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Name: Balicha Edrix M.

Section: 12-Logro

1. From the picture shown above, you are tasked to identify the relevant (obvious) different
Elements and Principles of Arts.
2. After you identify the different elements and principles, write a short essay (6 sentences)
regarding the message that the artwork wants to portray. Give clear and direct to the
point answers.
3. Follow the format in giving your answers.
Principles of art Elements of art
Contrast Color
Unity Value

For me the painting represents reality. That all of those colors in the background are all of
expectations and imaginations that we are encountering in our life but in real life it’s different. All
of those imaginations are not the ones that we are expecting in our life to encounter and it’s
tiresome. That sometimes it’s not bad to take a break and smoke a cigarette to make ourselves
calm and collect our self. That is the representation of a woman smoking cigarette, that in life
we should also take a break for us to be collected and be ready to face the reality again.

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