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Republic of the Philippines


Fatima, General Santos City


Name of Pre-Service Teacher: Randy C. Fajardo

A Detailed Lesson Plan in English Grade 7

(Second Quarter)

Program Standard: The learner demonstrates communicative competence
through his/ her understanding of literature and other texts types for a deeper
appreciation of Philippine Culture and those of other countries.
Grade Level Standard: The learner demonstrates communicative competence
through his/ her understanding of Philippine Literature and other texts types for a
deeper appreciation of Philippine Culture.
Content Standard: The learner demonstrates understanding of: Philippine
literature in the Period of Emergence as a tool to assert one’s identity; strategies
in listening to and viewing of informative and short narrative texts; word
relationships and associations; informative speech forms; and use of
direct/reported speech, passive/ active voice, simple past and past perfect tenses,
and sentence connectors.
Performance Standard: The learner transfers learning by: showing ways of
asserting one’s identity; comprehending informative and short narrative texts using
schema and appropriate listening and viewing strategies; expressing ideas,
opinions, and feelings through various formats; and enriching written and spoken
communication using direct/reported speech, active/passive voice, simple past
and past perfect tenses and connectors correctly and appropriately.

II. Objectives

At the end of the lesson, the students should be able to:

1. Identify the possible cause and effect of the given situational pictures.
2. Explain the importance of knowing cause and effect relationship in real life.
3. Create statements that show cause and effect relationship based on the pictures
III. Topic: Cause & Effect Relationship
Domain Included: Language Fluency and Grammar
Grade Level: Grade 7
Time Duration: 1 hour

IV. Instructional Materials


English CG. (2016, May). Retrieved from DepEd:

Cause and Effect Relationship. (2017). Retrieved from
of-cause-and-effect?fbclid=IwAR0PQz6r- nfyAPeCUBFu_No
Cause and Effect Real life examples. Retrieved from

Materials/Tools to Use: PowerPoint Presentation, Google Meet, Google Images

V. Approach: Cooperative Learning Approach

Method/Model: Inductive Method
Teaching Strategies Used: Discussion Teaching Strategy
Motivation: Love Love Love
Activity: What’s on your mind?
Analysis: Inquiry-based discussion
Abstraction: Lesson Discussion
Application: Define Me (Picture Interpretation)
Assessment: Quiz (Using Google Forms)

VI. Lesson Procedure

Teacher’s Activity Students’ Activity


 Prayer

“To begin this day, let’s have our prayer first,

may I request Suzzenn to lead us the
prayer.” Suzzenn: “Yes, Ma’am. Let’s bow
down our heads and put our
presence to our Almighty Father”.
“In the name of the Father, the Son
and the Holy Spirit, Amen. Lord we
glorify and magnify your name, we
thank you for this wonderful day
you’ve given to us. We ask for the
forgiveness of our sins and to those
who have sins against us. Give us
wisdom and knowledge so that we’ll
“Amen.” understand our lesson today. Amen.”

All Students: “Amen.”

 Greetings

“Good Morning Class!”

All Students: “Good morning,
“Greet your classmates as well.”

All Students: Good morning,


“Okay, so how’s your day so far? May I ask (Students will give their response in
Angel?” the chat box)

Angel: “I’m doing well, Ma’am.”

“That’s good to hear Angel, keep up that
positive energy always.”

“What about you, Lyza?”

Lyza: “I’m also doing well ma’am
despite all the academic
requirements to be submitted this
“That’s very good to hear, Lyza.”

“I know this week has been very challenging

for all of us, I just hope you don’t lose that
spark in you to continue grinding and always
give your best in everything you do,
whatever you’re facing right now always
choose to face it with an optimistic vision
and courage.”
 Checking of Attendance

“Now, I’d like to ask our secretary, Nadria to

check the attendance please and kindly
send me a copy of the list after the class
Nadria: “Noted Ma’am!”

 Class Rules

“So before we go to our formal discussion

today, I’d just like to remind you with our
class rules.”

1. Remember the one mouth rule, turn

off your microphone when you’re not
recognized. If you want to answer,
just raise your hand virtually and wait
for me to call your name.
2. If you have questions or you want to
answer but you aren’t recognized,
you can use the chat box to send
your message.
3. If you have a strong and stable
internet connection, kindly turn on
your camera. However, if you are
having internet connection issue just
turn it off.
4. Avoid any form of distractions and
eating during our class.
5. Actively participate in our class
6. You can call me Ma’am or Sir, I’m
both comfortable with it.
7. And lastly, don’t forget to enjoy and
have fun while learning!

“So class, are these class rules clear?”

All Students: “Yes, Ma’am.”

“Okay, thank you.”
 Recap

“Before we begin with our new topic today,

what did we discussed last meeting?”
April: “Ma’am last time we discussed
about the types of sentences
according to use and these are the
declarative, interrogative, imperative
and exclamatory sentences.”
“Very good April, that was exactly our topic
last time the types of sentences according
to use.”


“Now, I want to ask you, are you familiar

with Barney’s I love you song?”

“Alright, I guess you’ll have fun with this one.

I’ll be presenting to you a part of the song
and I want someone to sing it for us.”
All Students: “Yes, Ma’am.”
“Can I ask Daevie to sing it please?”
Daevie: “Of course Ma’am.”
(sings) “I love you
You love me
We’re a happy family
With a great big hug
And a kiss from me to you
Hope you say you love me

“Thank you Daevie, your voice sounds so

good. So class, after hearing that song I
have a question for all of you.

‘What can you say about the song?

Does it tell something about our
relationship with our family?’

Can you answer my questions Thea?”

Thea: “Yes, Ma’am, I noticed that the
song has a lot to do with our love for
our family that the real meaning of
family is all about loving each other.”
“That’s a great answer Thea, it’s really true
that as part of one family we should love
each other for love will not only strengthen
our relationship with each other but it will
make us realize that we have to be grateful
with the people who choose to stay with us
through our ups and downs and that’s our

“Now, I have another question.”

’How does growing up or living with a

loving family affect someone’s life?’

“Can I hear your personal thoughts Oonah?”

Oonah: “Ma’am, based on my
personal experience, growing up and
living with a loving family helped me
to express myself fully and I’m certain
that whatever I will do in life they will
always support me.”
“That’s a very truthful answer Oonah. True
to say that our family will always be there for
us and we could always count on them no
matter what circumstances we are in. I hope
class this realization will help you
understand more the real essence of family.
Because what happens when we let love as
the main reason and center of our
relationship with our family, all good things
will just find its way to you.”


“Moving forward, based from your

realizations, we can synthesize that
choosing to love our family will lead us to
beautiful destinations. Thus, this means that
everything in this world happens for a
reason, everything is interconnected, and
there’s always cause and effect”
“So, here’s our lesson objectives for today,
kindly read it for us Jhessa.”
Jhessa: “At the end of the lesson, the
students should be able to:

1. Identify the possible cause and

effect of the given situational
2. Explain the importance of
knowing cause and effect
relationship in real life.
3. Create statements that show
cause and effect relationship
based on the pictures
“Thank you, Jhessa!”


“At this juncture, I’m going to show you three

situational pictures. I want you to carefully
observe these photos and I will ask you later
about your observation.”

Picture #1:

“What can you observe in this picture?”

“I see Lyza is raising her hand, what can you

say about it Lyza?” Lyza: “I can see in the picture that a
kid is plowing in the farm.”
“That’s correct Lyza. We can see in the
picture, a kid with the help of his horse is
plowing in the farm”

Picture #2:

“What’s the picture all about?”

“Yes Johana”
Johana: “Ma’am, I think it’s all about
a Covid patient who is medically
assisted outside the hospital.”

“That’s correct Johana!”

Picture #3:

“What’s the matter in the picture?”

“Yes Shennie”

Shennie: “What I can see in the

picture are two boys attending their
online class.”
“That’s a good observation Shennie, thank


“Now let’s go back to Picture #1, can

someone tell me a possible cause/reason
why the kid had to work in the farm?”

“Yes, Maurene”
Maurene: “I think the reason why the
kid had to work in the farm is
because of poverty.”
“That’s’ true Maurene. That is a strong point
of view synthesizing what could be the
possible reason why he had to grind in his
early stage of life. Now, I want to ask you,
how would this instance affect his future or
life as a whole?”
Maurene: “Working at a young age
will deprive him to enjoy his
childhood and acquire the education
he needs.”
“Thank you Maurene, that’s a great idea. I
also believe that instead of working he
should be studying and enjoy the life he
should have as a kid – having fun with
friends and growing up in a loving family.”

“For Picture #2, can someone tell me a

possible cause/reason why the CoVid
patient is medically assisted outside the

“Yes Angel”
Angel: “I think that the Covid patient
is medically assisted outside the
hospital because of lack of facilities
needed as the Covid cases is so
high that there’s no more room for
some patients.
“Exactly Angel, that’s the answer I’m looking
for! Now I want to ask you, what would be
its effect to the life of the patient?”
Angel: “He will surely have a hard
time to recover from Covid.”

“That’s a good point Angel, and worst, it

might be the reason for him to die. So, I
hope everyone would learn from this
scenario to always follow health protocols
and do our part as a member of one
community in our quest to stop the spread
of CoVid.”

“Now, for Picture #3, can someone tell me

the possible cause/reason why the two boys
are having online class?”

“I can see the same students are raising

their hands, can I ask Ryan to answer my
question please.”

Ryan: “Based on the picture Ma’am,

I think the two boys are attending
online class because physical
interaction is prohibited due to the
“That’s correct, Ryan. That’s exactly the Covid19 Pandemic.”
reason why students are attending online
class right now. I want to ask you, what
would be its effect to the students?”
Ryan: “I think Ma’am the students
will lack concrete knowledge and
they will not completely develop
skills necessary for life.”
“Absolutely correct Ryan, I couldn’t just
agree more with your idea but we can’t do
anything and we just have to follow
everything and survive online class for the
common good.”

“Do you have any questions, things to clarify

or additional inputs?”

“If none, then let’s proceed to our main

discussion for today.”

“So, based from the activity we just did, can

somebody tell me the definition of cause
and effect?”

“Yes, Elisha.”
Elisha: “Cause is the reason why
something happens and effect is the
consequence or result of our
“That’s concise and correct, Elisha. Thank

“Therefore we can say that, when

something happens, we often try to
understand why. We try to figure out the
cause of the event or the reason for it.”

“Cause is the reason why something

happened, it is the first thing that happens
and it always answer the question why.”

“On the other hand, effect is the result of

what happened. It is the second thing that

“Cause and Effect relationship is basically a

combination of action and reaction. Nothing
happens without a reason or some kind of

“Now, we can say that cause and effect

relationship applies to everyone and
everything around us. I want to ask you a

‘What is the essence of knowing the

cause and effect relationship in real life?’

Can I hear your answer BJ?

BJ: “For me Ma’am the importance
of knowing the cause and effect
relationship in life is understanding
that everything happens for a reason
and we should be careful with our
decisions or actions because it will
always have an equal and opposite

“Very good BJ, that’s a powerful insight! It’s

really true that we have to be aware of our
actions so that we will always be prepared
for whatever consequence to happen.”

“I want to hear another answer, can I ask

Hannah please.”
Hannah: “I think the importance of
understanding cause and effect
relationship in life is knowing the
value of our actions and that we are
always ready to make resolutions if
our actions lead to something
“Wow, thank you Hannah that’s a great
realization. I hope that everyone could
contemplate with your idea.”

(Read other students’ answer in the chat


“I’m glad that you have deep realizations

about understanding the essence of cause
and effect relationship in our lives,
especially with the social aspect of our life. I
personally believe that people who can
identify the interrelated causes and
effects concerning social events are
successful at solving social problems in
real life. As one can imagine, the ability to
think about cause and effect in social
relationships renders an individual able to
anticipate possible positive and
negative consequences.”

““Do you have any questions, things to

clarify or additional inputs?”

“If none, then let’s proceed.


“So now that you have learned the concept

of cause and effect relationship. I’m going to
show you interrelated pictures and you have
to create your own statement that shows
cause and effect relationship.”


Sample statement: “The girl studied

diligently so she graduated with honors.”

“Is my instruction clear?”

All Students: “Yes Ma’am”

“Okay, I guess we’re good to go, let’s
Item #1

(Ask one student to share his/her own (Answers may vary)

statement that shows cause and effect
relationship based on the pictures).

Item #2
(Ask one student to share his/her own
statement that shows cause and effect
relationship based on the pictures). (Answers may vary)

Item #3

(Ask one student to share his/her own (Answers may vary)

statement that shows cause and effect
relationship based on the pictures).
VII. Assessment
Direction: In the Google Form I’ve sent in the chat box, determine the cause and effect of the
situations in the following statements. The Google form will be open for 20 minutes only and time
officially starts the moment you click the “start” button.
“Because the alarm was not set, we were late for work”.

Cause: The alarm was not set.

Effect: We were late for work.

1. The weather forecast called for rain, so James took his umbrella.

2. The baby was crying, so Dad picked him up.

3. Wind is produced when the surface of the Earth is heated unevenly.

4. Betty completed each task perfectly, so she was promoted.

5. Tsunamis happen when tectonic plates shift.

6. When nuclear fusion stops or starts, a star explodes.

7. Wind is produced when the surface of the Earth is heated unevenly.

8. If you train your dog, he will follow commands.

9. I skipped lunch today, so I am extremely hungry this evening.

10. I have difficulty trusting people because my last boyfriend lied a lot.

VIII. Assignment (Answers may vary)

What: Research examples of signal words and phrases used in an informational text that uses the
cause/effect organizational structure. Briefly explain the importance of these signal words in cause
and effect statements.
When to submit: Monday, June 21, 2021
Where to submit: Google Classroom (Write it in a short bond paper, Arial, 12, double spacing).
No. of Points: 20 points

------------------------------------------------THANK YOU! ------------------------------------------

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