Chapter V

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Chapter V


This chapter presents the summary of the findings on Engagement of students in

New Normal amidst pandemic of the Religious Education student the conclusions

derived from these findings, and the suggested recommendations.


This study investigated the Engagement of students in New Normal amidst

pandemic of the Religious Education student.

The research design used in this study was descriptive-correlational. The research

instrument used was a researcher-made instrument made up of three parts namely: the

socio-demographic profile, the level of engagement, time management, and participation

in online learning. The validity and reliability of the instrument was established and was

administered to the respondents. The study used convenience sampling as the sampling

technique. The instrument used was a researcher-made questionnaire validated by the

panel of experts, consisting of members of the thesis advisory and examining committee.

The study was subjected to reliability test administered to 30 respondents from the

students enrolled in the Religious Education students Colegio dela Purisima Concepcion,

Roxas City, Capiz for the school year 2020-2021. The data was then collated, scored, and

given corresponding verbal interpretation using descriptive and inferential statistics of the

SPSS. The statistical tools were ranking and percentage. For inferential statistics t-test,

One-way ANOVA and Pearson r were used to answer the specific questions.

Findings, the following were obtained:

Majority of the respondents were first-year level, most of them are female, at age

of 18-23 years old, respondents are mostly single, residing at urban areas, with below 15,

000 family monthly income.

The level of engagement of students on online class was result as fairly high

towards online learning amidst coronavirus (Covid-19) pandemic. The fairly high level of

engagement are cause of financial stability, literate in the use of computers or gadgets,

communicating electronically, the differences of classroom and online learning, freely

online classes and can easily access knowledge in internet.

The level of time management on online learning of students in the new normal

was results as fairly high level of time management is cause of limited time to meet

friends in weekly schedule. The REED students were engage effective planning, setting

goals, and prioritizing activities.

The level of participation in online learning of students in the new normal was

results as fairly high. The REED students establish learner participation online learning,

volunteering, participating to obtain building relationship.

Among the variables tested, there is no significant difference in the engagement

of REED students when grouped according to sex, age, year level, civil status, home

location and estimated family monthly income. The estimated family monthly income it

vary to the financial needs to provide the internet of online learning.

In furthermore, there was significant relationship between engagement,

time management and participation. The behavioral engagement of REED students

are meaningfully engaged willingly participate in learning activities, feel connected to

what they are learning, and embrace the opportunity to be challenged in school.


With the aforementioned findings, the following conclusions are deduced:

Majority of the respondents were 18-23 years old, female, single, residing at

urban areas, and had below 15,000 monthly income.

The study showed the most of the respondents in the level of engagement of

religious student in terms of preparation, participation, and time management, were the

most majority of respondent had internet access at home, and they believe a course can be

given by the internet without difficulty with the highest means. Online learning one of the

advantages that gives student can work in their own pace, full control over their studies

and prefer to learn slowly and explore different learning methods, thru online they can

access more information without difficulty.

The level of time management of religious student in terms of preparation,

participation, and time management, the majority of respondents with the highest means

and has ability of time utilization properly. As a result they had spent enough time

planning, were adept at multitasking, followed their schedules religiously, had a clear

idea of what they needed to accomplish during the upcoming semester, were satisfied

with how they spent their time, avoided interruptions and distractions from tasks of the

utmost importance, and met deadlines without rushing or skimping on preparation or


The majority of respondents who indicated that they had set goals, were

responsible for completing tasks on time, worked independently, took risks without
teacher direction, and believed they would receive the same value from an online course

with highest mean, indicating that they had a high level of participation as religious

students in terms of preparation, participation, and time management.

There is no significant difference in students' levels of engagement, time

management, and online involvement when gender, civil status, home location, family

income, and year level are taken into consideration. Furthermore, REED students'

participation is a crucial component that leads to online course performance. As a result,

despite the extraordinary occurrences that lead to remote learning techniques, student

engagement is not a big concern when considering the variables where students are still

driven to study and complete the courses on time.

There is no significant relationship in students' levels of engagement, time

management, and online involvement when gender, civil status, home location, family

income, and year level are taken into consideration. There is significant relationship in

students’ level of engagement in time management, and online participation.


Based on the conclusions, the following generalizations were proposed.

Research has shown many helpful strategies to maintain students’ engagement in

online learning. For instance, students rate regular announcements, email reminders, and

grading rubrics as the most beneficial strategies that instructors could incorporate in

online classes, instructors can use Canvas options scheduling announcements for

deadlines for major assignments.

Moreover, instructors can encourage student participation and learning by

modeling online behaviors and establishing presence by participating in and facilitating

online discussions. Instructors can also improve students’ sense of community by

providing multiple communication channels, support and encouragement, and timely

feedback, as well as by setting course expectations.

On-line courses, with their use of technology and flexible scheduling, offer

benefits that foster the development of time management and it is important to students’

academic success and that while convenience is a major benefit of on-line instruction, the

development or enhancement of personal and time management skills is also evident.

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