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Hydraulics Engineering

Lec #1 : Specific Energy and Critical Depth

Prof. Dr. Abdul Sattar Shakir

Department of Civil Engineering
 Fluid Mechanics with Engineering applications
 By:Roberts L. Duagherty, Joseph B. Franzini, E.
John Finnemore
 Open Channel Flow
 By: Ven te Chow
 Civil Engineering Hydraulics
 By: R.E. Featherstone & C. Nalluri
Steady Flow in Open Channels

 Specific Energy and Critical Depth

 Surface Profiles and Backwater Curves in

Channels of Uniform sections

 Hydraulics jump and its practical applications.

 Flow over Humps and through Constrictions

 Broad Crested Weirs and Venturi Flumes

Specific Energy and Critical Depth
Basic Definitions
 Head
 Energy per unit weight
 Energy Line
 Line joining the total head at different positions.
 Hydraulics Grade Line
 Line joining the pressure head at different
Specific Energy and Critical Depth
Basic Definitions
 Open Channel Flow
V12 EL
y1 Water Level
Z1 So


V12 V22
Z1  y1   Z 2  y2   hl
2g 2g
Specific Energy and Critical Depth
Basic Definitions
 Slopes in Open Channel Flow
V12 EL
2g S
Sw 2g
y1 Water
y2 Level

Z1 So
ΔL Z2 Datum
 So= Slope of Channel Bed = (Z1-Z2)/(Δx)= -ΔZ/Δx
 Sw= Slope of Water Surface= [(Z1+y1)-(Z2+y2)]/Δx
 S= Slope of Energy Line= [(Z1+y1+V12/2g)-(Z2+y2+V22/2g)]/Δx
= hl/ΔL
Specific Energy and Critical Depth
Basic Definitions
 Slopes in Open Channel Flow

V12 EL
2g S
y1 Sw 2g
y2 Level

Z1 So

For Uniform Flow Δx

y1=y2 and V12/2g=V22/2g
Hence the line indicating the bed of the channel, water surface profile and
energy line are parallel to each other.
For θ being very small (say less than 5 degree) i.e Δx=ΔL
Specific Energy and Critical Depth
Basic Definitions
 Froude’s Number (FN)
 It is the ratio of inertial forces William Froude (1810-79)
to gravitational forces. Born in England and engaged
 For a rectangular channel it in shipbuilding. In his sixties
may be written as started the study of ship
resistance, building a boat
FN  V
testing pool (approximately
75 m long) near his home.
After his death, this study
was continued by his son,
 FN= 1 Critical Flow Robert Edmund Froude
> 1 Super-Critical Flow (1846-1924). For similarity
< 1 Sub-Critical Flow under conditions of inertial
and gravitational forces, the
non-dimensional number
used carries his name.
Specific Energy and Critical Depth
(Rectangular Channels)
 Specific Energy
 Specific Energy at a section in an open channel is the
energy with reference to the bed of the channel.
Specific Energy = E = y+V2/2g

For a rectangular Channel B

E  y  V2 g2
E  y q2
2 g y2
where q  Q / B, q  yb
q= Discharge per unit width m3/sec per m
Specific Energy and Critical Depth
 As it is clear from E~y diagram
 E~y Diagram or E-Diagram drawn for constant discharge
for any given value of E, there
Static Head would be two possible depths,
say y1 and y2. These two
depths are called Alternate
 However for point C
corresponding to minimum
specific energy Emin, there
would be only one possible
depth yc. The depth yc is know
as critical depth.
 The critical Depth may be
defined as depth
corresponding to minimum
specific energy discharge
remaining Constant.
Specific Energy and Critical Depth
 For y>yc , V<Vc Deep Channel
 Sub-Critical Flow, Tranquil Flow, Slow Flow.
 For y<yc , V>Vc Shallow Channel
 Super-Critical Flow, Shooting Flow, Rapid Flow and
Fast Flow.
Specific Energy and Critical Depth
Relationship Between Critical Depth and Specific Energy
E  y q2
2 gy2
Substituting Vc  yc
dy  1 2q 2
2 gy3 in eq. (1)
2g 2

dy  1 q2
gy3 0
Emin  Ec  yc  yc

y 3  ( qg2 ) 2

Ec  32 yc (5)
yc   

1/ 3
( 2)

yc   
Vc yc 1 / 3
g q  Vc yc
Vc 2
2g  yc
2 (3)
gy c
1 ( 4)
Specific Energy and Critical Depth
 Since the equation (1)  Discharge~Depth Diagram
can be written as

q  y 2 g ( E  y) y
Sub-critical flow


 Therefore, Critical Depth
may also be defined as y1
the depth corresponding Super-critical flow
to maximum discharge
specific energy remaining
constant. q1 qmax
Specific Energy and Critical Depth
 Relationship Between Critical Depth and Specific Energy


 2 g 2 ( E  y )  ( E  y) 
 0 for qmax
2 (E y)
 ( E  y)  0
3 2
E  yc or yc  E
2 3
Problem 11.38
 Water is released from a sluice gate in a rectangular channel 1.5m
wide such that depth is 0.6 m and velocity is 4.5 m/sec. Find
(a). Critical Depth for this specific energy
(b). Critical Depth for this rate of Discharge
(c). The type of flow and alternate depth by either direct solution or
the discharge Curve.
 Solution
B=1.5 m
y=0.6 m
V= 4.5 m/sec
Specific Energy  y   1.632m
yc  E  1.088m
Problem 11.38
(b) Q  AV  ByV  4.05m 3 / sec
FN   1.855  1
q  vy  2.7m / sec per m gy
1/ 3
q 
Flow is Super  Critical
yc     0.906m  y
 g 
Therefore Flow is Super  Critical

Q  AV  ByV  4.05m 3 / sec
q2 y 3  1.632 y 2  0.37156  0
E  y
2 gy 2 y  0.6m
2.7 2 y  1.46m
1.632  y 
2(9.81) y 2
Specific Energy and Critical Depth
(Non Rectangular Channels)
 Hydraulic Depth

A y
A yh

 The hydraulic depth, yh for non rectangular channel is the depth of a

rectangular channel having flow area and base width the same as
the flow area and top width respectively as for non rectangular
Specific Energy and Critical Depth
Relationship Between Critical Depth and Specific Energy

 Froude’s number may be

numerically calculate as
FN  Since dA  Tdy
dE Q2
Q 2
A  1 3 T
FN2  2 A yh  dy gA
A gT T
for Critical flow 0
Q 2T dy
FN 
gA3 Therefore
Q2  A3 Q 2 
Eq.(1)  E  y    
2 gA2 T g  y  yc
dE Q 2 dA
 1 3
dy gA dy
 A Trapezoidal canal with side slopes 1:2 has a bottom
width of 3 m and carries a flow of 20 m3/sec.
a). Find the Critical Depth and Critical velocity.
b). If the canal is lined with Brick (n=0.015), find the critical slope
for the same rate of discharge.
 Solution

Q=20 m3/sec T
x= 2
A= (B+xy)y B=3m x
P= B+2y(1+x2)1/2
T= B+2xy
Problem 11.45
 Solution (a)
 Q2/g = A3/T
Q2/g y A T A3/T
40.775 1 5 7 17.85
2 14 11 249.45
1.2 6.48 7.8 34.88
1.25 6.883 8.004 40.74
1.2512 6.885 8.0048 40.77

 (b)
3/ 2
A A
Q    S 1/ 2
n P
S c  0.224433

 Problems: 11.37, 11.39, 11.40, 11.43,

 Problems: 11.44, 11.46, 11.47

 Submission Date:

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