English Exam

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1 What does the modal verb in the sentence mean? ¿qué función cumple el
modal verb?
1) You mustn’t play with fire.
a) ability. b) prohibition c) permission d) obligation

2) I have to go to the airport now. My friend is waiting for me there.

a) ability b) prohibition c) permission d) obligation

3) You look sick. You should see a doctor.

a) ability b) recommendation
c) permission d) obligation

2) CORRECT THE SENTENCES. Corrige las oraciones.

She must to be on time for the class.

They has to be at school at 7:00 am.

¿Do should we pay attention to the class?

Babies mustn´t walk very well.


UNDERLINE THE CORRECT OPTION. Subraya la opcion correcta
1. we must / can / have to / should go home; it is getting late.
2. The teachers must / can / have to / should wear a uniform.
3. We mustn´t/ can´t / don´t have to / shouldn´t visit my
grandparents this weekend. They will be sad.

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