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2 HUMAN VALUES & PROFESSIONAL ETHICS.= II Paper Cade: ETHS-02 Lo o™ c Paper: Human Vales & Professional Bthies toe or INSTRUCTIONS TO PAPER SETTERS: ‘MAXIMUM MARKS:75 |. Question No. shou be compulory and cover the eat lah. This question should have becte or Howt aver pe questions sal eof 25 mas, 2 Apart tra Question No.1 est ofthe paper sal consist of four wis a pr the syllabus. Every wit Sul have wo quests. However, stem may Be atid fae only 1 quest fom ach uni. Each ‘question shuld beat 12 mls Two ira session et of 10 mars coh nd one pest rope canying’S mars. Objecaives 1 Te man objet of tt paper to Inala the lt of ea den ming hen apply these isthe read err halenges ofthe engineerin praesion 2. To enable stale 1 unrstand the nel and importance of val-actin and ection for Haman Rigs 1% Tovequnit tudes tothe Natoma nd Ineraiona alae: for Glabl development LUNITI- Appraisal of Human Values and Profesional this Review of Universal Human Values: Thoth, Lore, Peace, Rig conduct, Non vilonet, Justice ond Responsibly Livin harmony wih “SELF. Farly. Society og Nae Indian pluralism = he way Fe fan Budihisn. Christan, Jansm. Skis and Hindus. Gok - Roman and Chinese cll ss. Semtzaton of Input of Moder Escton and Meda on Vales pact Siete and Tecnology Dest of Pritod Modis and Television co Values ‘Ete of computer aided medion Vales (Inet, eal fi et.) {Ree tence Inthe reservation of tion and cre {Rote of famy keaton & community payers in vale development. Review of Profesional Ethics Acrounabiliy, Calepaliy. Roya, Responsibileytnd Fics Living, gins ole wel onl sity, Lining in harmony with NATURE", Four eds Tivig. thine ferecness, Holst echncoy (co edly an sasaiatle ecto} TIIT2ERINISIRAINe of Hrs 03) UNIT Engineers repowsibility for salty: zy ane ik oh Ga RL et Day tng mal ey gn Resniiy fit Sey Scat a mec Tetley Tay Pose Pas f ecmtp Opie Te PonseofTetnony— Cong Ten Bey Sete Ca te Cn Se OPA age, Naser Powe Pn Das, Sp Ste Chaeger, Tree Mile Bland Acie, te {TATA RAT ERAT Hes. 03} UNIT - Global Lies (Globalization and MNCs: Inernstional Tee, es {Case Stade: Kelp Sey, infosys Foundation. TATA. Group of Companies, Basiness Ethics: Crpuate Gove, Pace and Acseatings TP. Corporate Soil Responsiiity (CSR): Definition, Coes 190, CR. Environmental Ethics: Sustsinale Developmen, costo, Oso dpitin, Pollan, (Computer Ethics: Cyter Crimes, Das Sealing. Hacking. Ebene PTH RAIN. He 081 UNIT -Eagincers Responsiites and Rights and Ethical Ces Colley ant Toys, Conf of eters, confident, accuptionst cms, profesional vig G1] feeprstbiier ‘To bot inurl production with exellent ly and efelecy, To enhance mat conan. To boos team st, Wark Cut and etn OF jb saiston, Nationa neratien Epes 01 ‘ome illo prfesicsl ‘Ned for El Cate, Study of some sample coves such as nsttuton of Elects and Electones Enger Computer Secety of i ete, Ethical Aut. [Development and implementation of Cals: Oath tbe taken by Engnerng erates and sigan’ {TAYE SRN rs 03) ‘hee Sy B.Tech! pe Coen ol ew ah 11 od, 38 ya ath 200-14 ‘aod nde 3 BOS SET Whe oped ne SC Coane Magan ah. 58 a 5 200 cam Z, Cc T hh, 338 Comment Highlight Draw Text _—_—Fill& Sign More tools Scanned with CamScanner © @ OF Q ¢ : ‘Scene an Sy BT, "yes (Cape tall anh) ach 20115 an (2% 9" & $2 ys a ath D114 proved ine 22" BOS of USET o 30 Tone, 204058 ppc ne 7 AC Su Carnes Mig on HP 24, 80 ADHOC AND SENSOR NETWORKS, Paper Code: ETEC-406 Lo owic Paper: Ad Hoc and Sensor Networks Soo 3 INSTRUCTIONS TO PAPER SETTER: ‘MAXIMUM MARKS: 75 |. Question No I should be compulsory and cover the entre syllabus. This question should hive objective or shoctanswer type questions. I should be of 25 marks. 2. Apart from Q. No, | rest ofthe paper shall consist of four unite at pr the syllabus. Every unit should have ‘oro questions. However, student may be asked to attemps only I question from each unit Each question shoul be of 12.5 marks. Objective: The prerequisites are data communication networks, wireless communication and networks. The objective ofthe paper i 10 introduce infrastructure less wireless networking, UNIT ‘Ad Hoe Wireless Networks: Introduction Issues ip Ad Hoc Wireless Networks. Ad Hoe Wiles Interne MAC Protocols for Ad Hoe Wireless Networks: Introduction, Isis in Designing a MAC Protocal for Ad Hoc Wireless Networks. Design Goals of a MAC Protocol for Ad Hoc Wireless Networks, Classifications of MAC Protocols, Coatenton-Based Protocols. ‘Contention-Based Protocols with Reservation Mechanisms. Contcation-Based MAC Protocols with Scheduling ‘Mechaaisms, MAC Protocols in Directional Antennas, ther MAC Protocels (71, T2]tNo.of Hes. 1) UNIT Routing Protocols for Ad Hoc Wireless Networks: Inirodvation to Routing algorithm, Isies in Designing a Routing Protocol for Ad Hee Wireless Networks. Classifications of Rosting Protocols, Table-Driven Routing Psctocls. On-Demand Routing Protocels. Hybrid Routing Protocols. Routing Protocols with Eifiient Flooding Mechanisms. Hierarchical Routing Protocels. Power. Aware Routing Protocol ‘Transport Layer and Security Protocols for Ad Hoc Wireless Networks: Introduction, lsues in Designing 2"Transpst Layer rotocal for Ad Hoe Wireless Networks, Design Goals of 3 “Transpon' Layer Protocol for Ad Hoc Witeess Networks. Classification of Transport Layer Solutions. TCP Over Ad Hoc Wireless Networks, Other Transport Layer Protocols for Ad Hoc Wireless Networks, Security in [Ad Hoc Wireless Networks, Network Security Requirements. sues and Challenges in Secutity Provisioning. [Network Security Atacks, Key Management. Secure Routing in Ad Hoc Wireless Networks. TT, T2]INo. of Hrs. 12} UNIT ‘Wireless Senor Networkst Intoduction, Sersor Network Architecture, Dia Disominaion. Data Gathering. MAC Protocols for Sensor ‘Networks, Location Discovery. Quality ofa Senses Network. Evelving Slanards Ober lex Hybrid wireles Networks, Inroduon, Next Generation Hybri Witlss Ariss, Routing i Heid Wiles Newors. Pricing in Muli-Hop Wiese Networks, Power Conta Schemes in Hyd Wiese Networks. Load Balancing in Heid Wises: Networks (TI, T21No.of Hrs. 11] uyiriv ‘Wireless Geolocation Systems: Inveoducion. What is wiciess Geolocaion? Wireless Geoloation System Architecture. Technologies | 7Q) Wires. Geolocaton. Geolocation Standards for E11 Services, Performance Measies for Gears Sysoms, Question. Probes. [Recent Advances in Wireless Networks: Intduston, Utes Wide Band Radio Communication, Wicless Fieity Systems, Opis! Wireless Networks. ‘The Maitimode 8021 “IEEE MO Ilable The Meghadoot Architecture, invodution 10 vehicular sensor networks. (71, 72] [No of Hrs. 11) Schene a! Sylar BT FF, yer Copa tal ten) atch 20418 an (2,3 & 48 yan wef ach 2 Spprved inte 22° HOS USET a 3 Jane 42nd appees eT” ACS Cores Mig heen Hy, 204, Scanned with CamScanner © 6 q L bb * ‘MOBILE comPUTING. Paper Code: BTIT-402 Lome Paper: Mobile Computing er) INSTRUCTIONS TO PAPER SETTERS: MAXIMUM MARKS: 75 Tr Queeien RoI shld ke compelory and cover then hus. The queen shold hae objective shot arse ype questions sou be of 23 wer, 2 par tom Question No. I est of th paper sll consist of four units spe the syllabus. Every unit ‘Senld hae two quan. Honevestideat muy be aed to atu ony queson each ua Each ‘question sould eof 2 ars Diener Should have tid apes bch 8 Communion stems, Data commanictions and nenoring land witless nework. To ean he ase concep, are of te GSM, SMS, GPRS Arcetre. To have at ‘roar aoa wiles pecs -Mirelet TAN, Muctoth, WAP. ZigBee tstue To Know the Network, Frapor Pantanal of Mobile crimanicein. To andertand he concep of at wires eo peterks.Inedace Mobil Appicaton Development environment unr [Mobile Physical Layer: Review of geecaton of mobile sens, overview of witless tlapony, colar foreep. CSM siritarfoee, chanel structs. Heaon sunagemen: HLR-VLE Inertia, dal, ‘ane! alecton i calla ystems, CDMA, PHS Mobile Competing Arcitectre: ses in motile competing the tet architecture fo mobile competing sign conic, Mobile Bile ssi, Mote dautuses WAP: Archit, poral stack, Dats fats {roto Wireless mesport nyer teint, Wiles ansacen protocol witless etn etl, appa li (TH) ET2IET3| (Na, of Hers, 12) ue [Nobile Data Link Layer: Wiles LAN over iw, IEEE 80211, Matvation fos epniond MAC, Nes fatal, Muli acces lchniques for wits LAN such 2 ealisna svotdance, pling, ni cee, ‘spread spectum. CDMA, LAN sistem schitecure, frteel architects pyskal hyer NAC yer and Bloe Tout IEEE 90.15 Bue ooh Use scenarios, physical, MAC layer and ink management Local Area Wrens sytenne WPABX, EDA, ipee RFID, Wide ETH} ETEITI| Noe.) UN [MODILE IP Network Layer I an Moti IP Nar Lape Past galery and Handover Masami Location Manogeent- Repsratn- Tureling. md Encpaicn Rove Optnieaen Dea Host Confgeraion Frac, Ad Hor twos, lalation MAC ies Rosine ptocol ltl ate ong {G5R), Destination sequenced snee vetrruting (DSDV) Dyan source rung (SR), Ad Tice on Nite Tampon Layer enel ROMP, Trp Layer Praca, Sooping Maile TP TEUICTEEI (Mor 11) unray apport for Mobily: Data ses, da oaring. Dat cssomiaion. UA Prof sad Coching, Service score, Data monogemet ste, data repleabon for mobile conpues, aleve clisteting Toe tobe rire networks, Neb descent Fleratem, Dat Sneroriraton, Se ML Invdocton fo Wiras Deviws and Operating toms? Palm OS, Windows CE, Spwhion OS, Andis, Natle Agents, ngedacion wo Mot applets languages ad tol, ITH]IT2ITSI Ne oF.) ‘Coarse Oatcomes: Gain the tnowledge about various types of Wireless Data Networks and Wirdess Vice Networks 2, Unsorsiand searchers the challenges andthe Salus of Wiles Commune, ‘3 Rear theo of Wiese Procol nshapng he Reber 4. Ableto develop simple Mobile Applications Using Toll kit 78 ‘Sem Sc Tah," pu Con toch) wh N68 8 ya aE Srsedine22° 40S St 8m nad pene STAC Sen Comme Mig ny 34 “Text Boks [1] Senile, “MebiteCommusicatens, 2 eton, Peas, 211 [Ta] Raj Kamal “Mule Computing” Oxfoul Higher Escalon, Seed Eon, 2012, [15] Dir pealash Agrawal and Qing An Zeng, “intaduction fo Wiles: and Maile Sytems” 3 lon Cease: Irae 2013, 5 200 ca Z, Cc T hh, 338 Comment Highlight Draw Text _—‘Fill& Sign More tools Scanned with CamScanner 86 SOFT COMPUTING Paper Code: ETIT-110 Lowe Paper: Soft Computing 3 0003 INSTRUCTIONS TO PAPER SETTERS: ‘MAXIMUM MARKS: 75 1. Question No, I should be compulscry and cover the entire syllabus. This question should have objective ot short answer type questions. I should te of 25 marks. 2, Apart from Question No. 1, rest of the paper shall consist of four units as per the syllabus. Every unit should have two questions. However, student may be asked (o attempt only I question from each unit. Each (question should be of 12.5 marks, (Objective: To understand the yarious concepts of neural neworks and fuszy logic. UNIT Neural Networks: History, overview of biologieal Neuro-system, Mathematical Models of Neurons, ANN architecture, Learning, rules, Learning Paradigms-Supervised, unsupervised and reinforcement Learning, ANN training Algorithms: perceptions, Training rules, Della, Back Propagation Algorithm, Multilayer Perceptron Mael. Hopfield Networks, Associative Memories, Applications of Anifieal Neural Networks. (71, T2]{NoLof Hrs. 11] UNIT Fuzzy Logie: Inuroduction to Fuzzy Logic, Classical and Fuzzy Ses: Overview of Clasical Sets, Membership Function, Fuzzy rule generation, Operations on Fuzzy Sets: Compliment, Intersections, Unions, Combinations of ‘Operations. Ageregation, Operations. UNIT Fuzzy Arithmetic Fuzzy Numbers, Linguistic Variables, Arithmetic Operations on Intervals & Numbers, Lattice of Fuzzy ‘Numbers, Fuzzy Equations. Fuzzy Logic: {Classical Logic, Mulivalued Logics, Fuzzy Propositions Fuzzy Qualifies; Uncertainty based Information: Information & Uncertainty. Nonspecificty of Fuzzy & Crisp Sets, Fuzziness of Fuzzy Sets (TL, T2I(Na.of Hrs. 11] (TL, T2IINa of Hrs. 11] uNIrV, Introduction of Neuro-Fuzzy Systems: ‘Architecture of Neuro Fuzzy Networks. Genetie Algorithm: ‘An Overview, GA in problem solving, Implementation of GA. (TH, T2]No of Hes 11] ‘Text Books: ITH] Hertz J. Krogh, R.G. Palmer, “introduction o the Theory of Neural Computation", Addison-Wesley, California, 1991. [12] G4. Klir& B. Yuan, “Fuzzy Sets & Fuzzy Logie”, PHI, 1995, [TS] Melanie Mitchell, “An Inodvetion t Genetic Algorithm", PHI, 1998, IT] F.0. Karray and C. de Silva, “Soft computing and Intelligent System Design”, Pearson, 2009. Reference Books: [RI] "Neural Neworks-A Comprebensive Foundations”, Prentice-Hall Intemational, New Jersey, 1999, TRI] Freeman LA. & DM. Skepura, “Neural Neworks: Algorithms, Applications and Programming “Techniques”, Addison Wesley, Reading, Mass, (1992). ‘Scheme a Sy fr B.Tech. 1 year (Coron wo al waned) wef batch 201418 und (2.39 & 4° yen) wf hatch 2013 proved init 22" BOS of USET on ns 2014 an approve ine 7” AC Suh Corte Metin eto 10" aly 2018 85 Scanned with CamScanner 9 E-COMMERCE AND M-COMMERCE Paper Code: ETHT-A28 Lowe Paper: E-Commerce and M-Commerce 30 3 TINSTRUCTIONS TO PAPER SETTERS: ‘MAXIMUM MARKS: 75 [NQueton No, 1 shoal be compisey and cover the entire labs. Tit question shold ane objec or Short ames ype questions haul te of 25 marke 2. Apa from Question No est ofthe piper sal consist of four wie a6 pe the sllabss, Brey it ‘should have we guenns However, adem maybe shel to tempt nly I gusto rm ech unit Each _qemton rhb of 1 mark Objective: The objective ofthe papers impos knowledge aout te fndamontol and advancomets nthe [ils of Electron Commerce (E Conmerc) an Mobile Commerce (M-Conaree) vith the aim of enabling ‘he stents ro explore te pnsbifesof praca pplication and reserch aspects I the eld of exraing Isles ll Dformlon Technolo wT Intadcton se Conc: Netwets and commercial raneactons ~ ntre nd ter now networks a lestrni tesmactons tony, Model fer commercial nsctios; Interoteavronment~ nema ange, bers wide web and ter inte sls venues: Oalins cmmere solutions. Security Tecloge:Insecanty Inert A tee inreductin to Cryptography; Plc hey slain: Key ‘sirbeton and ceueaion; prominent cryptographic aplicalons Blesroie Payment Methods: Uplang tational tasctons: secure online wansction mols: Online ‘commercial etsronments; digi curences and payment systems: One serie processing: private dita feworks (71) (72) RH] LRA Na Hrs. 10} urn Proccle for Pube Transport of Private Infomation: Security protocols cae proocols Secure hypeat leafs potest Sess sluts layers: Inigrting eset petals note ub: No eh pid Elen Commerce Pronger O-line Cnmmere options: Company profi. lstonicPayent Spats Digilpeyment ystems Fr vital interne payne stam yer cash ode ‘Ontine Commerce Environment: Servers and commercial crvirenmensr Netisye protic ines Netscape ‘omamerce server, Mics tere! eplre and server; open market Dipl Cureneis: Opdenl proces of Digit. Hea Teak Using Beas; Sart eats, Betronie Dat Imucchange le bses EDL yrs Ite ad EDL ove Ire ‘Suatepes, Tecnigues and Tools: Ieee Strategies niet Techniques, Shopoing techsiques and online ‘eli tecbigue: Internet tos THURS} No. ores 1, UNI ‘Supply cain management hirdictioe, What i upry cain management? Focus cn the value chain, Option ferrestucurins the auply chun, Using ebasinas to estucure the spol chain Suey cla management implerenation. E-prcarsment Induction, What is erocurement?, Drivers of exocurement, Fras on esting © recone cont sings, Ris amd nguce of epocureneat Implemeniag -proreent, Focus ot ‘estrnis B2B marketplaces, Th fur of e-pocuunert? Castors auonship anapemest: raduction, Wnt ie e

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