Durante (ClassworkMod11)

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Exercise 2: Food Security

Name: Neo M. Durante Date: January 6, 2022

Course and Section: BSCE1-GA Score: _________

Answers the following:

1. When you hear the words food security, what images, places, characteristics come to mind? Spend a
few minutes writing your impressions (a couple sentences). You could also search for images that illustrate
your thoughts. Paste those images into your word document.


When we talk about food security, I often see two ideas in my head; security in food and its
opposite, and, unfortunately, the latter usually pops up first.

It is because I feel like food security is still a challenge for humankind today. Many people are in
grave states: starving, have no access to clean food and water, poor, unemployed, which makes it hard
for them to be food-secured. Africa is the first place that I think of when I hear malnutrition. It is because,
not only that they’re topographic feature gives them hardships to attain food availability, but also because
they are the ones usually reported in the news. Of course, my home country, the Philippines isn’t new to
this, either. Though not as worse as other countries, food insecurity can still be witnessed here.

On the other hand, what I see when talking about the positive side of food security are places
where there are working opportunities, agricultural advancement, and industries that helps them to
produce more food to sustain the needs of the community. Japan is what I think of first when food
security. Knowing the capacity of their technology, it is no doubt that the country can provide for its
people. I mean, they have time to produce square watermelons, right? Not only that they’re a developed
country, it is primarily because of the culture of the Japanese people to be industrious that helped them
to achieve food security.

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