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30 Jan - 5 Feb : Std 4 Tuition

Writer’s Mindset
Details, details, details!
- It’s important to add details for more engaging and precise writing.
- It helps readers visualise (picture/imagine) your story.

Let’s try with today’s essay: Hide-and-seek turned disastrous (extremely bad)

Imagine the scenario:

My mother was not at home. My sister and I were playing hide-and-seek.

What details can you add to make the story more interesting?

1. Why had your mother gone out? Where had she gone to?
- buy groceries/run errands/work
- shopping mall/supermarket/office

2. What did you and your sister say and do while playing hide-and-seek?
- “Do you want to play hide-and-seek?”
- “I’m bored! Let’s play hide-and-seek!”
- “Sure! I’ll start counting now!”
- “Ten…nine…eight…”
- “I’m coming for you!”

- Counted down at the top of my lungs
- closed/covered my eyes/Turned my back / Faced the wall while
counting down
- rushed/dashed/darted/from room to room
- laughed/screamed excitedly

3. How did you and your sister feel?

- excited
- eyes lit up/sparkled
- a wide smile
Essay - Hide-and-seek turned disastrous
Write a story of a disastrous hide-and-seek in which you and your sister were


P1: You and your younger sister were playing hide-and-seek.

● Where was your mother while you were playing hide-and-seek?
- Running errands (do a task/job)
- supermarket

● “I’m bored! Let’s play hide-and-seek!” ___

● What did you say and do while counting down?
- Covered my eyes - faced the wall while counting down
- “Sure! I’ll start counting now!” __ teased (joke) ___

● What did your younger sister say and do while trying to hide?
- __ Let out - a loud scream of protest (disagree)
- Darted (to move quickly/suddenly) hurriedly - from room to room

On a cloudy Sunday evening, my mother wasn’t …

P2: Suddenly, you heard a loud sound, and your sister did not respond
when you called out to her.

● What did you hear before finding out that your younger sister was injured?
- Deafening crash (a loud sound)

● What did you do after hearing the sound? How did you feel?
- Searched (find) - every corner (everywhere) for ___
- Had an intense (strong) feeling of fear (very afraid)
- Heart - pounded (beating fast)

● Describe the situation your sister was in at that time.

When I found her, …
- I was frozen to the spot (not moving at all) (the moment I saw her)
- A large (big) cupboard tipped over (fell over)
- There she lay still (not moving) with blood on her head.
- Tried - wake __ up
P3: Your sister was severely injured (seriously hurt).

● What did you do to save your sister?
- ___ attempted (tried) to lift - cupboard - to no avail (fail)
- ___ Fished (took) out - phone - called 999
- ___ Checked on my sister - repeatedly (many times)
- ___ Filled with guilt (feel bad)

● What happened to your sister in the end?

- Ambulance - arrived - being sent - hospital
- Doctor - examined/checked - stayed there - a few days
- ___ Fully recovered (better) - never play ___ anymore

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