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The Frog Prince

There was once an evil fairy who cast a spell that turned a prince
into a frog. She placed the frog into a well. The well was near to
the palace where a king and a princess lived.

One day, the king gave the princess a beautiful golden ball for her
birthday. She ran outside and had lots of fun playing with the ball
in the gardens.
The princess threw her ball high and it fell into a well with a
huge splash!

The princess was very distressed about losing her ball so she sat
next to the well and wept. The frog suddenly appeared beside
the well.
The princess pleaded with the frog to dive into the well and return
her ball. The frog said,
I will return your ball if you
will be my friend, let me eat
from your plate and sleep at
the palace.

The princess refused at first so the frog told her he would not
fetch her ball. Finally, the princess agreed and the frog fetched
the ball from the well. The princess snatched the ball from the
frog and ran back to the palace without him. The frog was upset.

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The Frog Prince
Later, the princess told her father what had happened.
The king was very disappointed and warned her to keep the
promises she had made.

So, the princess returned to the well and said sorry to the frog.
She took him to the palace and allowed him to eat from her plate
and sleep at the palace as she had promised. She enjoyed spending
time with the frog and began to love him.

The princess awoke on the

third day to discover a
handsome prince! He told her
that she had broken the fairy’s
evil spell.
The prince and the princess
were married and lived
happily ever after!

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