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Ocean of Blood

Tempel ov the Black Vampire

Thick dew began to form on the ground around him as the early morning neared 3AM. He had been
standing there for hours in a sort of coma like trance. From an outsider it might appear as if he had died while
standing there. Perhaps he did…Luckily for him this was a deserted and isolated place, free of interrupting life
forms for miles. He had picked this place wisely; or rather it was picked for him from the very force he sought and
whom guided him there.

He had been calling out to her from inside, reaching deeper than his very soul. He did not use words, for
words could neither describe nor could sounds comprehend her glorious sinistral power. Time ceased to exist as he
drifted through astral vortex’s searching for her. Perhaps he had always been in this place and his so-called life was
just a minor “speed bump” in his pursuit. At this point who was to know, who was to tell?

He heard a whisper echoing through the astral vortex’s which he now explored; though the sound was not
like a sound you would hear with your ears, it was more like a brainwave or an external impulse. The whisper was
elongated and distorted as if breaking through a natural border of causal experience and seemed to carry on. It was
his name.

Before he could respond, he felt pulled back to what seemed to be where he had been standing for the last
several hours. He opened his eyes to what should have been a forested landscape but instead saw only blackness.
When his eyes regained proper vision he began to see a glow off in the distance. A glow which neither consisted of
color, nor was it white. Instead, an atmosphere of relentless cold emanated from the glow. Looking closer, or
perhaps it was moving towards him, he could see that it was not one glow but in fact were two piercing cold, black
crystallized eyes which seemed to stare right through him.

He felt a cold hand touch his naked shoulder and immediately begin to drain him of his human life. Turning
around to face his great and terrible Mother, his entire body became soaked in cold sweat. Seeing only her black
eyes, countless nightmarish visions of demonic beings and abyssal landscapes were shown to him. One of which
being the end of his own life. The cold sweat swept over him like a hurricane rain and he felt as though he was
submerged into liquid. Closing his eyes as to look away from the nightmarish visions for moment and reopening
them, he saw only a vast sea of blood without horizon or end. He found himself drowning in the black blood abyss
in an attempt to save his life, but it was too late.

In life he loathed existence, and when he opened himself to Satan, he sought Lilith to guide him through his
transformation of inner alchemy. He wanted to find his place beside the Lord in the Kingdom of Hell.
Tonight Lilith answered his prayers. He would step beyond existence and enter the abyss willing or not.

Struggling and suffocating, the endless black and crimson ocean poured down his throat and into his lungs.
His body became heavier and his chest began to burn, he now drifted down into the sea of no end, giving in to his
fate, abandoning all hope and leaving life behind.
The burning in his chest intensified and seemed to spread throughout his body as he fell deeper, he could
see Lilith looking at him, the eyes reflecting darkness down into the ocean from the non descript black sky like duel
eclipses. His body ignited into black flames as he now began to ascend back to the surface. Rising from the sea, the
flames slithered around his body like snakes devouring and casting aside his flesh. No longer did he exist, rising as
pure fire from the sea of blood and forming into burning wings. The invisible rising fire transcended the causal
going beyond the abyss leaving the former in ashes…

Czar Nirrta Wamphfuhrer

Clan Terror Firma;451 EB
Tempel ov the Black Vampire

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