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i r ri tate
Act I, Scene l
-> Themes
Act2, scene? 4
7) Class andclass roles
· Comic break
· nobles and commoners
· Power dynamics aspects ofcolonial encounter ·
boatswain has power here
Stephano thought Caliban Trinculo were amonster.

↳) drunk
Caliban's drunk, naive and believes them to be gods
) comedic tone
· Common assumption: European travellers' discovered '
landt thought the 'natives' were monsterous/sub-human
Stephano+ Trinculo low end ofsociety

-) Showcase Caliban: make

↳ bring them a status
Stephano imagines ruling the islandwith
as servants.
Caliban + Trinculo

7) control ofCalibant alcohol

↳ Caliban + more alcohol:influence by Stephano
· Stephanolikesthat areeigenssaved byanother
· Clear hatred for Prospero is shownt fear
middle man

↳) sends spirits to torture him.

Sebastian t
aggressive and self-serving

* sympathise with murder plot because of
this Antonio

· How
they came to the islandexplains Prospero's motivation
for revenge
↳)the storm
↳ creates sympathy for Prospero andjustifies his treatment

towards Ariel andCaliban harsh and

Act2, scenel Prospero is also responsible for his own exile

iuhari nternireibiciram"amaran

· Conversation between the men: ↳ neglectedDuke duties

↳) Gives audience idea of
the landscape
↳ Further insightinto the characters -> Theme

it I

· their language
was taught
· Colonisation how to swear
↳) learnt
↳ lostfreedom andautonomy
Prospero uses his power to intimidate and control Caliban.

↳ Naive-who will be inhabiting the island no labour to achieve this life.


feel guilty. Ariel: willing servant


desires freedom
↳ Freed from Sycorax's imprisonment, butenslavedby Prospero.
Claribel is now Queen ofTunis enjoys his tasks
↳ Prospero goes from kind to cruel towards Ariel.
↳) preminds him how he freed him and threatens him with
Act3, scene l 5
Acts, scene l ·
Developing romance between Ferdinand andMiranda
on Gonzalo's condition
Stark juxtaposition
moved Prospero towards forgiveness
Ariel's comment
Sorcerer's cloak to ducal robes andswords
↳ Caliban
resenting Slavery+ doing tasks for Prospero
↳) Ferdinand does these willingly
↳ nobelman will recognize him ↳ Love he has for Miranda-
easier to do tasks can see Miranda +

↳) signifies decision to stop
using magic andreturn as duke
-> Themes
Cloak, books andstaff

↳ represents connection to magic ↳ Caliban and Ferdinand

Replacementofclothes dukedom
↳> fusion of
l ove and service"
Break bondwith magic to go back to Milan ·
Miranda knows she is naive
Antonio andSebastian are still the same ↳) never seen another woman and other men other than Prospero + Caliban
↳ Still declares love for Ferdinand andso does he.
↳ wantto make
money from Caliban ↳ She will or be enslavedby him than to not
him, die as aservant
caliben marry
recognises his wrongdoings have him.
Prospero takes ownership ofhis servant
↳ also takes
responsibilityofhis role ofmaking Caliban amonster
↳ allows for the redemption of Caliban
Caliban will have his island back
Act3, scene 2 6
Elements of

Ariel is invisible

Analysis 2 ↳ makes Stephano and Caliban believe that

saying thatCaliban is lying.

Trinculo is

↳ Caliban asks Stephano to beat him up.

· Power dynamics emerge
↳ Stephano treats Caliban with dignity by beating

Stephano makes Caliban drink wine and take an oath.
Act 4, Scene l I · Caliban talks about Killing Prospero
Ferdinand passes all the tests andwill marry Miranda. ->Theme ↳ language usedis brutal
Caliban talking aboutbeautyof the island
Ferdinand taught partriarchal concepts (sexual virtue't'honour). Colonisation
· -

↳) contrastto violent speech.

Miranda innocence ↳ Prospero calls Caliban devil and

a · Contrasts shows impacts ofcolonialism on island

↳ Sexual innocence taken after cannot be civilised
marriage ↳) was free andisolated
↳ Prospero wants her to maintain her
purityandno no ur ↳ Callshima savage/indigenous ↳ Now longs for freedom
Audience questions
reason to allow them to person thatcan't
be educated like
· Their marriage love-

for a political/financial
↳) not strategy Claribel's wedding contribute to

↳ Prospero's actions
Their marriage gains Prospero his dukedom Caliban's actions.
Act3, scenes
Einringrgens a
Prospero's speech ·
Ariel-disguised as a harpy
Their love was planned masques will eventually disappear
↳> the
Prospero has been
↳) represents justice that
↳ Marriage political andsocial benefit real example of
↳ most human activity Reactionto Ariel's speech solidifies our

impression them.

↳ Earth will one day be

Miranda is treated as an object destroyed ·
Alonso -> repentant
↳) a transaction and possession ↳ All forms of
life will fade ↳) actions caused Ferdinand's death.
Sebastian and Antonio- defiant
↳> notthe educatedand
intelligentwoman seen at the start

↳ wants to fight
Masque importance ofmaintaing Miranda's virginity + purity
marriage anything in their way.
↳ Prospero created the masque spirits · Gonzalo - keeps peace
↳) Narrative of Spirits:
Prospero's words
· Ariel
willingly does these tasks to win Prospero's praise and freedom
7) contrast between him and Caliban
Venus-goddess oflove, beauty, sex anddesire

Prospero uses his
magic and power to manipulate everyone to do his
↳ didn't ettend wedding
↳ tried to getMirandaandFerdinand to have sex before bidding to achieve his
marriage ·
Prospero's illusion feels real.
4) This is how prospero reminds them of their vows
· Caliban's comic plot
↳ drinking wine andbeing distracted by Prospero's clothes
Sympathy for Caliban is questioned after his plots Prospero's death
Prospero's sympathy-lenience on their treatment
↳) Audiencetforgiveness of

Gonzalo Prospero

noble Neapolitan
Ferdinand 6 ↳ Helped Prospero and Mirandawith provisions and ·
Powerful magician
books to survive their exile.
Former duke of Milan
Tragic hero flaws lead to
Prince ofNaples ·
Qualities beyond
generosity andkindness

mutual grief father and son

IAntonio betrayedin Steals position of
of Concerned the ·
with proper behaviour andrespect
↳ mourns father's 'death' and nobles. royals ·
Treats inhabitants inhumane
Miranda thinks he's a spirit 4 SnoD mirandawas three
↳) Draveform
He is witty - arguing with boatswain Intelligent, knowledgeable, authoritative

ofhis physique
appropriate during acrisis
↳> not directs most events

undertakes physical tasks andis ·
Various tensions:
chivalrous towards Miranda
Doesn't respects Alonso's choice to be left alone
Believes he's now King-father's 'dead' ·
Tries to put
apositive spinon events
↳) revenge and
forgiveness- "Sea change"(Ariel)
↳ authority andbenevolence

↳ Miranda: potential queen (ifshe's a ) clashes with Antonio and Sebastian (mock him) ↳ perception and
virgin) ·
Contradicts himselfw hen describing his utopia -

revenge andforgiveness
↳ trained to think of protocals and ↳ he wouldbe
proprieties king injunction to Alonso andforgiving him atthe end


impossible vision
dealing with Caliban, Stephano and Trinculo (planning his
Points out
Sebastian andAntonio's ignorance of myth
and history. murder) to not actually punishing them
Beliefin providence revenge on Antonio for taking dukedom to forgiving him
and assertions that
things aren't

+08 DGC. -

authority andbenevolence
Alonso Bumbling advisor and Prospero to preserve

chosen by with confinement

Intimidating Ariel

S andpain, but
everyone's lives.

King of Naples him for his work and promises to sethim free
Reliable, notcorrupted

Returing from Claribel's wedding in Tunis


Physically and verbally abusing Caliban, but initiallytreated

↳ married for political/economic reasons him with kindness andtaughthim their language and in the
↳ expandhis influence or protection from endgave him the island
rivals ·
Intimidate Ferdinand and becomes his servant
Actions caused play to unfold him with Miranda's hand in marriage
Ferdinand drowned ·
Miranda, but
He is abrasive, submissive andcontrolling of
↳) caused griefand guilt he credits her for her company andangelic nature andfor
Responsible for happens on
what stage andin giving him areason to live while they were atsea.
the past. ↳ Objectifies her too
↳ Prospero's exile
perception andreality
Portrayedsympathetically (mourns

son's 'death)
Character ·
Causing the storm atseawith his magic, when itwas really

Analysis ·
Lures Ferdinand to Miranda so they wouldfall in love, but
When Ariel accused them for what
↳ Son's death:
they did then chains Ferdinand and makes him his slave
punishment to look like
↳) says he deserve's to die ·
Conjuring spirits dogs to attack Caliban, Stephano
dnick to apologise to andTrinculo
prospero -> he's forgiven

physically severely hurt, but traumatised

⑱ is


i i meili'ultra
banished from Algerat
Miranda 2
Sycorax died andCaliban remained
lived on a remote island since she was 3.
peknows thesamelikeachild

* 3 Educated by Prospero
· even though he is the ·

↳) he was child-like andneededto be looked after

Spiritwith supernatural powers ·
Naive -> no experiences outside of the island
-> controls elements

invisibilitistinSpeigs e
↳ a SKS father to stop the storm
↳ empathy for peopleon ship
Prospero thinks She's too kindandoptimistic
·DoesProspero'sPic4 follow Prosperse

When she learns more about nature, she

Ricycretireedomandthehatethe ·
sommands to obtain it
Prospero releasedhim from
in another
only to be put
Sycorax's imprisonment. Sexist

beautiful to Ferdinand
-) wants to kill Prospero (looks foolish)
· Thinks Stephano and Trinculo are Gods

Delights in the fear andconfusion of others

↳ Virss to Prospero's authorityin
↳) gave him wine andbecomes comic character
Has a conscience -
doesn'to bewicked commands ↳ She will serve Ferdinand one she's his wife
↳ would trade one master for another

Sympathy for him (his treatment

Eloquent outrage
Stephano andTrinculo * 4
Servants of
King Alonso
↳ Stephano-butter
↳ Trinculo= Jester
mock and
↳ physical comedy
↳ Sexual innuendo
↳ general silliness
Stephano- funny drunk Boatswain I
Trinculo- funny clown ·
senior member of
aship's crew.

Caliban thinks they are gods
Good foil to Gonzalo
↳ He wants to kill Prospero ↳ courtiers tend to be pompous
↳ The two are a jaunt andtake

Encourages peers andcompanions

advantage Caliban
Loyal andreliable
↳ duty during storm
Prospero andAriel make the three equal
Keep ship afloat andprotected passengers
4) Stephano andTrinculo
Affirms that the power andpomp of
fight andaristocrats is not permanent/absolute
↳ scared of islands
magical activity
Juxtaposition Stephano

and Trinculo's
clowning creates an unpredictable
at mosphere.

Sebastian A 3
Alonso's younger brother
Similar to Antonio
Antonio * 2
Verbal guns blazing and relentless
loudmouth approach
Prospero's brother
criticise ·
Took Prospero's dukedom
↳ insult ↳ had him exiled
↳ curse ↳actions: perifidious and false
Alonso mourning his son ·
Machiavellian logic:
↳ Adds salt
to his wounds
↳ most capable should have power and do what
Complains thatAlonso did not bless Europe' is to claim it
With Alonso's
daughter Claribel ↳ Encourages Sebastian to take the throne,
) married an African Since Alonso has no children.
Similar grievance towards Alonso as Antonio had ·
Only time he speaks in the endis when he wants
towards Prospero to use Caliban for aprofit.
↳) knows better than older brother ↳ No change in character
disadvantagedby primogeniture (firstburns inherits
Plotting, scheming, persuading
title). ·
No remorse
Admires Antonio Ruthless and

> Antonio Sebastian should kill Alonso

· End scene
↳ Antonio sullen (bad-tempered and

↳ Sebastian:

retained capacity
Masters andSlaves,rulers and
· Gonzalo wants a utopia that is democratic andegalitarian
↳ Contradicts this:"King of the island"
Prospero negated his responsibilities as Duke of Milan Sea Journeys A I
andexpectedAntonio to
carry them out. ·
Prospero and Miranda

Exiled Prospero andAntonio inherits his title.
Colonial conquest, occupation, exploitation andtheft
· Antonio persuading Sebastian to kill Alonso and become
discovered' lands
King ·
Return from Claribel's wedding in Tunis
↳ Antonio is a machiavellian character ↳
Marriage expand Alonso's dominance across the

↳) cunning, scheming and unscrupulous

Mediterranean Sea.
· Caliban and Ariel
wanting their freedom from Prospero's ↳) historical andpolitical circumstances
ruIt. ·

Archetypal associations
↳) Prospero:tyrant or abenevolent
dictator It's perilous, but has opportunities
) knowledge, wealth, new identity or redemption
See change notable transformation

↳ Some lured
by opportunity a nddesire and power
↳ Some receive
forgiveness or gain love
broughteveryone together, thathave been separated
Land, language andliberty Reconciliation
Caliban says thatpeople aroundthe worldexperience
the oppression ofEuropean colonisers.
Island was Caliban's, gifted
by his mother Sycorax

and it was taken by Prospero

↳ How did Sycorax gain control ofthe island
Colonisers impose their Themes
language on the colonised

↳ More
economically andculturallydominant.

Noble Savagery 2
Italian powers struggle to take over island
Antonio and Sebastian andStephano and Trinculo
Europeans were trying to escape this in their cities
↳ ironic-
Gonzalo's speech
Europe andits others ↳ imagines autopia commonwealth' on the island
'civilised Europe' and 'uncivilised elsewhere' ↳ people can be free and
↳ North/South America, Asia ↳ full of contradictions impossible for
people notto work

Gonzalo trip to Tunisia Pros and cons

discussing their
· ·

"Widow dido"said Sebastian and natives seen as innocenta ndchild-like and needed protection
Antonio of
-) Europeans neededto oversee the 'development natives,
while exploiting their resources
↳ Gonzalo explains that a phoenician
City -

State was founded by Queen Dido = prospero andCaliban

Caliban welcomed andhelped Prospero survive
Prospero sees him as amonster and also educated him
↳ Caliban is a 'sep-creature' to Stephano and Trinculo

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