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Classical Schools – Founded by Cesare Beccaria - Moral Anomalies – roots of criminal behavior

or Cesare Marchese Di Beccaria Bonesana, an xis in psychological equivalents

Italian Criminologist and economist. - Probity (honesty & integrity) & Pity
(compassion for others)
Jeremy Bentham
– pioneered classical school, an English Enrico Ferri
philosopher, economist & theoretical jurist. - highly successful lawyer & Italy’s greatest
– Utilitarianism – “Greatest happiness for the contemporary forensic actor
greater number” - Moral Responsibility – criminals was driven to
– Hedonistic Calculus/Felicity commit crime due to economic, social &
- pain over pleasure political factors
- people having freewill to choose their - Italian/Positivist School’s main principle “let
behavior the punishment fit the criminal”

Doctrine of Nullum Crimen Sine Lege (No Crime Beccaria’s three (3) principle of punishment
without law)
- Swift -> punishment must be swift to be
- Classical Schools main principle “let the
punishment fit the crime”
- Certain -> people must know
Neo-Classical School - Severe -> enough to outweigh the reward
- children, lunatic & others were not legally
Biological Perspective
responsible for their actions
- crime as a product of internal forces
- “let the children & lunatic criminals be
exempted from the punishment Process Perspective
- crime as a product of socialization/interaction
Italian/Positivist School
of a person to another
- apply scientific method
- Cesare Lombroso and his students Raffaele Conflict Perspective
Garofalo &Enrico Ferri - crime is based on economic & political forces
-August Comte – father of Sociology & - crime is a politically defined concept
Psychological Perspective
Cesare Lombroso (Father of Modern - criminal behavior is a product of
Criminology) “unconscious” forces operating in person’s
- Italian criminologist founded the Positive mind
- Theory of Criminal Atavism (criminals manifest Biosocial Theory – thought & behavior have
physical anomalies makes them similar Atavistic biological & social bases
Stigmata to our ancestors *Biochemical Factors
- Founder of criminal anthropology -> theory of - Hormonal levels
born criminals
*Neurological Dysfunction
Raffaele Garofalo - Minimal Brain Dysfunction
- Italian criminologist & student of Lombroso - Learning Disability
- Concept of “criminal” presupposes concept of
“crime” * Genetic Influence
- he did not accept his teacher’s view - Parent-child similarities
- Siblings & twins Similarities William H. Sheldon, Jr. – American
- Adoption Studies psychologist& physician

Evolutionary Theory – aggression & violent * Endomorph

behavior as adoptive behaviors in human * Ectomorph
evolution * Mesomorph

Cheater Theory – explains male aggressiveness Sheldon Glueck & Eleonor Glueck – Research
Associate in Criminology at Harvard Law School
R/K – Selection Theory – all organisms can be
located along a continuum Ernest Hooton – American Physical
R – oriented people – cunning & deceptive Anthropologist
K – oriented people – cooperative &
Physiognomy – phisomine (Middle English),
sensible to others
phisenomie (Anglo-French), physiognomonia,
Arousal Theory – environmental factors hysiognomia (Late Latin), physiognomonia
influence brain's level of arousal (Greek), physiognomon (Merriam-Webster’s
– thrill is a motivator of crime Dictionary)

Life-Course Theory (Developmental Theory) – Giambattista della Porta (Giovanni Battista Della
criminal behavior is a dynamic process & Porta) – Italian Physician and Philosopher
antisocial behaviors changes dramatically over a – founded the school of physiognomy
person’s life span (study of facial features and their relation to
human behavior)
– Sheldon Glueck & Eleonor
Johann Kaspar Lavater revived the work
Touroff-Glueck made LCT
of Porta
Latent-Trait Theory (Developmental Theory) – is
Phrenology – study of the conformation of skull
defined as a stable feature, characteristic,
according to Franz Joseph Gall, Johann Kaspar
property/condition makes some people
Spurzheim, and George Combe
delinquency-prone over the life course
– Johann Kaspar Spurzheim – Gall’s
Latent Theorist David Rowe,
pupil, research assistant & collaborator led him
Wayne Osgood, and Alan Nicewonder
to development of his theories concerning brain
Juke & Kalikak Family localization and phrenology, which he initially
referred to as Cranioscopy
Somatotyping Theory – associates body
physique to behavior & criminality – Gall identified 27 discrete
“centres” of behavior, 25 of which is never been
Ernst Kretschmer – a German psychiatrist, confirmed to exist
neurologist & psychopathologist
* Asthenic – lean, slightly built, narrow Nature Theory – low intelligence is genetically
shoulders determined and inherited
* Athletic – medium to tall, strong, – Henry H. Goddard, William
muscular Healy, and Augusta Bronner
* Pyknic – medium height, rounded
Rational Choice Theory – person will engage in
criminal behavior after weighing the
consequences & benefits of his/her actions
Routine Activity Theory – created by Lawrence
E. Cohen & Marcus K. Felson

Sometimes referred as
lifestyle theory

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