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Read the following case study and answer the questions below

Succession Planning at ABC Corporation


ABC Corporation is a large manufacturing company that has been in operation for
over 50 years. The company employs over 500 employees, including managers and
executives who have been with the company for many years. The company's board
of directors has identified the need for a succession plan to ensure the organization's
long-term success as the current leaders approach retirement.


The company's leadership has developed a succession plan that identifies potential
successors for key leadership roles and outlines a process for transitioning new
leaders into these positions. The plan outlines a mentorship program that pairs
potential successors with experienced leaders to gain valuable knowledge and
experience. Additionally, the company is creating a leadership development program
that offers training and development for current and potential leaders to enhance
their skills and prepare them for future leadership roles.


1. What is succession planning, and why is it important for organizations?

2. Why did the board of directors at ABC Corporation identify the need for a
succession plan?

3. What is the succession plan at ABC Corporation, and who is responsible for
implementing it?

4. What is the mentorship program in the succession plan, and how does it work?

5. How will the leadership development program enhance the skills of potential and
current leaders?

6. How will potential successors be identified at ABC Corporation?

7. What are some potential challenges that ABC Corporation may face during the
implementation of the succession plan?

8. How will the company measure the success of the succession plan, and what
metrics will be used to evaluate it?

Case Study requirements

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