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S.Y. 2022-2023

Electric Generator Using DC Motors and

Scrapped Materials

Gian J. Sorongon

Deniel Jay A. Lano

Justine B. Candelario

Research Capstone Teacher

Jackie Lyn Degayo


 Electric fan

 Wood Nails

 Stick glue

 Wires

 Socket

 Plug

 Light bulb

 Light bulb socket


 Prepare the materials.

 Disassemble the fan.

 Cut of its propellers.

 Glue the disc into the rotating part of the fan.

 And stick the fan into the wood to provide support.

 Connect the wire from the fan into the socket.

 For making the hand crank, put a bearing into the wood.

 Cut a tin can and glue the disc into it.

 Glue another bearing in the disc and put a handle in.

 Put a shaft in the glued tin can and put it into the bearing in the wood.

 After all of that, put the garter in the wheel.

 Plug the LED light bulb in the socket and crank the device to produce

electricity for your LED light.

Scientific Explanation

Batteries store electrical energy chemically and convert it into electrical

energy when a circuit is completed between the battery’s positive and negative

terminals. The chemical reactions that occur within the battery produce a flow of

electrons that creates an electric current. Generators, on the other hand, convert

mechanical energy into electrical energy. They work by rotating a coil of wire within a

magnetic field. As the coil rotates, it cuts through the magnetic field lines, which

induces a current in the coil. This current can be used to power electrical devices.

Magnets produce a magnetic field, which is a region where a magnetic force can be

detected. Magnets are made up of materials that have unpaired electrons, which

create a magnetic moment that aligns the electrons’ spins in the same direction. This

alignment produces a magnetic field. Electromagnetic induction is the process by

which a changing magnetic field induces an electric current in a conductor. This

phenomenon is the basis of many electrical technologies, such as generators,

transformers, and motors. When a magnetic field changes in strength or direction, it

produces an electric field, which can cause electrons to flow in a conductor. The

magnitude of the induced current depends on the rate of change of the magnetic

field and the properties of the conductor.

In summary, batteries store and convert chemical energy into electrical

energy, generators convert mechanical energy into electrical energy, magnets

produce magnetic fields, and electromagnetic induction allows for the generation of

electricity through the interaction of magnetic fields and conductors.

What’s Happening

Electricity is formed in electromagnetic induction through the process of

generating an electric current by varying the magnetic field around a conductor. The

process of electromagnetic induction occurs when a conductor, such as a wire, is

moved through a magnetic field or when the magnetic field around the conductor is

varied. When this happens, a voltage is induced across the ends of the conductor,

which causes an electric current to flow through the conductor if it forms a closed

loop. The strength of the induced voltage depends on several factors, including the

strength of the magnetic field, the rate at which the magnetic field changes, and the

angle between the magnetic field and the conductor. The greater the magnetic field

strength, the faster the rate of change, and the more perpendicular the angle

between the field and the conductor, the greater the induced voltage and current.

The phenomenon of electromagnetic induction is the basis for many electrical

technologies, including generators, transformers, and induction motors. These

devices rely on the principles of electromagnetic induction to generate, transform, or

control electrical energy.

Overall, electromagnetic induction is a process that allows for the conversion of

mechanical energy into electrical energy through the use of a magnetic field and a

conductor. This process has revolutionized the way we generate and use electrical

energy, making it an essential aspect of modern technology.

Concept Applied

The concept applied in an electric generator using renewable energy like wind

energy or hydropower, DC motor and scrapped materials is electromagnetic

induction. This principle states that when a conductor (such as a wire) is moved

through a magnetic field, an electric current is induced in the conductor. In this case,

the DC motor acts as the generator, and the magnetic field is created by the magnet

inside the motor. When the motor shaft is turned, the magnet inside the motor

rotates, creating a magnetic field. By connecting wires to the motor's brushes,

electricity can be produced when the magnet rotates past the wires. This process

generates an alternating current (AC) that must be converted into direct current (DC)

to be useful. The generator can be powered by various sources, including a hand

crank, a pedal system, or an external motor, such as a wind turbine or a solar panel.

By using scrapped materials, such as old motors, wires, and magnets, this concept

can be applied to create a functional and cost-effective electric generator.

Real-life Application

An electric generator using DC motors and scrapped materials can have

several real-world applications, including:

Emergency Power Backup: This type of generator can be used to provide

emergency power backup during power outages. By connecting the DC motor to a

battery, the generator can produce electricity to power essential appliances such as

lights, fans, and communication devices.

Renewable Energy: The generator can also be used as a renewable energy source.

By using solar panels or wind turbines to turn the DC motor, the generator can

produce electricity without relying on fossil fuels.

Off-Grid Living: In areas where there is no access to the grid, this type of generator

can be used to produce electricity for homes or businesses. This can be particularly

useful in remote areas where traditional electricity infrastructure is not available.

Overall, an electric generator using DC motors and scrapped materials can be

a cost-effective and sustainable way to produce electricity for various applications.


Britannica, T. Editors of Encyclopaedia (2023, February 18). Faraday’s law of

induction. Encyclopedia Britannica.


Great Inventions. (2022, October 30). How I Make A Small Permanent Hydroelectric

Generator At Home [Video]. YouTube. https://www.youtube.com/watch?


iKen Edu. (2016). What is Electric induction? [Video]. YouTube.


Juan /dilasag. (2022, January 4). MAMATAY ang PRODUCTION NG BATTERY,

COAL, GAS sa step na ito, [Video]. YouTube.




GENERATOR [Video]. YouTube. https://www.youtube.com/watch?


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