Hut200 Professional Ethics, June 2022

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E 02000HUT2q)0s2103

Fourth Semester B.Tech Degree Examination Jlur;le 2022 (
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Course Code: IIUT200
Max. Marks: 100 Duration:3 Hours
Answer oA questions. Each question carries 3 mnrks Marks
I Distinguish between morality and ethics. (3)
2 List the factors that enhance the self confidence in a person. (3)
3 Differentiate consensus and controversy in Engineering ethics. (3)
4 List out the models of professional roles. (3)
5 What are the essential conditions for a valid informed consent? (3)
6 List out the limitations of Codes of Ethics. (3)
7 Define collegiality and loyalty. (?)
8 Differentiate between Patents and Trademarks. (3)
9 Describe the various requirements for engineers who act as advisors. (3)
l0 List out the importance of Business Ethics. (3)
Answer any onefull questionfromeach module Each question carries 14 mnrks
Module I
I la) Explain the qualities of service learning. (7)

b) Desciibe ttre qriiiities required live a peaceful life. (7)

lZa) Explain the steps for developing a strong work ethic. (8)
b) Classify courage based on the $pe of ris-k.'* (6)
Module 2
l3a) Explain the causes of Moral Dilemmas. (7)
b) Describe the different types of inquiries in solving ethical problems (7)

l4a)_ Explain the types of Ethical theories. (8)

b) Compare Gilligan's theory with Kohlberg's theory on moral development. (6)

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t5a) OesctlUe tle causes ard faal effects of Bhopal Gas Tragedy (7)
b) IIht io the role of engineers as experimenters. (7)
16a) Evehete-tl€ importacrce of rccormtability in a professional's life. (6)
b) Ex$ain the role of Co&s of Ethics in the service life of a professioml Bqgirlccr. (8)
hilodule 4
l7a) E$b dE differerfi @s in managing cqrflicts in an organizatiur. (7)
b) Dwribe'fu major stepa involved.inde pnocess of collective brgainiqg. {7)
IEa) Exempli$i conflicB ofitcTest'md.conflicts in interest. (6)
b) .I.{g@gvarious ridr* of*n cnginocr as a pro essional. (8)
Msdute 5
1%) kibe ft€ hryo ww*d vi€ffi on Envfoonme'ntal Eftrics. {E)
b) Exfrain tho differeflt types of issucs in Comp,wer Ethics. (6)
20 Explain ttre features, rilstntages and limitations of \itNCs- (14)


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