12 Step Kaizen Process With Audit

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12 Steps Kaizen - Audit - Audit all items before the actual Kaizen step

Audited Steps Maximum 85% Actual Score

Date: ______/______/_______ Leader: _____________________________ Auditor (s): __________________________________________________ ( ) 1 to 4 80 68 ________
( ) 1 to 8 115 98 ________
Kaizen: _________________________________________________________ Audited Team: _______________________________________________ ( ) 1 to 12 150 128 ________

1 3 5
# Kaizen Step Description
Regular Good Excellent
Has the team been properly formed considering the required skills to study Very few members in the team, and basically the supervisor The team has a good number of members and some are The team was elaborated based on the required skills,
the loss? does the Kaizen engaged important areas are represented and members are engaged
2 Has the team been trained to use the 12 Steps Kaizen? Less than 50% Between 50 and 90% More than 90% of the team was trained
Was there an initial meeting to communicate the objectives, roles and The team does not understand the objectives and why it is so An informal way was used to communicate the team. They A initial meeting was done and every one understand the
General responsibilities? important to eliminate that loss. understand the objectives objectives, their roles and responsibilities in the team
The team use a structured board to communicate effectively.
Does the team have a clear and efficient way to communicate the Kaizen The Kaizen was communicated using an informal way, as The team has all organized documentation, even a board, but
4 Alternative resources are used to understand the Principle of
study? document, graphs, etc it is not easy to communicate the Kaizen
Operation, like OPLs, models, manuals, etc.

5 Is there a clear chronogram for all activities? No Yes, but the team is not aware Yes and all members know in detail
All presented. The supervisor just supported the team during
6 How did the team participate during the presentation? Few presented Most presented
the presentation
They were confident, but some questions were not clearly All of them performed the presentation in detail. All questions
7 Presentation Was the team confident about the presentation, data and analysis? They were not confident
answered were precisely answered

Very good story!. Data, analysis and others details are

8 Was the methodology correctly used? The story was confusing Good story and sequence, but missing important details
proved on the board and it is easy to understand the Kaizen

9 Has the team charter been completed? No charter Charter is present, but missing some details Charter filled out completely, in detail
Step 1
Identify the Losses
10 Is the loss properly justified using the loss tree? Loss tree missing Justification is unclear Loss tree used clearly to show significance of loss
Losses are clearly stratified with details. It is possible to see
11 Have the losses been stratified? Losses are not stratified Losses are stratified, but unclear
Step 2 the impact in the losses tree
Select and Justify the Subject Has the subject of the kaizen been identified properly using the loss tree? Loss tree clearly shows justification for selected target and
12 No justification for selected target Justification for selected target not clear
(ie. Are they targeting the most significant loss?) the impact for the site
Principle of Operation is clear, easy to understand. The team
13 Has the team understood the Principle of Operation? No Principle of Operation was studied, but unclear
Step 3 used models, OPLs and others resources to explain
Understand Ideal Process
14 Is there a clear understanding of the process involved? No team members understand Only some team members understand Team members all demonstrate clear understanding

15 Has appropriate data collection taken place? No Yes, but the data does not show precisely the problem Yes and the team has clearly identified the problem
Step 4
Grasp the Actual Situation
16 Has benchmark been established? No benchmark Benchmark is present, but not well understood Benchmark is present and accurate
Poor choice of KPIs - difficult to measure, do not accurately KPIs chosen are good - fairly measurable, give a rough idea KPIs chosen are ideal - measurable, representative of
17 Good KPIs defined?
Step 5 measure progress of progress progress
Establish the Objectives
18 KPI target defined? KPI target is not present or very poor choice KPI target is vague, or unrealistic KPI target is well defined and reasonable, realistic

Step 6
19 Is there a plan present - is the plan realistic, include all steps? Plan is missing, or very unrealistic Vague plan, not clear Clear, concise plan - reasonable deadlines
Make a Work Plan
Step 7 The analysis is missing important details or very poorly All analysis completed, including details to facilitate the
20 5W1H and 5WHY forms completed for all phenomenon? The analysis is completed, but unclear or confusing
Perform Cause Analysis completed understanding. The root causes were clearly identified
Several countermeasures have been considered and justified
21 Have countermeasures for each root cause been identified? Poor selection of countermeasure Only one countermeasure considered
using the 4M's classification
Step 8 Have all costs/safety concerns/operation effects been considered (Mgt of
22 No areas of consideration present Missing areas of consideration shown All areas have been effectively considered
Plan Counter Measures changeis mandatory)?
23 Action plan for implementation present? Plan is missing, or very unrealistic Vague plan, not clear Clear, concise plan - reasonable deadlines

24 Has implementation been carried out in a timely manner? Implementation has not begun Implementation has begun, but is incomplete Implementation is complete
Step 9
Implement Counter Measures Has the MP Sheet filled and approved before implementing the
25 No ----- Yes
Step 10 Data collection has taken place, but may be missing pieces Data collection has been collected and displayed regularly.
26 Has data been gathered regularly to measure progress? No data collection is present, cannot measure progress
Verify the Results to effectively determine if progress has been made The target was achieved
Step 11 Strong evidence shown that countermeasures are
27 Are the implemented countermeasures sustainable? No assurance of sustainability Evidence of sustainability shown, but not confident
Standardize the Improvement sustainable

28 Has the target been achieved? No progress has been made Target not achieved, but progress has been made Target has been successfully achieved
Step 12
29 Is there potential for horizontal replication? No reason to believe horizontal replication is possible Potential for horizontal replication shown Horizontal replication was defined and shown - plan ready
Define Future Plans
Kaizen has not been properly closed, poor documentation Kaizen has been documented but records have not been put Kaizen has been properly concluded and documented in a
30 Has the kaizen been properly closed and document?
has taken place throughout together binder for the FI pillar. The MP Sheet were well recorded
Total Score:
TOTAL Up to 16th = 80 / Up to 23rd = 115 / Up to 30th = 150

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