Robots and Science

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Rights and Roles of Robots in our future


In the modern world, the use of robots is rapidly increasing both in homes and the places

of work. This is brought about by the rapid industrial revolution and the introduction of

electricity which makes it easy to use complex machines. Robots were initially used in industries

to perform manufacturing tasks which facilitated the production of goods with limited need of

human assistance. Like human beings, robots have rights and specific roles that they perform in

our societies. There are multiple forms of robots each with a specific role it is manufactured for.

There is a very significant relationship between science and robots. In fact, the existence and

future of robots greatly depend on the level of scientific advancement. This paper mainly focuses

on the future of robots both in the 21st century and beyond, some of their possible types, their

relationship with science and the influence of scientific advancement on their presence as well as

their future, (Sigfusson).

According to Fitzpatrick, the future of robots both in the 21st century and beyond is still a

topic of discussion among multiple people and numerous researchers. Many people agree that

robots will have a huge impact on our lives in the coming years with others placing bets on it.

Different companies are merging and investing billions to enable the growth of robots. Public
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authorities are more concerned on the potential societal issues that may arise as a result of the

dominance of robots in different fields. Some developed countries have started preparing for the

dominance of robots in the employment sector while laying strategies to equip their workforces

for the 21st century and beyond. Currently, robots are already starting to take human jobs and

will continue taking them in the future due to their extremely high level of integrity and

efficiency compared to humans. According to research, 45% of the current jobs are automated.

Currently, a next generation of robots is being designed by robot engineers which looks, act and

feel like humans to simplify warming up due to the coldness of the current robots. The robots

will be manufactured with realistic skin and hair with sensors to allow them react naturally in the

environment. Engineers are also working on designing of rescue robots that can rescue people in

case they are lost in deep forests as well as people drowning in water. There are several ways

that our future cab be transformed by robots. In future, robots will be used to predict and detect

criminals as well as automatic detection of suspicious activities which is currently available in

the camera-based security systems. This will enable law enforcement agencies to act quickly in

case a suspicious behavior is detected. In the education sector, learning of students in classrooms

is tremendously decreasing. Robots are expected to boost the personalized learning process.

Recently, a robot known as Sophia was granted Saudi Arabian citizenship making it the first

robot to have a nationality. This has created endless debates among people on whether Sophia

can have the same rights as humans such as voting, marrying and others which is controversial to

the Saudi Arabian community where women have very few rights, (Sigfusson).

Shabbir, & Anwer tell us that there are several forms of robots that exist both in the 21st

century and the ones expected to be designed by robot engineers in future. Industrial robots are

one of the most widely used robots especially in developed countries. They are divided in to six
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categories and these include; articulated, cylindrical, polar, Cartesian, Delta and SCARA robots.

They are used in different industrial sectors depending on their capabilities and their features.

For example, delta robots are spider like robots with capability of moving delicately and

precisely. They are commonly used in the electronic, food, and pharmaceutical industries.

SCARA robots are made of two parallel joints that makes them easy to move in the selected

plane hence being commonly used in assembly applications. Articulated robots are the typical

industrial robots because of their design which is made of rotary joints which can range from two

joint structures to more than 10 joints and consists of six axes that allows them to move with

maximum flexibility. Despite the multiple forms of robots that exist currently, there are more

types that robots’ engineers are planning to design such as rescue robots which will be mainly

used to rescue people in case they are in danger, (Fitzpatrick).

According to Sigfusson, there is a strong emerging relationship between science and

robots. The more science advances, the more the robots of different designs are manufactured.

As time goes on, robot engineers may innovate and design new robots depending on the level of

science and technology prevailing at that particular time. Currently, there are numerous types of

robots that have been designed by robot engineers such as surgical robot systems, humanoid

robots and rescue robots. At first, robots were just power machines with small motors. However,

following the increase in science advancement, the current robots are human sized robots

designed with capacity almost near human movement and thoughts. Engineers are also planning

to develop robots with exactly the same senses and features of humans such as hearing, seeing,

feeling and can perform exactly the same tasks or even more than what humans can do,

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Bronner explains that scientific advancement has a great impact on the presence of robots

in our lives now and in the future. The increase in the number of robots as well as the innovation

of more advanced designs of robots is directly dependent on the level of scientific advancement.

Following the rapid advancement in science, multiple robot designs have been created by robot

engineers. According to the law of diminishing returns, there will be a rapid increase in the use

of robots in different fields in the 21st century and future. However, at a certain point, the use of

robots will increase up to the maximum point and then starts to decrease. The increased use of

robots will be brought about by the higher levels of efficiency that robots express compared to

human beings. According to West, “What happens if robots take the jobs?” Robots will be

hated by humans due to their dominance in the employment sector that will leave majority of the

humans unemployed. Therefore, in future the use of robots may cease to exist due to them

replacing human jobs followed by all other negative impacts they will impose on different

societies, (West).


The use of robots in different fields is tremendously increasing currently and is expected

to increase even more further in future. However, their future is still a serious topic of discussion

among researchers. Robots have been designed in different forms and more designs are expected

to be developed in future. Following the rapid scientific advancement, there has been a wide

spread of human like robots with exactly the same features and capabilities like those of humans.

Robots are mainly used in manufacturing industries because of their high levels of efficiency and

flexibility than human beings. Their future is still a topic of discussion because they are currently

taking over tasks that could be performed by humans in the employment sector which may result

in to rise of concerns among the employees hence requesting for them to be completely banned.
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Works Cited

Fitzpatrick, A. Will Robots in the Workplace Destroy Our Future? (2016). Available at

Bronner, S.J. Robots Will Play a Bigger Role in the Coming Years, But Not as Big as You

Think. (2017). Available at

Sigfusson, L. Do Robots Deserve Human Rights? (2017). Retrieved from

West, D.M. What happens if robots take the jobs? The impact of emerging technologies on

employment and public policy. (2015). Center for Technology Innovation at Brookings.

Shabbir,J & Anwer, T. Artificial Intelligence and its Role in Near Future. (2015). Journal of

Latex Class Files.

Benzell, S.G et al. Robots Are Us: Some Economics of Human Replacement. Retrieved from

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