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Boni Avenue, Mandaluyong City

Semi-Detailed Lesson Plan in English Grade 6


At the end of the lesson, the students should be able to:

1. identify comprehension strategies that they can acquire
2. determine and apply their comprehension strategies to the text
3. by reading a paragraph and a short passage, evaluate what type of
comprehension strategies is the most powerful for them


● Topic: Reading Comprehension

● References:
● Materials Needed: Whiteboard Marker, Laptop for Powerpoint Presentation and/or
prepared visual aids.


A. Preliminary Activities/ Panimulang Gawain

a. Prayer
b. Greetings
c. Checking of Attendance
d. Checking of Assignment

B. Developmental Activities/ Panlinang na Gawain

a. Review: Understanding what you read

C. Motivation/ Pagganyak:

1. Activity
i. Read and Match (RAM)
Each individual will have a sheet of paper with questions and
answers, they should be able to match the correct question to each
answers given below.

There will be 6 questions and answers. They must be able to identify

which of the questions matches the answers given in the boxes. The
first to finish the all the pairs correctly will be the winner. (two
minute only)

2. Motive Question:
Build a knowledge that connects a student to learning by asking if the
even had the experience of reading a text but never remembering what
they just read.
a. Why is reading comprehension important?
b. When do readers use comprehension strategies?

D. Presentation/ Paglalahad:

o The teacher will present visual aids, presenting a ppt for strategies used in reading
comprehension. After the game, ask the students to take a lucky guess on what will
be the lesson for the day.

o Students should be able to identify the different comprehension strategies

E. Lesson Proper (Discussion)

Reading Comprehension
To better understand and remember what you read.

To become proficient in reading, you must be an:

 Active reader – don’t let the words slide by.

Understanding what you read

 Take a look through the piece
 Pay attention to some of the text’s main features
 Is there an introduction
 Look for headings
 Does it have bold words
 Pictures and captions
 Ask yourself some questions – helps stimulate your curiosity
 Think about what you already know about the topic.

As you read
Your active reading continues as you read the text. Don't just let the words skim by you.
Really pay attention and interact with them. Here are some tips to help you stay

 Read slowly. Reading isn't a race.

 Try to find the answers to the questions you created before you started reading,
but don't ignore other information.
 Write some notes either in the margins if the book belongs to you or on a
separate sheet of paper if it doesn't. Jot down main points that you notice. Note
interesting bits of information that catch your attention. Write down questions
that you have and points you don't understand. Mark key words and their
definitions. Make connections to other things you've read.
 Underline, highlight, and/or circle important elements in the text if the book
belongs to you.
 Consider making a little outline as you go. Identify the main point of each
paragraph and the supporting evidence. Your outline doesn't have to be formal.
You can use your own style. You just want to be sure you catch the text's
important ideas.
 Look up words you don't know. Don't slack on this one. Those words could be
essential to your understanding of the text.
 Yes, this seems like a lot of work, but the whole point is to interact with the text
as much as possible. This is the best way to understand and remember what you

Strategies in Comprehension

Questioning Highlighting
 Formulate or ask questions  Highlight words that are
 Activate background knowledge relevant to the understanding
 Scan for bold words

F. Application:

Individual Recitation
Directions: Read the short passage first and answer the following questions.
(5 points each)

It’s Gab’s birthday. On his birthday each year, he gets to choose the dessert.
He can’t decide between his favorite desserts: chocolate cake, carrot cake or
buko pie. He decides to try something new. He tries a chocolate milkshake

1. Who is the story about?

2. What does Gab get to do on his birthday?

3. What are her favorite desserts?

4. Which one did he pick?

G. Generalization:

The students learned the following:

i. identify different comprehension strategies that they can use
ii. determine and apply their comprehension strategies to the text
iii. evaluate what type of comprehension strategies is the most powerful for

H. Evaluation:
Directions: Read the paragraph. Then answer the following questions.

Crazy Records

Ashrita Furman likes to break records. In fact, over the years Furman has set or
broken more than 79 records listed in the Guinness Book of World Records.
Two of his feats include race- walking the fastest mile while twirling a hula
hoop, and walking 81 miles with a milk bottle on top of his head. He has also
held records for balancing 75 glasses on his chin and for going up and down Mt.
Fuji in Japan on a pogo stick. Why? Mr. Furman feels these activities bring him
inner peace.

1. The main idea of this paragraph is

a) The Guinness Book of World Records.
b) Climbing Japan's Mt. Fuji.
c) How to walk with a bottle on your head.
d) Ashrita Furman likes to break records.

2. Reread the paragraph. Write a supporting detail for the main idea.

3. Which sentence is most likely not true?

a) Mr. Furman has good balance.
b) Mr. Furman enjoys his fame.
c) Mr. Furman is in poor health.
d) Mr. Furman works hard at his records.

4. In this paragraph, the word feats means

a) what you walk on.
b) broken records.
c) accomplishments.
d) balancing acts.

I. Homework/ Gawaing Bahay:

The teacher will ask the student to research about their favorite topic and
find an article about it. They should be able to generate questions and answer it
after reading the passage/article they chose.

Prepared by:

Aliana Mariafe T. Belia


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