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Benchmark—Gospel Essentials

Andrenita M. Orosco

College Name, Grand Canyon University

Course Number: Christian Worldview 101

Scott Hovater


Benchmark—Gospel Essentials

Christian worldview is one of the world's most known and prevalent religions worldwide,

with an estimated 2.38 billion Christians worldwide. Many religions vary in beliefs; unlike any

other religion, Christianity offers one salvation and eternal life after death through Christ Jesus.

Christian worldview believes that one does not have salvation by good works alone but through

Christ, Jesus, who died on the cross to save humanity from sin. In this essay, I will discuss

Christianity's foundations and analyze the implications of the Christian worldview. This means I

will cover topics such as the gospel, also known as "the good news of Jesus Christ," in the bible.

The gospel is there for whoever will accept, which would lead to salvation; it also has the

crucifixion and the resurrection of Christ Jesus. I will cover the essential elements of the gospel:

the nature of God, the nature of humanity, the nature of Jesus, and restoration.

Gospel Essential Beliefs

Nature of God

"The character and nature of God are at the center of the Christian worldview and, as it

has already been said, that the fear of the Lord is the knowledge of God" (Diffey, 2020, p. 78).

According to the Bible and the Christian worldview, Jesus was entirely God and fully human.

Indicating what Philippians 2:5-11 and Hebrews 1:1-3 teaches, it explains why this teaching of

Jesus's full divinity and full humanity is crucial to Christianity. Christ, Jesus' full divinity, and

full humanity are essential to the Christian worldview because the teachings enable people to

believe that God is whom he says he is. As Philippians 2:5-9 teaches, Christ, Jesus took on

human form to teach us how to turn away from sin and humanity's evil ways. Jesus took the

punishment for our sins by sacrificing his life for humanity and rising on the third day. "God

immensely elevated him and gave him the name above every name" (The Holy Bible, New

International Version, 2011, Philippians 2:9).  Additionally, due to Jesus sharing humanity's

human emotions, Jesus experienced the same temptations one does as individuals on this earth. 

Nature of Humanity

The Nature of Humanity is crucial for every worldview to know and understand. The

Nature of Humanity is crucial for every worldview to know and understand. The Christian

worldview has two contentions regarding human nature. “First, humans are created in the image

of God (Genesis 1:26-28). Second, after the fall of Adam and Eve into sin, all humans are sinful

by nature (Genesis 6:5; Romans 3:9-23)” (Diffey, 2020, p. 101). The Christian worldview

believes that humanity is sinful by nature, and due to this, humanity is prone to conduct sinfully.

This worldview believes that the nature of humanity is sinful due to the rebellion of Adam and

Eve; because of this rebellion, separation in the relationship between God and humanity was

caused. “But even in the midst of humanity’s desperate state of rebellion, God gave Adam and

Eve hope that they would have a descendant who would crush the head of the serpent” (The Holy

Bible, New International Version, 2011, Genesis 3:35).

Furthermore, Genesis 1:26-29 talks about how God gave humanity authority to rule over

all living creatures. In the sea, on the ground, and in the skies, fruits, and vegetables were a

blessing to humanity to care for. These verses in this chapter also talk about how God blessed

humanity and instructed them to be fruitful and multiply (Genesis 1:26-28).

Nature of Jesus

In the Christian worldview, the Bible teaches that Jesus’s nature is that he is both human

and divine, fully God and fully human. “And the Word became flesh and made his dwelling

among us. We have seen his glory, the glory of the one and only Son, who came from the Father,

full of grace and truth” (The Holy Bible, New International Version, 2011, John 1:14). During

the time Jesus was on earth in human form, Jesus lived a sinless life, and faced human emotions,

he also spread the word of his Father, God, he performed miracles such as walking on water, not

only that but he was also a carpenter, a friend, and a son. “The Virgin will conceive and give

birth to a son, and they will call him Emmanuel” (which means “God with us”) (The Holy Bible,

New International Version, 2011,  Mathew 1:23). Jesus being born is especially important to the

Christian worldview, Christians believe that Jesus was and is humanities only hope at salvation,

he was sinless, fully God and fully man, there is no other like him. Jesus’s crucifixion and

resurrection are the only way humanities is saved from sin. “For God so loved the world that he

gave his one and only son, that whoever believes in him shall not perish but have eternal life”

(The Holy Bible, New International Version, 2011, John 3:16).


"The fourth act of the Bible is restoration. Restoration is also the final element of the

essential beliefs of Christianity" (Grand Canyon University, 2024, God-Centered Salvation;

Christ Alone, Grace Alone, Faith Alone Section, para.1). In Christian worldview restoration is

essential, as it is Gods way of bringing humanity back to him when one rebels, to have a

relationship with humanity. "There is a clear pattern in God's dealing with his people: God is in a

relationship with his people (often in the form of a covenant), the people rebel, God exiles them

from his presence, and then God works to bring people back into relationship with him because

of his great mercy" (Diffey, 2020, p. 112). Due to humanity's sinful nature, one may wander

away from God and fall to fleshly desires or ways; Jesus came to bring restoration to end sin

once and for all. When one repents and asks God for forgiveness, God will restore one and show


Christian Foundations

In the Christian worldview it is important to know at some point the concepts of the In

the Christian worldview, it is essential to know at some point the gospel concepts, also known as

“the good news,” which consist of the nature of God, the nature of humanity, the nature of Jesus,

and restoration. This is important because it teaches and shows everything from the beginning of

time to the beginning of creation; it sets a solid foundation for a believer in Christ. “All Scripture

is God-breathed and is useful for teaching, rebuking, correcting and training in righteousness, so

that the servant of God may be thoroughly equipped for every good work” (The Holy Bible, New

International Version, 2011, Timothy

3:16-17). One sets a strong foundation in Christ when one accepts Jesus in their heart, rests in

him, and sets out to learn and grow in the word of God. This foundation also has a huge impact

on how one lives one’s life on earth.

Analysis of the Implications of the Christian Worldview

In the Christian worldview, the central belief is accepting the crucifixion and the

resurrection of Jesus on the cross so that humanity, through the free will God has given us,

accepts Jesus; Humanity can reconcile with God and be offered salvation and have eternal life as

promised. In Christianity, one does not gain salvation from good; humanity is not good enough

on its own and is sinful by nature; this is why acceptance of Jesus as one is Lord and Savior is

crucial in a Christian worldview. "Christianity teaches that people are not capable of being good

enough, which is precisely why God sent Jesus to be the Savior of the world. Christ offers good

news; the gospel-which is that by trusting in what he has already done, our restoration

occurs" (Grand Canyon University, 2024, God-Centered Salvation; Christ Alone, Grace Alone,

Faith Alone Section, para.5).


In the Christian worldview, the gospel, "the good news," is essential to learn and know in

Christianity. Knowing the gospel helps one know how great God is; one learns the nature of God

and that he was entirely God and fully man. Knowing the gospel essentials will help one set a

strong and solid foundation; although one may not know or ever know all of the answers

regarding God's goodness, one can know enough to have and fulfill one's purpose on earth. By

accepting Jesu as their Lord and Savior and repentance, one can look forward and have eternal

life in Heaven.


Pritchard, J. (2022). Christian Worldview. Salem Press Encyclopedia.

Diffey, D. (2020). Chapter 5 of Diffey's book The Wisdom and Mercy of God: A Guide to
Christian Thought and Life the start of wisdom An Overview of Christian Philosophy and

Young Shin, J. (2021). Theology and History. Christian Worldview: Christian Philosophy Today.
Publisher: Wheaton, IL. Retrieved 2023, from https://eds-p-ebscohost-

The Holy Bible, English Standard Version. (2016). Bible Gateway. (Original
work published 2001)

Grand Canyon University. (2020a). CWV-101 topic 1 overview [Class document]. Halo.

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