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Project JAVA Application Project Titles 2021 - 2022 Domain Type Coding
Code Language


1 JPJA2101 E-Authentication System using QR Code and OTP Web Application JAVA

2 JPJA2102 Online Election System (or) Online Voting System Web Application JAVA

3 JPJA2103 Online Parking Booking System Web Application JAVA

4 JPJA2104 Online Oxygen Management System Web Application JAVA

JPJA2105 College Admission Predictor Web Application JAVA

JPJA2106 A Complete City Guide Using Database Web Application JAVA

5 JPJA2001 Online Book Buying and Selling Portal Web Application JAVA

6 JPJA2002 Towards Effective Bug Triage with Software Data Reduction Techniques Web Application JAVA

7 JPJA2003 Extended AES with Custom Configurable Encryption Web Application JAVA

8 JPJA2004 Distilled Water Management System Web Application JAVA

9 JPJA2005 E-Pass Management System Web Application JAVA

JPJA2006 A BigData approach for classification and prediction of student result using Web Application JAVA
10 MapReduce

11 JPJA2007 Student Attendance System Using QR-Code Web Application JAVA

12 JPJA2008 Distributed Data Mining with Differential Privacy Web Application JAVA

13 JPJA2009 Critical study on Data Mining with IDSS using RAPID technique for Diabetes Web Application JAVA

14 JPJA1801 Bike Store Management System Web Application JAVA

15 JPJA1802 Blood Bank Management System Web Application JAVA

16 JPJA1803 Computer Inventory System Web Application JAVA

Contact: Dr.R.JAYAPRAKASH BE,MBA,M.Tech.,Ph.D., Mobile: (+91)9952649690

Web: | Blog: | Email:
17 JPJA1804 Data Security With Third Party Admin In Cloud Storage Web Application JAVA

18 JPJA1806 Employee Payroll Management System Web Application JAVA

19 JPJA1807 Ensuring Security Using EMF Technique Web Application JAVA

20 JPJA1808 Hospital Management System Web Application JAVA

21 JPJA1809 Intelligent Backup of High Frequency Using Data Files in Cloud Storage Web Application JAVA

22 JPJA1810 Online Nodue Management System Web Application JAVA

23 JPJA1811 Online Toll Gate Management System Web Application JAVA

24 JPJA1812 Student Mentoring System Web Application JAVA

25 JPJA1813 Tuition Management System Web Application JAVA

26 JPJA1814 Online Book Recommendation System using Social Trust in Social Network Web Application JAVA

27 JPJA1815 Connecting Social Media to E-Commerce Web Application JAVA

28 JPJA1816 Online Product Review using Sentiment Analysis Web Application JAVA

29 JPJA1818 Detection of Bullying Messages in Social Media Web Application JAVA

30 JPJA1819 Hotel Management System Web Application JAVA

31 JPJA1820 Hashtag based Topic Modeling in Social Media Web Application JAVA

32 JPJA1601 Airline Reservation System Web Application JAVA

33 JPJA1602 Building web applications on top of encrypted data using Mylar Web Application JAVA

34 JPJA1603 College Management System Web Application JAVA

35 JPJA1604 Data security model for Cloud Computing using V-GRT methodology Web Application JAVA

JPJA1605 Designing High Performance Web-Based Computing Services to Promote Web Application JAVA
36 Telemedicine Database Management System

37 JPJA1606 Detecting Malicious Facebook Applications Web Application JAVA

38 JPJA1607 Discovery of Ranking Fraud for Mobile Apps Web Application JAVA

39 JPJA1608 Employee Attendance System using QR Code Web Application JAVA

Contact: Dr.R.JAYAPRAKASH BE,MBA,M.Tech.,Ph.D., Mobile: (+91)9952649690

Web: | Blog: | Email:
40 JPJA1610 Encrypted Data Storage Vs Data Against illegal Access Web Application JAVA

41 JPJA1611 e-Tender | Online Tendering System Web Application JAVA

42 JPJA1612 Face Recognition in Social Networks Using Big Data Web Application JAVA

43 JPJA1613 Human Resource Management System Web Application JAVA

JPJA1619 Mining Online Product Evaluation System based on Ratings and Review Web Application JAVA

45 JPJA1620 Natural Language Interface to Database Web Application JAVA

46 JPJA1622 Online Banking System with Email OTP Web Application JAVA

47 JPJA1623 Online Bug Tracking System Web Application JAVA

48 JPJA1624 Online college Counseling system Web Application JAVA

49 JPJA1625 Online Content Based Image Retrieval System with Ranking Model Web Application JAVA

50 JPJA1626 Online Crime File Management System Web Application JAVA

51 JPJA1627 Online Dictionary Web Application JAVA

52 JPJA1628 Online Employee Tracking System Web Application JAVA

JPJA1629 Online Product Rating System with Dynamic Trust model for User Web Application JAVA
53 Authorization

54 JPJA1630 Online Student Attendance Management System Web Application JAVA

55 JPJA1631 Personalized Movie Recommendation System Web Application JAVA

56 JPJA1633 Real-Time Detection of Traffic from Twitter Stream Analysis Web Application JAVA

57 JPJA1634 Resource management system Web Application JAVA

JPJA1636 Route-Saver: Leveraging Route APIs for Accurate and Efficient Query Web Application JAVA
58 Processing at Location-Based Services

JPJA1637 Secure Data Retrieval for Decentralized Disruption-Tolerant Military Web Application JAVA
59 Networks

60 JPJA1639 Secure Overlay Cloud Storage with Access Control Web Application JAVA

61 JPJA1640 Twitter Based Tweet Summarization Web Application JAVA

Contact: Dr.R.JAYAPRAKASH BE,MBA,M.Tech.,Ph.D., Mobile: (+91)9952649690

Web: | Blog: | Email:
62 JPJA1643 Using Opinion Mining Techniques in Tourism Web Application JAVA

JPJA1644 Video Fraud Detecting On social Network Web Application JAVA

63 JPJA1501 A Cocktail Approach for Travel Package Recommendation Web Application JAVA

JPJA1503 An Efficient Certificateless Encryption for Secure Data Sharing in Public Web Application JAVA
64 Cloud

65 JPJA1504 An Incentive Framework for Cellular Traffic Offloading Web Application JAVA

JPJA1506 Approximate Distance Finder with Fast nearest Neighbor Search with Web Application JAVA
66 Keywords

67 JPJA1511 Efficient Information Retrieval Using Ranked Query Web Application JAVA

68 JPJA1513 Enhanced Secure Login System using Captcha as Graphical Passwords Web Application JAVA

69 JPJA1521 Malicious Feedback Rating Prevention in e-Commerce Sites Web Application JAVA

70 JPJA1526 Privacy-Preserving Mechanism for Secure Medical Data Web Application JAVA

71 JPJA1528 Probabilistic Aspect Mining Model for Drug Reviews Web Application JAVA

72 JPJA1534 Security in Privacy for Medical Data Health Records Web Application JAVA

73 JPJA1538 Supporting Authorized Duplicate Check in a Hybrid Cloud Architecture Web Application JAVA

74 JPJA1539 Supporting Privacy Protection in Personalized Web Search Web Application JAVA

75 JPJ015 Detecting Complaints in Online Product Purchase Web Application JAVA

76 JPJ016 Detecting false users in Online Rating system & Securing Reputation Web Application JAVA

77 JPJ017 Distributed data integration on electricity board Web Application JAVA

78 JPJ019 Dynamic Resource allocation in Cloud Web Application JAVA

79 JPJ020 Earthquake Reporting System using Social Networking Site Web Application JAVA

80 JPJ021 Efficient and secure search on encrypted medical data Web Application JAVA

81 JPJ022 E-Fraud Prevention based on the Self-Authentication of e-Documents Web Application JAVA

82 JPJ027 Filtering Unwanted Messages in Online Social Networking User walls Web Application JAVA

83 JPJ028 Get your Campus Web Application JAVA

Contact: Dr.R.JAYAPRAKASH BE,MBA,M.Tech.,Ph.D., Mobile: (+91)9952649690

Web: | Blog: | Email:
84 JPJ031 Information leak detection and prevention system Web Application JAVA

85 JPJ032 Intrusion Detection and Prevention in Web Servers Web Application JAVA

86 JPJ033 IPTV Portal System Web Application JAVA

87 JPJ034 Load balancing model for Cloud Data Center Web Application JAVA

88 JPJ036 Multi-Cloud System to avoid server failures Web Application JAVA

89 JPJ042 Predicting BMI using Behavioral Outcomes Web Application JAVA

90 JPJ069 Vertical Search Engine Web Application JAVA

91 JPJ070 Video Sharing Website Web Application JAVA


JPJ143 License Plate Recognition System Desktop JAVA

1 Application

JPJ144 Reducing noises in images Desktop JAVA

2 Application

JPJ148 Credit card fraud detection system using genetic algorithm Desktop JAVA
3 Application

JPJ149 Crime Detection in Credit Card Fraud Desktop JAVA

4 Application

JPJ150 Criminal Face Detection Desktop JAVA

5 Application

MOBILE: (+91)9952649690

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Contact: Dr.R.JAYAPRAKASH BE,MBA,M.Tech.,Ph.D., Mobile: (+91)9952649690

Web: | Blog: | Email:

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