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Micro organizational factors

 Suppliers/Whole sellers

Suppliers have a really important role in Panther tyres, they play an important role in providing
panther tyres raw material in bulk on cheap rate. The panther tyres expect from their suppliers
to sell a lot of raw material when it is demanded due to this fact suppliers of panther tyres have
to be flexible according to the demand. They provide this raw material on a cheaper rate so that
the tyres can be made on cheaper cost and it would give a competitive edge to panther tyres
over other tyres brands.

 Consumers

Consumer’s opinion is considered and taken seriously in panther tyres. Usually a survey is
conducted by panther before releasing a new tyres series so that they know which aspect they
should focus on in that product. For example, the best seller product of panther tyres is “power
plus” it was made considering consumers suggestions and modification which were missing in
old tyres.

 Investors

Investors in panther tyres have a direct impact on the working environment, vision, goals and
long term plans. They are the real change bringer. Only Due to the investor (Mian Iftekhar
Ahmad) panther tyres have been able to survive in the Pakistani market with a competitors like
service tyres.

 Competitors

Competitor also have an impact in this organizations environment. The competitor like service
tyres, diamond tyres pushes and motivates panther tyres to produce better product with better
quality. Panther tyres has a lot of variety of tyres and they have created this much variety just
to get a competitive edge. This fact alone proves that competitors also have an effect on this
organization ‘serial decisions.

Macro organizational factors

 Political

Political condition indirectly affects almost every business in Pakistan. Panther tyres is no
different it is also affected by political decision of the leading political party. For example
when recently all kind of imports were banned, It indirectly was a good decision from panthers
tyres because manufactured tyres would not be imported and it created a gap in market. Panther
tyres tried to fill that gap by increasing it production according to that situation and then they
had good profit.

 Technology
Technological advancements and trends have an impact on panther tyres. As the time passes
technology gets more advanced. The machinery used for making tyres is getting more and
more advance and panther tyres keep adopting to these new trends. The general technological
advancement such as mobile phone and social media have become a new platform for business
to find more clients and to advertise their product. Panther tyres have adapted to the new trends
such as social media presence in the form of pages or channels.

 Cultural

Any businesses decision and their vision is affected by cultural factors. For example the
Pakistani culture does not encourages women to work for late hours, the panther tyres usually
represents following types of culture:

 Economic
 Demographic

How do they affect positively or negatively

 Work environment

Nothing kills worker productiveness and motivation like negativity and shortage of support.
Your employees might be extra engaged of their roles in the event that they see which you
prioritize their wellness and work-existence balance.

A sturdy two-manner comments device can even assist personnel sense heard and develop
inside your organization.

 Company culture

The values and subculture that your employer upholds could have a big effect on worker
productivity. By hiring folks who agree with for your values, your groups will evidently be
greater influenced to carry out well.

But be cautious that the ones values are genuinely meditated for your organizational dreams
and the manner you use your business. It's all approximately on foot the walk.

 Employee engagement

The values and subculture that your employer upholds could have a big effect on worker
productivity. By hiring folks who agree with for your values, your groups will evidently be
greater influenced to carry out well. But be cautious that the ones values are genuinely
meditated for your organizational dreams and the manner you use your business. It's all
approximately on foot the walk.

 Leadership
How your managers have interaction with and control their crew is one of the maximum vital
elements in worker productivity. Invest in schooling packages that assist your managers lead
with extra empathy, understanding, and trust. Specifically, select packages that cowl the way to
modify control strategies to deal with one of a kind situations and various personalities.

 Training and Development

Speaking of training, publications ought to be made to be had to all your personnel, now no
longer simply management. Professional improvement can assist personnel be extra assured
and a success of their career. Together along with your organization. Not to say that after
they're well-versed in what they do, they entire their obligations quicker and customer. Pride
improves as a result.

 Technology

Speaking of training, publications ought to be made to be had to all your personnel, now no
longer simply management.

Professional improvement can assist personnel be extra assured and a success of their career
together along with your organization. Not to say that after they're well-versed in what they do,
they entire their obligations quicker and customer pride improves as a result.


First and Foremost panther tyres promotes team orientation rather than working individually.
Working in teams helps employees do their work more efficiently and increases their working
speed, reducing the work load. In case of problems team members help each other in finding
the best possible solution which also increases effectiveness.


Panther tyres encourages its employees to take risk and welcomes innovation which helps in
generating good ideas. This also motivates employees to put in more effort and bring their
ideas forth and which in return also increases their productivity.

Good Leadership:
The managers in panther tyres have a good relationship with their employees. They have good
communication with their employees and keep a check on the work of their employees so that
customer satisfaction can be increased .Managers support the decisions of the employees and
also praise them, try to understand their problems.
Paid timely:
In panther tyres employees are paid on time which is another motivating factor for them.
All these factors helps employees in increasing their productivity and doing their work
efficiently which is a benefit for all the stakeholders.
 They are encouraged to work in group so that they can socialize with each other and
can make understand each other’s mindset
 Incentives
 Friendly environment
 It is observed that the majority of employees are loyal as they are provided good
 Panther tyres encourages its employee’s innovative ideas unlike other organizations
which do not consider their employees opinion.



Prevailing culture:

Prevailing culture means beliefs and attitudes that determine the way in which employees of
the company and management interact.


 Employee performance
 Employee happiness
 company culture impact on Employee engagement
 Communication
 Safety
 Collaboration
 Growth
 Employee performance
Panther tyres have a strong competitive edge, that is they has a strong
organizational culture and employees feel valued and enjoy their jobs instead of
feeling powerless. They give their employees opportunities to grow offering
promotions, career development programs and extra training.
Competitors of panther tyres
 Service
 Diamond
 Employee happiness
Strong culture ensures that their employees are satisfied with their jobs and are
loyal to their organization. It also reduces recruiting, hiring and training
expenses while improving morale and increasing profit.
Panther tyres remain conscious regarding their employees they try their best to provide them
with best facilities .although they do not entertain their employees with their own products but
they give incentives and promotions depending on work performances. After pubition period
they also give their employees medical facilities.
 Company culture impact on employee engagement
 Communication
With good communication practices, employees know that their opinions and ideas are
welcomed. Communicative company culture also leads to greater participation,
creativity and innovation.
Panther tyres give importance to communication and welcome the opinion and ideas of
their employees. They arrange regular meetings in order to have better insights about
the organization which also creates a better employee-manager relationship.
 Safety
Organization that value employees emphasize safety. In a culture of safety employees
are more mindful and engaged while performing their duties.
Panther tyres remain concern about the safety of their organization and their employees
and do their best to ensure best safety in their organization.
 Collaboration
Rather than “us.vs.them” approach, panther tyres promote team work. Employees are
given opportunities to contribute and to build meaningful relationships with managers
and coworkers.
 Growth
Cultures that foster employee development and growth give workers something to work
toward and look forward to. Such cultures prevent boredom and job stagnation while
keeping things exciting and interesting
Panther tyres after hiring and training their employee’s keep them supported and
energized by which they feel valued and it helps in their growth.
Stake holder is either an individual, group or organization that is impacted by the
outcome of a project or a business venture.
1. Employees
2. Customers
3. Shareholders
4. Communities
5. Governments
All these stake holders are affected directly or indirectly by an organizations
Panther tyres has a strong culture in which they value their employees an all of their stake
holders are impacted and are growing positively by an organizations decisions.

General overview of organizational structure of panther tyre limited is as follows:
 Chairman
 Chief executive officer
 Non-executive director
 Independent director


Panther tyre limited adopt functional organizational structure and their strengths are as follows:
 Specialization
 Productivity
 Specialized unit structure
 Better performance and information sharing.
 Specialization:
Panther tyres limited are worked they assign right task to the right people. For
example they know marketing and sales are two different departments and their tasks and they
know that their jobs are different that is why they assign different task to both teams and
successfully achieve work specialization.
 Productivity:
As panther tyres limited promotes work specialization it helps them to increase their
productivity in terms of both revenue and following the appropriate work methods
they attain the best product quality which in result help them to increase their revenue.
 Specialized unit structure:
As panther tyres limited adopt work specialization, they made specific unit structure to achieve
their organizational goals. For this, they made different departments and within each
department groups are made to whom different tasks are assigned which they are supposed to
complete in a specific period of time as a result of which they are given incentives.
 Better performance and information sharing:
Due to the specialized unit structure within the panther tyres it promotes the better performance
of the employee which engaged them in continuous work and let them to focus on their task.
All the employees have a strong grip over their work and also panther tyres limited represents
strong culture in which one element is that they promote team orientation. Due to better
relationship among the teams and between employees and managers enhances information
sharing among them.

Panther tyres limited have wide span of control .it is due to improved supervision of managers
to the lower employees. Due to wide span of control they ensure the regular response from
employees that either company is capable of achieving organizational goals or not. Wide span
of control in panther tyres limited is also because of lower supervision.
 Advantages:
Advantages that panther tyres limited attain due to wide span of control are as follows:
 Clear policies
 Delegation of authority
 Reduced planning time
 Disadvantages:
There are also some disadvantages that panther tyres limited have to face some time due to
wide span of control which are as follows:
 Arousal of conflict between decisions
 Risk of superiors losing control
 Subordinates are perplexed

Departmentalization followed by panther tyres limited is GEOGHRAPHIC. Further
they specify it to the regional level and within each region strategies are made
according to the current situation of market there and customer needs.

 Departments within panther tyres limited:

For the smooth working, panther tyres limited have different departments which are
assigned different task which they are supposed to complete in a given time. Some of
the major departments within panther tyres limited which are basically the departments
of other organizations too are as follows:
 HR
 Sales
 Marketing
 Management and so on.

Panther tyres limited is highly work specialized. They assigned specific task to the right
person. Also the target of each team is specific which they are supposed to complete within
specific period of time.

Work specialization that panther tyres adopt them give them several advantages which are as
 Higher revenue
 Brings in trust
 Increase in productivity
 Wastage costs cut down

Panther tyres limited is decentralized as they give middle and lower manager’s authority to
make decisions at some time. Because middle have better knowledge about the local
community because employees visit market on daily basis and report their respective managers
about the current promotes more creativity and faster decision making within the
Panther tyres limited are formalized as all the policies and goals of the organization are well
written and procedures are strictly followed and observed .moreover, employee’s behavior is
predictable. Also they emphasize more on work which reduces the chances of overlapping of

The act in which a person leads an organization or a group of people.

Managers are the main leaders in Panther tyres as they overlook the work of employees and the
teams assigned to them, solve their problems, keep in check to see if the work is done on time.


Mainly there are three styles of leadership

1. Autocratic
2. Democratic
3. Laissez Faire


In Panther Tyres democratic leadership style is overserved. The reason being that employees
are taken into consideration before taking important decisions. They are involved in the
decision making. Leaders in Panther Tyres not only give but take feedback as well.


 The benefit to this leadership style is in decision making process the managers involve
the employees so everyone feels a part of the community they feel as this is their
organization so everyone in Panther tyres give their best for the success of the
 Furthermore, it develops more creativity in the work that is done. Employees engage
with other employees they discuss ideas with them .This in turn creates a unique
decision making process in Panther tyres
 This builds more trust relationship between the employees and managers in Panther
Tyres as they discuss things with their employees. In Panther Tyres when managers
involve their employees, employees tend to trust their managers they support them as
they provide guidance. They do not sit on failures but they focus on the lesson that is
learnt through that and try to improve it in the best ways.

• The drawback to this style is there are at times so many opinions that it puts a manager
in a dilemma in choosing what the best choice is and whose opinion to take into

• Sometimes there are employees who are more used to a stable environment but in
panther tyres creative ideas matter and due to democratic leadership they can feel like
they are lagging behind from others.



Because of adaptability panther tyres survived in this tough market. They implement changes
in business processes as the market trend changes. They adapt according the environment.
(They adapted to work-from-home culture during the tough times of covid 19).

Adapted new technology

• They adapted to new ways of marketing and unique ways to market their product


Leaders in panther tyres themselves are dedicated. They strongly believe in being dedicated to
their work so only the best outcome is received and this dedication further leads to the success
of the organization.


Respect is very important in Panther tyres. Because if employees and leaders do not respect
each other the environment would be bad so to maintain a good environment the leaders of
Panther Tyres have always strongly valued respect.

Vision that drives leadership

Leadership of Panther Tyres strongly believe in their values .They want to create a
environment where all the employees feel safe and respected as they believe that the employees
are the asset of the company. Each and every employee matters.


 As discussed in the drawbacks that there are so many opinions due to which good ideas
mix up. and that very opinion matters
 Due to extreme workload managers get stressed out which leads to lack of focus and
tends to affect their performance.
 There is at times poor communication between upper and lower level management. As
what is conveyed from the top often gets mixed up.Becuase everyone interprets the
goals in their own way.

 Plans should be devised so that good decisions can be made even when there are a lot
of ideas and opinions from different people.
 Managers should be more understanding as there are times when they completely focus
on the work and not the condition of the employee.
 Low level of Managers should be empowered to make decisions as at times they feel
reluctant in taking important decisions.

1. Output mechanism
2. Behavioral mechanism
3. Clan control
In panther tires the first two are observed. While output control
focuses on results, behavioral control focuses on controlling the
actions that ultimately lead to Results. In particular, various rules
and procedures are used to standardize or to dictate behavior.
Then comes in the effectiveness of these mechanisms in an
organization as there is
1. Less financial fraud (output control)
To minimize financial fraud it is mandatory Know Your
As Fraud perpetrators often exhibit behavioral traits that can
indicate the intention to commit fraud.
2. Implement Internal Controls.
3. Hire Trustworthy Experts.

Disciplined employees (behavioral control)

It is one of the primary Responsibilities of HR to evolve relevant
disciplinary policies and ensure their adherence.

Clear vision of each department (output control)

The use of positive discipline can also increase productivity and
vision, and at the same time reduce the fear of punishment,
which allows employees to take risks to advance the

No idle sitting (behavioral control)

It is important to have a proper program for reporting and
tracking both productive and nonproductive aspects of
Looking for ways to remove idle time and eliminate bottlenecks
requires diligence over time and a focus on continuous

Behavioral control employee frustration
Output control
Extreme pressure

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