0.265 -60.74 141.7 AUSTRALIA 7,138.16 -75.64 -1.05 SINGAPORE 3,207.72 -6.49 -0.20
META BRIGHT GROUP BHD 18.20 -0.005 0.175 2.94 409.0 CHINA 3,201.26 -3.49 -0.11 TAIWAN 16,292.00 132.68 0.82
SEDANIA INNOVATOR BHD 17.90 0.025 0.230 -13.21 79.9 HONG KONG 18,746.92 -369.01 -1.93 THAILAND 1,535.42 -1.09 -0.07
HEXTAR INDUSTRIES BHD 17.70 0.015 0.500 -35.06 1,373.7 INDIA 61,872.62 98.84 0.16 VIETNAM 1,064.63 2.84 0.27
Data as compiled on May 25, 2023 Source: Bloomberg Data as compiled on May 25, 2023 Source: Bloomberg

Top gainers (ranked by %) Top losers (ranked by %)

(%) (‘000) CHANGE CAP (%) (‘000) CHANGE CAP
(%) (RM MIL) (%) (RM MIL)
PEGASUS HEIGHTS BHD 0.010 100.00 433.7 0.00 108.2 ASIA POLY HOLDINGS BHD 0.065 -18.75 17,059.0 -40.91 62.3
MMAG HOLDINGS BHD 0.015 50.00 2,367.1 -40.00 36.3 BARAKAH OFFSHORE PETROLEUM 0.045 -10.00 286.4 80.00 45.1
DGB ASIA BHD 0.015 50.00 179.5 0.00 28.2 CME GROUP BHD 0.030 -14.29 6.0 0.00 31.0
METRONIC GLOBAL BHD 0.015 50.00 2,209.3 -25.00 23.0 EDUSPEC HOLDINGS BHD 0.025 -16.67 110.0 -75.00 26.7
SANICHI TECHNOLOGY BHD 0.020 33.33 112.0 -20.00 28.1 EP MANUFACTURING BHD 0.470 -7.84 913.2 -52.76 103.5
MSM MALAYSIA HOLDINGS BHD 1.050 26.51 44,201.1 23.53 738.1 FINTEC GLOBAL BHD 0.005 -50.00 120.0 -50.00 29.6
LOTUS KFM BHD 0.125 19.05 1,248.4 -13.79 127.4 HARTALEGA HOLDINGS BHD 2.340 -8.24 25,291.3 37.65 7,996.9
MQ TECHNOLOGY BHD 0.035 16.67 1,346.0 -30.00 48.3 INDUSTRONICS BHD 0.045 -10.00 5,573.1 -40.00 31.8
KANGER INTERNATIONAL BHD 0.035 16.67 6,357.4 -12.50 22.7 KEY ASIC BHD 0.055 -8.33 96.0 -15.38 76.6
BINA PURI HOLDINGS BHD 0.040 14.29 2,278.1 0.00 134.8 MINETECH RESOURCES BHD 0.040 -11.11 1,246.0 -27.27 61.1
DESTINI BHD 0.085 13.33 17,579.3 6.25 141.4 MTOUCHE TECHNOLOGY BHD 0.040 -11.11 18.4 -20.00 37.1
KAMDAR GROUP M BHD 0.180 12.50 43.0 9.09 35.6 NEXGRAM HOLDINGS BHD 0.030 -14.29 1.0 -57.14 13.3
BSL CORP BHD 0.045 12.50 940.2 -33.43 86.9 NTPM HOLDINGS BHD 0.425 -7.61 2,044.6 -8.60 477.3
SEDANIA INNOVATOR BHD 0.230 12.20 17,850.3 -13.21 79.9 PDZ HOLDINGS BHD 0.025 -16.67 96.1 -37.50 14.5
SAM ENGINEERING & EQUIPMENT 4.400 10.28 563.5 -10.75 2383.0 PJBUMI BHD 0.615 -8.21 2,416.2 -31.67 50.4
JOHAN HOLDINGS BHD 0.055 10.00 298.8 0.00 64.2 REACH ENERGY BHD 0.040 -11.11 1,772.1 -11.11 85.2
IRIS CORP BHD 0.115 9.52 22,205.7 -11.54 375.2 SC ESTATE BUILDER BHD 0.040 -11.11 100.0 -11.11 43.0
MALAYAN FLOUR MILLS BHD 0.710 8.40 5,358.8 -6.58 725.1 SEREMBAN ENGINEERING BHD 0.825 -11.29 0.5 -26.34 65.7
MENANG CORP M BHD 0.970 8.38 975.3 104.21 494.2 SINMAH CAPITAL BHD 0.110 -8.33 469.2 0.00 43.2
KNM GROUP BHD 0.065 8.33 38,653.9 30.00 241.4 VELESTO ENERGY BHD 0.225 -11.76 100,373.3 50.00 1,848.5
Data as compiled on May 25, 2023 Source: Bloomberg Data as compiled on May 25, 2023 Source: Bloomberg

Top gainers (ranked by RM) Top losers (ranked by RM)

(RM) (‘000) CHANGE CAP (RM) (‘000) CHANGE CAP
(%) (RM MIL) (%) (RM MIL)
MALAYSIAN PACIFIC INDUSTRIES 25.720 0.420 116.2 -10.57 5,115.6 KUALA LUMPUR KEPONG BHD 21.780 -0.760 1,096.8 -2.59 23,488.3
SAM ENGINEERING & EQUIPMENT 4.400 0.410 563.5 -10.75 2,383.0 PETRONAS DAGANGAN BHD 22.000 -0.340 177.0 -3.71 21,856.0
RAPID SYNERGY BHD 20.400 0.280 37.8 27.82 2,180.7 KESM INDUSTRIES BHD 6.810 -0.250 6.4 -2.99 292.9
HEINEKEN MALAYSIA BHD 26.740 0.220 109.0 6.11 8,078.1 FRASER & NEAVE HOLDINGS BHD 25.980 -0.240 57.3 20.39 9,528.9
MSM MALAYSIA HOLDINGS BHD 1.050 0.220 44,201.1 23.53 738.1 HARTALEGA HOLDINGS BHD 2.340 -0.210 25,291.3 37.65 7,996.9
AEON CREDIT SERVICE M BHD 11.680 0.160 8.2 -7.15 2,982.0 APEX HEALTHCARE BHD 3.950 -0.210 432.5 12.22 1,890.8
PIE INDUSTRIAL BHD 3.350 0.090 144.0 28.85 1,286.5 PETRONAS GAS BHD 16.740 -0.200 657.3 -2.22 33,124.0
AMWAY MALAYSIA HOLDINGS BHD 5.400 0.080 20.0 11.55 887.7 UNITED PLANTATIONS BHD 15.560 -0.200 286.9 3.66 6,454.1
HEXTARTECHNOLOGIES SOLUTIONS 24.940 0.080 36.7 46.19 3,208.5 BATU KAWAN BHD 21.500 -0.180 10.8 -3.59 8,457.7
MBM RESOURCES BHD 3.490 0.080 452.4 10.73 1,364.2 YNH PROPERTY BHD 4.770 -0.140 93.1 12.77 2,520.9
MENANG CORP M BHD 0.970 0.075 975.3 104.21 494.2 SIME DARBY PLANTATION BHD 4.280 -0.130 3,670.3 -7.96 29,599.3
CI HOLDINGS BHD 3.350 0.070 0.1 14.33 542.7 PANASONIC MANUFACTURING 22.000 -0.120 8.6 -3.93 1,336.4
TROPICANA CORP BHD 1.350 0.070 405.2 5.47 2,862.9 GUAN CHONG BHD 2.510 -0.110 138.2 4.58 2,948.0
UWC BHD 2.780 0.070 2,293.7 -30.85 3,062.6 SEREMBAN ENGINEERING BHD 0.825 -0.105 0.5 -26.34 65.7
MASTER-PACK GROUP BHD 2.500 0.070 8.4 6.38 136.6 TELEKOM MALAYSIA BHD 5.000 -0.090 1,760.2 -7.41 19,109.9
UNISEM M BHD 2.860 0.060 201.5 3.62 4,613.4 SOUTHERN ACIDS MALAYSIA BHD 3.570 -0.080 5.0 -2.19 488.9
CARLSBERG BREWERY MALAYSIA 21.320 0.060 77.4 -6.82 6,518.5 HARRISONS HOLDINGS MALAYSIA 9.770 -0.080 20.9 47.36 669.0
TENAGA NASIONAL BHD 9.580 0.060 3,100.5 -0.52 55,114.5 PPB GROUP BHD 16.000 -0.080 437.5 -8.26 22,761.6
ALLIANZ MALAYSIA BHD 14.060 0.060 15.1 -0.71 2,502.2 HUME CEMENT INDUSTRIES BHD 1.270 -0.080 1,456.4 35.11 640.1
HONG LEONG BANK BHD 19.540 0.060 761.5 -4.96 42,357.2 MISC BHD 7.230 -0.070 3,570.9 -3.60 32,272.9
Data as compiled on May 25, 2023 Source: Bloomberg Data as compiled on May 25, 2023 Source: Bloomberg

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