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Electrochimica Acta 358 (2020) 136939

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Asymmetric electrode capacitive deionization for energy efficient

Esteban Toledo-Carrillo, Xingyan Zhang, Karthik Laxman, Joydeep Dutta∗
Functional Materials, Department of Applied Physics, School of Engineering Sciences, KTH Royal Institute of Technology, Hannes Alfvéns väg 12, Stockholm
114 19, Sweden

a r t i c l e i n f o a b s t r a c t

Article history: Capacitive deionization (CDI) is an emerging technology as a sustainable low energy process for desali-
Received 9 May 2020 nation of brackish water. Activated carbon electrodes are often used in the CDI devices. Electrosorption
Revised 6 August 2020
capacity was found to be improved on asymmetric electrode configuration using activated carbon cloth
Accepted 11 August 2020
doped with fluorine due to redistribution of electric potential. This led to improvement in desalination
Available online 14 August 2020
performance up to 12.4 mg/g for a desalination cycle of 6 min employing an asymmetric fluorinated
Keywords: electrode as cathode (ACC//F-ACC). A relatively high charge efficiency of 77 % was obtained representing
Capacitive deionization 92 % charge efficiency neglecting the leakage currents. Furthermore, the ion adsorption rate was found
Potential distribution to improve substantially due to an increased surface conductivity of the fluorinated electrode confirmed
Asymmetric electrodes by Mott-Schottky analysis. Energy consumption during desalination of 10 0 0 ppm sodium chloride solu-
Fluorine doping tion of 0.71kWh/m3 for symmetric electrode configuration was found to reduce by 36 % upon employing
Nitrogen doping
asymmetric configuration. This study shows some of the benefits of asymmetric configuration to achieve
an optimal operation of CDI device, as well as improvements related to energy consumption.
© 2020 The Author(s). Published by Elsevier Ltd.
This is an open access article under the CC BY license. (

1. Introduction cess for producing potable water from brackish water. Its simplicity
and cost effective operation together with potential energy recov-
Increase in water demands due to population growth and in- ery possibilities during its operation, makes it a promising technol-
dustrial requirements along with scarcity of freshwater resources ogy for addressing the increased drinking water needs [7,8]. A typ-
in many regions has become one of the primary global challenges ical capacitive deionization device consists of two conductive elec-
that need to be addressed. It has been reported that more than trodes, separated by a spacer to provide electrical isolation of the
half a billion people face drinking water shortages that is further electrodes. The process of removing salt from brackish water con-
aggravated by the seasonal variations of water available for hu- sist of two stages; namely, the desalination step, which is based
man consumption [1]. Thus, production of drinking water by de- on the attraction and storage of ions (such as Cl− and Na+ ) on the
salination of alternative water sources such as brackish and sea- electrodes, through formation of an electrical double layer (EDL)
water is of major interest to the scientific community as well as due to an applied electric field across the electrodes. The regener-
the society. The challenges of fresh water production are being ad- ation of the electrodes is done by either applying a lower voltage
dressed through the desalination processes including reverse os- than what was used for saturation of the electrodes, reversing the
mosis (RO) [2], multi-stage flash distillation (MSF) [3], nanofiltra- polarity or simply short-circuiting the device while removing the
tion (NF) [4] or electrodialysis [5]. However, most of these tech- adsorbed ions from the electrodes.
nologies are energy intensive and are often commercially not vi- High surface area, porous electrodes are generally used in ca-
able compared to extraction of fresh water from ground or sur- pacitive device applications, as the large surface area allows the
face water sources for meeting the drinking water requirements in formation of an EDL with a higher amount of ions stored [9].
communities [6]. Carbon based electrodes are mostly used in capacitive deioniza-
Capacitive deionization (CDI) is an emerging technology that is tion devices due to its inertness and the relatively lower costs of
showing considerable promises as a sustainable low energy pro- production [10,11]. Carbon electrodes prepared in different forms
have been reported in the literature [12], e.g., as activated carbons
cloth [13], carbon xerogel [14], graphene-based electrodes [15],

Corresponding author.
single and multi-walled carbon nanotubes (SWCNT and MWCNT)
E-mail address: (J. Dutta).
0013-4686/© 2020 The Author(s). Published by Elsevier Ltd. This is an open access article under the CC BY license. (
2 E. Toledo-Carrillo, X. Zhang and K. Laxman et al. / Electrochimica Acta 358 (2020) 136939

[16] and more recently metal-organic framework-derived carbon capacitance by tuning the nitrogen (N) or fluorine (F) content, cou-
[17] amongst others. pled with the suitable positioning of the electrode potential is
Significant progress in improving the efficiency of desalination shown to increase the salt adsorption capacities, thereby improv-
has been made by modifying these electrode with either nega- ing the desalination efficiency of capacitive deionization devices.
tively or positively charged functional groups like carboxylic or
amine groups (C=O, NH2 ) [18], coating with metal oxide nanopar- 2. Experimentals
ticles/nanostructures like zinc oxide (ZnO) [19-21], titanium diox-
ide (TiO2 ) [22], silica (SiO2 ) [23], manganese oxide (MnO2 ), etc 2.1. Preparation of doped activated carbon cloth
[24], by doping carbon with heteroatoms like nitrogen (N), boron
(B) or sulfur (S) [25,26] and intercalation materials such as MX- Commercially procured activated carbon cloth (ACC) was em-
ene [27], Prussian Blue and its analogues (PBA) [28]. Most of these ployed as electrode base material (Zorflex FM10, Chemviron, UK).
modifications improve electrode capacitance enhancing the elec- ACC materials were first immersed in concentrated solutions of 3
trochemical properties leading to higher desalination capacities, or M HNO3 at 80°C for 8 h to remove contaminants added during
by incorporating a pseudo-capacitive mechanism for salt removal. manufacturing of these materials (like metal ions, organic matters
Some of these techniques, like nitrogen doping at high temper- etc). ACC was then thoroughly washed with deionized water (DI)
atures, have been successfully implemented to increase the spe- and dried in an atmospheric oven at 90°C overnight, followed by
cific surface area, attributed to etching of the carbon materials its storage in a desiccator until further use. Fluorine doped ACC
[29]. However, even with a large surface area and higher elec- (F-ACC) was prepared by a chemical method in concentrated 20%
trode capacitance, a CDI device has to be operated at relatively hydrofluoric (HF) acid solution at room temperature. Two pieces
high potential (>1.0V) to reach charge efficiencies close to opti- of carbon cloth were immersed in HF solution and connected to a
mum. Charge efficiency is defined as the ratio between the ad- power supply, with an applied voltage of 15 V for 20 min. Once
sorbed ionic species to the electronic charge provided to the elec- the external potential was removed, the samples were thoroughly
trodes for attraction of the ions on its surface. In practice, the washed with DI water and oven dried at 90°C for 8 h in an atmo-
charge efficiency is mostly governed by engineering design aspects spheric furnace. In order to produce nitrogen doped ACC (N-ACC)
like external circuit resistances or contact resistances [30]; opera- samples [34], 70 mg of dopamine hydrochloride (C8 H12 ClNO2 ) was
tional factor such as the ionic resistances due to solutions with low dissolved in 140 ml of 10mM Tris-hydrochloride (C4 H12 ClNO3 ) so-
ionic concentrations, or mechanistic factors, mainly related to the lution. Then, previously cleaned ACC samples were dipped into
phenomena of repulsion of ions with similarly charged electrode the solution followed by stirring for 8 h. The resultant ACC mate-
(co-ions) are generally not considered. When the electrodes are rial were thoroughly washed and dried following similar procedure
discharged during the regeneration phase (usually at V=0), elec- mentioned above, followed by a heat treatment at 800°C for 2 h in
trodes reach the short-circuit potential (E0 ) that is highly depen- nitrogen atmosphere.
dent on the point of zero charge (Epzc ) of the electrode material,
wherein the net charge on the electrode is balanced by both anions 2.2. Material characterization
and cations adsorbed on its respective surfaces. However, when the
electrode is polarized away from the potential of zero charge dur- Fourier transform infrared spectroscopy (FTIR, Nicolet iS10) in
ing the charging stage (ion adsorption upon application of an elec- attenuated total reflectance mode (ATR) was employed to charac-
tric field), co-ions are repulsed (co-ion expulsion process) leading terize surface functional groups in undoped and doped ACC. The
to a loss of energy supplied in the device [31]. Thus it will be of microstructure of the ACC samples were studied using a field emis-
utmost importance to prevent co-ion expulsion in order to increase sion scanning electron microscope, FE-SEM (ZEISS, Ultra 55). Nitro-
the charge efficiency of capacitive deionization devices. gen gas adsorption measurement was employed to calculate the
In this study a modified electrode configuration is proposed by Brunauer-Emmet-Teller (BET) surface area (Micromeritics Gemini
placing two electrode with different Epzc in an asymmetric elec- VII).
trode configuration, so that during the discharging stage, the elec-
trodes are not allowed to reach the Epzc of either of the elec- 2.3. Electrochemical characterization
trodes, but both approaching the short-circuit potential positioned
away from the Epzc , so that the co-ions cannot be absorbed on Electrochemical measurements were conducted in a worksta-
the same charge containing electrode. However, some disadvanta- tion using a Potentiostat/Galvanostat Gamry Interface 1010E with
geous would arise when using asymmetric electrode configuration. a conventional three-electrode cell comprising of a platinum wire
In theory, if an electrode is not chemically selective in the adsorp- as counter electrode, Ag/AgCl reference electrode and activated
tion of an ionic specie, electrosorption should be symmetric either carbon cloth samples as the working electrode. All the electro-
by polarizing anodically or cathodically, which is not the usual case chemical measurements were carried out in aqueous solution of
when activated carbon electrodes are used [32]. However, by uti- 0.5M sodium chloride (NaCl). Electrochemical Impedance Spec-
lizing an electrode with different chemical nature, the adsorption troscopy (EIS), which is an electrochemical technique to measure
process can be engineered to preferentially adsorb one of the ionic the impedance of a system as a function of the frequency of the
species, leading to an uneven potential distribution. Since the sys- AC signal, was performed within the frequency range from 100
tem is a closed circuit, there should be a charge balance across the kHz to 10 mHz. Complex impedance was also determined by scan-
cell [33], which means that only one of the electrode adsorption ning a potential window between -0.8 to 0.8 VAg/AgCl at a fixed fre-
process would limit the desalination. quency of 0.1 Hz. The capacitance values were calculated according
In this study, we demonstrate that asymmetric electrode config- to Eq. (1).
uration can be successfully implemented to balance the potential  
distribution leading to an enhanced electrosorption capacity even C=  (1)
at relatively low operating potentials (0.8V). For this purpose, two 2π f Z 
types of heteroatom-doped activated carbon electrodes were pre- where f corresponds to the frequency of the perturbation applied
pared by fluorination (F-ACC) and nitrogenation (N-ACC), displac- and Z’’ is the imaginary part of the impedance. Similar proce-
ing the Epzc from its initial point toward more positive or more dure was employed to study electronic properties by means of
negative potentials, respectively. The optimization of the electrode Mott-Schottky analysis. The impedances were measured at 0.1Hz in
E. Toledo-Carrillo, X. Zhang and K. Laxman et al. / Electrochimica Acta 358 (2020) 136939 3

aqueous solution of 0.1M potassium hydroxide (KOH). The CV mea-

surements were performed at different scan rates from 100 mV/s
to 1 mV/s. Specific capacitance of ACC and doped ACC were calcu-
lated based on CV measurement using Eq. (2) [35,36]:
C= i dt (2)
w V o

2.4. Desalination of brackish water

Desalination test were conducted in a CDI cell as shown in

Fig. S1 (Supporting information S1), in a flow-through architec-
ture. The experiments were performed in single-pass (continuous)
mode, using a non-deareated solution of 10 0 0 ppm NaCl, with a
flow rate of 5 ml/min. The pH of the solution was intermittently
measured thoroughout each cycle ranging from 5.9 to 6.1. The so-
lution conductivity was continuously monitored at the outlet tube
by a EPU357 eDAQ conductivity meter, and the current flow was
measured by a digital multi-meter Keithley 2110. The conductiv-
ity profile was not adjusted for pH fluctuations. During adsorption
step, an external potential was applied, which was swept between
0.8 to 1.4 V with a voltage step of 0.2V. For desorption, the cell
was self-discharged using 0 V across the electrodes. For further as- Fig. 1. Attenuated total reflection FT-IR spectra of nitric acid treated ACC and nitro-
sessment, a prolonged test of 25 cycles was performed at 1.0V and gen and fluorine doped ACC samples.
For the analysis of the desalination performance, the specific Table 1
Specific surface area (SSA) of
salt adsorption and charge efficiency were calculated using the fol-
ACC and doped ACC measured
lowing expression: by nitrogen gas adsorption.
φ × ∫ (C0 − Ct )dt SSA (m2
= (3) Sample /g)
± 10.04
m ACC 1021.38
N-ACC 1014.81 ± 9.91
 ×F F-ACC 1059.10 ± 10.81
= (4)
where φ is volume flow rate (L/s), C0 refers to the constant influ-
ent concentration, Ct is the effluent concentration in each desalina- by FE-SEM and energy-dispersive X-ray (EDX) mapping, shown in
tion cycle, t correspond to desalination time, m is the total mass of Fig. 2a–d. Both doped and undoped ACC samples exhibit a smooth
both electrodes, F refers to Faraday constant, M is the molar mass surface with no observable changes in fiber diameter, as earlier re-
of NaCl and  correspond to the charge and is defined as the rate ported for activated carbon fiber due to etching effects [45]. The
between the absolute value of the current response during desali- EDX mapping of N-ACC and F-ACC substrates shown in Fig. 2c,d
nation time to the mass of the electrodes. exhibit a significant homogeneous nitrogen/fluorine content on the
surface of the carbon fibers, respectively. Additionally, nitrogen gas
3. Results and discussion adsorption measurements were performed to quantify the specific
surface area (SSA) (Table 1). The undoped activated carbon elec-
3.1. Physicochemical properties trode exhibits a high specific surface area of ~1121 m2 g−1 . It has
been reported that doping treatment of activated carbon leads to
Fig. 1 shows the FTIR spectra obtained from undoped ACC and modification of the pore structure either by creating micropores
N and F doped ACC. Characteristic absorption at 3084, 1496, 1332, to increase the SSA, or alternatively reduction of the SSA was ob-
1064 and 981 cm−1 assigned to O-H stretching, C=C stretching in served due to widening of the existing pores [46]. However, neither
aromatic ring, O-H deformation, C-O stretching and C-O-C stretch- the N-ACC nor the F-ACC samples show any significant changes in
ing vibrations, respectively can be observed in the ACC electrodes the surface area, which is in good agreement with the SEM obser-
[37–40]. Upon doping with nitrogen, two adsorption bands at 1318 vations.
and 1212 cm−1 , assigned to C=N and C-N stretching vibrations are
observed [41,42]. A pronounced and broader peak at 3075 cm−1 , 3.2. Electrochemical properties
related to N-H and O-H stretching vibrations also appear. Fluorina-
tion of the ACC electrodes, lead to the formation of C-F bonds in Cyclic voltammetry measurements were performed at different
the graphitic domain, giving rise to the appearance of a strong ad- scan rates to identify the contribution of pores of different sizes
sorption band at ~1004 cm−1 from ionic C-F bond [40,43,44]. There and the surface charges. Fig. S2 a–f (Supporting information S2)
is a slight shift in the C=C peak position towards higher wavenum- shows the cyclic voltammetry results at different voltage scan rates
ber in both nitrogen and fluorine doped ACC samples, which might ranging from 1 mV/s to 50 mV/s. Particularly, the voltammograms
be related to N/F insertion into the graphitic structure. It is im- corresponding to slower scan rates, display a distinctive quasi-
portant to note that the doped ACC spectra did not show any rectangular shape representative of an ideal capacitive behavior in
pronounced adsorption peak for oxygen functional groups (~1600- all the samples tested in this work. However, a pseudocapacitive
1750 cm−1 ), thus any major oxidation during either doping treat- peak tend to form at higher anodic potential limiting the poten-
ment can be discarded. tial window for capacitive applications (above 0.8 V). This peak
Further analysis was carried out by observation of the morphol- is slightly more pronounced for N-ACC, related to an easier pro-
ogy and qualitative characterization of the chemical composition tonation of the surface. When the scan rate was increased up to
4 E. Toledo-Carrillo, X. Zhang and K. Laxman et al. / Electrochimica Acta 358 (2020) 136939

Fig. 2. Scanning electron micrographs (SEM) and energy-dispersive X-ray (EDX) mapping for (a,b) ACC (c) N-ACC and (d) F-ACC.

50 mV/s, a substantial loss of the rectangular shape, was observed itance values at fast voltage scan rate. On the other hand, most of
moving towards a lens-shaped progressive increment of the cur- the capacitance is related to the volume of micropores, thus lead-
rent density for all the samples evaluated as shown in Fig. S2 a– ing to a specific capacitance of 193, 202 and 200 F/g for anodic
f (Supporting information S2). Based on the CV curves, the spe- polarization and 222, 213 and 245 F/g for cathodic polarization for
cific capacitance was calculated according to Eq. (2). A more de- ACC, N-ACC and F-ACC electrodes, respectively. A larger difference
tailed analysis of the capacitive performance of the carbon elec- in specific capacitance is identified in the cathodic side; with a 10
trodes however, shows slight differences in the specific capacitance % increase in F-ACC and a 4% decrease for N-ACC in comparison to
of the doped activated carbon electrodes (Fig. 3 a,b). During both undoped ACC. If the surface charge does not change after the dop-
the positive and negative polarizations, S-shaped curve for the spe- ing treatments, then the specific capacitance differences for slow
cific capacitance is observed. It is a well-known behavior, which voltage scan rates can be attributed uniquely to texture variations,
relates to different pore size activation during electrosorption pro- assuming that the entire surface area is covered with an electrical
cesses [47]. Both curves present two plateau, one of them during double layer. However, F-ACC exhibit very little increment in the
the fast scan rate and another in the slow scan rate domain. A fast SSA after doping treatment (~3 %). Besides, all the samples evalu-
scanning of the voltage tends to generate an overlapped electrical ated in this work show a higher specific capacitance upon polar-
double layer blocking the entrance of the adsorbed ions into the ization by negative potential, indicative of the nature of the sur-
micropores, leading to ion adsorption occurring most likely in the face charge. Therefore, the large increment in capacitance can be
macropores. Conversely, when the voltage scan rate is lower, more explained in terms of the electronegativity difference between the
time is available for the ions to assemble into an electrical double C-F bond formed on the surface that shift the electrode potential
layer, allowing the ions to diffuse inside the smallest pores, leading towards positive potential, allowing larger polarization in the same
to a larger coverage of the total available surface area for adsorp- potential window [36].
tion. Thus, the double layer formed on the macropores would have Fig. 4a shows the Nyquist plot of doped and undoped ACC from
a negligible contribution to the capacitance of the electrodes ei- experiments carried out in a 0.5M NaCl solution. The equivalent
ther for positive or negative polarizations as observed in the capac- circuit (Fig. 4b) proposed to fit the EIS curves, consist of four dis-
E. Toledo-Carrillo, X. Zhang and K. Laxman et al. / Electrochimica Acta 358 (2020) 136939 5

tinguishable stages, with an initial series resistance representative

of the ionic conductivity of the electrolyte (Rsol ), with a minor con-
tribution from the electrode conductivity. A second stage is rep-
resented by a semicircle in a Nyquist plot that correspond to an
RC combination associated to charge transfer process on the elec-
trode/electrolyte interface (Rct and CPE), and two final stages as-
cribed to the formation (Warburg component) and equilibrium ca-
pacitance (Ceq ), easily recognized by two different slopes in the
low frequency regime of a Nyquist representation [48–50].
A clear reduction in charge transfer resistance is observed after
doping treatment with either fluorine or nitrogen as reported in
some studies due to the addition of active sites by introduction of
heteroatoms in the graphitic structure [51]. Moreover, each sam-
ple shows a quasi-vertical slope in the low frequency range, cor-
roborating the capacitive behavior of the carbon electrodes, with
a marginal increase in the double layer formation time for F-ACC
electrode. By looking at the complex impedance value, it is possi-
ble to note that the equilibrium capacitance obtained by EIS mea-
surements (according Eq. (1)) increase in the following order CACC
The inset of Fig. 4a presents the open circuit potential (OCP)
measured prior to every EIS measurements wherein an increase of
about 150 mV for F-ACC was observed, similar to reports in previ-
ous studies [52], whereas N-ACC electrodes exhibit lower potential
than ACC. It should be noted that the initial state of ACC, prior to
fluorination or nitrogenation, oxygen functional groups are mainly
present on the surface, from the nitric acid treatment (Fig. 1) [53–
55]. This means that by the introduction of a C-N bond, a reduc-
tion in the electronegativity differences (with respect to C-O elec-
tronegativity difference) can be obtained which would simply be
the reverse in the case of C-F bonds. Further characterization by
determination of the potential of zero charge (Epzc ) of the elec-
trodes corroborate this argument.
Impedance measurements were carried out by sweeping the
Fig. 3. Specific capacitance calculated from CV curves at different scan rates for (a) potential at a fixed frequency of 0.1 Hz to provide enough time for
cathodic polarization and (b) anodic polarization. the electrical double layer formation. Thus, the capacitance values
were calculated according to Eq. (1), and normalized capacitance
values are shown found in Fig. 5a. The Epzc is determined where
the lowest capacitance value is reached, since a depletion regime
is achieved with no charge carrier accumulation on the electrodes
and thus the Epzc shown in Fig. 5a show a similar trend to open
circuit potential (Fig. 4a). The potential of zero charge plays an im-
portant role in CDI operation, since its position can limit the po-
tential window, or either enlarge or shrink the polarization level
of each electrode in a capacitive device [56]. Changes occurring
in an electrochemical interface as DC bias voltage is changed can
be characterized using Mott-Schottky analysis. The inverse of the
square capacitance is plotted as function of potential in a Mott
Schottky plot that allows the quantification of the density of charge
carrier according to the following expression (typically used to
characterize the potential difference between bulk semiconductor
and bulk electrolyte) (Eq. (5)) [57–59].
1 2 kT
= E − Efb (5)
C2 e0 εoε ND e
In Fig. 5b we present the Mott-Schottky plot, measured at 0.1
Hz in 0.1 M KOH aqueous solution for comparison. It is clear that
the base material already exhibit n-type doped surface, even be-
fore fluorine and nitrogen treatments. It is consistent with previ-
ous observation, since the carboxylic groups on activated carbon
cloth following the nitric acid treatment provides excess electrons
that lead to a n-type behavior with a low charge carrier concen-
tration due to formation of stable C-O bonds instead of C=O. Upon
Fig. 4. (a) Electrochemical Impedance Spectroscopy (EIS) curve for ACC samples in
0.5M NaCl (inset shows the open circuit potential before EIS) (b) Equivalent circuit fluorination, ACC shows an increase in charge carrier density, as
for EIS curves[50]. presented in Table 2 for F-ACC, due to the insertion of F atoms
on graphitic structure, inducing a larger amount of defects that
6 E. Toledo-Carrillo, X. Zhang and K. Laxman et al. / Electrochimica Acta 358 (2020) 136939

Fig. 5. (a) Normalized capacitance obtained from EIS at 0.1Hz (b) Mott-Schottky Fig. 6. Concentration profile for a desalination cycle in (a) symmetric configuration
plot at 0.1Hz in 0.1M KOH. at different voltage from 0.8 to 1.4V and (b) asymmetric configuration at 1.0V

Table 2
Charge carrier density (N) and flat band
potential (Efb ) calculated from Mott-
Schottky plot trosorption capacity, due to the charging potential, is related to the
15 −3
strengthening of the electric field that induces stronger columbic
Sample N x 10 (cm ) Efb (V)
force for the attraction of counterions [64]. The slope at the begin-
ACC 0.511 -0.006
N-ACC 4.023 -0.212 ning of the curve also suggests an increased ion removal rate, for
F-ACC 0.827 0.071 an increase in charging voltage.
Two new cell configurations were adopted replacing one of the
ACC electrodes, namely by N-ACC in the anodic side (N-ACC//ACC),
provides major number of lone pair electrons. Upon nitrogenation, while in another case by replacing the ACC electrode with F-ACC
the charge carrier concentration was even higher, which can be at- in the cathodic side (ACC//F-ACC). Each configuration was tested
tributed to a higher nitrogen content and due to the oxygen defects in the same external voltage range as for symmetric configuration,
induced due to the high temperature treatment that is consistent shown in Fig. S3 (Supporting information S3). A representative de-
with SEM-EDX mapping observations. In addition, the introduction salination cycle for CDI operation at 1.0 V is shown as a compari-
of nitrogen atom leads to incorporation of an excess electrons in son in Fig. 6b. It is clear that both asymmetric configurations lead
the graphite lattice for the most common type of bonding config- to an improvement of the desalination capacity as well as the ion
urations, increasing the carrier density of charge on the electrode removal rates, similar to what was achieved by increasing opera-
surfaces which compensate the reduction of electronic conductiv- tional potential for a symmetric electrode configuration. This im-
ity due to the defects formed [60–63]. provement can be related to the surface electrode conductivity in
heteroatoms doped carbon electrodes, as was proposed in previ-
3.3. CDI performance ous section, following the electrochemical measurements [64]. The
evolution of the desalination capacity and the charge storage ca-
Fig. 6a shows the concentration profile obtained from conduc- pacities of the electrodes were further studied by changing the
tivity measurement for an adsorption/desorption process employ- charging potential in the three device configurations. Fig. 7 (a,b)
ing a symmetric electrode configuration with ACC as both anode shows the specific salt adsorption and cumulative charge as func-
and cathode. The desalination test was performed at different ap- tion of the charging voltage. The ACC//ACC device exhibit a higher
plied potential ranging from 0.8 to 1.4V. Upon an increase in ap- charging potential dependency compared to the other asymmetric
plied potential, the reduction in ion concentration was more pro- ACC electrode configurations, with a very low salt removal yield
nounced, leading to a higher salt removal. This enhanced elec- ~3.5 mg g−1 at low applied potential (0.8 V).
E. Toledo-Carrillo, X. Zhang and K. Laxman et al. / Electrochimica Acta 358 (2020) 136939 7

Fig. 7. (a) Specific salt adsorption (b) Cumulative charge as function of charging
voltage for the three different paring of electrode configurations. Fig. 8. (a) Electrode potentials upon different polarization and (b) anodic and ca-
thodic polarization for symmetric and asymmetric configurations.

The electrosorption capacity is linked to the electrode sur- a more equal polarization. For N-ACC//ACC electrode configuration,
face area available for electrical double layer formation as well as the working electrode potential shows the same trend as observed
the capacitance of the electrode material as has been widely re- in the symmetric ACC electrode configuration, but shows a larger
ported [19,21]. Both of these electrode properties were character- shift in E0 towards more negative potentials, providing a higher
ized, showing negligible differences in the electrodes prepared for polarization of the anode, which is the limiting factor for ion ad-
this study. Nevertheless, a less studied feature, which influence the sorption. Thus, the electrode polarization (shown in Fig. 8a) ap-
electrosorption capacity, is the distribution of the applied potential proaches similar values for both the doped electrodes because af-
between the electrode, which in turn leads to uneven distribution ter discharging the cell by short-circuiting (at E0 ), counter ions re-
of the electrode capacitance [32,65]. As shown in Fig. S4 (Support- main on the surface, as individual electrodes do not reach the po-
ing information S4), a pair of electrodes were polarized at differ- tential of zero charge (EPZC ). Thus, the ionic species on the surface
ent external potentials, measuring the working electrode potential balances the surface charge on the electrodes, hindering the se-
against a reference electrode Ag/AgCl. The working electrode po- lectivity of each electrode for the next desalination cycle. Thereby,
tentials are shown in Fig. 8a. For a “symmetric configuration”, the as the potential distribution is less dependent for both the asym-
polarization is larger in the cathodic side, as clearly noticeable in metric electrode device configurations, the salt adsorption shows
Fig. 8b. This difference in the electrode polarization remain for all similar trend. This strategy was evaluated for a prolonged oper-
the potentials applied (from 0.6 to 1.6 V). However, for an increas- ation of 25 cycles at 1.0V and 1.6V (Figs. 9 and 10). No change
ing charging potential, the ratio between the cathodic and the an- is appreciable in the desalination performance after multiple cy-
odic polarizations tend to decrease. cles of desalination/regeneration at 1.0V, without significant reduc-
Some authors linked this uneven distribution to either chemical tion in salt adsorption capacity for the three electrode configu-
interaction with ionic species that drive a selective electrosorption ration studied in this work. Subsequently, a significant reduction
or to pore size distribution that allows one of the ionic species to in salt adsorption (~ 15 %) for symmetric configuration and asym-
diffuse easily inside the pore structure compared to the counterion metric configuration comprising of ACC and F-ACC electrode, after
specie [31,33]. 20 cycles is observed. The concentration profile for a single cycle
The two asymmetric electrode configurations show a more shown in Fig. 10 for each electrode configuration, reveals that both
even potential distribution. The ACC//F-ACC electrode configura- the symmetric configuration and ACC//F-ACC electrode configura-
tion presents a slightly more positive short-circuit potential (E0 ), tion present an inversion peak at early stages of desalination after
due to the position of the Epzc of F-ACC electrode; nonetheless the 25 desalination/regeneration cycles. This is associated to a degra-
electrode potential is shifted towards positive potential, allowing dation of the anode, such as carbon oxidation [66], which might
8 E. Toledo-Carrillo, X. Zhang and K. Laxman et al. / Electrochimica Acta 358 (2020) 136939

side so that the potential should not surpass 0.8 VAg/AgCl , since
over this potential carbon electrode start to show evident degra-
dation for short-term operation [67,68]. Nevertheless, high poten-
tial operation is not necessary since low charging potential allows
higher salt adsorption compared to symmetric set-up. On the other
hand, by extrapolating the specific salt adsorption to a zero exter-
nal potential (Fig. 7a), one can notice that both N-ACC//ACC and
F-ACC//ACC fit perfectly to a linear trend, while in contrary, ACC
symmetric configurations cannot be associated to a linear expres-
sion, showing a clear deviation in the low voltage range. One has
to consider that during desalination, two simultaneous processes
occur, namely, the desorption of co-ions and adsorption of counte-
rions. This is usually related to a lowering in the charge efficiency
values, as presented in Fig. 11.
It has been proposed that to limit the desorption process during
desalination, a discharging potential higher than zero can be ap-
plied, so that during charging of the electrode, adsorption process
predominates [69]. However, this approach lead to a diminished
amount of salt removal. A well-established solution to this is the
addition of an ion exchange membrane, that avoid co-ion migra-
Fig. 9. Concentration profile of a long-term desalination test at 1.0V of symmetric
tion to the electrode surface, reducing the desorption process, but
(ACC//ACC) and asymmetric configuration (ACC//F-ACC and N-ACC//ACC).
it turns the CDI device to a more complex system. In retrospect,
asymmetric electrode configuration can reduce the co-ion repul-
be related to the use of pristine ACC electrode as anode in both sion during the desalination phase, since the initial working elec-
the cases. The N-ACC//ACC electrode configuration does not show trode potential at this stage is already polarized from the Epzc , even
this behavior, allowing the desalination to occur in a larger poten- at a discharging potential of 0 V. It is important to note that the
tial window, since the electrode exposed to a high positive po- aim of the present study is not to extend the voltage window by
tential in this case is the N-doped electrode, which is more re- shifting the potential of zero charge (since the regeneration stage is
sistant to electrochemical oxidation. The energy consumed during conducted at zero voltage, instead of reversing the polarity to let
the desalination process remain approximately constant even after the electrode reach its lowest capacitance state), but to turn the
25 cycles for all the three cases studied. However, 38 % less en- apparatus to a more efficient process [70].
ergy is required for desalination in both the asymmetric configura- The differences in charge efficiencies shown in Fig. 11 are in-
tions of the electrodes. It is important to note that for ACC//F-ACC terrelated to mechanisms causing reduction in charge efficiency.
the potential window for CDI operations is limited at the anodic In symmetric configurations, a low efficiency is recorded at lower

Fig. 10. Concentration profile of a long-term desalination test at 1.6 V of symmetric (ACC//ACC) and asymmetric configuration (ACC//F-ACC and N-ACC//ACC).
E. Toledo-Carrillo, X. Zhang and K. Laxman et al. / Electrochimica Acta 358 (2020) 136939 9

in turn leads to uneven distribution of the electrode capacitance

is indeed another important aspect to be considered. It is demon-
strated that asymmetric electrode configuration can reduce co-ion
repulsion during the desalination phase, since the initial working
electrode potential at this stage is already polarized from the Epzc .
Charge efficiency values of 77 % and 68 % for both F-ACC and N-
ACC asymmetric configuration were reached at 0.8 V, respectively.
If the current leakage are neglected, charge efficiency of 92 % and
88% for F-ACC and N-ACC asymmetric cells were obtained, respec-
tively at 1.4 V applied potential, compared to a highest value of 79
% observed for ACC symmetric electrode device. This improvement
in charge efficiency leads to 36 % reduction of energy consumption
from 0.71 kWh/m3 for symmetric electrodes, to 0.45 kWh/m3 for a
CDI device working at 0.8 V. The obtained results suggest that dop-
ing activated carbon with heteroatom such as fluorine and nitrogen
leads to higher surface conductivity, responsible for enhancement
of ion removal rate, which is beneficial for shortening the deion-
ization cycles leading to better device efficiencies.

Fig. 11. Charge efficiency as function of charging voltage for the three different par- Credit author statement
ing of electrode configurations.
E.T. performed the experiments, analyzed the data and wrote
the original manuscript. X.Z. assisted in the experiments. K.L. as-
potentials because a significant amount of energy is wasted in sisted in the experiments and contributed to the discussion. J.D.
the process to repulse co-ions from the surroundings of the elec- conceptualized the idea, supervised the experimental work and re-
trode surfaces, while at higher potential the energy wasted is neg- vised and edited the manuscript.
ligible compared to the energy effectively used to adsorb ionic
species. In case of asymmetric configurations, the co-ion repul-
Declaration of Competing Interest
sion is avoided to some extent, so the energy provided from low
potential is mainly used to attract ions, and as the potential in-
The authors declare that they have no known competing finan-
creases, the energy losses due to electrical and ionic resistances
cial interests or personal relationships that could have appeared to
becomes significant, leading to the higher potential drops, in ad-
influence the work reported in this paper.
dition to the leakage current from faradaic reactions [71]. Thus, a
highest charge efficiency of 77 % and 68 % at 0.8V was obtained
for F-ACC and N-ACC asymmetric cells, respectively. By neglecting Acknowledgments
the leakage currents, a charge efficiency values of 92 % and 88 %
for both F-ACC and N-ACC asymmetric configuration respectively ET would like to thank to the National Commission for Scien-
were estimated, compared to a highest efficiency of 79% observed tific and Technological Research, (CONICYT) for the Doctoral schol-
for ACC symmetric electrode devices at 1.4V. From energy consid- arship “Beca Chile” 2018-72190682. XZ would like to thank Ragnar
erations the results obtained in this work has broader implications, Holms Foundation for Post-doctoral fellowship. JD and KL would
since symmetric ACC electrode configuration would require energy like to acknowledge MISTRA Terraclean project (Diary No 2015/31)
of ~0.71 kWh/m3 operating at 0.8 V. Even when the charge effi- for support.
ciency increase substantially for ACC//ACC devices, the increase in
voltage requirements lead to higher power consumption. In con- Supplementary materials
trast, both asymmetric electrode configurations show a lower en-
ergy consumption of 0.45 kWh/m3 at 0.8 V, which represents a Supplementary material associated with this article can be
reduction of about ~ 36 % compared to the symmetric electrode found, in the online version, at doi:10.1016/j.electacta.2020.136939.
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