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Feb 23


o so
is so do
ii) Cx Csb/mVx

= (105)(0,30)/0,00267(5)
Feb 23

is chemical deviation

ii) when
analyte dissociates or associatesor react w/
solvents produce a new product w/diff.
absorption spectrum than the analyte.
IUN 19


9) Photoemissive surface ofcathode in PMT react w/

① will undergo ionisation process & eis produced.
photon, it

& Photon enter detectors heat the cathodede- is

produced. Voltage applied has potential difference
③ emoves from cathode to anode. Electrical signed is


b) When analyte in the

the concentration of solution is a
the analyte begin to behave
differently due to interactions
w/ the solvent bother solute molecules at times even
due to H-bonding). The relation between Absorbances
relate in most
concentration cannot These cases).
interactions affect the analyte environment its
absorptivity) solute -
solute interaction solvent-solute
interaction. * cone, of analytes solvents affect the
distance between molecules, thus its molar
absorptivity.) canalytes)
IUN 19
C) A abc

9 2.0b 110cm
= c =? T 85+100 0.85
= =

A -logoT

log, (0.85)

0.0706 (2)(1,0)(c)

0.0353 C

0.03539/L 0# =
JUN 19

a) (Flame are stable only in certain range of gas

rates. Ideally, flame rises above the burner where
flow velocity: burning velocity where the flame is
stable.)(When flow velocity, burning velocity flame
propagates back into the burner causing flash back.I
At her flow rates (fuel+ oxidant) flame will rise a
blows burner). Flow
off the
type of fuel, oxidant- C rates depends on the

b) is the suitable
most technique to trace
metals in the sediment in the river)ETAis suitable
for liquids solid
sample in which the sediment
is solid form)ETAalso needs
only 0.5 mL of sample
size and improve detection limits can detect test
conc, possible which is suitable to detect trace

metal)ECTA is also better in accuracy than flame

(bes of
the few efficiency of
atomisation in ETA. b
#4 Residence time is also better in ETA
to allow more
atoms to absorb radiation to excited improve intensity
of absorbance.

c) CRF power is applied to the coil induced magnetic

the induction coil ionization of argon gas occured
spark of Tesla coil which produce Art & es)
[Art? es w/
interact fluctuating magnetic field),
both of to flow w/in
causes them in annular path
the coil)(The resistance of ionses to this flow
of charge creates ohmic heating of the plasma.)

a) As flame-AAS soreidsample
analysed equid samples
need to undergo sample prep first by being analyzed.
This will take a lot of time to make solid turn
into liquid. There might begloss of analyte of
interest during sample prep.


a) Band spectrum.
b) Amax=590nm
Name of region:visible region
DEC 18
6) Absorbance 1 =

45x m
b 1cm

2 45mg/L -

A abc=

1 a(1) (45)

0.0222 (mg-cm" 922.22 Lger= a1



e) A EbC

be constant
Eb must want ALC, so since b
if is

changing, deviation occured




DEC 18

A sensi



9) 8 Nebulization -
conversion of analyte solution into a

spray of droplets.

② Desolvation -
evaporates to produce
solvent a finely
divided solid molecular aerosol.
③ Volatilization -
solid aerosol converted to
④ Atomization/Dissociation -
Gaseous molecule converted
to atomic

b) For Cu, ICP-AES is better due to the lowestdetection

limit of 0.04ng/m) compared to other As methods. For
Al, GF-AAS is better due to the lowestdetection
limit of oilngime. Low detection limit
high sensitivity of instrument bes it can detect
the lowest concentration possible.
BEC 18
from plasma
so high (6000-6500K)
10 In Icp-torch, the temperature his
t he
that atomssions are in excited state
to FAEs thatt he population of halted is depends
on flame temp.
⑳ The high temp. in ICP-torch are sufficient

let atomisations excitation occur efficiently

while in RAES, each element has different
flame condition where some needed high temp.
while some needed low temp, making it not
suitable for multi-elements analysis.

9) Olonization of Ar
voltage is applied, a certain potential difference
reached will creat a current
Anode pulls of Ar gas atom, creating Art
⑧ sputtering
if the voltage is, fill gas Art need sufficient
kinetic energy to remove some the
of fatfrom
cathode surface.
-Ground state metal atomic is produced.
③ Excitation
High energy collisons excite a
portion of
sputtered metal atoms. Mo -> m*
Excited atom return to ground stated emit
8 Eventually, metal atoms diffuse back to
cathode surfaced redeposited.

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