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Source-Created Solutions in Radionics

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Radionics Resources:

Fun Short Course in Beginning Radionics - Paper by Pete Radatti
Free Radionics Library - ​Kelly Research Tech
I bought my devices from them, I recommend them, they employ a solid, balanced approach to
using the device

Copyright © July 2015 by Theresa A. Nygard. Permission granted to copy or excerpt for educational purposes provided that the copy is
provided at no cost other than reasonable copy charges. Copy must be intact, whole and carry this copyright notice.

DISCLAIMER: Publication and distribution of the ideas, theories, concepts, descriptions, processes or instructions published in this paper
in no way represents or constitutes a claim that any service or written information offered by Rev. Theresa Nygard., nor any other scalar,
radionic, psychotronic, or free energy device, can have a positive, negative or any other impact on human health, or is in any way a
replacement for or supplement to the advice or treatment provided by local, state and/or federally licensed medical and other commonly
recognized allied health care professionals. Kelly Research Technologies’ radionic instruments, analyzers and accessories are intended for
agricultural and energetic research only and can in no way diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any human medical condition from occurring.
More specifically, federal law states that only a medical doctor and/or prescription drug is/are able to diagnose, treat, prevent, or cure
disease. All information and all correspondence verbally, via email, brochure, letter or otherwise does in no way make any claims to
diagnose, treat, prevent or cure any ailment, affliction, suffering, or disease that any person(s) have had, currently have, or will have in
the future. It is always recommended to discuss with your medical doctor prior to making any changes in diet, nutrition, supplementation
and exercise. If you are in need of medical or mental health care please contact a licensed professional.

I am a lightworker, and for years I have used a variety of devices to assist in bringing about
my intentions, such as pyramids, Biogenesis tools (​www.Biogenesisglobalcom​),
Biogeometry tools (​​), an Erim, to the right (The Erim was designed
by Italian Scientist Pier Luigi Ighina, which concentrates the Magnetic Rhythm Solar and
Earth Energies, more info at ​​). These tools all
have worked to shift energy, and facilitate the intentions I was placing.

I have studied a variety of lightworking modalities, which have

developed my clairvoyance and taught me how to transmit and shift
energy, and work at the soul level. I have also learned how to identify and remove dark
When I came across radionics devices, I did some research, and soon found that they would work to accelerate
the manifesting of my intentions. I had already studied and been applying the principle of cancelling and
setting new waveforms through meditation, so I found that this was a device that could do that for me. When I
got a radionics device, I found it worked extremely well to shift energy, required far less intention and focus
than I had applied previously, and it could be used in combination with my other tools.

This paper outlines the use of what are called “Source-created solutions” with radionics or other healing
devices. This process enables me to call upon support from the Divine world of Spirit in using the devices. The
process might seem a little involved, but once you learn it, it can become a simple habit.


Here is how I state my intention:

● Universal Source, show me the Source-created solution in direct connection with the Universal Source
for​: _________________________,
● According to my preferences,
● Indefinitely ascending on a positive, neutral, or silent vibration,
● In all dimensions in infinite time,
● With Divine Protection, default removal fully encapsulated, all as appointed by the
● Thank you, it is done.

This way of stating an intention asks the Most Powerful Positive Force in the Universe, which I happen to call
the Universal Source, to create a solution from a Central Point of power. The interesting thing is, that this
solution already exists in a future dimension -- you can assume that any solution you are desiring will
ultimately be created at some point in your lifestream. And more likely by that point, it will be even fuller and
more complete at that time, as it will have the benefit of all your added life experience to date. If a solution
exists in the future -- why not call it to the present -- so we can experience it now. As this solution is created
from a Central Point of power, it is also more whole and more inclusive, hence a more successful solution.
When I watch a Source-created solution as energy, it is a more complete energy, than if I place an intention
without it. Intending the solution in direct connection with the Universal Source makes it more powerful.

Source-created solutions operate more at the soul level, so the results may not be as immediate, but I usually
find them more complete and more effective. If there are other souls involved, those souls may have to reset
their purpose through the Source as part of the solution. Sometimes I have put a solution in, and a few months
later have received surprising results.

Source-Created Solution Qualifiers

I have adopted the below qualifiers on my Source-created solutions, all gained through experience:

● According to my preferences:​ When placing an intention, I have often heard the Spirit world ask:
“What do you want?” So you, as a Divinely placed being of Light on the earth plane, have preferences
emanating from you that are inherently valuable to the solution you are calling forth.
● Indefinitely ascending on a positive, neutral, or silent vibration​: This intends that the
solution ascends indefinitely on the upward spiral until complete. Specifying the vibration is helpful --
if we can manifest on whatever vibration we choose, we might was well choose a positive one, which
includes happiness, joy, ease, etc. Sometimes when clearing energy or system busting, a neutral or
silent vibration is best. Together with your preferences, this qualifier encompass the idea of “no
unintended/non-preferred outcomes.”
● In all dimensions​: This releases the solution backwards through time, through all dimensions, until it
meets the physical dimension.
● In infinite time: ​ This helps move the solution outside of time-space limitation, conveying a sense of
● Divine Protection with default removal fully encapsulated:​ Protects you and those in
alignment with the Light as the Source appoints and encapsulates energies while being removed to
protect you.
● “Thank you, it is done”​: Tells your subconscious mind that the intention is complete -- which it
already is in the future dimension.

Clearing Machine and Area

Periodically or after any dark energy removal treatments I cleanse a radionic device using the three codes given
by Pete Radatti​ (“Short Course in Beginning Radionics”, 9-4-2013, p. 19)​:

With the well empty, machine off. Key in rate, ask how many minutes to broadcast rate. Turn on.
● "Prepare operator for maximum effectiveness in operating unit and results of operating unit
with harm to no one”
● 25-27.5
● “Prepare unit for proper operation and maximum effectiveness of results with no harm to no
● 27.75-38.75
● “Clear area of all bad and protect area during operation with harm to no one”
● 38.5-58

In between doing so, this is my abbreviated cleansing process.

Cleansing Myself:​ I take one or so breaths to cleanse myself, such that I am aligned and able to
receive the purest guidance from the Source, connecting to the Universal Source to do so. As I breathe, I
may say to myself, “I am connected to and cleansed by the Source, and am clearly able to receive Source
instructions for my intention.”

Cleansing the Device: ​I take one or so breaths to cleanse the device, connecting to the Universal
Source to do so. As I breathe, I may say something to the effect, “The device is cleansed through the
Source; Only the hand of Christ may operate through the device. The reagents are cleansed and
harmonically aligned so as to serve the purpose of the Source.”

Cleansing the Area:​ I take one or so breaths to cleanse my home and property, saying something
like: “This property is cleansed through the Source, a Sacred space is set by the Source, only the hand of
Christ may operate through this property.” Often I will take a deep breath and blow up any residual
energy to the light.
In lieu of Christ, you can also invoke the Universal Source. Christ just happens to be the best, and most
immediate way to clear dark energy.

The Source-created solution will typically call forth assisting Divine Beings to formulate the energy as it moves
through the device and creates the desired outcome. It can also be helpful to request the assistance of Divine
Beings as appointed by the Source, as this gives your conscious consent. I may or may not see or sense them,
but it doesn’t matter, they are still there, willing to assist.

I have found that asking the Universal Source to appoint assisting Divine Beings is the cleanest and, simplest
way to invoke deities. If you invoke a lesser deity or Angel directly, you may set up contracts with that being.
Asking the Source to appoint eliminates any contracts. Lesser sources may try to intervene at any level, so I
always qualify that I am invoking the Universal Source, The Most Powerful Positive Force in the Universe.

Loading the Well

I put the witness in the well, and I go through my whole selection of reagents. Since I have done alot of system
busting, I have developed a set of reagents which help clear non-light energy. For example, black sand, crushed
glass from a black lightbulb, black tourmaline, copper wire, metal elements, the radioactive component from
smoke detectors (Americum - this element puts out a small amount of radioactive particles -- this can be used
for system busting a very non-light situation. I have never used it on myself or for healing).

Left: System-busting items.

Right: Colored sand, crushed glass in the middle,
and various colored glass pre-formed items. A sea shell is on top.
Above left is a picture of some of my system busting items. The upper left in the picture is white crushed glass,
which very often combines with the black sand or black light crushed glass. Notice that the black-filled test
tubes have a note in them -- quantifying that the clearing will be fully encapsulated (more on this later). The
metal implements have a tendency to funnel the energy being cleared up and out to the guides, who will send it
to the Light. Any type of metal implement can be used, the various sizes and shapes correspond to different
needs for funnelling different energies out. The thin metal wire is a paperclip unfolded. Sometimes after a
treatment, there may be energy hanging on or around the device, that the guides ask me to send up to the light.
This can be done by taking deep breaths and blowing upwards to the Light, until it feels finished. On the right
are steel wool and softener sand chunks.

Pennsylvania Pete mentions crushed glass in his ​“Short Course in Radionics”​ paper, and I could see that this
would work tremendously well for healing, clearing, or shifting energy. I saw one person’s aura was incredibly
crystalline -- like they had beautiful crushed glass of all colors in their aura -- this person had very strong
energy, a very solid soul energy in the physical dimension, as a result of using glass in combination with
radionic frequencies. So I knew that this would work well, and have developed a variety of colors for crushed

Recently I have also developed test tubes of crushed quartz, amethyst, rose quartz, citrine, blue calcite, and
green calcite. I have found that I don’t use these as often as colored glass. When I do use crushed crystals, I use
the crushed clear quartz the most. (To crush them I just took a hammer and put the inside several layers of

Preparing Reagents

All of my items currently are inexpensive finds. So before I use them I clear any energy from them and set
them in alignment with the Source for healing or clearing purposes.

As an example, if I buy a colored glass item at the dollar store, I take it home, clean it, crush it and put it in a
test tube. Then to clear any past energy and reset the energy for future healing purposes I do the following:

I put the item(s) in the well. I set the following rates:

● (0.5, 0.5)
This is the rate I was given for the Source-created Solution for keying the item through
the Central Source, to use it for Source appointed purposes, clearing any past energy as

● (10, 1)
Jim Kramer was given this rate by Sara Hieronymous, who said it was a “God-given
rate.” Jim says in his book ​Healing Modality of the Future​, that this rate can be used to
“neutralize or balance out to zero intensity frequencies indicated as poisons, heavy
metals, toxins, chemicals, and radioactive contamination.” (p.117) Because a
Source-created solution is used in conjunction with this rate, this will ensure that this
rate is used for the proper clearing purposes, as guided by the assisting Divine Beings.
When I have put a reagent in to cleanse and reprogram it, I have actually “seen” the item kind of hum or vibrate
as it accepted the higher vibrations.

For my purposes, I was told it was best for me to collect glass or other reagents from a variety of locations. Even
though I can clear the energy, and disconnect the item from its location of origin, I was told that I have “no
idea” what a factory in China has gone through now that I’ve started keying up and using its glass. Alot of it is
on the etheric level.


As an example, here is an intention I have placed:

● Universal Source, show me the Source-created solution in direct connection with the
Universal Source fo​r​ ​clearing all dark energy from the witness,
● According to my preferences,
● Indefinitely ascending on a positive, neutral, or silent vibration,
● In all dimensions in infinite time,
● With Divine Protection, default removal fully encapsulated, all as appointed by the
● In a way that protects those supporting the Source’s solution,
● Legions of Christ assisting.
● Thank you, it is done.

(Note the addition of the two underlined qualifiers. I sometimes add these when contending with non-light

Prior to setting the above intention, I was originally setting out to clear something else from myself. But the
Source told me to simply do “dark energy removal.” This speaks to the issue of resistance that Pete Radatti
discusses in his “Short Paper”: Sometimes no matter how much you may try to treat something, it may not
clear. In my case, it appears that what was needed to clear the issue was the removal of resistance, or what the
Source was calling “dark energy.”

I was told to do three days of dark energy removal, then take a one-day break, then another three days, etc. I’m
not sure how many witnesses could receive clearing that strong, but with my Angels and guides doing most of
the work in collaboration with the frequencies, I am able to handle it, and it is working.

One of the energies I saw cleared, at about 3 weeks, was called a “transmitting and receiving blocker”, which
had been lifted off my consciousness by my guides. This was like a white steel band of energy around my crown
and upper chakras, blocking my ability to transmit and receive Divine information. It was set in place to block
my soul from being of purpose, and to block connections with my soul family, either those in spirit or those in
the physical world. This was apparently done many civilizations ago, when there were “overlords” who ran the
planet and would identify “problem souls” -- those souls who would have the ability to challenge the
established order. The overlords would put blocking devices on those souls so they were less likely to be able to
change the overlords’ misaligned system.

At about 5 weeks, something was cleared from me that I heard my guides call a “breeder facility.” I was told
that my soul was being used as a source of energy for this breeding. At one point I saw sheets of black eggs
being removed, and later on I saw what looked like an empty attic, which had apparently been attached to my
soul. Now that it had been cleared, the structure would be removed as well.

So those are a few of the things that have been cleared, some I’m not even able to identify, or it’s not necessary
for me to do so -- it can be “too much information” for me to consciously know all this, and consciously
knowing what is being removed can connect me to it, which is usually not desirable. This information can be
reviewed at a later point.

“Dark Misuse of Power”

There are incredible things we as human beings are operating under, that we don’t realize are affecting us, so I
was told to simply do “dark energy removal” to cover these types of things (a few things I have found include
snakes, insects, reptiles, energy harvesting). Barbara Marciniak discusses some of this and the “dark misuse of
power” in her book, ​Family of Light​:

“Vast beings, living for thousands of years in your terms, make their living ruling and parenting you,
seeking their value from you because you have considered yourselves valueless and purposeless…. No
humans live long enough or are quite clever enough to come up with these immense plans of control, so
when you look behind the scenes, you will learn about an ancient race with their own tale of division, a
tale of secrecy and hidden power. They are the ancient reptiles, your ancestors, your kin…. You must
learn how to stop feeding those vampires who suck your energies, from the astral planes, from the
dimensions, and from on and under the Earth herself…. You are regridding Earth and changing the
frequency, so one-by-one lights go on and fields of energy are established.”(pp. 147, 148, 150, 153, 158)

Invoking Divine Protection

Invoking “Divine Protection” will work in most situations. When specifically dealing with removing dark
energy, it is also recommended to specify “full encapsulation” as well. “Divine Protection” will keep you and
your leagues safe as the energies are removed or changed; “full encapsulation” will keep the removed energies
sealed until they arrive under the Source’s direction, where they will be redirected/reassigned, encapsulated or
unencapsulated, as the Source appoints. Sometimes you may be given a taste of the energy being removed -- so
you can understand what is being cleared. Usually, I will experience this type of energy being cleared as an
angry, surly, roiling energy.

Sometimes dark energy can be used to system bust dark energy. (Take a look at 2016 Republican presidential
field of 16+ contenders, as it played out during 2015 -- people within the party are system busting the party

I asked why a Source-created solution alone wouldn’t include the intention of Divine Protection, and I was told
that “not everyone is manifesting an experience of being protected and safe. The Source-created solution
honors people’s preferences. So expressly state your preference of Divine Protection and encapsulation.”

I asked about the qualifier “with harm to no one”, which Pete Radatti discusses in his short paper, and I was
told: “This unilaterally extends protection to everyone. However, it may not be your responsibility to extend
protection to everyone. Secondly, everyone may not be requesting protection.” So the approach I take is to use
the “Divine Protection” qualifier.

The Importance of Encapsulation

I would like to discuss the importance of specifying that any energy you are clearing be​ fully encapsulated​ on
its way out. Prior to realizing this, I experienced a few things on their way out, and boy it was not fun! These
things can be cleared cleanly, there is no reason to be experiencing them on their way out! I’ve had them try to
make their presence known with other lightworker friends.

Prior to arriving at this understanding of the importance of full encapsulation, I was determining how to
integrate the intention of “with harm to no one.” In one solution I put in the device, I didn’t realize that what I
was clearing was so large that people in my lightworker matrix could be affected. From speaking to a family
member, I learned that I likely had a physical anomaly, as a part of my genetic heritage. To clear it, I was told
do a Source-created solution to “clear the legacy of misguided civilizations from my soul, family, and destiny,
and replace with divine light, knowledge and wisdom.”

For some reason I was very driven to find out why such an anomaly could happen. In a meditative state, I
followed the energy back, and followed it back, determined to find the origin. Eventually I was shown a record
of information -- with a clawmark across it. This was apparently a record of what had happened and why. The
clawmark was likely the originators attempting to keep the information from being revealed. I was told that
this pattern had been placed upon humans as a way of marking certain humans by non-light overlords. That
made me very determined to also clear the ancient pattern from humanity as well, and as I tracked the solution,
I could see that those entities being released were not thrilled.

A few days later I spoke to a friend, who had been having several things blow up at her house electrically, and
another mutual friend got stung by wasps, and other out-of-balance things happened, and she sensed
something was going on. We compared notes, and discovered that this was at the same time I was clearing the
issue going back into ancient civilizations. While the solution was in the device, I could feel the inimical
energies trying to come at me, but I routinely commanded something to the effect that “Christ reigns” or
“Source Reigns” or “The Light of Christ holds all safe.” They couldn’t affect me, so they tried to affect my
lightworker matrix.

So without realizing it, you may be clearing something that could affect others. For this reason, I specify full
encapsulation in addition to Divine Protection to keep that from happening.

As a result of these experiences, I printed the below statement up, and I put it inside the test tubes of black
sand or crushed black light bulb, I taped it my work area, and sometimes I specifically read it for the solution
intended -- so that the default removal will ALWAYS be fully encapsulated, unless the Source appoints



Summary of Additional Qualifiers used with Non-Light Removal or System busting

When clearing dark energy, I add these qualifiers. Often I include them in all my solutions as well:

● Default removal is fully encapsulated.

● Positive, neutral, or silent vibration​: Silent and neutral vibrations can be added, because
sometimes the Source will chose a silent or neutral vibration as a way of protecting the lightworkers or
those bringing about the change -- so they don’t attract attention to themselves while the change
undergoes completion.
● Legions of Christ assisting​: This is something I called in after seeing some profoundly non-light
energy that I was not going to allow to affect me or anything connected to me.
● Divine Protection in a way that protects those supporting the Source’s solution, as the
Source appoints:​ When I am clearing non-light energy, I also sometimes specify the recipients of the
Divine Protection, as it usually is not appropriate for me to offer any type of light to non-light energy.
Here I am specifically requesting that the Divine Protection only go to those I prefer, with the Source
making the final decision. Usually in these cases, my only job is to clear the energy with neutrality and
bring in the Source’s solution, not to offer any handouts.

Selecting Reagents

To select reagents, I use a process similar to the shortcut process described in ​Radionics Book 2​, p. 105: I put
the witness in the well, then keeping the intention in mind, I put my left hand on a test tube of colored glass or
other reagent, if my right hand sticks on the rub plate, I use the item. I go over the variety of items until I feel
finished. I realize this is a different approach than measuring GV, but what is happening is that my Soul,
Angels, and guides are working through me to electrically or magnetically connect me to what I need. I have
developed a whole series of geometric images which I often use with solutions as well, but that can be the topic
of another paper.

I usually put something over the well -- perhaps just a kleenex, often something like a glass globe, or a pyramid,
or a power item. For system busting, sometimes I use an aluminum or steel or rock cover to cover the well.
This helps keep the energy encapsulated so that the lightworkers and those people carrying truth and
supporting the Source’s solution are held safe.

Reaching for the Source-Created Solution

With the well loaded, I am ready to call in the Source-created solution for the treatment. If there are any
pre-selected rates from the ​Radionics Book 3​, I put them in now.

Next, I take a breath, and reconnect to the Source, saying, “Show me the Source-created solution for the proper
use of the device, including appointing assisting Divine Beings, and for taking me to the keystone frequencies to
accomplish my intention.” I imagine the center of the Universe, which looks like a brilliant level or Source of
light. At this level I picture a ball of light, which is the Source’s solution that has already been created for me. I
imagine taking that ball of light with my hand, and placing it in the well. What this does is literally place the
solution into the physical dimension.

I have found it easier to select reagents if I think of this ball of light while selecting reagents.

(This ball of light can also be used with other devices. For an Erim, I place the ball of light ​into​ the Erim. For a
​ f the pyramid.)
pyramid, I place the ball of light ​on top o
Then, if there are any rates to cold scan for, I do that now. Even if all the dials have pre-selected rates from the
Radionics Book 3​, this technique will align the use of your device with the Angels and guides assisting you, and
it will make your work more powerful and easily accomplished.

I was only occasionally using this technique, then my Angels and guides were telling me to do it every time I
keyed the device up. So I do this every time I put in an intention, as well as every time I clear the device
afterward, as well as every time I put in new reagents to key them up. I reach to the center of the Universe for
the Source-created solution and place it in the device. My Angels and guides tell me this makes it ​so​ much
easier for them to do their job!

You can rely on the device alone to create your energy shifts, or you can also add your light and intention
consciously and call in the assistance of Angels and guides. I find this approach creates more powerful and
effective solutions. I find that if I put a solution in, and go into meditation and watch the energy or the solution
as it progresses, this also has a more powerful effect on creating the solution in physical reality. Sometimes
after I put a solution in, the guides will let me know if they need any additional reagents. For example, I may
see an image or hear a suggestion. If I do, I check if I should add that item. You may receive suggestions in
different ways, depending on how you receive information. It is more a matter of recognizing that you are
receiving a communication, developing your ability to listen, and following through. When I add an item, I
turn the device off, add the item, put a new, updated ball of light in, and turn the device back on.

When doing system busting or dark energy removal, though, I typically do NOT go in and watch the energy. I
am told that it is not necessary for me to watch the energy being removed, to let the guides do their work.
Watching the energy could connect me to the energy, and the energy being removed is usually something that I
would not want to be connected to. When I am doing something personally important or of value to me, I
usually go into meditation and “send light’ or watch the solution. I have been shown that while the frequencies
of radionics are good, nothing can replace the human connection in manifesting something you want.


Just like regular radionics processes, I ask how long to turn the device on.

One thing about using Source-create solutions is that the time component is more flexible. If you go over
slightly, the assisting Divine Beings can send the energy out to the future or redirect it elsewhere if it is not
needed or the intention is done for now.

“Stick” may be arrived at slightly differently with Source-created solutions than when using items in the well to
“feel” a resonance point. It seems to me that this type of stick is determined by my guides working through me,
channelling the energy through my body to arrive at a stick point. Sometimes when I place the ball of light into
the well, I can kind of see it containing four stick points.

Periodically I check in on a solution. When I walk by the device, I will ask the guides, “What are you doing?”
And they will often say, “We’re working, don’t change anything.” Many times they will come and tell me when
the solution is preparing to finish, or finished.

Once the process is finished, I remove the witness, and I leave all the reagents in. I key the device for cleansing,
described above, (0.5, 0.5) and (10, 1), I reach for a Source Created solution ball of light and put it in the well
(these usually look golden to me), and I turn the device on to cleanse and reset all reagents.

Typically, I shake each item before I put it in the well to use it. As I shake it, I usually take a breath and intend:
“This item is connected to the Source, is to be used for Divinely appointed Source purpose.”

When taking an item out of the well, I usually shake and clear it too, then I typically place it in the sun.

I have my device hooked up to a power strip, and I turn the power strip off between each specific use. I’ve been
told this is to “break the chain of electrons”, another form of clearing.

Some System Busting

Dark energy can exist in alot of different locations, from a corrupt county, to a corrupt spiritual organization,
etc. I have encountered these, and have used the device to assist in systembusting such situations. Such
situations have required routine treatments to systembust, but compared to lightworking without a device, this
is a thousand times easier.

Some Source Created Solutions

Here are a few solutions that could be done. In some cases, the solutions may have to be done a few times, or
done in layers. I add to this list as I come upon something interesting or of use to others.


● Universal Source, show me the Source-created solution in direct connection with the Universal Source
for ​protecting my property, for all weather around my property being balanced, in a way
that promotes peace and harmony and heals the planet,
● According to my preferences,
● Indefinitely ascending on a positive, neutral, or silent vibration,
● In all dimensions in infinite time,
● With Divine Protection, default removal fully encapsulated, all as appointed by the Source.
● Thank you, it is done.

I think you are supposed to report any work you do with the weather, so I haven’t done this one.
The strange thing is, that two Farmer’s Almanacs I read predicted an extremely hot and dry
summer in my area for 2015. But 2015 turned out to be a lovely balmy summer, plenty of rain,
the water table replenished itself.

There was no drought or severe weather at any of my properties, but in July there was a storm
near my home. I was just 13 miles south of the storm area in the map below, but there was no
damage to my home or immediate area (map from ​​).
The picture to the right shows some of blowdown that happened in Pillsbury National Forest,
after clean up had been done.
Rain continued regularly through the summer in 2015, and the ditches and fields never burnt
out in August like they usually do. Farmers had an abundant crop.

Here is a statement I found about 2015 Minnesota weather, courtesy of Greg Spoden, DNR

For most Minnesota locales, the summertime weather was close to ideal. The state did
not suffer a major heat wave or consistently unbearable humidity levels. With the
exception of some northeast Minnesota communities, growing season rainfall totals
have been adequate to abundant. The excellent growing season weather conditions are
apparent when reviewing the latest USDA survey of two of Minnesota's major
commodities, corn and soybeans. In a late-August report, corn condition was rated 88
percent good to excellent. Soybean condition was rated 79 percent good to excellent.

For years I have placed the intention that my property be safe and protected, and that any
inclement weather go over or around my properties, etc. I have just done this through
meditation, and like I said above, have not directly worked with the weather. I was completely
amazed at the weather in 2015, I have never seen such good weather.

Weather is a product of mass consciousness

Weather is a product of mass consciousness. To shift the weather means you are commanding
that the agreements of mass consciousness, as they affect you, are to change, no longer affect
you, or they are to move around you. If the momentum of mass consciousness is still to effect
harm, it can do so, but it must do so in another way than affecting you. So instead of inclement
weather affecting you, you may see droughts. Which, one year, I actually did see, while my
home was safe and free from harm.

Abundant Crop & Growing Conditions

During the year of 2015, mentioned above, Minnesota farmers had an abundant crop. But
unfortunately for the farmers, the prices of corn were down that year so many farmers went
backwards on corn even though there was an abundant crop. It is hard to see the farmers suffer
the brunt of mass consciousness. Mass consciousness can be commanded to work for your
benefit, but most people aren’t aware of this or how to do it. If you are a farmer, in addition to
weather solutions, you can place solutions for an abundant crop, which can include elements
such as the clarity on which crops to grow and that market conditions work for your benefit:

● Universal Source, show me the Source-created solution in direct connection with the
Universal Source for an​ abundant crop, including specific knowledge on
optimal crops to grow, and in a way that causes market conditions to work
for my benefit,
● According to my preferences,
● Indefinitely ascending on a positive, neutral, or silent vibration,
● In all dimensions in infinite time,
● With Divine Protection, default removal fully encapsulated, all as appointed by the
● Thank you, it is done.

I haven’t done the specific solution above, but I have done similar ones, and usually I would
repeat them periodically as guided.

Beings Connected to the Weather

There are various assorted beings connected to the weather, some operating in Divine
Alignment, some not. When I have connected to them, I have found them easy to boss around.
I would usually only find it necessary to consciously connect if something was imminent that
needed to be addressed. Otherwise a Source-created solution like the one above would usually
work for the season. If you do need to connect, basically, what you can do is place the intention
to connect to whoever is in charge of the inclement weather; tell them that YOU are now in
charge, through the Source, and there will be NO harm whatsoever to your property.

Commanding Weather

Once, many years ago, a friend saw severe weather heading towards their farmhouse. Using all
the power of their being, my friend commanded the weather to move up, over, or around their
location, and bring no harm. My friend would go outside and use sound and toning to
communicate, then go inside and look at the weather radar. Back and forth. The storm was
pretty close, but at one point when my friend went inside, they saw the storm on the radar map
literally splitting around their location, and eventually passing around both sides. There was no
damage at their property, but the nearby town reported 1.75” hail.

If an inclement weather pattern is imminent, it can be commanded. The more imminent, the
more you may to access the full force of your being, but it can be done. Generally, I would plan
ahead, and do solutions for summer weather in spring for example, solutions for winter weather
in the fall. Usually about three applications would be needed. Then it is less likely that
in-the-moment corrections would be needed.

I’m buying a house located in a metro area, so clearing the property and maintaining it will be different than
living in a more remote area.


I placed the below command to clear the property:

Universal Source, show me the Source-created solution in direct connection with the Universal Source,
with six qualifiers as noted below, for:

● Clearing the house,

● Resetting the earth matrix,
● Rendering it safe and unharmed.

Thank you, it is done.

Six Qualifiers:
● In indefinite ascension
● On a positive, neutral, or silent vibration
● In all dimensions
● In infinite time
● According to my preferences
● With Divine Protection, in a way that protects those supporting the Source’s solution, default
removal fully encapsulated, with Legions of Christ assisting, all as appointed by the Source.

In regards to the command, I heard the Source say: “I want to set up a containment around the house, so that
it is accessible by higher dimensions, but neutral on the earth, invisible in a sense, so it won’t attract wayward
energies.” When I went in and watched the command being effected through the radionics device, I saw a
twelve-sided pyramid being placed around the house, and an additional Source-created solution added, for
“quietness around the property.”


Usually when I put in a command to clear the area of non-preferred energy, I hear the Source say to the guides
that they will simply be “resetting the Earth gridwork.” For resetting the Earth gridwork, I usually use the
symbol in Figure 1 below (it is drawn with straight lines, but the digitization has altered the lines some in the
In this case, because a containment was being set up, I was shown to use the symbol in Figure 2 instead.

Plus these other reagents were used:

● Crushed white, green, and purple glass (clearing and resetting the Earth gridwork),
● Crushed glass from a black lightbulb (for clearing),
● Uncolored sand (grounding),
● Symbol of a 12-sided pyramid - this was to serve the purpose of setting up a containment around the
home (Figure 3).

I placed a clear white glass over the filled well, and placed a small six-sided pyramid atop the glass.


I cold scanned for rates. These will change for every property, as the needs are different for each location.


I broadcast for about an hour in this case, although as I continue to key the vibration on the property up, I will
continue to apply various Source-created solutions for this purpose.


I was shown that I would need to reinforce the containment on a regular basis. So I do this periodically.
Eventually I will need to do this less. In a metropolitan area, setting up an energy configuration can take more
time. It is like “pioneering” a new vibration. Over time, the vibrations being set are anchored in the area, and
the area residents are accustomed to carrying the frequencies as well, so they can support the energy you are


There are an untold number of discarnate beings floating around the planet, and they can attach on to people
and inhabit them in a variety of ways. These are spirits that may or may not know who you are. Sometimes
when a relative dies, they don’t know how to cross over or they are afraid of crossing over. So their soul may
attach itself to a family member. I have seen this cause someone to look much older than they are, as they are
carrying an older soul with them; cause someone to have the tastes of the deceased relative; cause someone to
have the infirmities of the deceased person. If a child has died, it can also attach to another person in the
family. I have seen this cause the feeling of not being on the planet in the sibling, as the deceased child was
continually pulling to go home, but the sibling here was still in their body.


If you’ve ever known anyone who keeps complaining about the same stuck thing, like forever, and it never
changes, they may be stuck in a timeloop. This is when the last timeframe of a life ended with some type of
trauma, such as being beaten down, causing them in subsequent lives to keep repeating the same energy

Conversely, a timeframe can loop at a time of trauma in their current life, keeping them at this point. This may
actually cause the person to look young if it was at a younger age, but fail to have commensurate wisdom with
their age. So you can specify for your preferences -- that the youthful element is retained, but the rest of the
being is brought to a space of commensurate wisdom.

● Universal Source, show me the Source-created solution in direct connection with the Universal Source
for clearing any timeloops from my being
● According to my preferences,
● Indefinitely ascending on a positive, neutral, or silent vibration,
● In all dimensions in infinite time,
● With Divine Protection, default removal fully encapsulated, all as appointed by the Source.
● Thank you, it is done.


If you have piercing feelings of shame, self-hatred, judgement, unworthiness, etc, you may have something
called a “pain cell” in your being. A pain cell is an implant that uses any type of pain as a means of control.
People can attempt to insulate themselves from the pain cells through addiction or other ways of not being in
their body. The pain cells are a legacy of past civilizations whose overlords used them in the attempt to create a
subject population. While these cells may have been placed eons ago, they may still be functioning.
One type of pain cell wraps part of the energy field of the human being in a cell or capsule of energy, maybe a 4
to 6 inches long. On each side of the cell is what feels like a metal plate. The plates would be used like an
electric chair or electric fence. As soon as someone came near to evincing unwanted behavior, the overlords
would send a current through the plates, electrocuting the cell of energy, causing emotional or spiritual pain. It
was it useful deterrent.

There can be any number and type of these in the body. My guidance told me one person had 15 removed. In
addition to the example above, other ones I have seen include a tube of energy around the spine, the purpose of
which was to freeze light impulses as they came through the person, to stop them from acting on the Divine
Light naturally coming through them; and a shiny wire cage removed from the abdomen, meant to freeze a
sense of inner security and confidence, keeping the person subject.

So when you put the below solution in, it will remove anything in the body that uses pain as a means of control.
It may take a while, or extra applications may be needed, depending on what all needs to be removed.

● Universal Source, show me the Source-created solution in direct connection with the Universal Source
for clearing any ​pain cells​ from my being
● According to my preferences,
● Indefinitely ascending on a positive, neutral, or silent vibration,
● In all dimensions in infinite time,
● With Divine Protection, default removal fully encapsulated, all as appointed by the Source.
● Thank you, it is done.


Most of us have had lifetimes of persecution for bringing light and change to the planet, there’s no reason to
keep experiencing this vibration.

● Universal Source, show me the Source-created solution in direct connection with the Universal Source
for​ removing all persecution energy and experiences in my lifestream, and for rendering
me invisible to non-light enforcement authorities,
○ According to my preferences,
○ Indefinitely ascending on a positive, neutral, or silent vibration,
○ In all dimensions in infinite time,
○ With Divine Protection, default removal fully encapsulated,
○ In a way that protects those supporting the Source’s solution,
○ Legions of Christ assisting, all as appointed by the Source.
○ Thank you, it is done.


These intentions I take from a teacher, Ethel Lombardi, now passed. Ethel had had a near death experience
much earlier in life, and was teaching into her later years, while I was just stumbling upon the need for healing
as the mouth of hell had kindly opened in my life (“Thanks”). Ethel taught us to go into meditation, activate
our Divine Spark (just by thinking it), then ask our Divine Self to balance our endocrine system and vitalize our
immune system.

● Universal Source, show me the Source-created solution in direct connection with the Universal Source
for ​balancing my endocrine system,
● According to my preferences,
● Indefinitely ascending on a positive, neutral, or silent vibration,
● In all dimensions in infinite time,
● With Divine Protection, default removal fully encapsulated, all as appointed by the Source.
● Thank you, it is done.

● Universal Source, show me the Source-created solution in direct connection with the Universal Source
for ​vitalizing and energizing my immune system​,
○ According to my preferences,
○ Indefinitely ascending on a positive, neutral, or silent vibration,
○ In all dimensions in infinite time,
○ With Divine Protection, default removal fully encapsulated, all as appointed by the Source.
○ Thank you, it is done.


● Universal Source, show me the Source-created solution in direct connection with the Universal Source
for ​removing all ticks ​from my property,
● According to my preferences,
● Indefinitely ascending on a positive, neutral, or silent vibration,
● In all dimensions in infinite time,
● With Divine Protection, default removal fully encapsulated, all as appointed by the Source.
● Thank you, it is done.

I put in a satellite picture of my property, and cold-scanned for some rates. I was amazed to find
a dead tick on my wall a day later (usually ticks park on a wall or branch, “questing,” and wait
for you to walk by so they can grab on). I have never seen a dead tick on my wall, only on the
floor after they fell of my dog after being exposed to Frontline. I was supposed to do a third
treatment, but I haven’t bothered yet, as I’m really not bothered by ticks much this year.


● Universal Source, show me the Source-created solution in direct connection with the Universal Source
for removing ​the source of the barking​,
○ According to my preferences,
○ Indefinitely ascending on a positive, neutral, or silent vibration,
○ In all dimensions in infinite time,
○ With Divine Protection, default removal fully encapsulated, all as appointed by the Source.
○ Thank you, it is done.
The neighbors used to have a dog that barked incessantly. I was told to do the Source-created solution
for removing the source of the barking, This surprised me, as it hadn’t occurred to me that there was a
non-light energy fueling the vibration the dogs were putting out. I did a few separate sessions. After
about a month the barking was gone. A neighbor friend of mine told me later that she had confronted
them when their dog bit hers, and they got rid of it. So sometimes solutions work in roundabout ways,
and sometimes friends can help you out or take hits for you. So since then, I’ve arrived at the approach
for specifying Divine Protection mentioned above.

What I also saw, as part of the solution, was that there was a gang of thugs on the spirit level in the
neighborhood. Just like gangs exist in the physical world, they can exist in the spirit world. They were
creating conflict and strife in the neighborhood. The Source-created solution cleared these from the
area. My property had always kind of felt unsafe, and when these were gone, the area felt alot better,
and I understood why.

This solution has proceeded in layers -- when one energy has been cleared, sometimes another one has
come up to be cleared out. But I tell you, this neighborhood is a thousand times more beautiful now
than it was when I started. And I feel alot better knowing I can pretty much clear any potential issue.


● Universal Source, show me the Source-created solution in direct connection with the Universal Source
for ​removing the littering in my neighborhood, and replacing this occurrence with honor
for the land,
○ According to my preferences,
○ Indefinitely ascending on a positive, neutral, or silent vibration,
○ In all dimensions in infinite time,
○ With Divine Protection, default removal fully encapsulated, all as appointed by the Source.
○ Thank you, it is done.

I have periodically found litter out front of my house. This reflected some of the non-preferred
energies in the neighborhood. So one day, after finding a beer can with who-knows-what in it, I
emptied out some of the liquid into a test-tube and let it dry -- somebody kindly left me their
DNA. I combined this with samples from some other litter I have found, and did the above
solution to clear the energy, repeating it periodically with any new finds.


● Universal Source, show me the Source-created solution in direct connection with the Universal Source
for the ​disposition of the black kitty I have seen by my house, that it go where the Source
appoints, receive loving treatment, and experience no harm,
○ According to my preferences,
○ Indefinitely ascending on a positive, neutral, or silent vibration,
○ In all dimensions in infinite time,
○ With Divine Protection, default removal fully encapsulated, all as appointed by the Source.
○ Thank you, it is done.

Twice I had seen a black kitty up near my house. It seemed semi-feral, able to tolerate my
presence briefly. A few weeks before, a grey tabby kitten had shown up on my doorstep, so I
already had one kitty. I wasn’t sure that it was best for me to have two cats, so I did the above

I watched the solution as it progressed, and as it began, the Source included in the solution the
disposition of all animals in the area, with loving treatment, and hunting was removed from the
area. I heard the Source say: “I want to remove all the hunting cords from the area.” I saw what
kind of looked like cords of energy, going up into etheric dimensions, that were being referred
to. I had been lightworking the removal of hunting for a few years, so sometimes the Source can
take a solution and expand its purpose. Incidentally, the next night on the news I saw that the
state DNR had decided to limit hunting again this year -- for the second year in a row.

Testing Devices before Buying

Before I bought a radionics device, I knew someone who used one in a way that I saw some preliminary results,
so I had some evidence that it worked. Then I also tested it etherically. One way I test an instrument before
buying it is by printing an image of the instrument, placing a candle behind it, and receiving the energy that
comes through the image, as amplified by the pattern the photons take coming through it. I am able to “feel”
the energy of the instrument, and feel if it works.

The above technique I adapted from work done by scientists who found that if you take a laser light and shine it
through a healthy specimen, and beam it towards a diseased specimen, it will cause a diseased specimen to
heal. In one experiment, a light was shone on a holographic picture of a healthy raspberry plant, and passed
through the image to a tumor in another raspberry plant, which healed (Russian scientist V. Budakovski). In
another experiment, Dr. Peter Garaiev shone green laser light through salamander eggs, and redirected it at
frog eggs.The frog eggs transformed into salamander eggs, and healthy salamanders were born. These
salamanders were just like normal salamanders -- they bred and produced offspring with regular salamanders.
(David Wilcock discusses this work in his book, ​The Source Field Investigations​, David Wilcock, 2011, p. 209.)
Adapting this technique, if you shine a light through anything you want to inspect, you as the receiver can
receive and feel its energy, and assess it that way.

With radionics instruments, before I bought one, I would also use another technique: I would intend a
Source-created solution for something, then I would see the solution as a ball of light, then I would intend that
“The hand of the Source place the solution into a radionics analyzer.” When this was done, before I knew what
was inside the device, I saw an image of a fine air tuner condenser, the dials turned to fully engaged, 100%. I
saw that as the ball of light was placed into the condenser, the energy passed through the condenser, becoming
harmonized, and as this happened I heard a type of a “hum.” When I started reading up on the instrument,
and saw the picture of the condenser, I already understood how the device would work to shift energy.

How I Receive Information

When I say I am “told” something, this information comes from the Source or from Source-appointed guides,
through my “inner ears.” Often I am able to go in and watch the energy of the situation, or watch what the
guides are doing in conjunction with the device. Sometimes I receive the information in dreams, or through my
mind’s eye as well. To verify information, I use two techniques. The first is “stick”, which I just learned
recently. Prior to this, I had developed another approach that involves deep, involuntary breaths. For this
verification technique, I ask to be given a deep involuntary breath if the information is correct. Sometimes, if I
am not sure if what I have received is correct, I ask for a second breath, or a third, before I believe it is correct.
There can be misguiding energies that attempt to feed false information, so this is a way I learned to verify that
what I receive is accurate.

What are your abilities?

Why do some people seem to have all the gifts, while maybe it doesn’t seem like you have any.

Many years ago I was in a spiritual development class with Ethel Lombardi. Ethel had experienced a
near-death experience at some point prior in her life, and my mentor at the time had recommended Ethel. One
thing Ethel taught us was to ask our Divine Self to activate our Divine Spark and radiate light from within. In
one class, Ethel asked us all to turn to the chairs we had been sitting in and radiate light to the chairs. One
person said afterward that she had seen every person who had sat in the chair before her flash before her eyes.
Another student said, “Why can't I see that?” Ethel told the student ask within if she needed to see like that
right now. The answer she got was no.

I have found many blocks on my consciousness and removed them, and continue to develop my abilities for
even more clarity. Yet this doesn’t necessarily mean I am given full access to information. Just the other day I
asked to see what was going on energetically with a situation, and I was told, “You’re not being shown because
you will fix it.” Apparently once I am consciously aware of something, my psyche will naturally go in and
rectify the situation. And this person was not ready for or electing that type of shift.

While some day it may become the norm for everyone to have full use of their senses, right now it may not be
necessary and may be more of a burden. “What you see you’re responsible for” -- it’s not my job to take care of
something, so I’m not shown information about it. Not receiving full information is a way of setting a

Several times I have placed the below intention to help me gain the best use of the device and to develop my

● Universal Source, show me the Source-created solution in direct connection with the Universal Source
for​ knowing how to use the Radionics Analyzer in the best, most efficient and most
effective way, and for being able to clearly see and understand what is happening,

○ According to my preferences,
○ Indefinitely ascending on a positive, neutral, or silent vibration,
○ In all dimensions in infinite time,
○ With Divine Protection, default removal fully encapsulated, all as appointed by the Source.
○ Thank you, it is done.

So that’s my current version of how I use radionics devices.

If you have any questions, feel free to contact me.


enjoymentwave AT gmail DOT com

Short List
by Theresa,

Source-Created Solutions

Universal Source, show me the Source-created solution in direct connection with the Universal Source for:
_________________________, with the qualifiers as noted below. Thank you, it is done.

● According to my preferences,
● Indefinitely ascending on a positive, neutral, or silent vibration
● In all dimensions in infinite time,
● With Divine Protection, default removal fully encapsulated,
● In a way that protects those supporting the Source’s solution, with Legions of Christ
assisting, all as appointed by the Source.

(Last qualifier is often added when clearing non-light energy).

Preparing Device,​ from Pennsylvania Pete, ​A Fun Short Course in Radionics​:

● "Prepare operator for maximum effectiveness in operating unit and results of operating unit with harm
to no one”
○ 25-27.5
● “Prepare unit for proper operation and maximum effectiveness of results with no harm to no one”
○ 27.75-38.75
● “Clear area of all bad and protect area during operation with harm to no one”
○ 38.5-58

Clearing and priming reagents:

● (0.5, 0.5) Keying reagent through the Central Source, to use it for Source appointed purposes,
● (10, 1) To neutralize or balance out to zero intensity frequencies indicated as poisons,
heavy metals, toxins, chemicals, and radioactive contamination

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