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- Let me give u some more information about TBL, TBL is a very different way to teach languages.

It puts
the students into a real-life situation, and in this situation, it’s necessary that they have to use the verbal
communication to complete a particular task, specific activities. And also in this situation, the students
can utilize their skill at current level so they can develop language, develop their knowledge.
- For ex, when we put the students in a situation that they role play as a waiter or a staff at the cash
register, if they are at average level, they can use the basic vocabs or grammar or structure which are
within their limitation, and if they are at a higher level, they can use more complicated structures or
formats to talk to the customer, to complete the task. The language all of them use is at their current
- Besides, this method can place the concentration of students who use the language as a tool which is
very useful, very practical that helps them to finish the activity.

- Let me tell u the reason why we choose TBL. There are different types of learners, levels of materials,
and different leaning process of individuals. Moreover, teaching cannot determine the development of
the learners and the we, the teachers, cannot simply choose what is to be learned.  By choosing TBL,
we will recognize that we must have a comprehensive control of the learning process, the full control of
the learning process.

- In TBL, the students need to observe the foreign language, hypothesize it at individual level and
experiment it AMAP.
- And in this method, the teachers must take responsibility for producing and supplying the task which
will give the learners a lot of opportunities to experiment the language spontaneously. For instance, the
teacher needs to prepare carefully in advance the list of games, questions or activities which is thought-
provoking that stimulate the curiosity of students.
- Also, the teacher is in charge of the consciousness raising process by following the task activities. This
process is very important. In this process the teacher must help the leaners to recognize the differences
and similarities as well as help them to correct, clarify and deepen the perception of foreign language.
 In conclusion, TBL is language learning by doing.

- So what is Task?
By Willis, …
So task could be anything in the daily basis, such as a puzzle, an airline reservation, or a presentation.

- There are some advantages of using TBL.

- First, it can move the focus of learning process from teacher to student. In particular, it helps the
students to concentrate more on the lesson, on the class.
- Next, the leaners can understand the language in various ways as a tool rather than a specific goal.
- Moreover, it can take teaching from abstract knowledge to real world application. For ex, when the
student role play as a seller, they can use language which is basically theoretical to talk to customer, to
receive an order or to handle a problem which are all the real application.
And finally, TBL is helpful in meeting immediate demands of the learners and providing a framework for
creating a class that is interesting and that can address the student needs.

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