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The mechanism shown in the figure works in a horizontal plane. It is driven by the torque T12 .
Its joint variables are 𝜃12 , 𝜃13 and 𝑠34 . Link lengths are 𝐴𝐶 = 𝑏2 , 𝐵𝐴′ = 𝑏1 and 𝐴𝐴′ = ℎ1 .
Mass center of link 2 is 𝐺2 (𝐴𝐺2 = 𝑐2), mass center of link 3 is 𝐺3 (𝐵𝐺3 = 𝑐3) and mass center
of link 4 (slider) is 𝐶. The masses of the moving links and their moments of inertia about their
mass centers are m2 , m3 , m4 ; I 2 , I 3 , I 4 , respectively.
a) Write the inertia forces and moments of all moving links in terms of the masses, moments
of inertia, and accelerations. For each link use the corresponding 𝑛 − 𝑡 components of the
b) Including the inertia forces and moments, draw the free body diagrams of the moving links
using the link figures given.
c) Write all the necessary equations from which the driving torque T12 and the joint reactions
can be found.

In the gear train shown, link-2 rotates at 1500 rpm CW when viewed from the left. Determine
the speed of link 4. (Take CCW from left as positive.)


Link 3 is arm, link 5 is planet (with 3 gears) and gears 1, 2 and 4 are central gears.

To find arm speed (𝑛13 ), choose 𝑖 = 2, 𝑗 = 1.

𝑛11 −𝑛13 22 18 −𝑛13
= 𝑅21 = (−1)2 36 = 0.275 ⇒ = 0.275
𝑛12 −𝑛13 40 −1500−𝑛13

⇒ 𝑛13 = 569 rpm (ccw from left)

To find 𝑛14 , choose 𝑖 = 2, 𝑗 = 4.

𝑛14 −𝑛13 22 40 𝑛14 −569
= 𝑅24 = (−1)1 36 = −0.249 ⇒ = −0.249
𝑛12 −𝑛13 98 −1500−569

⇒ 𝑛14 = 800 rpm (ccw from left)

In the gear train shown,

a) If link 2 is fixed and link 6 rotates at 800 rpm cw (as viewed from left), find speed of link 5.
b) If link 6 rotates at 360 rpm ccw (as viewed from left) and link 5 at 360 rpm ccw (as viewed
from left), find speed of link 2.

Let cw be +
𝑛 18 18
a) There is a SGT between gears 6 and 4 : 𝑛14 = − 24 ⇒ 𝑛14 = − 24 (800) = −600 rpm.

There is a PGT where link 4 is arm, link 3 is a planet containing two gears, gears 2 and 5
are central gears. Let input i be 2 output j be 5.
𝑛15 −𝑛14 𝑛15 −(−600) 40 42
= 𝑅25 ⇒ = (−1)2 20 18 = 4.67 ⇒ 𝑛15 = 2200 rpm.
𝑛12 −𝑛14 0−(−600)
𝑛 18 18
b) From SGT between gears 6 and 4 : 𝑛14 = − 24 ⇒ 𝑛14 = − 24 (−360) = 270 rpm.

In the PGT (where link 4 is arm, link 3 is a compound planet, gears 2 and 5 are central
gears), let input i be 5 output j be 2.
𝑛12 −𝑛14 𝑛12 −270 20 18
= 𝑅52 ⇒ = (−1)2 40 42 = 0.214 ⇒ 𝑛12 = 135 rpm.
𝑛15 −𝑛14 −360−270
In the gear train shown, link-2 rotates at 10 rpm CW and link-4 rotates at 15
rpm CCW when viewed from the right. Determine the speed of the output link 8.


Let CCW from right be positive sense.

Gears 2 and 3 form a SGT

𝑛13 20 1
= 𝑅23 = − 60 ⇒ 𝑛13 = −10 (− 3 ) = 3.33 rpm

Gears 4 and 5a form a SGT

𝑛15 25 5
= 𝑅4,5𝑎 = − 45 ⇒ 𝑛15 = 15 (− 9 ) = −8.33 rpm

PGT: Link 3 is arm, links 6 and 7 are planets, gears 5b and 8 are central gears. Since arm speed
𝑛13 and speed of link 5, 𝑛15 are known, to find 𝑛18 , choose 𝑖 = 5𝑏, 𝑗 = 8.
𝑛18 −𝑛13 90 21 120 𝑛18 −3.33
= 𝑅5𝑏,8 = (−1)3 21 = −1.8 ⇒ = −1.8
𝑛15 −𝑛13 60 100 −8.33−3.33

⇒ 𝑛18 = 24.33 rpm (CCW from right)

In the gear mechanism shown, 𝑛12 = 1000 rpm ccw as viewed from left and 𝑛14 = 400 rpm
cw as viewed from left. The tooth numbers of the gears are shown in the figure. Find
a) 𝑛15
b) 𝑛17
c) 𝑛19

Solution: Let ccw from left be positive sense.

Gears 2, 3 and 5a form a SGT:

𝑛15 20 16 4 5
= 𝑅2,5𝑎 = (−1)2 16 = 5 ⇒ 𝑛15 = 1000 (− 9 ) = 800 rpm (ccw from left)
𝑛12 25

PGT: Link 7 is arm, link 6 is planet, gears 5b and 4 are central gears.

To find arm speed 𝑛17 , choose 𝑖 = 5𝑏, 𝑗 = 4

𝑛14 −𝑛17 110 30 −400−𝑛17
= 𝑅5𝑏,4 = (−1)1 = −5.5 ⇒ = −5.5
𝑛15 −𝑛17 25 24 800−𝑛17

⇒ 𝑛17 = 615.4 rpm (ccw from left)

PGT with bevel gears: Link 9 is arm, link 8 is planet, gears 7 and 1 are central gears.

To find arm speed 𝑛19 , choose 𝑖 = 7, 𝑗 = 1

𝑛11 −𝑛19 20 32
= 𝑅71 = (𝑠𝑖𝑔𝑛) 32 . From Figure 𝑠𝑖𝑔𝑛 = −1 ⇒ 𝑅71 = −0.25
𝑛17 −𝑛19 80
= −0.25 ⇒ 𝑛17 = 123 rpm (ccw from left)
The figure shows an automobile differential. Link 2 is the gearbox output shaft. The automobile
differential allows the right and left wheels to rotate at different speeds when the automobile is
taking a curve.

Determine the speeds of the left and right wheels when the automobile is taking a curve to the
right, and the left wheel speed is twice the right wheel speed when 𝑛12 = 420 rpm.

Hints: - Gear mesh between bevel gears on links 2 and 3 is a simple bevel gear train.
- Link 3 is arm of the planetary bevel gear train in the system.

𝑛 26 26
From SGT between gears 2 and 3 : 𝑛13 = 84 ⇒ 𝑛13 = 84 (420) = 130 rpm about wheel axis.

PGT : Link 3 is arm, link 5 is planet gear, gears 4 and 6 are central gears.
Let 𝑖 = 4, 𝑗 = 6
𝑛16 −𝑛13 28 18
= 𝑅46 = 𝑠𝑖𝑔𝑛 18 28 (sign is minus because relative to arm 3, gears 4 and 6 rotate in
𝑛14 −𝑛13
opposite senses as seen in the figure) ⇒ 𝑅46 = −1
𝑛16 = 2𝑛14
2𝑛14 −130
= −1
𝑛14 −130

⇒ 𝑛14 = 86.7 rpm, 𝑛16 = 173.3 rpm

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