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By David Myatt

I Facts the System Does Not Want You To Know

II Why The System Must Be Destroyed
III The Necessity Of War
IV The Illusion Of Peace
V How To Destroy An Illusion
VI Why Violence is Healthy

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distributed - in whole or in part - without prior permission from the
publishers provided the author's name is given

Facts The System Does Not Want You To

The System does not want you to know, and tries to suppress, the
fact that National-Socialism means folk-democracy, not 'dictatorship' or
tyranny. National-Socialists believe in and uphold the only real form of
democracy there is or can be: folk-democracy(1).

Governments in this country, and other Aryan countries, have

tried to hide this fact for over seventy years. They do not want you to
know that a National-Socialist society is a society of Aryan people who
willingly co-operate together for their own advancement and well-being.

The truth is that National-Socialists are committed to the

freedom of folk-democracy, while politicians of our present System - and
those who support them - are committed to introducing ever more
tyrannical legislation to enforce their own policies and compel people, on
pain of imprisonment, to act and behave as those politicians believe
people should act and behave.

The truth is that the present System we have in this country is

tyrannical, despite the politicians of this System forever saying they are

This System is tyrannical and un-democratic because it has

outlawed all opposition to its policies. This System has made opposition
to its aim of creating a multi-racial State illegal. It has introduced laws to
make and compel people to change their attitudes and behaviour, on pain
of imprisonment. This is coercive; it is dictatorial and it is tyrannical. All
the major political parties, whether 'Left-wing' or 'Right-wing', in this and
other Aryan countries are committed to this multi-racial society, and
committed to those laws which make opposition to this type of society
illegal. All the political parties in this and other Aryan countries are
committed to ever-more laws to make and compel people to accept this
type of society, and everything which goes with it, on pain of

A real tyranny has been created - with the Police being given
Stalinist-type powers to deal with those the System suspects are critical
of this 'multi-racial' society. Already dissidents have been arrested and
imprisoned for speaking out against this tyranny, as the Police are
committed to conducting more and more Stalinist-type 'dawn raids' on
those suspected of possessing dissent literature.

Of course, the politicians of this tyrannical System - and those

who support and aid this System - use fine-sounding words to try and
justify this suppression and imprisonment of dissidents, as they spewed
forth equally fine-sounding, but equally deceitful, words when the
tyrannical legislation to do these dictatorial things was introduced. Thus
they spoke of 'curbing racial hatred' - by which they meant taking away
the right of Aryan people to criticise the multi-racial, anti-White, society
the System wanted to create. They spoke of 'racially offensive literature' -
by which they meant any literature which criticises their anti-Aryan and
pro-ethnic minority policies. They even invented a new word to try and
brainwash people and make them feel guilty - the word 'racist'.

The politicians of this tyrannical System - and those who aid and
support this System - call anyone who opposes their multi-racial policies
a 'racist'. With all their influence and power, these politicians and others,
have made 'racism' a modern heresy - and they wish to ruthlessly hunt-
down and imprison or 're-educate' anyone they deem to have 'racist'
views. That is, they wish to hunt down, imprison or 're-educate' anyone
who criticizes them, who does not believe their basically Marxist racial
equality propaganda, and who resists the tyranny they have created.

The truth is that the System lies about democracy. There is no

democracy in this country or any other Aryan country. Everyone has to
believe in and support the anti-Aryan, multi-racial policies of this
System, and the basically Marxist racial equality propaganda of the
System - or the System will persecute them. Such dissents risk losing
their job; they will be persecuted and hounded by the Police, probably
have their homes searched, for 'offensive literature', after an armed 'dawn
raid' - and probably be put into prison after being found guilty of one of
the new offences against the State: 'inciting racial hatred'; 'possessing
offensive literature' and so on.

For all the major political parties in all Aryan countries, the State
is simply a means to create a particular, materialistic consumer society,
irrespective of the culture, traditions or race of the people living in the
boundaries of that State - whereas for centuries, Aryan nations, such as
the British State, were a means to preserve, and aid the advancement of,
the native, indigenous, Aryan people of that nation. That is, the State was
racial in nature - a means of securing the existence, well-being and
advancement of its Aryan people.

Today, the State has become a means to advance financial,

business and multi-cultural interests and ideas. Aryan politicians are no
longer concerned about the Aryan peoples and their way of life. Instead,
they concern themselves with 'getting-on'; with gaining power, influence
and money; with internationalist ideas; with other cultures. And the
Aryan politicians of all modern States have contrived and connived with
Zionists to make opposition to their internationalist, multi-cultural, un-
Aryan, profane, materialistic schemes and policies illegal. They have
created a tyrannical society which rewards their own kind, and which
punishes anyone who patriotically tries to aid and advance the cause of
the Aryan peoples of these States.

The truth is that the System lies - and has lied for over seventy
years - about National-Socialism. National-Socialists act out of concern
for their own people; they demand the right to be able to speak out
against the anti-Aryan policies of the System. They are fighting to regain
the freedom we have had taken away from us. They are fighting to create
a genuine democratic society - a folk-democracy.

National-Socialists have had enough of this oppressive tyranny,

and are fighting back. What are you going to do - endure oppression, or

Why The System Must Be Destroyed

The reality of the present is that we Aryans live under a Zionist
Government of Occupation in a society which is dedicated to everything
those of nobility and honour detest and dislike. This society is
fundamentally anti-Aryan, as it has introduced tyrannical laws to take
away the basic rights of Aryans - for instance, the right to carry weapons;
the right to favour one's own kind over aliens; the right to speak out in
defence of one's own kind and one's own culture. This society is founded
upon the Zionist hoax, or illusion, of 'racial equality', and each and every
Government, whether of the 'right' or of the 'left' or any shade between,
upholds this illusion as they try and have tried to force the Aryan
majority to 'integrate' with the millions of non-Aryans which these
Governments have allowed and encouraged to settle in Aryan countries.
Furthermore, this present society of ours maintains another illusion, or
hoax - that of 'parliamentary democracy'. The reality, however, is that all
the political parties, and thus any Government formed by one of them
which wins an election, support the multi-racial, anti-Aryan System
which has been created.

Behind the 'Government of the day' there are people who wield
the real power. For decades, those who run and who created the present
System - with its illusion of parliamentary democracy and its illusion of
racial equality - have tried to maintain their power and influence by
seeking to secretly manipulate the Aryan majority. That is, they have
tried to mentally condition the majority - to 'brainwash' them, and thus
secretly control them via ideas.

For decades, torrents of propaganda supporting and propagating

the hoax of 'racial equality' has poured forth - in books, in newspapers, in
magazines, in films, on television. The hoax of racial equality itself has
become State-sponsored and has been taught to schoolchildren and
college students. In addition, the powerful and secret minority behind the
System created and propagated another hoax to condition, manipulate
and control Aryans. This was the hoax of the Jewish 'holocaust'. This
hoax, this illusion, this ignoble lie of the holocaust has been used and is
being used to create anti-Aryan multi-racial societies and to ruthlessly
stamp out any and all opposition to the hoax of racial equality and to the
System which has been created to tame, domesticate and control Aryans.
This lie of the 'holocaust' has been used and is being used to brainwash
Aryans from the cradle to the grave - to condition them to accept a multi-
racial society, with all its "benefits", and to condition them to reject their
own Aryan culture and ignore the danger their own race is in.

The result of all this propaganda, manipulation and conditioning

has been the creation of a profane society and a way of life which was
and is anti-Aryan in essence. What has been created is a materialistic,
vacuous, society where individuals are taught or led to believe that
individual pleasure, wealth, prosperity, happiness, or abstract, unreal,
aims like 'racial equality' are the only worthwhile goals. The society we
Aryans had inherited from our ancestors, where the Aryan and warrior
values of honour, duty and excellence were prized, became replaced by a
society based on selfish indulgence and anti-Aryan values derived from
the Zionist hoax of racial equality. A whole new anti-Aryan culture was
developed - that is, the Aryan majority ceased to act and behave like
Aryans, and ceased to follow their own unique cultural values. Instead,
they embraced the dis-honourable, sex-obsessed, selfish, race-mixing
anti-Aryan culture which the secret Zionist minority had created to
control the Aryan majority. Slowly, and with the majority either unaware
of it or indifferent to it, what was Aryan was suppressed and outlawed.
The accepted values of the System have become anti-Aryan ones - with
the majority of young Aryans lacking any sense of honour, lacking any
self-discipline, but instead being addicted to Negro music, believing
Negroes to be equal to Aryans and not caring about the future of their
own Aryan folk and race.

Furthermore, the secret Zionist minority saught to keep the

majority contented, entertained and reasonably well-fed, for they knew
that revolutions often arise when a people are hungry, discontented and
desperate. Thus were the majority constrained and controlled - tamed and
domesticated, fed and entertained by their hidden masters. The horizons,
the goals of the majority, were set for them, while the real revolutionaries
- those who could free them from their mental slavery - were persecuted
and imprisoned and described as 'evil racists' intent on causing another
'holocaust'. Thus were the majority duped - living for the most part happy
and contented, while the secretly controlled and secretly censored Media
poured forth a torrent of propaganda and abuse at 'evil racists', 'neo-nazis'
and anyone they deemed to be a threat to their hoax and the society based
upon it. And such was the mental conditioning of the majority that they
seldom if ever questioned this propaganda put out by their masters. Such
was the mental conditioning of the majority, and such was their
tameness, that they were for the most part pleased and content that the
Government of the day was dealing with such vile individuals.

Such is the control now exercised over the majority, and such is
their basic contentment and their basic conditioned belief in the anti-
Aryan goals set for them, that the majority will never now be awakened
by us simply trying to tell them the truth. They will not listen, or they
will not understand, because at present it is as if we are strangers
speaking a different language from them and they have no need and no
desire to try and learn our language of freedom. Until that need or that
desire arises, they will continue to ignore our leaflets, our pamphlets, our
speeches, our meetings and our rallies. So it is that such things, aimed at
the majority, are futile, a waste of our resources. So it is that
'electioneering' - with us forming or belonging to a political party trying
to win power through contesting elections - is doomed to fail.

The majority simply are cocooned from reality by the illusions

which their Zionist masters have created for them. There is the illusion of
racial equality. There is the illusion of 'the holocaust'. There are the
illusive materialistic goals which the Zionists have given them to strive
for. Furthermore, they like the domesticated tame beings they have
become, are for the most part contented because reasonably well-fed and
reasonably entertained by their masters.

One thing and only one thing can shatter these illusions and their
bourgeois contentment. This is a revolutionary situation - for such a
situation will force the majority to confront what is vital and important. It
will force them to face the reality of racial difference and racial potential.
It will deprive them of the comforts to which they have become
accustomed and which have made them weak, and domesticated. In
essence, the majority need to re-discover their basic Aryan instincts -
their basic warrior heritage. They need to throw off the shallow, the
pretentious, the illusive sociological and Marxist egalitarian ideas which
Zionists have indoctrinated them with from birth. They need to become
Aryan again - aware of the Aryan values of honour, duty and excellence,
and aware of their Aryan heritage.

Our societies are now organized and maintained by petty vainly

arrogant often cowardly Aryans who have never faced the severe test of
combat - who have never had to prove themselves by facing a 'life or
death' situation. Our societies are full of glib-talking, spineless people
who have no understanding of honour and no understanding of their
unique Aryan heritage. Indeed, the 'role models' which the secret Zionist
minority have made for the people in these societies to follow and
emulate, idealize such glib-talking spineless individuals and such petty
vainly arrogant self-indulgent weak-willed cowards. These Zionist-
manufactured idols are called 'politicians', 'entertainers', 'film stars',
'musicians' and 'millionaires'.

In effect, the dross have been allowed to assume day to day

control, and their worthless dishonourable standards and ignoble values
are the values which drive and which maintain the whole worthless,
dishonourable System. This System is so full of corrupt people and
corrupt practices, and so maintained by illusive ignoble anti-Aryan ideas,
that it will have to be totally destroyed and an entirely new start made.
This can only mean a revolution.

We need to create a totally new society, based on Aryan ideals,

as we need to nurture and produce Aryan individuals dedicated to Aryan
values such as honour, duty and excellence. A large percentage of our
fellow Aryans have now become so corrupt, or so maintained by anti-
Aryan ideas and anti-Aryan values, that they are or have made
themselves worthless. They have ceased to be Aryan, and live and act
like non-Aryans, like the sub-humans they emulate and have become. It
is futile to believe that most of these people will change or can change.
They are lost to our race, and we have to accept this fact. Accordingly,
we must understand that our task is not to try and convert such people -
to win them over to our Cause. That is, our task now is not to form or try
to form a 'populist political party' or movement and try to win political
power by compromising with the System, with the Aryan traitors who
have aided and abetted this System, and the Aryan majority who are lost
to their race. Rather, it is to build a revolutionary army, dedicated to
fighting the holy war that is necessary, and to bring about or cause the
revolution needed to undermine and destroy the whole System.

Our future task, after the revolution, is to create the new society
we need from the rubble of the old - to create a new type of individual,
one Aryan in body and in soul; one who is genuinely free to live as an
Aryan. For too many decades we have allowed ourselves to be duped by
our opponents - thus have we idly dreamed of winning power by
contesting elections. The reality is that we must become revolutionary
fighters dedicated to undermining and overthrowing the System, as we
must zealously take our message of freedom, our fight for justice and our
vision of a new society among our fellow Aryans. The change we desire
and need can only be brought about by the shedding of blood and the
destruction of everything which is anti-Aryan. We must become pure in
spirit, like the mighty warriors of our once great Aryan race - that is, we
must become totally focused upon the task before us, never wavering and
never giving up until we have achieved the goals of Aryan revolution,
Aryan freedom and a new pure Aryan society dedicated to producing
Aryans pure in race and pure in spirit.

The Necessity of War

A Declaration of War

The skirmishes which we National-Socialists have been fighting

since 56 yf for our basic freedom, and our survival as a race, have
developed into battles. The tyrannical System which our enemies have
created to enslave us becomes more anti-Aryan and more tyrannical with
every passing year. Furthermore, those zealous guardians of this System -
the Police and government agencies such as MI5 - have been ordered to
deal ruthlessly with those, like active National-Socialists, who are
fighting to undermine and overthrow the tyrannical System we are forced
to live under. White Police officers and White members of organizations
such as MI5 have repeatedly shown themselves to be traitors to their
race, and their culture. Instead of refusing to take part in the destruction
of their own culture and their own race, they have mindlessly or willingly
co-operated. Instead of trying in some way to use their work or their
employment to covertly aid those who are courageously fighting for
freedom, they have mindlessly or willingly co-operated in the
suppression and the imprisonment of Aryan activists.

The System has, over the past decade or so, ruthlessly rooted out
any Police officer or any member of any government organization
suspected of having sympathy with us or suspected of having views
which contradict the anti-Aryan, pro-ethnic minority dogmas of the
System. For instance, any Police officer suspected of having 'racist views'
- i.e. suspected of being proud to be White and sensible enough to
understand the pro-ethnic, anti-Aryan policies of the System - has been
forced to resign, forced to recant their 'heretical' views, or forced to
undergo the brainwashing techniques the System has devised to
intimidate and control its opponents (they call this brainwashing 're-
education' or 'awareness training'). And the White members of these
organizations have either co-operated, or done nothing, more concerned
about their own careers than about the freedom and future of their race.
As a result, the Police and other organizations have become an
instrument to enforce and police the tyranny which has been created.
Accordingly, they have become our sworn enemies.

These organizations, and the people behind them, have declared

war on us - and now we declare war on them, recognizing them for what
they are, enemies of our freedom and enemies of our race. We can no
longer simply fight skirmishes with our visible, often 'communist'
enemies 'on the streets' as we no longer have the time or the freedom to
indulge ourselves with playing the electoral game which our Zionist foes,
and their lackeys, have rigged and whose rules they will change when it
suits them. We must recognize that we are fighting a real war. We have
real enemies, who will use any means and any weapon in order to win.
Our choice is a simple one - fight for freedom and for victory, or do
nothing and endure the oppression of the System. Men fight, when war is
declared, while cowards make excuses.

We declare war on the whole anti-Aryan tyrannical System

which exists in every country where Aryans are in the majority - on the
governments, organizations and people who aid and abet this System and
who support, actively or by inaction, the governments which support this
System. Anyone who is not with us, actively or covertly, is our enemy -
for that is the nature of war.

A War Against Occupying Forces

However, this war cannot, at present, be a conventional war of

well-equipped armies facing and fighting each other on specific
battlefields. It also cannot be, at present, a war which uses the tactics of
conventional war. This is because the two sides are unevenly matched.
Our enemies have at their disposal large well-equipped, well-trained
armies and organizations, and vast resources of man-power and money.
Our enemies also occupy and control our territory - that is, we live under
an 'Occupation Government'. Since our principal foes - our sworn and
deadly enemies responsible for creating and maintaining the anti-Aryan
tyrannical System - are Zionists, we call this the Zionist Occupation
Government or ZOG. This Government of Occupation has thousands
upon thousands of collaborators - people dedicated to upholding the
tyrannical anti-Aryan ideas and tyrannical anti-Aryan legislation which
the Zionists have created and used to enslave us and to try and breed us
out of existence through their genocidal policy of race-mixing.

In contrast to our enemies, our resources and our man-power are

limited. At present, we are small bands of often not very well-organized
freedom fighters. At present, we posses plenty of motivation and
idealism, but very few of the practical skills required to fight a real war.
At present, most of the time we try and organize some direct action
against our enemies our plans are betrayed to our enemies because many
of our small groups are infiltrated by ZOG agents. At present, we have
limited access to the real weapons we need to fight this war. Quite often,
we are forced to improvise.

We must organize and train ourselves to fight this real war in a

real and practical way. That is, we must have good strategy, good tactics,
good organization, good weapons, good propaganda and good
intelligence about our enemies. Good intelligence means we identify
important, or strategic, enemies, and targets of strategic or tactical
importance to our enemy, and attack them. Good strategy means we
understand we are fighting for our freedom to live among our own kind
according to our own Aryan customs, and that we are fighting a
tyrannical Government, or Governments, of Occupation who are intent
on keeping us enslaved. Good tactics mean we realize we are at present
fighting a covert, or clandestine, war against a powerful, often ruthless,
enemy and that we must at first fight a revolutionary war of attrition - a
war of sabotage and disruption where collaborators, ZOG agents and
sworn enemies are legitimate targets. Good propaganda means we seek to
gain the support and sympathy of our fellow Aryans by making them
aware of our noble fight for freedom and for justice; it also means that
we ourselves, who fight in this war, have an unshakeable fanatical belief
in the justice of our Cause.

We must develop more good secure organizations, free from

ZOG agents, composed of dedicated fighters. We must acquire more of
the weapons we need to engage the forces of ZOG. Above all, we must
strike whenever and wherever we can as we must make more and more
Aryans aware of the tyranny of ZOG and the noble ideals for which we
Our enemies may at present be powerful, as they may have
plentiful resources at their disposal, including tyrannical laws which they
have introduced to try and suppress our ideals and to try and 'keep us in
our servile place'. But we have the justness of our fight for freedom on
our side, and no tyranny, however ruthless, can ever extinguish the desire
of a people for freedom so long as some within that people remember
freedom and strive to obtain it.

At present, however, the sad fact is that a majority of our people

are blissfully unaware of the danger facing their race, and of how their
basic rights and freedoms have been taken from them, with they
themselves made into docile slaves of a materialistic alien System. One
important task facing us is to liberate our people from the mental
conditioning, or 'brainwashing', which the System has subjected them to
over many decades.

The Illusion of Peace

Control by Comfort and Illusion

The System has learned two hard lessons. The first lesson was
learnt from Soviet style communism - overt large-scale oppression does
not work very well. The desire for freedom lives on in people, however
harshly they are treated, however many are imprisoned and however
much the State tries to enforce open programmes of political
indoctrination. The second lesson was learnt from the harsh economic
climate and the 'Great Depression' which followed the First World War -
starving people, with little or nothing to lose, and people who fear losing
what they have got, can easily revolt against those who control them.

Fundamentally, those behind the System have learnt the subtle

power of persuasion and how to manipulate people so that those people
do not know or suspect they are being controlled, and do not know or
suspect that their basic freedoms have been taken away. It is basically
very simple - give the majority a reasonable standard of living, and
material or self-centred goals to strive for, and they will behave
themselves. They will, for the most part, be content. They will be
domesticated - they will become tame. Furthermore, portray anyone who
opposes you as 'evil', as 'terrorists', as 'extremists' bent on creating a
dictatorship, while portraying your own System as 'democratic' and/or
'liberal/progressive'. At the same time, cleverly introduce laws which
make it illegal for anyone to challenge your own ideas, all the time
making yourself, and your lackeys, appear as 'protectors of democracy'
and protectors of 'freedom'. Create a political system which seems to
allow for choice between different political parties, but which really
allows for no choice at all since all these parties adhere to the same ideas.

The trick works well provided the basic material security and
prosperity of the majority are maintained, provided the illusion of
freedom of political choice is maintained, and provided the troublesome
minority, who see the illusion and the manipulation for what they are,
can be dealt with by "due process of law" and thrown into prison as
common criminals.

Whole new societies have been created, based on illusion - on

abstract, dogmatic, ideas which do not correspond to reality. Further, the
majority of people have been indoctrinated with these ideas since birth,
so that they believe that only these ideas are 'correct', or 'just' or
whatever. The result is a society of individuals for the most part cleverly
conditioned and cleverly controlled, who are unaware of reality or of
how they have been conditioned and are being controlled. In effect, not
only has a society been 'socially engineered', but so have the majority of
people within it. This is even more sinister, more evil, than an overt,
bloody, repressive tyranny. And it is also a more effective way of
controlling people.

The Fundamental Illusion

The fundamental illusion on which the new societies of the

System have been based is the illusion, or hoax, of 'racial equality'. This
is an abstract idea totally contrary to reality, and one which all the major
political parties in all the countries where Aryans are in a majority
uphold. Thus, on this important issue, there is no freedom of choice. This
illusion of racial equality is contrary to the facts of history, of practical
experience, and even 'common sense', and from this illusion other
illusions are derived - such as the illusion that our societies are 'racist'
and therefore special efforts need to be made to help or aid non-Aryans in
these countries since they are at a disadvantage. In this, the reality - as
anyone of any insight or intelligence knows - is that our societies are
actually anti-Aryan, or anti-White, and positively favour and encourage
non-Aryans and non-Aryan customs while discriminating against Aryans,
Aryan culture and Aryans customs.

This illusion, this hoax of racial equality, and that of 'racism',

were created by those who invented the dogmas of Marxism, of 'social
anthropology', and of 'sociology', and whether by accident or design these
dogmas have been used to manipulate and control Aryans and to create
societies which are anti-Aryan. Is it just a coincidence that the inventors
of these abstract, illusive, dogmas were all Jews - Marx, Boas, Benedict,
Durkheim, Mauss, Marcuse, Levi-Strauss?

Is it just coincidence that the lie of the alleged Jewish 'holocaust'

has been used to discredit the pro-Aryan Cause of National-Socialism,
used to stifle any expression of pro-Aryan views and used as an excuse to
introduce repressive anti-Aryan laws?

In fact, the lie of the 'holocaust' is crucial in maintaining the

illusion that has been created. It is also used to manipulate and coerce
people - to mentally condition them to believe certain things. The
'holocaust' story is taught as irrefutable fact to children in Schools, and to
young people in Colleges and Universities. No criticism is ever allowed.
There is a religious type of sanctity which has grown up around
'survivors' of the 'death camps', and around the story itself, and many
countries now have 'holocaust memorials' and 'museums' which have
become places of pilgrimage and where regular 'remembrances' are held.
The story is treated with an almost religious sanctity, and anyone who
doubts is subject to an Inquisition. Indeed, the story of the 'holocaust' has
become more of a religious belief than belief in a Christian God. Laws
have been introduced in countries like Germany, France, Canada and
Austria which make it illegal for anyone to deny this 'holocaust' took
place. That is, belief in the 'holocaust' has become mandatory in many
countries. Everyone now has freedom to believe in a Christian God or
not, and freedom to believe or disbelieve whether the Gospels are the
divine word of God - but everyone has to believe in the story of the
'holocaust'. Why do they have to believe in this story of the 'holocaust'?
Because it is an "irrefutable fact"? Because it has been "proved beyond
all doubt"? Surely, the same things were said, for many centuries, about
the Christian God, his miracles, and the Gospels - and anyone who dared
to deny such "irrefutable facts", and question whether such things had
indeed "been proved beyond all doubt" were called heretics, and
punished. Such heretics could be, and often were, imprisoned, forced to
recant their 'heretical views', and persecuted - deprived of their jobs, their
livelihood, scorned by their neighbours. In those dark days of religious
intolerance, and Inquisition, people could be denounced as 'heretics' - and
mere mention of this word, or the threat of being called it, was enough to
make people fearful. The threat of being called a heretic was enough to
keep most people in line - to make them conform, and accept the
teachings of the Church, or at least not speak openly about them. So the
Church maintained its power and its hold over people by such covert and
overt terror.

Today, everyone has got to be believe in this story of the

'holocaust' for one simple reason. The story itself is central to the beliefs
which now underlie all the societies of the West. A new terror has been
created, and maintained by the coercive force of law. No dissent is
allowed, and everyone has to be educated - that is, 'brainwashed' - to
believe this new pseudo-religious belief. Just as in the dark times of the
medieval Inquisition, this pseudo-religious belief, and only this belief, is
said to be 'morally right' - and anyone who criticizes it, disagrees with it
or opposes it, is cast as 'evil' or 'wrong'. Indeed, any doctrine which in not
part of this new pseudo-religious or dogmatic orthodoxy is deemed to be
'evil' and 'wrong'.

What, then, is this new dogmatic orthodoxy, given an almost

religious sanctity by the various Governments of the System? It is, quite
simply, the belief that a multi-racial, basically materialistic society is the
only type of society which is right. This itself is based on the hoax that
all races are equal. Those who see this hoax for the fraud it is are called
'racists' and people have been indoctrinated to believe that 'racism' is
wrong. All the major political parties in this, and all other Western
countries, are dedicated to creating a society based on this hoax of racial
equality as they are all committed to 'eradicating', by force of law and
programmes of education, any opposing views. This new dogmatic
orthodoxy has been used to introduce what are basically Marxist policies
of forced 'equality', 'affirmative ethnic action', and 'ethnic quotas'. This
orthodoxy has been used to make those of European race feel guilty
because of their alleged 'racist' past - and any expression of racial pride
by Europeans is not tolerated, or regarded as 'extreme' and 'unsavoury',
while ethnic pride among racial minorities is positively encouraged. This
orthodoxy has been used to take away the basic right of Aryans to defend
themselves as it is used to justify imprisoning any Aryan who dares to
fight back against intimidation by gangs of non-Aryans.

This new dogmatic orthodoxy has created a new heresy -

'racism'. Modern Inquisitors have been appointed to track down racists
and to seek out and destroy any 'racist attitudes' or behaviour. Modern
Inquisitorial tribunals have been set up to investigate alleged 'racism' at
work, in Schools and Colleges, and elsewhere, and to punish those found
guilty. These modern Inquisitors are called by such titles as 'Race
Relations Officers', or 'awareness counsellors' and the
Inquisitorial courts which try to find and punish heresy, are called by
fancy names such as 'Race Relations Tribunals'.

The story of the 'holocaust' is central to all this manipulation of

Aryan minds - because, quite simply, this new orthodoxy says that the
'holocaust' proves that National-Socialism, and any other kind of
'racialist' or separatist belief, is evil and wrong. The argument always
runs along similar lines: "Look what racism led to in Germany - the
horrors of the holocaust"; and "Auschwitz is a reminder of where
exclusion and inhumanity can lead..." So any dissent, any attempt to
expose the Zionist hoax of racial equality is stifled - because, of course,
"everyone knows that the holocaust existed". Thus also the arguments
used to justify the mental tyranny which exists and which is evident in
making illegal any and all opposition to multi-racialism: "we must stamp
out racism before it takes a hold; otherwise we will have another

Everyone must believe in the 'holocaust' because everyone must

believe that 'racism' is wrong and that racists hate other races and want to
exterminate them, or at least subject them to brutal slavery. All modern
Aryan countries are dedicated to creating and maintaining multi-racial
societies, and therefore no real, open, opposition can be allowed or will
be tolerated. No other beliefs - other than those which support such a
society - can be taught, simply because these countries are part of a
tyrannical System which is controlling people through ideas, and which
is brainwashing them to believe these illusive ideas, and only them.

We National-Socialists have seen through the trickery and the

manipulation, as we know 'racial equality' for the Zionist hoax it is. To
win the war we are engaged in, we must free our people from such
illusive ideas and from the control such Jewish-created ideas exercise
over the minds and the behaviour of our folk.

How to Destroy an Illusion

For decades, Zionists have tried to take away, to destroy and
erase, the memory of the glorious years which Aryans enjoyed under
Adolf Hitler. They have tried to do this in several ways. Firstly, by
inflicting suffering and hardship on the German people who knew, who
had experienced those glorious years - conducting against this people a
total war which virtually destroyed the country, which killed millions of
loyal National-Socialists and which created mass starvation. Secondly,
the Zionists subjected the German people to the humiliation and indignity
of a tyrannical Occupation, to 'de-Nazification', to show trials. Thirdly,
they created and propagated the vile lie of the 'holocaust' to make the
German people guilty, and to discredit, or try and discredit, National-
Socialism and Adolf Hitler.

The Zionists hoped that by doing these terrible, ignoble things to

the German people, those who knew the reality of National-Socialism
would forget it, or convince themselves they had been mistaken.

But there are still many who do remember, as there are many
who have handed on, to a new generation, the memory of those glorious
times. In effect, the Zionists and their lackeys - despite all they have done
- have failed to eradicate the truth. Despite all the suffering, despite all
the hardship, despite all the sacrifices and all the deaths, and even despite
the lie of the 'holocaust', the beautiful, noble truth about National-
Socialist Germany and Adolf Hitler lives on.

It lives on today in we who are National-Socialists, and to shatter

the illusive world the Zionists have created from their destruction of
National-Socialist Germany we need to do three things.

(1) We need to uphold and propagate the noble truth of National-

Socialism - to hand on the sacred flame of freedom entrusted to us, and to
win converts for our Cause.
(2) We need to fight our enemies in a practical way by waging a holy war
against them, as outlined above in Part III.

(3) We need to shake our people out of the illusive comfort they now live
in by helping to undermine and destroy in a revolutionary way the
System which our enemies have created to control, enslave and
domesticate our race. We must seek to create a revolutionary situation so
that people once again have the face the hard reality of life. That is, we
must be prepared to ruthlessly sabotage, destroy, undermine and disrupt
in any way the infrastructure of our societies. [ See 'System Breakdown'
and the other covert pamphlets in circulation.]

If we do these things, with a fanatical belief in our Cause based

on an understanding of what our enemies have done and are doing to our
people, then we can and will triumph, thus winning back our freedom
and rescuing our race from the slavery it now endures.

Why Violence Is Healthy

We all know the story, the now-familiar newspaper 'headlines'
and the now-familiar diatribes of spineless, characterless 'politicians',
'social workers' and 'experts' who speak-out against 'violence'. I can recall
a recent programme on television about 'violence' during which some
video footage was used, taken by one of those invasive surveillance
cameras which are increasingly being placed in our cities and our towns.
What was shown was basically three young lads having a bit of a fight,
late one night. One young man insulted another, who punched him and so
on. Nothing to do with anyone else - just something for them to sort out
among themselves, in a natural and healthy way. But the Police treated it
as a serious assault, arresting all those involved, and trying to humiliate
them through the Police and Court procedures designed to do exactly
that. Naturally, 'experts' and assorted politicians as well as Police officers
spoke about the 'violence' and how 'horrible' it was. And so on.

Correctly defined, the term 'violence' means using force so as the

cause injury to another person or persons. It is natural and indeed
necessary for someone to use force to defend themselves if attacked, as it
is natural and healthy for young men in particular to be aggressive and
war-loving. It is natural and indeed healthy for the majority of young
men to want to be tough and to want to show others their toughness by
fighting and brawling.

Of course, such truths as these are heretical in the 'politically

correct' societies we Aryans are forced in live in. And they are heretical
because for decades Zionists and their lackeys have tried to brainwash
the majority of Aryans into believing 'violence' and aggressive behaviour
are 'wrong' and even 'un-civilised'. Indeed, the Zionists specifically
created various psuedo-sciences, such as 'sociology', to make Aryans
unhealthy and weak by turning them away from their natural, Aryan,
instincts. In brief, Zionists have tried, through brainwashing, to
domesticate and tame our once fierce, proud, warrior tribes - and they
have done this because it is easier for them to rule over and control a
tame people.

So many Aryans have now been tamed and conditioned by the

Zionists and their doctrines, that it has now become common-place for
Aryans occupying positions of power and influence (such as Police
officers) to do their masters bidding, and to think and act either like
ignoble cowards or like non-Aryans. Such Aryans have foresaken their
Aryan warrior heritage and everything which makes them Aryan. They
have lost their basic warrior instincts.

The simple fact is that individuals who are not prepared to use
force to defend themselves, and thus their own honour, are fundamentally
weak and cowardly. To be a man means to be prepared to look after
oneself - to take responsibility for oneself. A mature individual, a real
man, has character, and this character is only and always created through
striving, through adversity, through overcoming challenging, obstacles,
difficulties, and through combat - through tests of courage, heroism and
endurance. All genuine Aryan societies were warrior societies(2), and in
all warrior societies certain principles were upheld. Chief among these
was the principle of training for manhood. Tests of endurance, tests of
combat, tests of physical strength, and the taking of risks, were all part of
this training. Young men were taught to fight, with weapons, as they
knew and accepted that they would be expected to fight in battles. They
were taught to be self-reliant, adventurous, and aggressive. In brief, they
were taught to be proud of themselves, and taught that the highest values
were the warrior values of courage, honour, loyalty, and duty. In these
societies, people carried weapons, knew how to use them, were prepared
to use them, and it was accepted that such weapons could be used, in

Furthermore, these Aryan societies were genuinely civilized.

That is, they prized excellence of individual character as they made
warrior values, and manhood, ideals to be aspired to. These societies
were ruled by strong men of character - by heroes who had proved
themselves in combat and in war. Thus were such societies noble. What
was accepted was that violence, particularly among young men, was
natural and necessary, and that this could and should be encouraged
provided those using violence abided by honourable rules when fighting
or brawling. It was this acceptance and encouragement of violence, and
this insistence on these noble and ennobling rules - mostly unwritten -
which enables one to distinguish an Aryan warrior society. That is, in
such a society, there had to 'fair play'. Provided there was such fair play
in such fighting and brawling, then violence was accepted and
encouraged. Someone who did not play fair, was branded a coward, or a
cheat, and considered an ignoble person. Thus, there were never, in
Aryan societies, any 'laws' or any prohibitions about or concerning such
fights or such brawling - and when such laws or such prohibitions did
arise, one could be sure that the society introducing and enforcing them
was run by weak, characterless individuals or ignoble tyrants. In brief,
such societies had ceased to be Aryan.

For decades, Zionists, and their Marxist allies, have worked to

create a society where individuals - and in particular men - are dependant
on, and have to obey, the State and the institutions of that State, such as
the Police. Zionists have tried to brainwash people into believing and
accepting the ignoble, anti-Aryan values behind such a State, as they
constructed a repressive ignoble System to deal with anyone who does
not believe or accept these values, who refuses to be humiliated or who
refuses to accept their new servile status. Zionists, and their allies and
lackeys, have striven to undermine and eradicate the Aryan values of
honour and excellence and that training for manhood which is essential
for a healthy, noble, society. Thus have Zionists created and propagated
the illusive doctrines of racial equality, of 'feminism', of the so-called
'liberal democratic' State with its repressive Police forces and its
repressive laws which take away the right to bear and use weapons and
which tries to break the aggressive, natural, spirit of young Aryans by
tyrannical legislation making brawling and fighting and the use of
weapons in self-defence 'criminal offences'. Furthermore, these Police
forces act like bullies who have to humiliate their victims and force them
to submit to them. No Aryan with any pride and honour, is prepared to
submit to such bullying tactics as the Police use when arresting someone
and when holding them 'for questioning'. It is an affront to one's
manhood to be so shamefully and so dishonourably treated. But the
System which has been created to tame Aryans has given the Police such
tyrannical powers, that honourable Aryans have become powerless when
pounced upon by such bullies. In effect, such bullying and such dis-
honourable behaviour has become institutionalized because it is means of
control, a means to try and tame Aryans, and make them into servile
Zionist slaves - into goyim, or 'cattle'.

In essence, the Zionists, for their own messianic ends, and to

keep and extend the power and influence they have, have striven to create
generation after generation of self-indulgent, ignoble, individuals
addicted to their own selfish pleasure and happiness, with these
individuals having no experience of all those things, such as war, which
are necessary to produce real manly character. Furthermore, they have
tried to ruthlessly stamp out, through their anti-Aryan laws, and their
tyrannical bullying Police forces, the virility and warrior nature of
healthy young Aryans to whom toughness, pride and war are ideals. In
addition, and as part of their strategy, these Zionists have encouraged and
used the religion of Christianity to make Aryans ill.

Part of the responsibility for encouraging and creating weak

character among Aryan men lies with the life-negating, anti-Aryan
fundamentally Jewish religion of Christianity. Christianity, as noble
Romans understood, and as Nietzsche so eloquently expressed in his The
Anti-Christ, is a religion for cowards and sub-humans. It encourages and
creates everything those of noble character loathe and detest. It
encourages pacifism, the hoax of racial equality and the promise of an
illusive after-life. It denies the pleasure and necessity of combat and war,
as it makes a weak, weedy 'spirituality' rather than noble manhood, its
goal. It is gloomy and superstitious and champions the values of the
coward, the decadent and the life-hater. Christianity values and
champions compassion over and above wisdom, necessity and

In effect, Christianity and the anti-Aryan abstract doctrines

created and propagated by Zionists, have made Aryans sick. Christianity
and these Zionist doctrines are fundamentally mental and psychic viruses
- ailments which undermine Aryan health, survival and vitality. The only
effective cure for such life-threatening viruses is National-Socialism, for
only National-Socialism expresses and represents what is Aryan and
what is required for Aryan survival, health and advancement. In effect,
National-Socialism is a modern conscious expression of the natural,
healthy and noble instincts of Aryans - and it was these instincts which
created civilizations in the past, and which made Aryans the most fierce,
proud, tough and honourable warriors on Earth.
What National-Socialism understands and expresses is that
violence, honourably used, is natural and necessary - part of training for
manhood, part of a warrior society and a means whereby excellence can
be achieved for individuals and the race itself. National-Socialism
accepts and encourages the natural aggressive instincts of young men,
and their desire to fight and to brawl, providing a framework of honour to
guide individuals in the struggle for life and the struggle for excellence of
individual character.

Thus does National-Socialism represent all that is wise and

healthy, while those doctrines and those people which and who oppose
National-Socialism represents everything which is ignoble and sickly.


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