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Nature a n d Level of Conflicts in


By : Ume Habiba
Conflict is an inevitable part of organizational life. This presentation explores different
types of conflicts and their impact on employees' mental health, productivity, and job
satisfaction. Conflicts in organizations are a natural part of doing business. Understanding
the nature and level of these problems is vital for effective problem-solving and
maintaining positive relationships in the workplace.

Conflicts in organizations can lead to decreased productivity, low morale, and negative
relationships. Understanding the nature and types of conflicts can help leaders manage
them in a constructive way.
Nature of Conflicts in Organizations

Persona lity Com m unic a tion Com petition for Cha nge a nd
Clashes Breakdowns Resources Uncertainty

Different personalities, Lack of clear Scarcity of resources, Changes in

work styles, and communication and such as budgets or leadership, workplace
values can lead to misunderstandings can equipment, can lead policies or
conflict within teams. lead to conflicts in the to conflicts between procedures, or market
workplace. departments or conditions can lead to
individuals. anxiety and conflict
within an
Levels of Conflicts

Individual Group Organization

1. Beliefs and 1. Goals and objectives 1. Inter-organizational conflict
2. Leadership interference 2. Resources scarcity
2. Interpersonal
Causes of Conflicts

1 Unm et needs or 2 Power struggles:

Different team members may
Employees may have have different goals and
different needs or interests.
expectations, which may not
be met by the organization.

3 Perc eption of 4 Cultural differences:

Different cultural norms and
Employees may feel they values can lead to
are not treated fairly or are misunderstanding and
not recognized for their conflicts in the workplace.
Managing Conflicts in Organizations

Identify the problem Choose a resolution approach

Determine the cause and the parties involved Consider various approaches, such
in the conflict. as collaboration or arbitration.

Implement the resolution Follow up

Put the resolution into action and make sure it is Monitor the resolution and ensure that the
followed. conflict does not resurface.
The Role of Leaders in Managing Conflicts

Communication Negotiation Conflict Resolution

Leaders should communicate Leaders should be skilled Leaders should have the
openly and clearly with all negotiators and work to find a ability and knowledge to
parties involved in the conflict. mutually beneficial solution to resolve the conflict in a
the conflict. constructive and lasting way.
Example of Conflict Resolution in an Organization

Team Meeting Collaboration Celebration

The team holds a meeting to The team works together to The team celebrates the
discuss the conflict and actively identify potential solutions and resolution and recognizes
listens to each other's point of agrees on a plan of action. each other's contributions.
Article Review: "Managing
Conflicts in Organizations"
Smith, J. (2021). Managing Conflicts in Organizations. Journal
of Organizational Behavior, 42(1), 15-23. doi: 10.1002/job.1123

This article provides a comprehensive review of the nature, types, and

management of conflicts in organizations. The author provides practical
strategies for leaders to manage conflicts in a constructive way, and suggests
that a proactive approach to conflict management can improve organizational
outcomes and build positive relationships.

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