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Feedback amplifier, oscillator ,bjt application

27 Questions

1. Negative feedback is used in

a) Amplifier b) Regulators

c) Oscillator d) All of the above

2. Positivie feedback amplifier is used in

a) Oscillator b) Amplifier

c) Voltage regulator d) None

3. By positive feedback gain

a) No change b) Increases

c) Decreases d) Stable

4. In RC phase shift oscillator , frequency depends on

a) R and C b) Voltage

c) Current d) All of the above

5. Which is the necessary condition of gain while

designing RC phase shift oscillator in order to ensure

the sustained oscillations?

a) A ≥ 29 b) A ≤ 29
c) A ≠ 29 d) None of the above
6. Which among the following parameters acts as an

initiator for the operation of an oscillator in the

absence of input signal?

a) Noise b) Noise power

c) Noise temperature d) Noise figure

7. Why is the practical value of | Aβ | considered or

adjusted to be slightly greater than '1'?

a) To compensate for noise voltage b) To compensate for phase shifting of two

relevant signals upto 180

c) To compensate for non-linearities d) To compensate for the change in

existing in the circuit feedback voltage

8. Which among the following does not belong to the

category of LC oscillators?

a) Hartley oscillator b) Colpitt's oscillator

c) Clapp oscillator d) Wein bridge oscillator

9. What is an angle of phase shift for each designed RC

network in the Phase Shift Oscillator circuit?

a) 30° b) 60°

c) 90° d) 180°

What is frequency of operation of RC phase shift

10. oscillotor

a) f0=1/2pisqroot6(RC) b) f0=1/2piRC
11. In RC PHASE SHIFT OSCILLTOR ,how muchtotal phase

shift is provided by feedback network

a) 180 degree b) 90 degree

c) 60 degree d) 30 degree

12. in RC phase shift oscillotor ,Rf and R relation is

a) Rf>=29R b) Rf=10R1


13. In wein bridge oscillotor ,what is A?

a) A>=/3 b) A>=2

c) A>=1 d) A>=5


a) D=.693(R1+R2)C b) D=.693(R1)C
c) D=R1+R2/R1+2R2*100 d) NONE OF THE ABOVE

15. OSCILLOTOR USING 555 TIMER ,C chrges between

a) 2/3 vcc to 1/3 vcc b) 1/3 vcc to vcc

c) 1/2 vcc to 2/5 vcc d) none

16. in timer when output is 1

a) when upper comparaor is high b) WHEN LOWER COMPAROE IS HIGH

c) none d) all
17. What is the expression for time period (T) of oscillator

using 555 Timer ?

a) T=0.693(2R2)C b) T=0.693(R1)C

c) T=0.693(R1+2R2)C d) None of the above

18. What is the value of closed loop gain of Wein Bridge


a) A>=5 b) A>=4

c) A>=3 d) None of the above

19. Frequency of oscillation of a Wein bridge oscillator is

given by

a) 1/3πRC b) 1/RC

c) 1/2πRC d) 1/62RC

20. Frequency of oscillation of a RC phase shift oscillator is

given by 
a) f=1/2πRC b) f=1/2π    6(RC) 

c) f=1/8πRC d) NONE OF RHE ABOVE

21. Barkhausen criterion for sustained oscillation gives:

a) -Aβ = 1 b) β = A

c) Aβ = 1 d) -Aβ = 1

22. The feedback factor β at frequency of oscillation of

Wein-bridge oscillator is:

a) 1/3 b) 1/29
23. The feedback factor β at frequency of oscillation of RC

PHASE SHIFT oscillator is:

a) 1/3 b) 1/29

c) 1/5 d) None of the above

24. The minimum number of RC sections required in phase-

shift oscillator are:

a) two b) three

c) four d) five

25. If Barkhausen criterion is not fulfilled by an oscillator

circuit, it will:

a) Stop oscillating b) produce damped waves continuously

c) Become an amplifier d) produce high-frequency whistles

26. Calculate the gain of a negative feedback amplifier

having A=2000,if the feedback factor is 20%

a) Af=5 b) Af=15

c) Af=10 d) Af=25

27. in voltage series feedback amplifier,

a) with feedback bandwidth gain decreases, b) with feedback bandwidth gain increases,
bandwidth increases bandwidth decreases

c) gain decrese,bandwidth decreases d) both gain and bandwidth increases

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