Tugas 11

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KELAS : TIS 19.2


1.) A : What are you going to do tomorrow night?

B : I don’t know. I may go dinner. Or might go to the study. Maybe I’ll sleep all night. Who knows.

2.) A : What’s the weather going to be like tomorrow?

B : I don’t know. It’s may warm. Or It’s might rain . Maybe It’s will storm . Who knows.

3.) A : What is Rika going to do tomorrow?

B : I don’t know. She may go Library. Or she might go to the movie. Maybe she will study all day. Who

4.) A : I’m taking something out of my briefcase/purse/pocket/wallet. It’s small and I’m holding it in my
fist. What is it?

B : I don’t know. It’s may money. Or It’s might handphone . Maybe It’s keys . Who knows.

5.) A : What does Rey have in her purse?

B : I don’t know. It’s may credit card. Or It’s might money . Maybe It’s identity card . Who knows.

6.) A : What does Rina have his pants pockets?

B : I don’t know. It’s may wallet. Or It’s might money . Maybe It’s handphone . Who knows.

7.) A : Reni isn’t in class today. Where is she?

B : I don’t know. She may in the Library. Or she might in the marketplace. Maybe she in the movie .
Who knows.

8.) A : You have another class after this one. What are you going to do in that class?

B : I don’t know. I may go to class. Or might go to the library. Maybe I’ll go to home. Who knows.

9.) A : We have a vacation ( during a certain time ). What are you going to do during vacation?

B : I don’t know. I may go beach. Or I might go to the mountains . Maybe I’ll stay home all during
vacation . Who knows.

10.) A : .What are you going to do this weekend?

B : I don’t know. I may go movie. Or I might go to the marketplace . Maybe I’ll stay home on this
week . Who knows.

1. ) A : Hello?

B : Hello. Is Dick there?

A : Yes, he is.

B : Can I talk To him?

A : Just a minute. I’ll get him.

2.) A : Hello. Dean Black’s office.

B : could I speak to Dean Black?

A : May I ask who’s calling?

B : Susan Abbott.

A : Just a moment, Ms. Abbot. I’ll connect you.

3.) A : Hello?

B : Hi. This is Bob. Can I talk to Steve?

A : Sure. Hang on.

4.) A : Good afternoon. Dr, Anderson’s office. May I appointment with you?

B : Yes, I’d like to make an appointment with Dr. Anderson.

A : Fine. Is Friday morning at ten all right.

5.) A : Hello?

B : Hello. Can I talk to Emily?

A : She’s not at home right now. May I take a message?

B : No thanks, I’ll call her later.

6.) A : Hello coud I talk to Mary?

B : She’s not here right now.

A : Oh could I speak a message?

B : Certainly. Just a minute. I have to get a pen.

7.) A : Hello?

B : Hello. May I talk to Jack?

A : Who?

B : Jack. Jack Butler.

A : There’s no one here by that name. I’m afraid you have the wrong number,

B : Oh, I’m sorry.

A : No, problem.


1.) Teacher : It’s getting hot here. Would you please open the window?

Student : Of course.

Teacher : Thank you.

Student : You’re welcome.

2.) Friend A : The phone is ringing , but my hands are full can you answer the phone for me?

Friend B : Okay

Friend A : Thanks

Friend B : No problem.

3.) Roommate A : I’m trying to study, but the radio is too loud

Roommate B : Can I turn it down?

Roommate A : Thanks

Roommate B : That’s okay. No problem.

4.) Sister : I’m trying to listen to the news on TV, but I can’t hear it. Would you turn the volume up?

Brother : Of course

Sister : Thankyou

Brother: Don’t mention it.

5.) Husband : Honey, I’m out of razor blade. When you go to the store, can I pick some up?

Wife : Sure

Husband : Thankyou

Wife : Anything else?

6.) Stranger A : Excuse me, Would you get the door for me

Stranger B : of course

Stranger A : Thankyou

Stranger B : You’re welcome.

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