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Tuates, John Jacob G.

Clinical Internship | Microbiology Section

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Learning in an online class vs a face-to-face session is a totally different experience. During

our internship duties within the hospital laboratory, we were able to use all of the lectures, ideas,

theories, and concepts we learnt in online class. It was really simple to learn and apply in a real-world

and actual setting. I was first hesitant to do things on my own and hesitant to ask questions of my

staff, but as time went on, I understood what our clinical instructor and training officer had told us

to learn everything in the short period of time that has been given to us. So I never stopped asking

about the proper protocols, procedures, and everything else I didn't understand regarding my first

section after that. Thankfully, everyone in the laboratory is incredibly patient when it comes to

training us.

In my 8-days rotation in the microbiology section, I was able to experience and learn the

things that our instructor have discussed and all the videos we watched during our 3rd year. It is

really different when you performed it in actual compared to the videos and the discussions. The first

thing I learned in the microbiology section, is the general SOP performed in the laboratory and proper

aseptic techniques performed. I also learned on how to perform different procedures that are needed

to identify bacteria from different specimen. From proper labelling to identification of bacteria, all of

the things that are routinely performed in the section are properly discussed and taught properly by

the staff.

In the microbiology section, I realized that proper labelling and aseptic techniques are the

most important thing. The physician will rely to the results released from the microbiology section

of the laboratory for the diagnosis of the patient. Aseptic techniques are important to avoid other

bacteria to grow in the media. I was also able to learned on how to prepare culture media, proper
streaking techniques and other manual procedures performed for the identification of the bacteria. I

was also able to learned on how to stain and read result in gram staining, AFB and KOH.

Throughout my rotation in the microbiology section, I was able to learned all the things

needed in the section. At first, I was nervous because I am not confident to all the things I learned

through online learning. Later on, I was able to appreciate and enjoy all the videos and discussion we

are taught during our third year.

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