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The Legend of Gunung Tilu

In ancient times, there was a large market on the mountain, and it became a place
for people who wanted to satisfy a variety of needs, ranging from food needs to oil for
lighting at that time.

It is said that a traveler named Bagendali came to the market on horseback.

However, his horse accidentally pushed an old man selling oil and spilled his oil on the
ground. There was a slight commotion, but Bagendali, with a big heart, intended to
make up for it. For all losses incurred. Earlier, Bagendali took the soil from the oil spill.
Then with his magic, he squeezed it three times, thanks to his magic, the first squeeze
became the first mountain, the second contraction became the second mountain, and
the third compression became the third mountain. Then Bagendali said: "One day this
place become a bustling market." It has been proven that the place has become
crowded, only it was not an ordinary market, but a stone market, and there was a place
in the area, now called Pasar Tegal.

It is said that there was a stone on Gunung Tilu that cannot be destroyed or blown
up. The stone is said to be protected by a very strong supernatural energy, it is said that
children of supernatural beings live in stone and these beings do not want to leave a
stone. In fact, one of the guardians of the stone is a large tall and has was there to
guard the former hermitage from the time of Prabu Siliwangi.

In that place there is a place of meditation for an ascetic, where there is an ascetic
who meditate in this place. Then, since he received word that his disciple was in trouble,
it turned out that his student was a beautiful princess of Pajajaran origin. While ascetic
he intended to help his student, then he called the Sembrani Horse, which had landed on
a rock, to leave a mark on the rock. Then the ascetic went and flew with the horse. Then
the ascetic went and flew with the horse.

According to local residents, it is said that there is a supernatural kingdom and

there are often ascetic humans to beg for wishes by worshipping supernatural rulers
there. But with the development of the times, this habit began to be abandoned.

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