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Neo M.

Durante The Contemporary World

BSCE1-GA January 3, 2022

Module 10 Classwork
1. How do you interpret Climate Change?

As a student, climate change, for me, is the change of weather patterns for a certain place over
long periods of time (years, decades, centuries) and its results . But as a growing citizen of the world, I
would describe it as one of the worst issues that we have been facing for years . The way that this is still
being discussed until college says a lot about how people overlook this problem . And, this continues,
people will still be doing things that affects our environment such as burning garbage (which produces
more greenhouse gases), using excessive materials for agriculture, and others, which eventually makes it
harder for mankind to survive.

2. List some steps or ways that the Philippine government respond on the call on climate change.

The Philippine government have passed several laws and implemented several plans and policies
that help its citizens fight the effects of climate change, as well as to refrain from being causes of it. Some
of these are the following:

a. Climate Change Act of 2009 (that formed the Climate Change Commission which is responsible for
organizing and assessing the plan of the government associated with climate change.)

b. Philippine Green Jobs Act of 2016 (which led to motivating businesses that offer green jobs, or jobs that
involves taking care of the environment, in order to promote sustainable growth)

c. National Framework Strategy on Climate Change (compilation of policies and strategies against the
effects of climate change to produce self-reliant communities.)

d. National Climate Change Action Plan (a plan for the years 2011-2028 which focuses on: food security,
water sufficiency, ecological and environmental stability, human security, climate-friendly industries and
services, sustainable energy and knowledge and capacity development)

e. Philippine Development Plan 2017-2022 (involves climate-related policies, which encourages climate-
resilient structures, energy-efficient technologies, forest rehabilitation, and improved health services for
disaster and climate-related illnesses.)

3. Do you think that the steps or ways that you listed are attainable and realistic? Prove your answer .
For the laws passed relating to climate change, yes, they are attainable and realistic because its
effects are visible, such as the creation of the policies stated above.

For the policies and plan, these can still be achieved. However, unforeseen problems, such as this
pandemic, can become challenges. But, following what had been stated in there, it is possible to produce
not only climate-risk resilient communities, but, as well as, safer and healthier ones.

4. In your own little steps, list at least 3 ways on how you can/may help in reducing climate change.

a. Segregating garbage into their right types . (in order for the community to do what should be done on
specific types of garbage)

b. Composting. (in order to produce fertile soil while also reducing burning that produces greenhouse

c. Avoid riding vehicles if the destination can be reached on foot or bike . (to reduce greenhouse gases
production as well as to help maintain our body fit)

d. Plant trees. (to help natural greenhouse gas reduction and all of the many benefits of trees)

e. Save energy, water, and other resources. (to use less of these means that ways of producing such
resources, which may increase carbon emission, are also lessened)

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