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Dating at young age have bad influences in everyday life

Guru Mata Pelajaran : Sulastri, S.Pd.

Disusun Oleh :

1. Dwi Nova Nabila Zahra (12)

2. Najwa Hanaa Nur Aisyah (24)

3. Achmad Dimyati (01)


Jl. Pemuda No.55, Rw. I, Seduri, Kec. Mojosari, Kabupaten Mojokerto, Jawa Timu 61382

(0321) 591457

All praise and gratitude to the presence of Allah SWT for the blessings, mercy and all the
guidance given so that the writer can finish the paper entitled “Dating at a young age causes
bad influences in everyday life”

In writing this paper, perhaps it would not have been completed without the guidance, advice,
assistance, suggestions, as well as the motivation and support given to the author. Therefore,
the author would like to thanks Mrs, Sulastri as an English teacher who has given this
assignment to add insight and knowledge.

With the preparation of this report, hopefully it can be useful for all readers in general.
Especially for us as paper authors and for everyone. This report may still be far from being
perfect, therefore the authors really hope for suggestions and constructive criticsm from
readers for further perfection.

Mojosari, 18 Maret 2023


Dating is a relationship that involves two people, namely woman and

a man. Dating has a bad influence in everyday life. Dating can devalue a person,

dating can also influence a person's life whether community, family, and

school life. We think there's some bad influence from dating.

• Argument:

First, dating makes students passive. Dating makes students passive in school

Organizations and school activities because the person depicted has the thought

that a boyfriend is a girlfriend more important than

anything else so those who are dating Prefer to be with their

girlfriends rather than being active in organizations, and school activities. Foe Example when
a school hold an event that requires student to gathehr in the hall, people who are dating are
even alone in class.

Second, dating reduces productivity. On holidays we usually do useful things,

such as doing homework, helping mom clean the house, studying,

and resting at home, but if we are dating then our productivity

will decrease. We often don't do homework, often don't study.

Because our time is consumed only for dating.

Third, dating makes life extravagant. Momen we are in a relationship with

Someone, of course we will ask us to go on a date. On dates, we

Sometimes buy our partner food, and that's enough money for one

date. Not only that, when our partner's birthday or valentine's we

have to give gifts to our partner and it drains our money.

Fourth, dating creates slander. Dating will cause slander in society, where

usually this slander will appear when we take our partners out late at night and when we take

our partners to our rooms, even though in our rooms and our partners do nothing strange.
Reiteration :

Therefore basically dating at a young age is a bad thing because based

on age and Psychological aspects a teenager is not ready, but if it's just to

Get to know each other and within reasonable limits It's Okay let alone to

Improve his own learning achievement. But on the contrary. If they fall into

bad habits and can reduce their self-quality, then the role of parents and teachers is very

Important so that they do not fall into the bad behavior that appears.

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