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BUSI 650 Business Analytics: Team DV Assignment 1 (TP1: 15%)

Data Visualization using Tableau or PowerBI

General Guidelines:
• It is your a teamwork project. Each of your team members should undertake parts of this
work upon your team agreement. You could divide your teamwork into US South: Step
1-7 and US West: Step 1-7.
• Please download and install Tableau student version for free here:
• Each of you must try and exercise the following Tableau Official Tutorials for few times
before doing the TP1 assignment (very important learning for this course):
Tutorial: Get Started with Tableau Desktop (Required)
It is an excellent official tutorial provided by Tableau company, and please follow the
following steps to get yourself started and your TP1 is based on the same dataset:
Superstore coming with Tableau software:
Step 1: Connect to your data;

Step 2: Drag and drop to take a first look;

Step 3: Focus your results;

Step 4: Explore your data geographically;

Step 5: Drill down into the details;

Step 6: Build a dashboard to show your insights;

Step 7: Build a story to present;

Step 8: Share your findings.

• After you are getting proficient on Tableau, please do your TP1 work by following the 7
• Please ensure to store the result screen shots in each step.
• Your team shall write and submit your final TP1 final report using MS Word APA style
with embedded screen shots of Tableau visualization and story telling (one submission
per team is sufficient).

Step 1: Connect to your data; (10 marks)

• Please follow the above Step 1 by step and connect to the Superstore sample data set.
And then obtain the screen shot of the Tableau Desktop application and include your TP1
answer paper.

• Please always remember to explore and comment on your dataset: Tabkes, Row#,
Column #, interesting column variables.

Step 2: Drag and drop to take a first look; (15 marks)

• Please follow the above Step 2 by step and duplicate the last step result (the US). And
then obtain the screen shot of the Tableau Desktop application and include your TP1
answer paper: Step 2.
• Please create the above data viz chart on US West region.
• You should explore different visuals to present your data and comment on them.
Hints: to drag Location/Region to Filters and select West, then screen shoot the above
viz and include into your TP1 paper: Step 2; and then press Undo (Left Arrow ) at Top
Menu Bar to go to Step 3.

Step 3: Focus your results; (15 marks)

• Please follow the above Step 3 by step and duplicate the last step result (the US South).
And then obtain the screen shot of the Tableau Desktop application and include your TP1
answer paper: Step 3.
• Please create the above data viz chart on the US West region
Hints: to click Filters/Region (South) and deselect South & select West, then screen shoot
the above viz and include into your TP1 paper: Step 3; and then press Undo (Left Arrow
) at Top Menu Bar to go to Step 4.

Step 4: Explore your data geographically; (15 marks)

• Please follow the above Step 4 by step and duplicate the last step result (the US South).
And then obtain the screen shot of the Tableau Desktop application and include your TP1
answer paper: Step 4.
• Please create the above data viz chart on the US West region, and then obtain the screen
shot of the Tableau Desktop application and include your TP1 answer paper for this step.
Hints: create a new worksheet and follow Step 4 from the beginning (select US Region:
West this time), and obtain final result of US West sales & profit Viz. And then screen
shoot and include to your TP1: Step 4.

Step 5: Drill down into the details; (15 marks)

• Please follow the above Step 5 by step and duplicate the last step result (the US South).
And then obtain the screen shot of the Tableau Desktop application and include your TP1
answer paper.
• Please create the above data viz chart on US West region, and then obtain the screen shot
of the Tableau Desktop application and include your TP1 answer paper for this step.
Hints: create a new worksheet and follow Step 5 from the beginning (select US Region:
West this time), and obtain final result of US West sales & profit Viz. And then screen
shoot and include to your TP1: Step 5.

Step 6: Build a Dashboard to show your insights; (15 marks)

• Please follow the above Step 6 by step and duplicate the last step result (the US South).
And then obtain the screen shot of the Tableau Desktop application and include your TP1
answer paper. Please also comment how to obtain this dashboard.
• Please create the above Dashboard on US West region, and then obtain the screen shot of
the Tableau Desktop application and include your TP1 answer paper for this step.
Hints: create a new Dashboard and follow Step 5 from the beginning (select US Region:
West this time), and obtain final result of US West Dashboard. And then screen shoot
and include to your TP1: Step 6. Caution: all data viz charts are only for US West region,
and you may need to go back previous steps to do so, which is purpose of this homework
exercises: learning by doing and doing again (practice makes you perfect!)

Step 7: Build a story to present; (15 marks)

• Please follow the above Step 7 by step and duplicate the last step result (the US South.
And then obtain the screen shot of the Tableau Desktop application and include your TP1
answer paper.
Hints: Not required to do so for US West storytelling because of complexity of this step.
Just follow the Step 7 step by step to how to create various story pages and then present
them while telling your story: “focusing on money-losing state: North Carolina”.

Step 8: Share your findings. (5 marks)

• Please follow the above Step 8 by step and duplicate the last step result (the following
data visualization chart). And then obtain the screen shot of the Tableau Desktop
application and include your TP1 answer paper: Step 8.
Hints: Sharing your work on the US South in Tableau Public is sufficient for this step (no
required for US West). This 8th step tutorial prepares you how to save and share your work
in Tableau Public Cloud for later references.

Congratulations, you have successfully completed 8-Step hand-on tutorial by learning the US
South and doing the US West! You should have learnt comprehensive but basic Data Visualization
and storey-telling skills using Tableau and you are ready to use these skills to do your final term
project! Congratulation!

Grading Rubrics:
Step 1: Connect to your data; (10%)
- Output ?/5
- Comment/analysis: ?/5

Step 2: Drag and drop to take a first look; (15%)

- Output ?/10
- Comment/analysis: ?/5

Step 3: Focus your results; (15%)

- The USA ?/5
- US West ?/5

- Comment/analysis: ?/5

Step 4: Explore your data geographically; (15%)
- US South: ?/5
- US West: ?/5
- Comment/analysis: ?/5

Step 5: Drill down into details; (15%)

- US South: ?/ 5
- US West: ?/5
- Comment/analysis: ?/5

Step 6: Build a Dashboard to show your insights; (15%)

- US South: ?/5
- US West: ?/5 -
- Comment/analysis: ?/5

Step 7: Build a story to present(10%)

- US South: ?/5
- Comment/analysis: ?/5

Step 8: Share your findings (5%)

- Saved outcome: ?/3
- Comment/analysis: ?/2

Total: ??/100

General Comment:

<the end>

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