Lordmatteus' OSR Goblin

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A Character Class option
for OSR games

By Lordmatteus
The goblin character class is designed to fit A goblin is pure
most old-school renaissance games. The chaos and
goblin character class is not based on your randomness.
standard goblins from any bestiary. While Goblins are
these goblins might be murderous, the unique. Starting
following goblin character class is designed at level 1, you
for a dark fantasy setting where goblins are roll a d66 and
from the fey realm. They delight in coming consult the
to the mortal realm to cause mischief and Chaotic Manifestation table below. At each
increase their power and wealth. These subsequent level until level 9, the goblin
goblins are inspired by the creatures from character will roll on the table. If a duplicate is
the movie Labyrinth—they are beings of rolled and it is an ability that grants the
pure chaos and mischievousness. To play a character a chance to succeed at a skill, you
may increase the skill’s chance of success by 1
goblin, the character must choose the
to a maximum of 5 out of 6. Otherwise, you
chaotic alignment.
may reroll.

As goblins are used to being kicked around Goblins are superstitious. If the goblin is offered
the courts of the fey, they are very adept at milk and honey by a non-player character, the
stealth. At first level, Goblins have a 4 in 6 goblin is obligated to perform a favor for the
chance of success at sneaking and hiding. NPC. This favor may take the form of
completing the farm work for the day, cleaning
Goblins are small and may not wield great the home of the NPC, or other such menial
weapons. Medium weapons must be used with work. The goblin chooses how to repay the gift
two hands. Any armor worn by the goblin must of milk and honey, but it must be something
be specially made to fit whatever Chaotic that can completed in one evening’s worth of
Manifestation the goblin has developed. work. While obligated to perform the task, the
goblin is not obligated to remain friendly with
the NPC afterward. This obligation is a magical
compulsion. Failure to comply results in a -2 to
all attack rolls, skill checks, and saving throws
OSR Goblin character class until the favor is returned.

Lvl Experience HP Paralyze Poison Breath Device Magic Credits

1 0 D4 10 8 13 9 12 Cover Art: Arthur Rackham
2 2,200 +d4 10 8 13 9 12 (Witches and Warlocks,
3 4,400 +d4 10 8 13 9 12 Ghosts, Goblins and
4 8,800 +d4 8 6 10 7 10 Ghouls)
5 17,600 +d4 8 6 10 7 10 Page 1: Goblin – Kalhl
6 35,200 +d4 8 6 10 7 10 (Pixabay)
7 70,400 +d4 6 4 7 5 8 Page 2: Goblin –
8 140,800 +d4 6 4 7 5 8 Mysticartdesign(Pixabay)
Page 3: Goblin –
9 281,600 +d4 6 4 7 5 8
TheDigitalArtist (Pixabay)
10 422,400 +1 4 2 4 3 6
11 563,200 +1 4 2 4 3 6
12+ _140,800/lvl +1 2 2 2 2 4
Chaotic Manifestation Table
11 You grow vestigial bat wings that could not possibly carry you through the air, but they do. You fly
at 30 ft. per round provided you are unencumbered.
12 The gift of Blarney. Once per day, your speech becomes grandiose and eloquent. You may cast
charm or charm monster.
13 Your nasal discharge is like glue. You may generate glue a number of times per day equal to your
level to a maximum of 10. The glue covers 1 square foot of space. Roll a d20 and add your level.
That is the strength check needed to break the bond.
14 The gift of milk and honey: You have a crystal vial that is perpetually half full
with milk and honey. Once per day it can heal you for d4 hit points.

15 Your eyes can emit light like a lantern. This effect lasts for one hour. During this time, you cannot
blink. After an hour, in order to maintain this effect, you must make a save vs spell. On a failure,
you blink and cannot use this ability again until the next day. If you are damaged, you blink—no
save allowed.
16 Your ears double in size. You are only surprised on a roll of 1 in 6.
21 You grow a tortoise shell that you can hide in. It is as strong as plate mail. When attacked from
behind, your AC is 18. You can hide inside your shell. When hiding, you can crawl at half your
movement but your AC is 18 for all attacks.
22 Your hands and feet can stick to walls like a spider. You can climb walls in a 3 in 6 chance. You
cannot wear gloves or boots for this ability to work.
23 You grow claws that can do d4 damage. You may attack with both claws. Make one attack roll and
roll 2d4 on a successful attack. Keep the higher result. If you opt to attack with a small or tiny
weapon in one hand, you may roll a d4 in addition to the weapon’s damage dice and keep the
higher result on a successful attack.
24 You mouth widens and your teeth grow larger (and sharper). On a successful attack, you may roll a
d4 in addition to your normal weapon damage. Use whichever result is higher. On a natural roll of
20, roll 2d6. On a roll of 2, you swallow any medium sized creature or smaller whole, killing it
instantly. However, you are slow, sluggish, and cannot act for 2d4 rounds as your body digests the
creature and its gear, if any.
25 You grow warts all over your skin. Whenever you struck by a physical attack, one randomly
determined target within 5 ft. is hit for d4 acid damage. The target may save vs breath to avoid the
26 You are gifted a magic hat from the unseelie fey. The hat is cone shaped and it functions like a large
sack but anything you place in it does not affect your encumbrance. It will not work for anyone
31 You gain a worg as a mount. It has 2HD, AC 12 and may make a bite attack for d6 damage. It moves
at the same speed as a riding horse. It is vicious and will attack anyone that gets too close to it
other than you. The worg is a semi-intelligent creature and understands your commands.
32 Unseelie hex: Once per day you may curse someone. On a failed save vs spell, the target is cursed
until a remove curse lifted. The curse can be anything you choose to be, but it must be of a
descriptive nature, not of a mechanical nature. Meaning you don’t say “I curse so-and-so. Now
they have -2 to attack.” Rather, “I curse so-and-so such that their hands are in constant agony.”
The referee will determine the effect. The curse may be lifted using a remove curse. The target
may make another saving throw every 24-hours.
33 Ventriloquist: You can literally throw your voice. You can cast audible glamour once per day. During
the duration of the spell, you cannot speak.
34 Dream magic: Your dreams can foretell the future. Roll a single die of your choosing. You may swap
the result of that die on any die roll of the same type to be made by anyone, including the Referee.
For example, you may select d20. You roll a 3. You may swap out an enemies’ attack roll with the 3
you rolled.
35 You grow a prehensile tail. You may carry a shield or an additional weapon with this tail. It does not
confer an extra attack.
36 Your eyes double in size. You can spot the tiniest of details. You gain search 3 in 6 chance.

41 You grow scales. Your armor class improves by 1.

42 You grow webbing between your fingers and toes. You have a swim speed of 120ft.
43 Once per day, you can belch causing the magical effect of stinking cloud.
44 Your brain doubles in size and increasing your head size by two. You can no longer wear normal
helmets and hats. They cost twice as much. You gain tinkering 3 out of 6.
45 You become part fungi. Small mushrooms sprout at random parts of your body. These mushrooms
are good for 24 hours. You grow 1d4 mushrooms per day. One mushroom is the equivalent of
normal rations. Roll a d20. On a 20, these mushrooms heal for 1 point of damage. When dried and
brewed in tea, they can cure a single ailment. On a 1, they are poisonous, save vs. poison or die.
46 Your nose doubles in size. You can track creatures and forage for food like a bloodhound. You gain
bushcraft 3 out of 6.
51 Your fingers double in size. You gain sleight of hand 3 in 6.
52 Unseelie Gift: Twisted Wand. Once per day you may cast telekinesis.
53 You knee joints invert and you can now jump 30 ft from a standing position. Your speed increases
by 25%. When you jump you shout “Ribbit!”
54 You get a fizgig. It is a small hairy creature that has no body, just hair, eyes and teeth. It can
squeeze through cracks as small as 1 inch wide. It is very intelligent but does not speak. It acts like a
loyal dog. It can attack doing d3 damage. It has only d4 hp with an AC 14. Because of its small
stature it only has a 60 ft move. It is small enough to fit in a pocket or backpack.
55 Pan pipes that can cast sleep once per day.
56 A bag of faerie dust that allows you to turn invisible once per day
per the spell. You never run out of faerie dust.

61 You are gifted an old brass doorknob. When stuck to a wall, it creates a door to the other side. The
door is big enough for small creatures to walk through. Medium sized creatures must crawl. Large
creatures cannot pass through the door. This may be used once per day. You can travel through a
number of cubic feet of 10’ per level.
62 Unseelie gift: a silver Ear trumpet – you can listen through doors with this reducing surprise chance
by 1. Once per day you can speak with the dead per the spell
63 You are gifted with Biggun’ boots. Once per day, when you wear these oversized shoes, you
enlarge like the spell.
64 A skeleton key: Made of human bone, once per day it can open any door as if the goblin cast knock.
65 You have an honorary degree from a prestigious university. Your base language skill is 3/6.
66 You are gifted with a sack of bones. Once per day, you can cast Augury.
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