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“Check List 5's”

Profesor: Lorena de Jesús Silva

Alumno: José Guadalupe Tiscareño Vargas
Fecha: 11/10/2022

Based on the visual control file and 5's, prepare a checklist where you value at least
10 points from each of the first 5's.


The 5's method is a management technique of Japanese origin which is based on 5

simple principles or phases beginning with S (in Japanese) and which are what give
the method its name.

This origin has been present since 1960 in the city of Toyota, and its objective is to
achieve better organized workplaces.

That is why it is based on 2 basic principles:

Order and cleanness.

Actually, this is a tool that increases productivity and is very cheap, since it generates
great benefits without the need to invest large amounts of money.

The phases of the 5's methods

As its name indicates, this Japanese method is made up of 5 phases in which a

series of actions are carried out.

- ranking (Seiri)

This is the first of the techniques of the 5's method and it is summed up in separating
the unnecessary. With this objective of eliminating everything that is not useful from
the space in which the work is carried out, a classification of the objects and elements
that are present in the workplace must be carried out.

With this, eliminating the unnecessary will free up space and save production time
spent looking for tools or cleaning the work area.

- Order (Seiton)

After the classification is the order. This main concept of this technique is to be able
to determine what is not necessary. In other words, once the elements have been
eliminated, as well as the objects that are not mandatory to perform the job correctly,
those that are considered essential must be ordered.

Well, with this you can find useful work tools faster with clarity when approaching

- Cleaning (Seiso)

The need to remove dirt is a main reason that cleaning is included in the 5's.

Well, this improves the level of cleanliness in the workplace and the surroundings
will reduce, among other things, accidents at work, thus increasing safety

- Standardization (Seiketsu)

Standardization revolves around the need to signal anomalies in work areas;

This favors the prevention of disorder and dirt (already eliminated by previous
techniques) in the work area.

Only through the establishment of consignment is it related to the standardization of

work methods, thus favoring the visual management that will be allowed in
maintaining order and cleanliness.

- Discipline (Shitsuke)

The discipline technique focuses on the fact that it will continue to improve;

We place it at the end of the list due to the fact that it must be applied after the
previous techniques.

Rigid discipline allows you to get the most out of the rest of the elements that make
up the 5's, as they facilitate their rigorous and effective application.

The maintenance of discipline is closely related to the need to apply a rigorous

control of the systems in your application, as well as the continuous monitoring of

- ranking (Seiri)

1. It helps to be able to separate the things that really work from those that don't

2. Sort the necessary from the unnecessary in routine jobs

3. Eliminates the elements that affect the operation of the equipment and that can
lead to breakdowns.

4. Organize the tools in places where changes can be made in the shortest possible

5. Eliminate the necessary information and that can lead us to errors of


6. It helps us keep what we really need without using excessive things

7. Separate the elements used according to their nature, use, safety and frequency
of use.

8. Helps to free up useful spaces in plants and offices

9. Eliminate the losses of products or elements that end up being damaged by the
passage of time

10. It facilitates the visual control of the raw materials that are running out and that
are required for a process in turn.

- Order (Seiton)

1. Organize the workstation rationally, whether it is proximity, heavy objects, easy to

handle, etc.

2. Makes object placement obvious

3. Standardize jobs

4. Respect priorities and organize what comes in first is done first

5. Create an incentive use of visual management to facilitate that order

6. Helps establish how needed materials should be located and identified.

7. Avoid the loss of supplies and tools

8. It makes the daily task easier

9. Ensures proper use of materials

10. Performs the identification and elimination of all sources of dirt

- Cleaning (Seiso)

1. Helps integrate cleaning as part of daily work

2. Assume cleaning as an autonomous maintenance activity

3. Talk about how cleaning work generates knowledge about equipment and does
not treat it as a simple activity.

4. Cleaning is increased in the search for sources of contamination in order to

eliminate them.

5. Reduce the potential risks of accidents arising

6. Improves physical and mental well-being

7. Increases the useful life range of the equipment.

8. Product quality is greatly improved.

9. Material and energy waste is reduced because leaks and leaks are eliminated.

10. Generates knowledge about the equipment, how to repair it and how much its
useful life can be extended.

- Standardization (Seiketsu)

1. Maintain the cleanliness states achieved by the first three S.

2. Teach operators to perform standards with the help of management and adequate

3. Encourage operators to learn and get to know the equipment in depth.

4. Prepare staff to assume greater responsibilities in the management of jobs.

5. Analyze the intervention times that are improved and increased for the productivity
of the plant.

6. Use evidence of how equipment and care areas should be maintained through

7. Employ cleanliness standards while auditing to verify compliance.

8. Inspect how the employees are prepared and if they are working with the time
standards established for the tasks to be performed

9. Evaluate the movements and operation maneuvers carried out by the workers to
assess whether the standardization is correct, study which points can be changed
to improve or which can be left as they are.

10. Observe how workers can be supported to carry out their work more efficiently
in order to reduce costs and increase productivity.

- Discipline (Shitsuke)

1. Respect the rules and standards that are established for the preservation of work
areas, leaving them impeccable.

2. Helps promote self-monitoring habits and reflect on levels of compliance with

established standards.

3. Promotes a culture of sensitivity, respect, and care for the company's resources.

4. Shows morale and supports it to increase.

5. Situate the work areas so that they generate attractiveness to give motivation to
work in them.

6. Helps generate respect among employees both with themselves and with others.

7. Shows to be disciplined at work, whether to arrive on time, be orderly, be

understandable, among others.

8. Shows that, by being disciplined, one can work more comfortably and thus carry
out the work in a simpler way.

9. Help other workers to participate, showing them that they are important for
everyone to participate in a common project.

10. Respect the communication channels recommended in the 5's, such as

meetings, gatherings, audits, etc.

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