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MAHAM ASIF [10219]

• Summary………………………………………………………………......…...3

• Introduction

• Gender equality global issues


• Local content………………………………………………………………………….7

• Significance of this

• Conclusion……………………………………………………………………………..9

• Recommendations…………………………………………………………………….10

• Apendices……………………………………………………………………………..11

• References………………………………………………………………………….…15
Page 3

Gender equality is when people of all genders have equal rights, responsibilities and opportunities.
Everyone is affected by gender inequality women, men and transgender diverse people, children
and families. It impacts people of all ages and backgrounds. If we talk about the women inequality,
1 in 5 girls are getting married before turning 18, over 800 women and girls die in childbirth
everyday, the total number of women and girls subjected to harmful practices like female genital
manipulation and child marriage is still growing.1 in 4 girls is out of secondary school. Half of
women in low mid income countries have no decision making power over their own bodies.
Millions of women around the world are victims of violence, discrimination and abuse. Now, if
we talk about the transgender inequality, it is the unequal protection received by transgender
people in work , school, and society in general. They usually face; Unemployment due to
employment discrimination, homelessness, healthcare discrimination ,domestic violence , housing
discrimination [especially in homeless shelters] . Also the transgender inequality comes in
education too as many universities won’t allow admissions to transgenders. Men also face gender
inequality as child custody is routinely decided against fathers. Also they are not allowed to show
their weakness. Rape of a male is seen as a joke and they are supposed to be the only breadwinners.
Men , women, and transgender of all ages have values and discrimination should be overcome the
same as race etc.. They should be given equal opportunities. Gender equality is an important and
necessary step in our society. We must respect this initiative and help in it’s progress. Everyone is
equal and should be treated equally.
Page 4

Our initial intention was to get the transgender and women with inequality’s to be explained in our
report by researching in internet and getting knowledge we were unable to document through
videography and or audio the voices of the females and transgenders because of limited time. The
concept of gender equality as a multi-dimensional concept. Gender equality aims to achieve
genuine equality between men and women and transgenders by planting the idea of respecting
human rights deeply into society's soil. The issue that we are addressing is what holds Pakistan
back , that strips its creativity and ability to earn and develop swiftly. This issue has been an
infection throughout Pakistan , it deeply affected society that most have forgotten and or believe
that it is what is and should be. From Women or Transgenders being treated as in humans. We
want to help rid these false beliefs and inequality from the minds of the future generations and
make aware of the things those unequal have to deal with in their day to day lives Our project is
based on the topic Gender Equality. We wish to rid the nation of the inequality shown to women
and the injustice shown to transgenders, we wish to do so by first raising awareness of the matter
by spreading it. Our project was a resounding success in both giving the transgender and the
females with inequality a confident outlook on the future Pakistan, through our determination and
hard work in getting the females and the transgender community’s voices heard, we had their
respect and prayers. Equality between women and men and transgender is a fundamental value of
the European Union, enshrined in its Treaties, including the Charter of Fundamental Rights of the
European Union. Girls , boys and transgenders see gender inequality in their homes and
communities every day. We group members brought our views and research together in this report
to make people acknowledge about the conditions right now. We focuses on the following
elements; Life choices and economic independence; The full realisation of women’s potential and
the full use of their skills; A better gender distribution in the labour market, More quality jobs for
women; The promotion of genuine opportunities for both women and men to enjoy a work-life
balance; Human dignity, the right to life and the right to the integrity of the person First we
learned about the rights of both transgender and women and then studied about the situations right
now then wrote a report.
Page 5


Gender equality have been presents in our lives since decades. It has affected people and societies
in many ways .Whether men , women or transgender .According to our research though women
comprise more than 50% of the world's population, they only own 1% of the world's wealth at all
levels, including at home and in the public healthcare. Women are widely unpresented or are
removed as to be decision-makers. In legislatures around the world, women are out numbered 4 to
1, Globally, women have rare opportunities whether it be in economic, politics or higher studies
.Transgender rarely had even chance to have their gender identity this has changed a lot but still
are bullied ,rejected by their loved ones also denied to access higher studies or employment in
many countries. According to research 13 countries criminalize transgender. The punishment is
fines to prison. Having a few rights transgender are still far away from many normal things in
many countries and are not allowed to be done specifically by them. Some 1 in 20 girls between
the ages of 15 and 19 – around 13 million have experienced forced sex. Hundreds of millions of
girls worldwide are still subjected to child marriage and female genital manipulation. Harmful
gender norms are perpetuated at the highest levels. In some countries, they become entrenched in
laws and policies that fail to uphold – or that even violate – girls’ rights, like laws that restrict
women from inheriting property. Boys also suffer from gender norms: Social conceptions of
masculinity can fuel child labour, gang violence, disengagement from school, and recruitment into
armed groups.
E.g.: adopting, changing their gender identity, access to public restroom. Whether we discuss it or
not men also have gender equality issues. Research shows transgender are most of rape and abuse
victim globally. One in two transgender are victim of sexual violence, abuse, rape ,harassment .
Second comes the women .One in three women are rape or sexually abused victim. According to
net and research that we have done , Men have to go through sexual abuse too .1 in 21 men are
victim of sexual abuse .Men have to offer their workplaces more time than women and it's often
falsely believed that men enjoy being at the office more than women. Suffering from violence till
abuse a men tought to listen by everyone to not cry ,to be a strong as a stone. And are not always
prevailed justice often.
Page 6


Gender equality is a central component to development. Yet, Pakistan currently ranks the second
lowest country in the world for gender equality. Women suffer from pervasive gender-based
violence, from domestic abuse, honour killings, sexual violence to institutional discrimination.
There is a widespread lack of consistent access to quality family planning services in Pakistan,
resulting in one of the highest unmet needs in Asia. The pandemic has underlined this issue and
highlighted the share of women working within the private or public sectors in Pakistan for
example; Domestic help, employed in small enterprises on daily wages, or owning small
enterprises. Women suffer from gender based violence , domestic abuse , honour killing, sexual
violence to discrimination. In Pakistan, 18.3% of women aged 20–24 years old who were married
or in a union before age 18. However, work still needs to be done in Pakistan to achieve gender
equality. 75% of legal frameworks that promote, enforce and monitor gender equality under the
SDG indicator, with a focus on violence against women, are in place. The adolescent birth rate is
54 per 1,000 women aged 15-19 as of 2017, up from 46 per 1,000 in 2016. As of February 2021,
only 20.2% of seats in parliament were held by women. In 2018, 16.2% of women aged 15-49
years reported that they had been subject to physical and/or sexual violence by a current or former
intimate partner in the previous 12 months. Also, women and girls aged 10+ spend 18.8% of their
time on unpaid care and domestic work, compared to 1.8% spent by men. Moreover, women of
reproductive age (15-49 years) often face barriers with respect to their sexual and reproductive
health and rights: in 2018, 48.6% of women had their need for family planning satisfied with
modern methods. Closing these gender data gaps is essential for achieving gender-related SDG
commitments in Pakistan.
Page 7


Everyone is affected by gender inequality - women, men, trans and gender diverse people, children
and families. It impacts people of all ages and backgrounds. We need gender equality urgently.
Gender equality prevents violence against women and girls. It’s essential for economic prosperity.
Societies that value women and men as equal are safer and healthier. Gender equality is a human
right. Everyone benefits from gender equality. The word gender describes the socially-constructed
roles and responsibilities that societies consider appropriate for men, trans and women. Women's
health and safety is another important area. Apart from domestically Globally, no country has fully
attained gender equality. We have achieved much in recent history on the path to gender equality,
but we have a long way to go to ensure equal endowments, participation, and voice for women.
Around the world, many national reforms have been enacted in recent years to improve the status
of women in the workplace, in marriage, and especially to protect women from violence. Yet, there
is still a long way to go.
• Live in a safe and equal society.
• Have equal access to power, resources and opportunities.
• Be treated with dignity, respect and fairness.
Page 8

Gender equality is an important and necessary step in our society.We must respect its initiative
and help in its progress. It must be promoted in our society. Everyone is equal and should be treated
equally. Respect both for human rights and respect for equality between women, men and
transgender are founding values for the Union, as stated in the Treaty on European Union and in
the Charter of Fundamental Rights of the European Union. It is important to promote common
values such as respect for human rights and equality between women, men and transgender as well
as a common understanding that human rights are universal and apply to all.
Page 9

We should be honest in our efforts and work on changing the social attitude towards women and
transgenders . For gender equality, both men and women must work together and bring positive
changes in society. To bring gender equality in society we must;
(1) Maintain a permanent ministry or department of gender, and increasing the capacity of
government staff to mainstream gender issues across sectors and ministries;
(2) Bolstering women’s political participation;
(3) Targeting specific constraints affecting women’s mobility, property ownership, and credit
(4) Engaging with the youth to support their inclusion in a changing society;
(5) Supporting integrated public health programs;
(6) Increasing female and transgender employment in high-growth and high-employment sectors;
(7) Mitigating women’s vulnerability to gender-based violence
Page 10

Family Savagery :
Family savagery is characterised as per segment five of the Victorian Family brutality Protection
Act 2008, as:
a) Behaviour by an individual towards a relative of that individual assuming that that conduct is
I. Is truly or physically oppressive or
II. Is sincerely or mentally oppressive or
III. Is financially oppressive or
IV. Is undermining or
V. Is coercive or
VI. In some other manner controls or overwhelms the relative and makes that relative feel dread
for the security or prosperity of that relative or someone else; or
VII. Conduct by an individual that makes a kid hear or observe, or generally be presented with the
impacts of, ways of behaving in passage a).

Most normally alludes to the social credits and open doors related with being male and female and
the connections among ladies and men and young ladies and young men, as well as the connections
among ladies and those between men. These characteristics, potential open doors and connections
are generally socially developed and are learned through socialisation processes since infant-hood.
They are setting/time-explicit and inconsistent.
Orientation based viciousness - an umbrella term for any destructive demonstration that is executed
against an individual's will and that depends on socially credited (for example distinctions in sexual
orientation) among people.
Page 11

Gendered drivers
These are the particular components or articulations of orientation disparity that are generally
unequivocally connected to savagery against ladies. They connect with the specific designs,
standards and works on emerging from orientation imbalance in broad daylight and confidential
life. The gendered drivers are the basic causes expected to make the important circumstances in
which brutality against ladies happens.

Gender equity:
Alludes to decency and equity in the dissemination of privileges, obligations and assets among
ladies and men as per their particular requirements. The idea of orientation value perceives that
people have different educational encounters, various requirements, various degrees of force and
admittance to dynamic levels in our general public and contrasting assumptions by others.
Orientation value techniques look to accomplish reasonableness and equity in the dissemination
of advantages and obligations among ladies and men, and perceive those various methodologies
might be expected to create impartial results.

Gender equality:
Orientation fairness is characterised as the shortfall of segregation, based on an individual's sex,
in open doors and the distribution of assets or advantages or in admittance to administrations. The
idea of orientation balance has developed over the long haul: at first, orientation uniformity was
worried about treating everybody the equivalent. By recognising and tending to various
necessities, interests an values, Councils can attempt to defeat these imbalances and show up at
evenhanded results. Orientation fairness is the result arrived at through orientation value systems
Page 12

Gender roles:
The capacities and obligations expected to be satisfied by ladies and men, young ladies and young
men in a given society (World Health Organisation, 2015).

Gendered Violence:
Gendered brutality or orientation based savagery is any viciousness that is executed against an
individual in light of distinctions in sexual orientation among people. It is likewise viciousness
executed against the people who don't adjust to prevailing orientation generalisations or socially
endorsed orientation jobs.

Interconnection is an approach to seeing the social imbalance and power elements between
complex, covering or and crossing social characters areas like race, identity, indignity, class,
orientation, capacity, sexuality, geology, age, life stage, movement status or religion (Chen, 2017),
and related frameworks of persecution, control, or segregation.

Intimate partner violence:

Any conduct by a man or a lady inside a close connection (counting current or past relationships,
homegrown associations, familial relations, or individuals who share convenience) that causes
physical, sexual or mental damage to those in the relationship (Our Watch, 2015).

Sexism is separation in light of orientation, and the perspectives, generalisations and social
components that advance this segregation.

Violence against women

The United Nations General Assembly in 1993, characterises brutality against ladies as "any
demonstration of orientation based viciousness that outcomes in, or is probably going to result in,
physical, sexual, or mental damage or enduring to ladies, including dangers of such
demonstrations, pressure or erratic hardship of freedom, whether happening in broad daylight or
confidential life". It envelops, however isn't restricted to, "physical, sexual and mental brutality
happening in the family, including battering, sexual maltreatment of female kids in the family,
share related savagery, conjugal assault, female genital mutilation and other conventional practices
hurtful to ladies, non-spousal viciousness and brutality connected with double-dealing; physical,
sexual and mental brutality happening inside the overall local area, including assault, sexual
maltreatment, lewd behaviour and terrorising at work, in instructive establishments and
somewhere else; dealing with ladies and constrained prostitution; and physical, sexual and mental
brutality executed or overlooked by the state, any place it happens."


Bosso trot Sylvie, Country Manager, World Bank Armenia

APRIL 13, 2020

From Armine Grigoryan (Consultant, World Bank, Armenia) and Amanda Green (Consultant,
World Bank)

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