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20/5/23, 22:24 Brigham Young University - Idaho -

Hojas de trabajo de tareas

Sistema de deberes en línea  
20/5/23 - 21:24:21 MDT

Nombre: ____________________________ Clase: Math for the Real World: Section A5 (SP23)
Clase #: ____________________________ Sección #: ____________________________
Instructor: Karen Santa Maria Tarea: Unit 1 Review 1/20
20/5/23, 22:24 Brigham Young University - Idaho -

Pregunta 1: (1 punto)

Identify the five steps of the Quantitative Reasoning Process.

 Step 1  

(a) Carry out calculations

(b) Apply quantitative tools

(c) Understand the problem

(d) Identify key variables & make key assumptions

(e) Create statistical charts & graphs

(f) Evaluate your reasoning

(g) Make an informed decision

Step 2

(a) Carry out calculations

(b) Apply quantitative tools

(c) Understand the problem

(d) Identify key variables & make key assumptions

(e) Create statistical charts & graphs

(f) Evaluate your reasoning

(g) Make an informed decision

Step 3

(a) Carry out calculations

(b) Apply quantitative tools

(c) Understand the problem

(d) Identify key variables & make key assumptions

(e) Create statistical charts & graphs

(f) Evaluate your reasoning

(g) Make an informed decision

Step 4

(a) Carry out calculations

(b) Apply quantitative tools

(c) Understand the problem

(d) Identify key variables & make key assumptions

(e) Create statistical charts & graphs

(f) Evaluate your reasoning

(g) Make an informed decision 2/20
20/5/23, 22:24 Brigham Young University - Idaho -

Step 5

(a) Carry out calculations

(b) Apply quantitative tools

(c) Understand the problem

(d) Identify key variables & make key assumptions

(e) Create statistical charts & graphs

(f) Evaluate your reasoning

(g) Make an informed decision 3/20
20/5/23, 22:24 Brigham Young University - Idaho -

Pregunta 2: (1 punto)

Use the list below to select the correct term for each of the following definitions.
A. Fallacy
B. Proposition
C. Conditional Statement
D. Assumption
E. Logical Reasoning
F. Variable

[  ]  
[  ]  
[  ]  
An element of a situation that has the potential to change in value.
[  ]  
[  ]  
[  ]  

[  ]  
[  ]  
[  ]  
An element of a situation that is accepted as true without proof.
[  ]  
[  ]  
[  ]  

[  ]  
[  ]  
[  ]  
The process of analyzing and evaluating arguments to draw a valid conclusion.
[  ]  
[  ]  
[  ] 4/20
20/5/23, 22:24 Brigham Young University - Idaho -

[  ]  
[  ]  
[  ]  
A statement that is either true or false.
[  ]  
[  ]  
[  ]  

[  ]  
[  ]  
[  ]  
A statement with an if-then structure that is either true or false.
[  ]  
[  ]  
[  ]  

[  ]  
[  ]  
[  ]  
An argument based on an error in reasoning.
[  ]  
[  ]  
[  ] 5/20
20/5/23, 22:24 Brigham Young University - Idaho -

Pregunta 3: (1 punto)

With her new company, Stephanie has a two-year assignment living in a large city. The company will reimburse most of her expenses.
Stephanie is using the Quantitative Reasoning Process to build a budget. Calculate Stephanie's estimated living expenses for the next
two years using the following:
Rent: $1,050 per month, Gym membership: $325 per year with a monthly fee of $15, Renters' insurance: $75 every 6 months,
Groceries: $435 per month, and Eating out & entertaining: $250 per week.
Assume 52 weeks in 1 year and 12 months in 1 year.
(Round your answer to the nearest whole dollar)

Pregunta 4: (1 punto)

In Tasheena's Anthropology class Quizzes are worth 15% of the final grade, Exams are worth 55%, Projects are worth 25%, and
Attendance is worth 5%.
At mid-semester Tasheena scored 119 out of 150 points on quizzes, 75, 86, and 94 on the first three exams,each worth 100 points.
She got extra credit on her project with a score of 30 out of 25 possible points, and she had perfect attendance to class. Compute
Tasheena's grade percentage in the class so far. 
(Round your percent to 2 decimal places)
____________ %

Pregunta 5: (1 punto)

Simplify the following math expression:

____________ 6/20
20/5/23, 22:24 Brigham Young University - Idaho -

Pregunta 6: (1 punto)

Consider this conditional statement:  If you eat a whole carton of ice cream, then you will get a stomach ache.
Under which of the following conditions would the conditional statement be false?

(a) You eat a whole carton of ice cream and don't get a stomach ache.

(b) You eat a whole pizza and end up with a stomach ache.

(c) You eat half a carton of ice cream and you get a stomach ache.

(d) You don't eat any sugar today and you get a stomach ache.

(e) You eat a whole pizza and don't get a stomach ache.

Pregunta 7: (1 punto)

Which of the following could not be made into a conditional statement?


(a) Every cloud has a silver lining.

(b) Have you taken the test?

(c) The early bird always gets the worm.

(d) If ye love me, keep my commandments.

(e) All snakes are mammals.

Pregunta 8: (1 punto)

Which of the following is the final step in the Quantitative Reasoning Process?

(a) Evaluate your reasoning.

(b) Review your answers.

(c) Make an informed decision.

(d) Carry out your plan.

(e) Identify key variables and make assumptions. 7/20
20/5/23, 22:24 Brigham Young University - Idaho -

Pregunta 9: (1 punto)

"If my people, which are called by my name, shall humble themselves, and pray, and seek my face, and turn from their wicked ways;
then will I hear from heaven, and will forgive their sin, and will heal their land." (2 Chronicles 7:14)
Which of the following is the assumption of this scripture?

They shall humble themselves, and pray, and seek my face, and I will hear from heaven, and will forgive their sin, and will
(a) heal their land. 

(b) If you pray, then I will hear.

(c) If I hear from heaven, you are my people.

(d) My people shall humble themselves, and pray, and seek my face, and turn from their wicked ways.

(e) I will hear from heaven, and will forgive their sin, and will heal their land. 


Pregunta 10: (1 punto)

Andrew is getting ready to apply to graduate school. He and some friends took a GRE preparation class. Most class members scored
around 154 on the quantitative portion of the GRE. A few class members scored around 105 on the quantitative portion.
Which of the following would be the best measure to see how Andrew's score on the quantitative portion of the GRE compares to the
rest of the scores of the GRE preparation class members?

(a) Standard Deviation

(b) Percentile

(c) Mode

(d) Median

(e) Mean 8/20
20/5/23, 22:24 Brigham Young University - Idaho -

Pregunta 11: (1 punto)

Match each of the following definitions to the correct fallacy:


This fallacy refers to an argument where a conclusion is made without adequately considering other reasons that
might explain the observed effect. 
Alternative explanation
[  ]  
Appeal to emotion
[  ]  
Improper generalization
[  ]  
Personal attack
[  ]  

This fallacy is an argument that concludes that because one individual or group experiences a certain result, then
everyone should experience the similar results.
Alternative explanation
[  ]  
Appeal to emotion
[  ]  
Improper generalization
[  ]  
Personal attack
[  ]  

This fallacy is an argument that claims something is true because of a sentiment or feeling unrelated to the
Alternative explanation
[  ]  
Appeal to emotion
[  ]  
Improper generalization
[  ]  
Personal attack
[  ]  

This fallacy is based on criticizing the person making the argument, rather than critiquing the argument on its own
Alternative explanation
[  ]  
Appeal to emotion
[  ]  
Improper generalization
[  ]  
Personal attack
[  ] 9/20
20/5/23, 22:24 Brigham Young University - Idaho -

Pregunta 12: (1 punto)

In many advertisements we might hear or read statements or claims that could contain logical fallacies. Some examples are
McDonald’s – I’m Lovin It, Subaru - Love Conquers All, CocaCola - #openhappiness. If a logical flaw exists, what type of logical
flaw exists in these statements?

(a) Personal Attack

(b) Improper Generalization

(c) Alternative Explanation

(d) There is no logical flaw. The advertisements are true.

(e) Appeal to Emotion

Pregunta 13: (1 punto)

The following is a review of a book on  “This Marxist French fool doesn't have a grasp on reality (like most socialist) this
waste of paper is good for only one thing, a bon fire! What a bunch of garbage!”  This review is not a well-reasoned argument because
it contains the following flaw in logical reasoning:

(a) Alternative Explanation

(b) Appeal to Emotion

(c) Improper Generalization

(d) Personal Attack

(e) There is no logical flaw in the argument. 10/20
20/5/23, 22:24 Brigham Young University - Idaho -

Pregunta 14: (1 punto)

As a student at BYUI you have the option to rent or buy textbooks. As you use the Quantitative Reasoning Process to determine
whether to buy or rent your textbooks, which of the following assumptions would not be useful for this model.

(a) Assuming the textbook is readily available whether you buy or rent.

(b) Assuming many other students will want to rent instead of buy.

(c) Assuming the textbook is needed for the class.

(d) Assuming the textbook is in a similar condition whether you buy or rent.

(e) Assuming you have enough money to either buy or rent.

Pregunta 15: (1 punto)

Ross is trying to choose between two majors at BYU-Idaho. Which of the following assumptions is likely to be the most helpful for his

(a) Global warming will influence weather patterns in the world.

(b) Ross can complete his degree in either major within 140 credits at BYU-Idaho.

(c) Ross will live to be 100 years old.

(d) Ross will spend two years serving a mission.

(e) Ross will improve his ping pong skills.

Pregunta 16: (1 punto)

Consider the conditional statement “If x is a prime number, then x is an odd number.”   Is this statement true for x = 2? (Remember a
prime number is divisible only by 1 and itself)
Choose the answer with the most correct explanation.

(a) The conditional statement is assumed true because 2 is a prime number (the “if” is true).

(b) There is not enough information to decide if the conditional statement is true or false.

The conditional statement is assumed false because 2 is an even number (the “then” is false) regardless of the truth of the

The conditional statement is false because 2 is a prime number (the “if” is true) and 2 is an even number (the “then” is

(e) The conditional statement is neither true nor false. 11/20
20/5/23, 22:24 Brigham Young University - Idaho -

Pregunta 17: (1 punto)

If logical flaws exists, identify the flaw in each of the following arguments:
"According to the most recent statistics from the Centers for Disease Control, West Virginia has the highest rate of obesity in the
United States. Living in West Virginia must make you gain weight."

(a) Personal Attack

(b) Appeal to Emotion

(c) Improper Generalization

(d) There is no logical flaw in the argument.

(e) Alternative Explanation

"I met seven different people from West Virginia that were clinically obese. Everyone living in West Virginia must be obese."

(a) Alternative Explanation

(b) There is no logical flaw in the argument.

(c) Appeal to Emotion

(d) Personal Attack

(e) Improper Generalization

Pregunta 18: (1 punto)

Curtis told his roommate Luis, “If you give me twenty dollars, Luis, then I will kiss a frog.”
Which of the following would show this conditional statement to be false?

(a) This statement cannot be shown false—it is always true.

(b) Luis gives Curtis twenty dollars, but Curtis does not kiss a frog.

(c) Luis does not give Curtis twenty dollars, and Curtis does not kiss a frog.

(d) Luis gives Curtis twenty dollars, and Curtis kisses a frog.

(e) Curtis kisses a frog, but Luis does not give him twenty dollars. 12/20
20/5/23, 22:24 Brigham Young University - Idaho -

Pregunta 19: (1 punto)

Which of the following correctly rephrases the statement “Springtime in London is always rainy” as a conditional statement?

(a) If it is springtime in London, then it is rainy .

(b) The statement cannot be turned into a conditional statement because it is just a proposition.

(c) If it is in London, then it is springtime.

(d) The statement cannot be turned into a conditional statement because it is always true.

(e) If it is rainy in London, then it is springtime .

Pregunta 20: (1 punto)

Which of the following can NOT be written as a conditional (if-then) statement?

(a) All rainy days are dreary.

(b) I visit my grandparents in Hawaii whenever I have enough money for an airline ticket.

(c) None of the people at the movies bought popcorn.

(d) Pigs can never fly.

(e) Most birds only eat plants, but some birds eat meat.

Pregunta 21: (1 punto)

Andrea is making a sandbox for her children. She has made a wooden frame for her backyard that is 4 feet long, 8 feet wide, and 3
feet deep. She can purchase sand for the sandbox for $15 per cubic meter. How much will it cost Andrea to purchase sand? (Hint: 1
foot = 0.3048 meters.)
(Round your answer to the nearest dollar.)
$____________ 13/20
20/5/23, 22:24 Brigham Young University - Idaho -

Pregunta 22: (1 punto)

The Grand Teton, a mountain on the Idaho/Wyoming border, is 13,776 feet above sea level.  Convert the Grand Teton's elevation into
miles. (Hint: 1 mile = 5280 feet). 
(Round your answer to 2 decimal places)
____________ miles above sea level.

Pregunta 23: (1 punto)

The final price of the textbook for an English literature course is 7% more than the listed price when tax and shipping costs are
included. If the listed price is $93, what is the final price of the textbook?
(Round to the nearest dollar.)

Pregunta 24: (1 punto)

Amazon is having a sale where items are sold for 30% less than the original price.  If Amy bought a new coat for a sale price of $70,
what was the original price of the coat?
(Round your answer to the nearest cent.)

Pregunta 25: (1 punto)

Convert the following phrase to a mathematical sentence:  "The product of the number of cows and the number of ducks is 40 percent
of the number of horses."

(a) cows + ducks = 0.40 * horses

(b) cows * ducks = (1 + 0.40) * horses

(c) cows * ducks = 0.40 * horses

(d) cows - ducks = (1 - 0.40) * horses

(e) cows - ducks + horses = 0.40 14/20
20/5/23, 22:24 Brigham Young University - Idaho -

Pregunta 26: (1 punto)

In 2017 the population of Rexburg, Idaho was 28,337 people.  The population was expected to grow at a rate of about 1.57% per
year.  Based on these numbers, what would we predict the population of Rexburg will be in the year 2022?
(Round to the nearest whole number.)
____________ people

Pregunta 27: (1 punto)

Camille took a friend for a birthday dinner. The total bill for dinner was $36.51 (including tax and a tip).  If Camille paid a 22% tip, what
was her bill before adding the tip?
(Round your answer to the nearest cent.)

Pregunta 28: (1 punto)

Andy used the Quantitative Reasoning Process to budget and to start a savings account.  Each month he makes about $235 from a
part-time job. Andy's parents also send him $155 per month. The sum of Andy's paycheck and the money he gets from his parents is
5% more than his total expenses.  How much money does Andy have available to add to his savings account each month?
(Round your answer to the nearest cent.) 

Pregunta 29: (1 punto)

Samuel recently ran a marathon. It took him 5 hours to run the 26.2 miles required to complete a marathon. 
Find his average speed in miles per hour. Then convert his speed to feet per second. (Hint:  1 mile = 5,280 feet).
(Round your answers to two decimal places)
____________ miles per hour
____________ feet per second 15/20
20/5/23, 22:24 Brigham Young University - Idaho -

Pregunta 30: (1 punto)

Suppose the current exchange rate is 4.32 Ghanaian Cedis per $1 US dollar and you have 83 Cedis. After a no-fee exchange how
much money in US Dollars would you have?
(Round your answer to the nearest cent)

Pregunta 31: (1 punto)

Courtney has a monthly income of $428 and monthly expenses of $753. What is her monthly cash flow?
(Round your answer to the nearest whole dollar)

Pregunta 32: (1 punto)

Marvin used the Quantitative Reasoning Process to build a budget while he is going to college. He worked hard over the summer and 
saved $2,783.65 to live on during the next two semesters of school. Marvin will receive a scholarship each semester for $930.45. If he
plans to use up all of his savings while at school, how much money can Marvin spend each month, on average, for things like
groceries, entertainment, and miscellaneous items?
Assume two semesters equals 8 months total. Also assume Marvin has no other expenses than what he has listed here.
Scholarship for each Semester: $930.45
Tuition & Books Cost per Semester: $2,100
Housing Cost for a two-semester Contract: $1,050
If he has money left, what is the average monthly amount Marvin can afford to spend each month?
If he has overspent, what is the average monthly amount Marvin would be in debt each month?
(Indicate this amount with a negative sign)
(Round your answer to the nearest cent)
$____________ 16/20
20/5/23, 22:24 Brigham Young University - Idaho -

Pregunta 33: (1 punto)

Tenielle currently walks to school from her apartment, which is 1.2 miles away from her first class. She typically walks at a speed of 3
miles per hour. She is considering buying a used bicycle from Deseret Industries to ride to campus. Tenielle assumes that if she were
riding a bike, she could go about 8 miles per hour.
How many minutes could Tenielle save getting to class each morning if she were to ride the bike?
(Round your answer to 2 decimal places)
____________ minutes.

Pregunta 34: (1 punto)

Ivan was suspicious that cars driving down his street were often driving faster than the speed limit of 25mph. He called the police
department and complained. In response the police department set up a radar speed sign (shown in the image below) and recorded
the speeds of vehicles for a day.

Here is the report they obtained after observing speeds for a day.

Mean Speed 28.3 mph

Minimum Speed 21 mph
Maximum Speed 43 mph
Median Speed 25 mph
90th Percentile of Speed 33.1 mph

 Which of the following would be a correct statement to make about the information shown in the above report?

Cars all appear to have been driving very quickly that day as the slowest vehicle speed recorded was still higher than the
speed limit.

(b) The typical speed of vehicles that day was around 21 mph.

The average speed of 28.3 was under the speed limit, so it seems that, at least on average, cars are going the correct

(d) The fastest car observed was driving 28.3 mph.

(e) One in every 10 of the vehicles observed (10%) was driving faster than 33.1 mph. 17/20
20/5/23, 22:24 Brigham Young University - Idaho -

Pregunta 35: (1 punto)

Peggy Lee is a BYU-Idaho student who worked as a swim team coach when she is not in school. Most of the members of her team
swim similar race times. However, a couple members of the team swim rather slower than the rest. Which number would be best for
describing how fast the majority of Peggy Lee's swimmers typically swim?

(a) mean

(b) maximum

(c) minimum

(d) mode

(e) median

Pregunta 36: (1 punto)

Mr. Tukey is a 7th grade mathematics teacher.  After grading the first two exams, he computed the mean and standard deviation for
each exam.  

  Mean Exam Score  Standard Deviation of Exam Scores

Exam 1 89 8.4
Exam 2 84 4.1

Which of the following best describes what the standard deviations tell Mr. Tukey about the exams. 

(a) The scores on Exam 1 were more spread out that the scores on Exam 2.

(b) The scores on Exam 1 were lower than the scores on Exam 2.

(c) The scores on Exam 1 were better at measuring learning than the scores on Exam 2.

(d) The scores on Exam 1 were more consistent than the scores on Exam 2.

(e) The scores on Exam 1 were higher than the scores on Exam 2. 18/20
20/5/23, 22:24 Brigham Young University - Idaho -

Pregunta 37: (1 punto)

Which of the following is the correct definition of standard deviation?


(a) The smallest value that occurs in a set of data.

(b) A summary of how much the values vary from the mean of a set of data.

(c) A measurement of the percentage of values that are the same as or less than the specified value. 

(d) The middle number in a list of numbers that is sorted from smallest to largest.

(e) The value that occurs most often in a list of numbers.

Pregunta 38: (1 punto)

Newborn babies have lengths that are all very similar to one another.
Which of the following would be the best measure of the center of the set of data consisting of the lengths of a group of newborn

(a) Mean

(b) Median

(c) Mode

(d) Minimum

(e) Maximum

Pregunta 39: (1 punto)

Suppose a student scored in the 25-th percentile on a standardized test. What percent of students had a higher score on the test than
this student?

(a) 35%

(b) 12.5%

(c) 50%

(d) 25%

(e) 75% 19/20
20/5/23, 22:24 Brigham Young University - Idaho -

Pregunta 40: (1 punto)

Alexandra is using the Quantitative Reasoning Process to make a decision about her major at college. She is trying to decide between
two majors. She finds the following data on the starting salary for graduates with each major:

  Mean Starting Salary Standard Deviation of Starting Salary Seventy-fifth percentile for Starting Salary
Major #1 $45,000 $2,000 $48,000
Major #2 $45,000 $19,000 $68,000

Which of the following interpretations of these statistics is correct?


(a) Seventy-five percent of graduates with major #2 make over $68,000 per year.

(b) The mean starting salary is higher for graduates in Major #2 than Major #1.

(c) The highest salary made by graduates with major #1 is $50,000 per year.

(d) The top 25% of starting salaries are higher for graduates in Major #2 than Major #1.

(e) The starting salaries are less consistent for graduates in Major #1 than Major #2. 20/20

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